CC letter of approval 2/14/06COFFELL February l5,2006 Ms. Sheri Moino, Facilities Manager City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Coppell Town Center Addition~ Lot 1~ Block 1 (Fire Statio~ No. 3) Site Plan Amendment ! Dear Sheri: This letter is to inform you that the Coppell Town Center Addition, I~ot 1, Block 1, (Fire Station No. 3) Site Plan Amendment, to allow a 3,546-square-foot expansion to the existing Fire Station located at 133 Parkway Boulevard, was approved by the Coppell City Council (7-(~) on Tuesday, February 14, 2006, subject to the following conditions: ! 1) Continue to coordinate all plans with the Parks and Recreation Department, as they are responsible for the Plaza project surrounding this site. 2) Comply with attached Engineering comment sheet. For your information, this Site Plan is valid for a period of two years anl:l will expire February 14, 2008. Please submit a Minor Amending Plat for Coppell Town Cente~r Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, for Administrative Approval, to reflect all revised utility and fire lane easements at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at {972) 304-3678. Sincerely, Assistant Planning Director Attachment Cc Stuart Everett & Randall Daniel, Brinkley Sargent Architects Building Inspection file 255 pARKWAy ir p O BOX 9478 ir COP~ELL TX 75019 ir TEL 972/462 O022 ir FAX 972/304 3673 ~ )YY]~i),I~ CITY' OF COPPELL COl~P-E.i~l~ Proiect I~D SPR 0S 0063 Project N~me Coppel; Town Cenler Addibon Fire Sial,on Address 133 E Parkway Blvd P~£olect TILp~ AJ~plication Date Case Manaqer Project Description S~[e Plan Amenomen~ (Revision) 12/20/2005 Malt S~eer To allow a 3 546-square-foot expansion to the ex~sting Fire Stahon Eng~neenng 1 of 1 Comments 1 How are easements being dedicated and abandol~ed') 2 Gonstruction plans should be submitted for review and construction permit should be apphed for through the Engineering Depadment Additional comments may be generated upon detailed engineenng rewew COPPELL Filing Date: Filing Fee: $250 Name of Applicant: Applicant Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Adm rt stcat{u¢ A99c<3v { <3,7 Minor Amending Plat Planning and Economic Development 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 Firm Preparing Plat: Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: Address: Telephone Number: Property Address: Legal Description of Property: Present Zoning: Fax Number: Proposed Revisions to the Plat: Submission Requirements: Thrce (3) folded, black line copies of the Minor Amending Plat. Staff will review the request within 10 working days and return as Approved; Approved, subject to conditions or Denied. If denied, replatting of the property will be required. If approved as a Minor Amending Plat, staff will provide additional information on required statutory language and signatures that need to be included on the face of the plat. Once approved to form, then proceed with the attached PROCEDURE FOR THE FILING OF EXECUTED FINAL PLATS AND REPLATS. Owner's Signature: Date: 02,'03/03 City of Coppell Planning Department PROCEDURE FOR THE FILING OF EXECUTED FINAL PLATS AND REPLATS Following approval of the final plaffreplat by the City Council, and correction of the plat as required by the City Council, the information listed below ks required for the submission of the Final Executed Plat to the Planning Depart~nent: · Transmittal letter, including the name and telephone number of the contact person. Eight (8) 24" x 36" black lines on white paper and one 41) 24" x 36" mylar. Black lines must be folded in a 8 V2" x 11" format. You may submit additional copies for your use; however, one (1) paper copy will remain with t~e City prior to filing and, and after filing, seven (7) paper copies and one (1) mylar must be returned to the City. · All blank spaces completed with original signatures on all plats (Names must be typed or printed below each signature), with the exceptiofa of the City Officials. · Signature block of Utility Companies, with original signatures of each representative. tt will take approximately 2-3 weeks to review and obtain signatures of City Officials. Once proper signatures have been obtained, the Planning Del~artment will telephone the contact person to pick-up the plats to file with the Dallas/De~on County Clerk. Please return the seven (7) black lines and one (1) mylar to the Planging Department, reflecting