MP filed w/County 2/3/06 (AdmA)i A T'ee Re'~o,a :arm t per Sect cn 2-34-2¢fZc~:3,~-a,~ances~a se requ red pr, cr~o'emo,a, of arcf t'ees UllUTY CERTIFICATE , / _L i~initM IVlao 1"= 2000' N 86]8'43" E 33.57' N 14-'19'27" W 3.51' Z N 87'44'58" E 31.00' Clark Estates Lot 1, Block 1 (0,661 Acres) S 88'52'37" W ~ 63.79' DEFOREST ROAD _i CASTLE CREEK !-:. -: :.. - : ,;; . DRIVE STATE ¢; TE'zAS CC:LNTv CF CALLAS BE hGa:that ce'la ~ ct t'act c'pa'ce~cfla~s stnatad r'the Cv A Trmbe Sun, ex Abstract Lo 1266 Ctx cfCcppell Ba:asCcurty Texas and berga:l fe Mary E Sack reccrced n Vc:u~e2000198 Page 3922cf the neec Recc:cscf t~at ce~a ~ tract cf a-s :e~r bec n ceed to Patrck S C:ark arc ,v _ Ca:as Cc~ty Texas and be rg mere Damcuar'y descrbedasfc c,',s BEG h,:h[',,Gata 2 cch ppe :cu~'c at the scuth,',est cs~-erofsa~d C:arktract be r, gt,~e so_t~east ccrrarcfLesrars Estate an add t~cn to the Ct/cf Cos, nell Ca'as C¢~cty Tn,as acco'd "'gtct ~e '" at th, er¢3f_ reccrced rc ',,,'c ur~'e 9~'~,~.'6 Page 222 cf the Map Records cf Ca as CcLrcty Texas arco be rug n t'-'ercdh recfCefcrestRcaoa:_c c-sac,va/ ha,,,~ga,ar'aPe,','cthrght,3~,,,a? THENCE Lcq- O' cegrees47m,putes03seccnds,Aest acrgT'e east :neofsad Lecr,ard Estate acc passrgata dsta*ce cf'C CC'act a 1 2,'%~ 'c red %_rcs attce scutPeastccrnercf Let ' Buck' :he:cc' ccnt,'~¢rcgalongsadccurseard pass-'gate ester,ce cf 266 55 feet a 1 2,r,cn rented fcu'~dat the cc'-:~eastccrrcercftheafcremectccec Let' sacpcdbe~gthe%utheastccrrcercfLst' BcckB TheEstataso'SambrdgeVaccr anaddtcnto the CtycfCcppe! Ca 'asCc~rcty Texas accc'c~gtct he pattherecfreccrded c',,,'c~ume94253 Page 346cft~eMapReccrcscfCa'asCcurcty Texas cc%'~urcoacrcgsaccc~,rsea~spassngatassta-cecf41323feetaU8 pc'-' 'c~'sdfcurcdattr'e ~'s~heastccr~ercftheafcremertc~ec Let' B:cckB sa s pc rut be rug :he scuT'east corner sf _ct 2 cf sa d Buck B arco curet ~'u ~g a c~g sad course fcc a total d stance cf 457 66 neet ts a ' 2 nub :or' ccc fcurcd sad pc rut Pe rcgthe ~o"thwestccrrcercfsad Carktract same be cg a~ n"'ere,I ccrrcercfsad Estates cfCa~brcge Marcor 94250 346) TPEhCE Nc7~ ' 4 Cegrees: 9 rT' cutes 27 seconds .,',est a c~g the east ne cf sa d Let 2 B,cck B a c stance cf 3 5~ ':eat to a I 2 inch run rod w th cap sta~'F.e~ A~'HLR SLRVE¢ NG CCMPAI,,Y' set sac pcrctbe~'gthescuth¢,estccmersa,c LctBR Buck Bcftre Rep at cf Lcts B 9 &'C Buck B The EstatesofCambrdge!