LP - ADM. APPVL 1/26/06~47 Final location of Cedar Elm to be field located in this area (52) 9' X 10' DOCK DOOR. 604,800 S.F. ZONED' LI F,.F.E. 518.00' FIJTURE OFFICE (50) 9'X 10' DOCK DOORS ./ FUTURE OFFICE FUTURE OFFICE ®-E)®®® 1505.00 ZONED: LI / HC NOTE: FUTURE PARKING REQUIREMENTS OF THE SHALL MEET ALL LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. NT LIST 'TREES BOTANIC4LL NAME COMMON NAME QTY. S!2]E REMARKS Quercus ¥ r~ginia~ Lh,'e Oak 65 3" cai. Taxc4ium di[st~hum Bald Cypress 20 3" cal. Ulmus crassi~a Cedar Eh'n 98 3" cal. Junincerus ¥irgJniar',a Eastern Red Cedar 59 6' bt. My~ca cenf~e.ra Wax Myrde 14 6' Vitex agne~tes Virex 11 8' ht. ilex ,,omitoeia Tree Yaupon HoUy 28 2.5" PnJnu.~ rrexdcana Mexican Plum 27 3" cai. B&B, 13' ht. 5' sprd. min. B&B, 13' ht. 5' sprd. min. B&B, 13' hi. 5' sprd. min. B&B, flJll to base, B&B or cont. flJll to ground B&B or container, 3-5 cane, no cams caning container, 10' ht. 30-45 gal. 3-5 cane, berried B&B, 10' ht. min. 4' spread rain NOTE: ALL 'TREES TO HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHING WITHIN VARIETIES SHRUBS,'GROUNDCOVER BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY. SIZE REMARKS Ilex oornuta 'Burfordit nana' Ilex cornuta~ 'Burfordii naris' Cynodon da~bn Dwarf Burferd Ho~ly 257 10 gal. Dwarf Bufford Hotly 213 24" hi. Common Bermuda<grass cont, full 30" sprd. 36" o,c, cont. full 20" sprd. 36" o.c, refer to note~, hydromutch NOTE: Plant list is an aid to bidders only. Contractor shall ~erif'y all quanbtJes on plan. All heights and spreads are minimums. Alt plant matedal shall meet or exceed remarks as indicated. I I I I I LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PERtMEIER LAND~ Requbement~.: StJ-eet Frontage shall contain a 15' landscape b.ul'fer ,vl~ o~e (1) tree, 3" cal. 12" ab,"J~e ground, per ~ Lf, and 30' ht. pArMng ~ot ~.~n: hedge ar hecta. P~ic,,ete,- [andscabe area~ shal contain a 10' 3" cai. 1Z" abo*,e ground, per 50 Lf. Sar~d'y Lg, ke Road: (98.0.12 I.f.) Requb~d (20) tree~, 3' cal. West Proem't7 Line (1,523.?0 I.f) Required (31) ~ees, 3" caL (15) uee$, 3" cai. (28) trees, 2.5" cal. / 10' ITt. (11) tees, 8' hi. ProvSded (31) Lree~, 3" ~1. SH 121 Fi'on~;e (11201 I,f) Requ keri (3) tree~, 3" cai. Nocth Propert~ L.~ne (1,121.8 Iff) Requi~'ed (23) ~-ees, 3" c~. East ProC4~rt~ Line (1,387.4 t.f) Re,~ired (28 trees, 3" cal. (3) ex. tree~ P~ded (23) Provided ¢8) ~. ~ee8 NOIE: in "J'le event any e~, flees die wt'lk~ credit~ are beir~'j be required to p(ar~t required perimeter la~nd~i, cape tabu[atic~. INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Requirements: 10% o~gross paddng ar~a to be landscape, erie (1) tree par 40,0 s.f. of required (ar'~tsca pe area, pa.rk~ng Lot: 482,683 Padd~g Spaces: 402 Requlre~ Pro'dried 48,268 ¢.f. (10%) 57,9.54 ~.f. (120) uee~, 3' cal. (120) U'eem 3' cal. OPEN S~ACE Require4'nent~: 15% of tot not cov~ed by b~dings ~ b~ landscape open space. C~e (1) ~ee per 2500 s.f. of o.pef~ snace. TOTAL LOT AREA: (Exctus,k'e a:f bu~dir~g): 76g,464.1 Required Pro,Mded 115,414 s.f. (15%) 137,091 