on each sheet the Volume and Page of the Map and Plat RecOrds into which the plat was filed. If the final platYreplat has not been submitted for signatures by City officials within six (6) months after approval, the plat shall be deemed null and Ivoid, and resubmittal shall be required. For additional information, contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. *PLEASE NOTE: Tax Certificates from each taxing enti~ (city, school district, and county) having jurisdiction over the property showing that all taxes have been paid, must be provided to Dallas/Denton County at the time of filing. DO NOT SUBMIT TAX CERTIFICATES TO THE CITY OF COPPELL. (See!attachrnenO DALLAS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK EARL BULLOCK August 27, 1999 Effective September 1, 1999, any person(s) filing a pla~t or replat for record must comply with H. B. 1563 (e). The house bill reads: (e) A person may not file for record or have recorded in the county clerk's office a plat or replat of a subdivision of real property Unless the plat or replat has attached to it an original tax certificate from each taxigg unit with jurisdiction of the real property indicating that no delinquent ad valorem taxes are owed on the real property. This subsection does not apply if more ~an one by inheritance and those persons owning an undivided interest in the prol~erty obtained approval to subdivide the property to provide each person with a divided interest and a separate title to the property. £OI;'I;'ELL Minor and Amending Plat Check List Pursuant to Section 2120065 of the Local Government Code; Minor Plats may be administratively approved by the Director of Planning and Economic Development if they meet the following criteria: · Involves 4 or fewer lots; · Fronts on a dedicated street; · Does not require the creation of any new street; and · Does not require the extension of municipal facilities Pursuant to Section 2120016 of the Local Government Codei Amending Plats may be administratively approved, subject to various criteria as specified in this Section of the Code. The administrative approval of a Minor and Amending Plats by the Director of Planning and Economic Development will be determined on a case by caseibasis. If it is determined that the Minor or Amending Plat can not be approved administratively, then the following process will be required. Submission Requirements: Completed Application Form, signed by the owner Of the property. Filing Fee Transmittal Letter The following sets of prints will be required thought the review process: ,/ Mandatory Pre-Application · One black line print of the plat, tree survey (if not, included with Site Plan Package) and the preliminary utility plan to be sdbmitted for Staff's pre-review ¢' Filinq Deadline · 12 black lines of the plat (24" x 36" FOLDED) for Staff Review, · 12 black lines of the tree survey, if not included with Site Plan Package, (24" × 36" FOLDED) for Staff Review, and · Three (3) black line prints of the preliminary utility plan ,/ DRC Meetinq · Two (2) REVISED sets of prints, addressing DRC comments, for discussion at DRC meeting. One set will be submitted to theistaff, the other set is to record any additional revisions discussed at the meeting. ALL PRESENTATIONS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ,~ND THE CITY COI./IVCll ARE VIA POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. ALL PLA TS M~JST BE PROVIDED TO STAFF IN A SUITABLE ELECTRONIC FORMAT IoE. TIF, JP~G OR BMP. COLOR DRA WINGS ARE RECOMMENDED. DOCUMENTS MA Y E~E SUBMITTED ON DISK, CD OR VIA E-MAIL. Page I of 3 Re,,qsed 10'31/05 · I z o~acKuneprlntsorme plat(z4 xUts' PL)LL)bD) L~o not resubmit Utility Plans, ' · Electronic copy of the plat (not a .dwg) ,z City Council · Three (3) black line prints of the plat (24" x 36" FCLDED) · three (3) - 8 ~/~ by 11 paper copies of the plat. ~ · Electronic copy of the plat (not a .dwg) ~, City Council review is entirely paperless- all submitted ele~:tronic exhibits will be converted to Adobe, therefore legibility of the exhibits is e~sential. Minor Plat Check List: Applicant Staff Title block located in lower right corner with sul~division name, block and lot numbers, survey name and abstract number,i' number of acres, date of preparation, city, county and state Legend for abbreviations Name, address and phone number for owner, applicant, and surveyor Location/vicinity map