Transmittal letterNOVEMBER 9,1992 HISTORIC BULLOCK CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, 709 SOUTH COPPELL ROAD, COPPELL, TEXAS, 75019 COPPELL CITY COUNCIL COPPELL,TEXAS. DEAR COUNCILMAN: PLEASE CONSIDER THIS AN APPLICATION FOR H~STORIC BULLOCK CEMETERY TO BE DESIGNATED AS A HISTORICAL iPLACE. PLEASE FIND ATTACHED INFORMATION RELATING!TO THE ORIGIN OF THE CEMETERY. THE MEMBEHS OF THE HISTORIC BULLOCK CEMETERY WILL APPRECIATE YOUR CONSIDERATION. YOURS TRULY, ~Ey ,~~ PRESIDENT. Washington Curtis Bullock and Caroline llum;akcr Bullock were married in Missouri, November 28, 1844, and came to Texas in 1855. They scttlcd lirst (in the south line of Dallas County where hc bought 32{t acres o! land; however, Mr. Bulk/ck sokl that land and in 1866 bought a tract of 480 acres lying between Denton Creek and Grapevine {Branch in the northwest corucr of thc county where hc lived and raised his family. At thc time of tfis death in 1889, at the age of 68 years, he was one of thc most succcssfull farmcrs in thc couuty, hi addition to being a successful fi~rmcr and stock rltiscl, hc had 125 acres of land in it 15nc state 0fcultivation. Thc 'remainder wits in hay and pasture. Itc built thc first brick house in Dallas County with bricks made on s t. wn latin.,.._ ~_ lmm._ cla_~_ taken~ ..tr°m the =_crcck. ....... near 1 s homc.__ Nearby h~ built, a lo~, cab n schoo housc, to_ educate his cloven children. In June, ~ Ju~.Carolinc, their beautiful little daughter, died and was buried in a bcautiful__= area~ ncar thc back ,.ff their land - thus thc Bullock= l:a~!il_[y Cemetery was~ b~rn. Through thc years members of thc family have continued !o return home to be buried in thc land that was their original Texas home place. Both Washingto, Curtis and Caroline Bullock arc buried thcrc as well as thci~ son Tom and lllally of iris family. Simth Susan was buried in 1887, as was her husbaml. CMl War Veteran B.B. Howell in 1929. W.II. (Bill) Ki~kland, a great grandson and World War Ill veteran, was buried m 1962 and was a third gcncratkm grandson. W.T. (Bill) Cozby, a ~¥orld Wal II veteran and Mayor of th~. city of Coppcll 1'or twelve years, was a great grandson of Washington C. and Carolinc Bullock atid was buried in 1985. Thus, thc ccmctcty, th(mgil a l'atnily ccmctcu', is still :ui active burial place. Th,.._.gc ~ravcs contaill__ tile remains o1~__sOlllC_ ~ ....thc IllOst historic p ~ lccrs_~ ~-:in :=:~,D: II:~',_:. Cotmtv___~ Each grave ~s nliukcd with ItS ov, n headstone. -l'hc ccmctq~U,, . wJlich has ~i six Ibot t'haill link fence ntarking its boundaries, is located under a huge oak ttcc 0n [)Clllon Tap an.l Bethel School Roads in thc city of Cnppcll. Tcxas.