¢ar'cr aracctcrtctheCtycfCoppei Da :as Cc~rtt Te,:asacccrd,ngtctne p'attherecfreccrded nVcume95''2 page5497cf :he Map Reccroscf Ca as Ce~,~ty -e~,as from ¢¢h,c~ a I 2 nch run rca ~ea's',oqh 87 degrees 44 m cutes 58 aeccrccs East a csta"'ce cf830 feet sac port berg:he southeast cc'~ero'sad LetBR T~'Eh, CE 'ho~v· 66 degrees I B m runes 43 securers East a cng the sc~th I re cf ~ d Lot eR a c stance cf 33 57 feet to a 1 2 nub run rcs ,', th cap stamens "ARTr'bR SLR',,E¢!NG CCVPANv'' set fur Tr'E',,CE F, cnh 87 degrees 44 m -utes 58 seco'cs East co'-,::¢ rg a:crg the sc_?' re cf sad Let ~R a C,starce cf 31:30 feet to a ' 2 ~'ch 'c,~ 'sc found at the ncdh¢,est ccmercf Let ' B cc.(' Beck Estates an acdtcntc:he C,ty cfCcppel Ca 'as Ccurct)' Texas acccrcrcgtcthe pattPe'eo''ecorded ~ ',,,'o:,~me 20CC~25 Page 'O cft'-e t?ap Raccrc:ssfDa:as,Scurct)' Texas TF-ENCE Sc~t'~ C' ce~rees 47 r'r cutes C0 seccrcds East a crcg the ,',est re cf sa c Beck Estates a c statue cf463 '9 feet to a '2 ,~cr :c* red ,','th cap stampec 'ARTHLR SLRVE ¢!r',,G CC;VFANv'' set at 'ha n '~ ,~ ' ~ , _ . _s ..... ~s CCF~Ft~F~Cf sadpcmrtbe~g '~ro~h ,~ec~samdCefc, rest~oac TreES, CE Sc~th ~8 Cegrees 52 rT. cutes 37 secures ',hast a cng t"e "'or':", re cf sa ~ ~afcrest Read a s stance c¢ 53 79 feet to the cC, NT CF BEG ',"', 'XG arco certs ppg 0 577 acres cf and more cr ess NC',/¢ -~-EREFCRE KNCWALL VEN Bv-FESE PRESENTS THAT PATR:CKS CLARKAhDMAR'f E CLARK doherebyadcptthspatCes,gr'atrcgtheherenabc,ecescrbecprcpe~yasLot' Boc~' cfCark Estates arc saluter'to:he CtycfCcppe Texas endue herebyceccatetc:Pe pub:cuse fcre.,er the streets arcs e,,,a s'~c,'mt-erec- ?eeasemepts shown hereon are he-eby 'ese%cc %"t-e purpose as ~nd,cated ~,obu:dpga fences '.Fees s-%pscrst~ar ?'crc~eFFertscrgrc¢,qhssha be corstrLctedorpaced Lpcn c.erorac'-ossthe Ltl ty Easeme%s ass'"c¢,'r sad'Lt t)' Ease~eds be ~g herebyrese.,ed fcrthe mC..,a use arc acccmmocatcn cfa pub'¢ utlltescearcgtc ~se cfss~g same a, and any pcb c .t tysha ha~et'e'gpttoremo,earcc-~eeprer"c;edalcrpa't, scfarcyss dngs ferccestrees shmbscrcther ~'prc~e'~-ectssrgrc¢,'ths¢,,hc'~may ~a%, wa)'eccarcgercr *ter'erew~tht~e scnstructcn manter'ar"cecre~'cerccyc' ts respect ,e system cc,the'Ut ty Ease'~ercts' a~da!pub'~c~t tessha at altmes~'a~e ?'e null r,ghtcf,r,gressarcc egress to cc from ars .pc~the sa:d'Lt:ty Easemercts "crthe ps'pose ofccrcsV..ctr,g reccrcstruct~g nspectr'g patrc ~g maptampg and asSr,gtc orremcvrg from a ar~,cre '¢,T',ESScurhar, datCcppe Texas th s the qJ~ PatrckS Cark COLhTf CF ~__~ ~.~,..~c~ STATE CF TEXAS or pads o' ts ~espect,,e s~stem ,', t"'c~t the rcecess t? at a~y t'~'e sf pre, cur pg the se~m,ssop cf of ~AW~t~ A D 25C6 BEFORE ME 7'e urcers~g~ed author,t)' cnthsday perscr,a")' appeared Patrc~ S C:a~k krc¢,pto mete be the pe%c,p,','-cse came ssubscrcedto the fcregccg nstr~e~ta~dacknc:`ec.gedtcmet~at~eexec~test~e~mefcrt~ep~rp~s~a~ccc~sceratc~e~e~e~pres~d nthecapactytheren statec a~castheactacdceedcfsadpa~nershp g ,e? s~cer mx hand acc sea cfcffcec, t~e ~ca)'cf~~~ 20C6 my.c~msscc e~pres I I ]~ C'SL LTY CF STATE C: TEX$S BEFORE !,/E the uccersgcec a.t'-'crty o~:?sca), pe%c,~a )' abP, eared !,"ar), E Ca'k .