Responses-Opposition(Rear garagN~v. 7, I
Plannlna Commis2on
City of Coppell
re: Case #ZC-550
Dear Sirs:
My husband and I are having a house built at 913 Warren
Crossing. It has come to our attention that Mr. Ray Warren
plans %o build stngle-family homes on his pi
street. We are very pleased that he has re¢
change from Multi-family to Single-, and we'
port the proposed change. Our concern is t~
intends to build will have front-entry gara(
will demonstrate, i hope why they should b~
The first reason is safety. A youngst~
operty across the
uested a zoning
wholehearsedly sup-
at the homes he
r Playing bali Ln his
front yard or a small child riding a tricycle on the sidewalk is
at treat risk from cars backing out of the ~r~veway. Because of
the steep incline at the curb ~nd of each p~operty, the driveways
wonld have to be very steeply sloped; it wo~ld be difficult for a
drlver to see a pe~on walkin~ or riding on !the sidewalk. There
are already a large number of children livi~ on the block, Also,
front-entry garaces would greatly Increase ~he traffic on the steer.
The second reason is that the neighborhood has a high aesthetic
standard, and front-entry garages would detract from it. There is
a wozld of d~fference between a street that ihas front-entry and
one that has rear-entry: the difference becomes even more pronounced
as the neighborhoods grow older. One ].ooks illke a park; the other
looks like a parking lot. Driveways get stained with oil; garages
accumulate more junk: families acqulre morS vehicles, resulting in
cars parked In the driveway and on the street. It doesn't matter
whether the ¢~arage is ant]ed toward the strget or perpendicular to
~t. We drove down Creek Crossing last Saturday afternoon to see
if our fears were unfounded. Every third o~ fourth garage door was
open, One cou]~ plainly see ~nto an open g~rage from any vantage
point on the street.
The idea behind rea~-entry garages is ~o keep the unsightly
but necessary clutter of our households at t!he back of the house.
if there were a va[id geographical reason, sluch as a creek, we would
understand why front-entry garages are necessary in this case, but
there ~s no such reason. We chose the Gibbs! Statlon neighborhood
specifically because it has rear-entry garages. I do not wish to
sit iii my llv!no room and watch my ilelghbor iacross the street change
the oi1 ~n h~s car, or tune up his lawnmoweri, or refinish furniture.
We c'hose the city of Coppell to relocate to ibecause we understood it
%o be a "planned community", and wherever w~ drive in it, we are
D]eased to see i~hat thls seems to be the ca~e. The neighborhoods
fei]act ~ sense of peace and ordeI : we wou]~ like to retain this
feelinc on our street.
We believe that if Mr. Warren were to ~uild homes with rear-
entry garages, he ,~ould sell them at a higher price to people with
a v~.~ion for the future. Since he understandably objects to the
sight of garages from his side of the property, we would suggest
that he erect an attractive brick wall, similar to those bordering
MacArthur Blvd. We homeowners on Warren CrOssing have no such
For reasons of safety and the high aesthetic standard of the
neighborhood, then, we respectfully ask tha~ Mr. Warren's request
to change the zoning to Single-family-9 be granted, and that the
standards of the Lakes of Coppell Homeowner~ Association be upheld.
Hill and Nancy Anglin
~pt. 703
300 Rolling Hills Place
Lancaster, Texas
City of Coppell
Planning and Zoning Department
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
9~5 Warren Crossing
t0p p ell, Texas
vember 17, 1993
Dear Sir:
This letter is in response to the public hearing notice for the cc
change on property currently owned by Mr.~l~Warren from
family-9 (Case #ZC-550). My wife and(I supp~he proposec
by Mr. Warren and urge the City of Co~elgtO~grant Mr. War
following consideration.
My understanding of Mr. Warren's development plan is th ith driveways that
give access to Warren Crossing will be built on the property~ bi~a~he exception of'
properties that are adjacent to Denton Creek, the homes in the Lakes of Coppell
development have driveways that access an alley that ultimat, ~, gives street access.
The advantages of~eyway entrances to garages are several fi
obvious aesthetic prope~-r~s df rear entry, the alleys provide a
accessing the street. Anyone who has ever experienced backin
street, particularly a street that is at a lower elevation than the
difficulty of obtaining a clear view of the sidewalk and street
The alleys also prevent service vehicles from contributing to tr
perform their functions. Trash cans and the associated trash th
offthe main thorough fares and utilities are accessed from the
for its designed purpose of being an unobstructed traffic art?
the City of Coppell consider making Warren Crossing a restnc
Mr. Warren consider alleyway entrances for his proposed dev~
nsideration of a zoning
Multi-family-2 to Single-
zoning change suggested
en's request with the
.Id. In addition to the
~uch safer means of
; out of a garage onto a
garage, can attest to the
~low and behind them.
~ffic congestion as they
it may be spilled are kept
alley, keeping the street free
· As a result, I suggest that
ted access street and that
Thank you for your thoughtful attention to this matter. IfI car
for my suggestion~please feel free to contact me.
provide any clarification
Malachosky P'