Responses - OppositionSENT BY: t 12-~4 ; 2:4bP~4 :DALLA3~ IX. ~2 4344- ~809 N-W. Grand Bo~cv~d, $~ C Oklahoma City, Oklaho~ ~3118 214 333 0348;~ 2/ 2 Mayor Tom MOrton City of Coppell, Texas City of Coppell Planning DeDartment 325 ~&rkweM Boulevard C~ll, -T~as 75019 (21~) 393-0.948 F~ RB: ZC-556 (C~) DamS' Mayor Morton, This Partnership is the Owner o£ appro~ Xoa~ ~n~ Oo~t~l ROi~ ~ I~pr~x~Cel~ ~-~ ~d located on ~he South side of a~oxi~=el~ one-hal~ m~le wes~ o~ irs inte P~per=y wag son~ Eot c~ercial a~d ~l~e. ~e Pe~tct~ uae ~s b~n essen~iall, yea~s. ~r~ Chis rime a large l~ of mom vilor~ ~axea which were ~sed on ~he ~rke~ ~lch was ~aed. =o a gr~a~ ~en~, u~n =h~ &~d co~aercA&l Ss approaching, the city is a~ the~e ~rac=B. We s~rongly disapprove o~ any proper=y zoned Ml~-2 and C zoning classifica~t and C coning cleaslflca~lo~s which wa have bi chen twenty year~, 4-]?-94P;~3:34 RCvD corner Of l~k~ =res of proper~¥ ~ke Road user,ion wi~hDen~n t in 197~. The ~ily uSS a~ that unchanged £or tw~tn~y has ~en ~n= on ad value o~ che Pr~er=y Property's curren~ ' zoned multi-£amil¥ ~mpCing Co down,one ~eson~g o[ O~Ar OhS. Al~ legal preserve ~he en afforded ~or more ~. Stews Andermon. l~l AKIN, GUMP, STRAUSS, HAUER & FELD, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1333 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, N.W. SUITE 400 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 (202) 887-4000 65 AVENUE LOUISE, P.B. NO. 7 1050 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (011) 32-2-535.29.11 65 EAST 55TH STREET 33fid FLOOR NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 {212) 872-1000 A REGISTERED UMITED UASIUTY PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS 1700 PACIFIC AVENUE SUITE 4100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-4618 (214) 969-2800 TELEX 732324 FAX (214) 969-4343 March 14, 1994 2100 FRANKLIN PLAZA I 11 CONGRESS AVENUE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 (512) 499-6200 1500 NATIONSBANK PLAZA 300 CONVENT STREET SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78206 (210) 270-0800 1900 PENNZOIL PLACE-SOUTH TOWER 71 1 LOUISIANA STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 (713) 220-6800 Via Hand Delivery_ Marsha Tunnell, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Case #ZC-556(CH) Our File No. 09999-8500 Dear Chairman Tunnell: This firm represents Sandy Lake Road Limited Partnership, the owner of an approximate 35 acre tract of land in the City of Coppell, said tract being subject to the zoning case referenced above. This letter is being forwarded to you as written opposition of the proposed rezoning pursuant to Section 44-6 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City ot~ Coppell, and Section 211.006 of the Texas Local Government Code. The subject property is currently zoned "C" and "MF-~". The owner purchased the subject tract in 1974 for developing commercial and mulfifamily!uses. Rezoning of the subject property to deprive the owner the ability to develop such is an ~rbitrary and unreasonable act that destroys our client's investment backed expectations an~l amounts to a taking of its development rights without just compensation. The land is quite suitable, and desirable, for such a development. There is no substantial relationship between rezoning the subject tract and the health, safety and welfare of the City, nor is there a substantial pOblic need for such a rezoning. The private loss as a result of such a rezoning significantly outweighs any public benefit because of the resulting irreparable damage to the value of the propertyi Consequently, a rezoning of the subject tract to deprive our client of its constitutionally protected right to develop commercial and multifamily uses is arbitrary and unreasonable and not supported by changed conditions. AKIN, GUMP, STRAUSS, HAU£R & FELD, L.L.P. Ms. Marsha Tunnell RE: Case #ZC-556(CH) March 14, 1993 Page 2 We will be in attendance at the Planning and Zoning Cor~mission hearing on March 14, 1994 if you have any questions concerning the matters set forth herein. Very truly yoursi William S. Dahl~, trom WSD/skm Enclosure Copies: J. Steve Anderson, III Location: Size: Owner: PLANNING COMMISSION AUTHORIZED PI~BLIC HEARING Case No. ZC-$56 (CH) i South of Sandy Lake Road, on the east side df eastward beyond Whispering Hills Road Approximately 35 acres Steve Anderson Oklahoma City, Ok. Coppell Road and extending Existing Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Master Plan: Recommendation: Approximately 10 acres zoned "C" Commercial, with the remainder zoned MF-2 SF (with numerical classification to be determined at hearing) Shows single-family use as most appropriate This parcel is surrounded by single-fa~nily development and should eventually contain the same use. Because zoning adjacent ranges from SF-12 (with minimum 5 acre lots), SF-121 pD SF-7, SF-7, 2F-9 and SF- 9, a numerical classification which reflects development in this zoning spectrum