(nc,',~tc ~etc bet'~e pe%cr,,',ncse name ssubscrbedto the %regc rug rcstr~,~ect a-s ack~o,', edges tc '~'e that ce executed the same for :-'e purpose and cures:carat cn there,n e.,,pressed ~' the capaot), stated arccast~eacta'scaassfsadsartrcershp g,enurcderm),ha~'ca~,ssealcfcffcecc':he ~"/""~" ca), of \r-~,,,..~.,~..~-"'~,.t 2,306 nrc, g Ct),o'~Ccppe Texas asautho'zec by Sect~cr t~e State cf Texas ]cppe Tn:, ced fes that the forego rg p:atcfLct 1 Block1 cfCa-k Estates cft*e Ct)'c:f 2006 and approved fcc f' cg as a m ccc p at by :he C rectsr cf P arcrc,rc, g fcc t~e Ccppe!l Ccd pence h,'c 94643 arc Sect c~ 212 0C65 cf the Local Oc,,errmerct Ccde cf 2::2C6 c, at~ / SUR'.,EXCRS CERT F [;ATE Tbs stcce,!~ythat nq T-adb'urn)' a Regstered~.~]c~[~'s?'~-('n~...~arcS:',eicr ~the Statec, fTexas ra,e sage~thea~c,es~so~,,scp I ,j ~x~, ....... '~ , ~ ~eg s,ered Pro ess cpa, LaF~b_r, etc' ~.:,.~ .......................... t ..... eEF,CRE ME :be :cersg~eo autPcrty ,:~ :~ s caF per~na iF appeareo ¢¢ T~ad Murey ,: ~.rc,',~ ts me t,c be :~e sersce ,'ms~ r,ame s s~scr~edtc :~e fc,'egcrg rst:7-ertarc ackrc,vec'gedts '~et~at ~e exec~tedthe sa're fcrtke purpose a~c cc-sceratcntherer e~pres~d ntPep~Pac'vtre'~nstated, arc as t~e act arc opac of sa d pa~rcers~ p g,~enurce'myPa~ca~dsea~cfc;rcesntre */ caycf CONFORMED February ~3, 20¢6 FEE: COPY OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS Cynthia ~igueroa Calhoun County Clerk Dallas County TEX~S 1~:31:13 a~ res ar' Be,espmert PermtApr catch Nc ~ [1~,._ F~cccp 2,3 C 6 Lot W. A. nas been f'e ,',,ththe Ct), cfOcppe Fccdp:anAdmn,stratcror Cate MINOR PLAT of Clark E tates l, Block 1 (828 De£orest Road) in the Trimble Survey, Abstract No. 1268 City of CoppeIl DMI s County, Texas, NOTES ' Bea'-gs cases cr State Pa,~e Cccrd,~ate System Ncr:,h Cerctra TexasZcrce ho 2cm cn cf sub eot prcpe'1,'y a[pears to e ,','th n a spec a ?ccd hazarc area acccrc' cg t3 the FECERAL EMERGENCY /AL~GE,LENTAGELCv FLOOD :4~UR,-,hC~_ RATE MAP Comm,.:tx Parcel 463170 0155~ Cate~ :,,gust 23 2C, 01 OWNER / DEVELOPER herr!ok crc Mcry C'crk 828 Deforest Rood Ccppe Texos75019 (972) 462-9261 Correct: PotClcrk , ,rthur Su veling Co,, Icc Prolbs,,~iori~il L~ttzd Surveyor.s 972-221-94:~9 -- Fu,( 972-221-467:5' 220 EhH SLrt'et, Suite 2(X) -- P.O. Bo~ ~4 I.¢wL~vill~, Texas 75067 2512175