DRC comments~ldress ,roiect Tvptt pplicafion Date :'ELL SPR-05-0063 133 E Parkway Bird CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Site Plan Amendment (Revision) 12/20/2005 Matt Steer To allow a 3,546-square-foot expansion to the existing Fire Station COPPELL Coppell Town Center Addition, Fire Station #3 Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Jeff Curry 12/29/2005 Charlene La Mattina 12/29/2005 Site Plan aicceptable- Please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8~17 to discuss electrical requirements. Utility Plat1 1. Water ~asements should be 20' minimum width, 2. How arq easements being dedicated and abandoneld? 3. Will thd new facility require water and wastewater services?!No services are indicated on the plan. 4. Constriction plans should be submitted for review and construction permit should be applied for through the EngiNeering Department, Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Tim Oates John Elias 12/30~2005 12/22/2005 AdditionHI comments may be generated upon detailed engineeiing review. Bldg Ins@. in the Training Rm (A-3 occupancy), exit doors sh~ll be separated by 1/2 diagonal distance of greatestidimension, Need to add exit door at NEcomer of roomi 1. Ther~ is not enough room for all the landscape shown I~etween buildings. Need to eliminate (2) crape myrtlesi hamlin grass and Ioropetalum (4) Crape Myrtles ~and big blue lirope is enough. 2. New ~rees need to be 65 gallon container grown trees, 1~o B&B trees. 3. Cral~e Myrtles & Leyland Cypress do not need to be 65 gallon, 30 gallon will work. 4. Irrigation will need to be approved by Parks Departinent prior to installation. 5. Parl~s Department will transplant (5) cedar elm shown !to be removed. COPPELL Agency Planning Department Reviewed By Matt Steer CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 12/29/2005 COPPELL Comments Site Plan: 1. This is [ roposed to be an additional conference center; the 'efore, additional parking is required. 2. Include ,3 parking spaces on south side and 4 on the north side )f southernmost drive aisle. Include within Site Data I ~ble. 3. Indicate entire lot size and show proposed site boundary, ,,onfiguration. 4. Coordin ate with the Parks Department Plaza Plans for parkin.( configuration and sidewalk tie-in. 5. Show a iacent property zoning. Landscap~Plan/Tree Survey: 1. Include ~suggested parking area on plans. 2, Move p~oposed trees to the end of each proposed parking ro~v. 3, Coordir~ate with the Parks Department for screening the suggested parking area on the south side of the drive aisle. Elevation= 1. Include elevation~ 2. Show match the material type and color on black and white roposed sign size and indicate that it will existing.