s.f. (48) ~'ees, 3" cai, (52) trees, 3' c~4. Total (376) NOTE: All future parking areae will meet all the requirements of the landscape ordinance LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. Cootractor shall verify all existing and ~sed s4te e(eme~t~ and notify Architect of any discrepancies. Sur~'ey data of ex;sting conditions was s~pplk~d by otherm 2. Co~tractor shall locate ail exisdng underground ul~ldJes and r~obfy Arohitect of any conflicts. Co,n!.rac'tor shad execs.se ~ul2:,n when working [n the vicinity of undergrou, nd utJiitees. 3. Contractor is responsible for obtaining aJ required fand~pe and (rriga~on permit~, 4. Contractor to provide a minimum 2% slope away frcxu all stru4tures. 5. All p~antJng beds and !awn areas to be ~,,>arated by ste~ edging. No steel to be installed adjacent to s~de*,~al.ks ~ cud~s. 6. All landscape areas to be 100% irr~;:jated wYdl an underground automatic [rfigat$on system and shall in,dude rain and freeze sanborn. 7. Ail lawn areas to be Hydromulc,~ Bermudagrass, unless ot2'~'wise noted on t.he drawi.nge. MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. TT~e Owner, tenant and their agent, if any, sha~l be .icin~y ¢ se'veralIy responsible for the rnaintena, nce of a~l ~,ndscape. 2. All fandscape shall be maintained in a neat artd o, rdedy manner at afl b'mes, This shall inctude mowing, edgi~,g, pruning, fertiliz~g, watering, ,~eeding and other such ac~ilJes cofnrnon to iar~::l~ape maintenar~ce, 3. AJI landscape areas shall be kept flee of trash, Ii,er, weeds a,q,d o~er such maledal or ptant3 not pa~t of t~is p~an. 4. All p{ant material shall be ma{ntained ~n a healthy and grc~Mr~g condition as is apprchodate for '[he seasc~ of t~e year. 5. All ptant material which dies shalt be renaced with Cant mate,rial of equal or better vat,ua. 6. Contra~o~' shall provide separate bid proposal for one year's maintenance to begin afl~ final accept. COPPELL NOTES 1. IrrigaUon control!er shall indudea surge ~ de'dce, freeze detector and rain sensor. 2. Landscape plans shatl be signed and seaJed by a l~:~msed Landscape Architect. 3. Irrigation plans shall be signed and sealed by a Ecensed Irdgat~n Designer. 4. Irrigation meter witl require assessment by bhe City of Co~¢,etl Water AIl landscape areas to be 100% [rfigaf. ed wl~h an autornaEc underground irrigaEon system. PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL PLANT TYPE LO Live Oak BC Bald Cypress CE Cedar Elm ERC Eastern Red Cedar WM Wax Myrde DBH Dwarf Burford Holly TY Tree Yaupan Hotty VIT Vitex MP Mexican Plum LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 50 60 120 t 3809 Par~ Avenue Suite 205 Dallas, Texas 75226 214,261.9060 214,261.9049 Fax X © 100O9 1 03,22.04 Schematic Design 2 04.19.04 DRC Submittal 3 05.06.04 DRC Meeting 4 05.11.04 P & Z Submittal 5 05,26.04 City Council 6 11.09.04 Const. Docs. 7 11.01.05 Owner Comments 8 11.30.05 Owner Comments 9 01.23.06 TXU Easement SHEET CONTENTS: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: SHEET: November 9,2004 L1.01 I~) COF'~RI~T 2004. &ZMUTH : ARC-~:~ECmJRE, :NC