is appropriate. Item 8 ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP 2727 CHEMSEARC~ BLVD 11994 March 11, 1994 Via Hand Delivery Ms. Marsha Tunnell, Chair Planning and Zoning Commission cJo Gary Sieb, Director of Planning CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Recommendations from lhe Comprehensive Plan Update Item 6. Non-Conforming 2F-9 to remain 2F-9 and MF-2 to SF along Coppell Road Dear Ms. Tunnell: As we indicated in our previous correspondence, and at thq February 26 P&Z Workshop, the NCH Corporation does not believe that a zoning changq, as proposed by P&Z, for our property is in the best of interests of us, the City, or it's (pitizens. This belief is based upon the many sound planning reasons which we discussed with the commission at the workshop and have subsequently communiicated with ar~a homeowner groups. We, therefore, respectfully request that the Planr'!ng and Zoning Commission not vote to take action that would depdve NCH of zoning on this propertyas it currently exists. As you may know, in an effort to be a good neighbor an~l corporate citizen, the NCH Corporation has always cooperated fully with the City, wlhen called upon, to address planning issues concerning the western portion of the City and our property. Now is no exception. To address the concerns that the P&Z and some of our residential neighbors may have regarding the Multifamily zoning along Coppell Road, and tq respond to the commission's direct request that we do so, the NCH Corporation is willing to commit to the City that we will, upon our development of this portion of the property, provide for a landscaped greenbelt b. uffer between the Multifamily and the Coppell Rpad right of way. Specifically, we agree, in addition to all the normal City requirements, ~o do the following: Provide for an increased building and parking setback, along Coppell Road, to fifty (50) feet beyond the ROW. Line. Fully landscape this setback area in a manner consistent with the City's "Streetscape Plan," including grass or other groundcovers, bermsl trees, and shrubs. Construct a continuous sidewalk, the length of the greenbelt, meandering in an attractive manner through the landscaping. Limit the number of driveway access points, along Coppell Road, to three (3). TELEPHONE A C 2 4-438-02 TELEX 73336 CABLE NATCHEM IRVING TELECOPY AIC 214-438-0186 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 152170, IRVING, TX 75015-2170 Ms. Marsha Tunnell Planning and Zoning Commission March 11, 1994 Page 2 We trust that you will agree that the commitment we have loutlined herein is consistent with the direction we received at the workshop. Additionally, be assured that we have made every effort to communicate with the interested hon~eowner groups, including a presentation of our plan and these commitments to a meetiOg of the Devonshire HOA on March 9, at their initiation. We have subsequently been r~formed that the Devonshire HOA is now not opposed to our request. We will be present at your March 14 meeting, should you ihave any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, NCH CORPORATION i' Don Moulton, P.E. Director of Corporate Real Estate CC: Mr. Curtis Young Peckham & Young 8445 Freeport Parkway, Ste 660 Irving, TX 75063 Mr. Robert L. Blumenthal, Esquire Cardngton, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal 200 Crescent Court, Suite 1500 Dallas, TX 75201 Sandy Lake Road Limited 1 5809 N.W. Grand Boulevard, St Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 7! (405) 842-1081 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT March 3, 1994 City of Coppe!!, Texas City of Coppell Planning Department 225 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, This Partnership is the owner of approx~ property zoned MF-2 and located on the south Road approximately one half mile west of its Denton Tap. The Partnership purchased this property was zoned for multifamily use at th~ permitted use has been essentially unchanged During this time a large sum of money has taxes which were based on the market value was based, to a great extent, upon the propel Now that the time for utilizing propert] is approaching, the City is attempting to ad- parameters which affect the design and ultim~ density of any proposed multi-family project~ changes directly impact the development econ( are an indirect way by the city to remove aH land owner would have to develop multi-famil strongly disapprove of any proposed changes classification. Ail legal measures will be partnership to assure that MF-2 zoning is pr status. REOUESTED .mately 21 acres of side of Sandy Lake intersection with ,roperty in 1974. The t time. The for twenty years. ,n spent on ad valorem the property which ty's current zoning. zoned multi-family ust the established .tely the feasible These proposed ,mics, and we believe economic incentive a properties. We the MF-2 zoning aken by this ~served in its current Yours truly, J. Steve Anderson, III GENERAL PARTNER