CC minutes excerpt-12/08/1992Councilman Morton moved to approve the site plan amendment, Case #S-1008-A. 11, located at
the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road, at the request of The
Dimenslon Group. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion ~arried 7-0
with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayot Robertson
and Garrison voting in favor of the motion.
12. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a Certificate of Approprlate~ess, at the
request of Historical Bethel Cemetery Association, to allow a log cabin (1(~' x 16') to
store cemetery maintenance equipment and supplies, located at the east en~ of Christi
Lane, south of Bethel School Road. ,
Mayor Wolfe announced that at the last Council meeting it was deaided t0
subcommittee of Councilmen Thomas and Mayo and Ga~ Sieb, Director of P'.
Community Services, to meet with three member of the Cemetery group and
neighbors who live around the Bethel area. Councilman Thomas commented that
was very positive. Mayor Wolfe then stated that the Public Hearing had been left op
previous City Council meeting and asked for those persons who would like to spea~
this proposal. Ann McNear, 456 W. Bethel, Coppell, requested the facility be pl
cemetery or a ten year commitment of $1200.00 that is proposed. Mayor Wolfe
those persons who wished to speak against this proposal. Lynn Dom, 606 Swan, Co
she has a neighbor who has volunteered to mow the grass, and perhaps negotiate th
riding lawn mower. This neighbor stated he would also put in a sprinkler system. Tl'
have agreed to assume the cost of watering and planting grass. Mayor Wolfe then
Public Hearing closed. Councilman Thomas moved to deny without prejudice a C
Appropriateness at the request of Historical Bethel Cemetery Association, which
a log cabin (10' x 16') to store cemetery maintenance equipment and supplies.
Garrison seconded the motion. The motion to deny without prejudice the Ct
Appropriateness carded 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilm(
Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion.
appoint a
anning and
tree of the
he meeting
~n from the
in favor of
aced in the
n asked for
~pell, stated
; use of the
~ neighbors
teclared the
:rtificate of
,ould allow
rtificate of
13. Report by Council Sub-Committce on study of need for calling an election Fegarding a
1/2 cent Sales Tax for Economic Development and a 1/2 cent Sales Ta~ for Park
Mayor Wolfe stated the Park Board met and unanimously consented calling for an e
Economic and Business Development Board met last week. Because this Board did:
information they needed, the members decided to give no recommendation at this
issue. The Chamber also met and decided to not give a recommendation at this tirol
cent Economic Development. Councilmen Morton, Robertson and Thomas made the
on this issue. Mayor Wolfe informed those present that this item was not a legal Pub
however, Council would hear the comments of those present who wished to express
He then asked for those persons who would like to speak in favor of this pfc
Guiderian, Chairman of the Park Board, 661 Thompson, stated he believes the l
needed, especially with the population increase that is anticipated. He added that the
recommends that the City proceed further with the 1/2 cent Sales Tax. Mary W
Pelican Lane stated she was in favor of the sales tax for the parks. Also in favor w
Watson, 203 Meadow Run, Lou Duggan, and Danny Watson. Bob Wood, 622
raised the issue of what is needed for the City in the future and has the City utilized
that we have. Also in favor was Bill Marcom, 200 Heatherglen, who believes
ecfion. The
tot have the
time to this
for the 1/2
r comments
ie Hearing;
;heir views.
posal. Carl
~cilities are
Park Board
lliams, 755
'.re Rebecca
he facilities
would pay for the operation and maintenance, lerry Singleton, 207 Tara Court e4pressed his
support for both sales taxes, but wants to develop a comprehensive plan for the Cit~. He would
like to see the City approach it from a different direction. Jim Arnett, 603 Samuel I~ourt, spoke
in favor of the tax for the parks, but against the tax for Economic Development. 1~ ayor Wolfe
then asked for those persons who wished to speak against this proposal. Owen Webb, x, 210 Tara
Court, Coppell, stated he is opposed to the tax due to the high taxes the citizens p;
is opposed to more monies to be spent on parks, libraries, swimming pools, recre~
or Economic Development. Vivian Checkly, 812 Howell Dr., Coppell, also expresse
to the tax, as did Craig Niebes, 529 Briarglen, Coppell. John Nelson, 637 Phillips,
against the sales tax for Economic Development, Dean Wilkerson, 541 Oakcrest
I opposition
ated he was
was against
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