North arrow and scale (generally a min. of 1" = 5¢') Adjacent propedies - subdivision name, ownerlname of unplatted property, and recording information Property boundary with dimensions and bearings. Legal (metes and bounds) description of the prol,erty Monument locations, materials and size Lot dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet an with bearings and angles to street and alley lines Lots and blocks with lot and block numbers Building Setback Lines Location of existing water courses, railroad,, and other drainage and transportation features Location of existing streets and alleys with cen~erline design radii, medians, median opemngs, left turn lanes with storage an¢ transition dimensions, right- of-way widths Right-of-way dedications Fire lane easements, including fire hydrant Ioc~ations, with dimensions and bearings Existing and Proposed Utility Easements - wat~er, sanitary sewer, drainage, electric, telephone, gas, cable television Location of proposed screening FEMA 100 year floodplain areas Surveyor's cedificate (signed and sealed) with n( tary block City approval signature block with notary blocks Certificate of ownership with notary blocks Franchise Utilities signature block Flood Plain Administrators signature block Page 2 of 3 Revised 1031,05 Commission or City Council .......... u ~-~', ,,, ,u applicant's responsibility to review and comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. Page 3 of 3 Revised 10/31'05 L OUVE, LL GENERA L ENGINEERING PLA N R E VIE W PR 0 CESS * DRC Review lqng~meertng will rc, v~c,~, development plans for modor I~sues concer~ng r~ht-of-woy, eosememls, Ira/tic' ulthhes, floodplains ~d other project speoJic engineering ~ssues l%e DRC R}e~,~ew ~s not o full engineering review After Site Plan and Final Plat approval b~ Planning and Zonin~ Commission ' Engmeermg Department wd] consMer approval ofead~ gra&ng ] Submit grading pl~s for revte~ including cover sheet, pIaL gro&tng plan, and eroswn control sheet~ 2 I/approved, pay grading mspecOon fees ProvMe copy of CoMr~Cl lo Engmeemng Dept ), grading mspecuon fees wall be coku[oled o~ 2% of grodmg conlrocl cost 3 Complele early grading permtl at En~neertng Dept and provtdP copy of N 0 I & I'pDES General permit Of requtred) 4 Developer/owner holdx C~ harm[ess jot a~) od~ux~e~ts m rodmg MenOfied du~ng ~lan rev~ew~Cmmcd action ~J comme~cmg early grading 5 Grading ~reco~strucson conference req~redpr~or to commemcm~ &rt ~or~ After Site Plan and Final Plat approval by City Council · SubmIt cIvIl plans for review (~ee SubdlvI~Ion OrdInance for required elements of c;vd plans) Rewew wl// not begin until final plat approval by ('try Council However, minor Itevlslons may be necessttated by engineering rewe~,, therefore, the plat should not be prepared for fi/rog ~t~ the CounO, 0 e ko,wa,se s~gnotures) unld o~er the first en~neemng review I ~llow 2-3 weeks for each plan revi~ and expect 2+ iterations ~chedu[e meelmg w~th ~.ngmeemng sla{I lo resolve major tssues ]mpocl fees ore assessed by the Zngmeermg sloff ond 3ubmttted m wr~Img Ia Projecl ~ngtneer / plat wall not he processedfl;r signatures before road,~,cO, & pot note lhol under Senate Bill 243, the Texas Legislature delayed until the ts.luance o/ o Budding Permit Water and Sewer [nspecltans ~epar~enl 500 Sou~hweslem BIM 2 Plans wdl hal be approved be/ore payment o/roodw~ & park ~prov:de copy O/conlroc~ to Engineering Depl ) mspectton ~ees pr;vole work and 4% /or ~ork ~n the pubhc right o~oy or eosen After approval of Engineering Plans P[onx wd[ be ~5~ed and Uamped by Engineering ~to{f /'reconzlruc t~on con{erence~re_~_~ jutred ~mot_ ~la bcAmmn~ construc ton ~ ~mpoct/'ee.I (I/apphcobIe) are pard p/ease '~e colleetlon of Water and 3'e~er Impact /ecs mpoct feez are to be ]void to the fluddmg mpact fees (If applicable) and InV~ectlon fees wdl be colcu[oled at 2°lB oj conlroct cost for Po*sible delays in the Plan approxal process t:loodp/o!n.~ [)eve/opmcnt muu comfl~, ,zith Ih(? (,13, of fToppell f.'loo~ololn ,~onagement Ordtnunce ! Wd/ o LO~WR be required; 0 so, allow hme for Ihe revieW, Of [hese studtes by the City and [)eve/apmenl ma) commence upon receugl of ('L (),WR f~om Wd/ o LO,WA be neededP ]fzo ~ork d,,recllv ~,/lh bb,~.4 g'or~ may commence upon receipt O/ LOMA from s ('f)C and I:pA pcrm,,II?og - allow ttme jar the pe~m~IOng p~ocess provide copy ~] NOt to of pn2mee~ Rl~hl o?~o~ u~e ogrecmenl.L cLff-z~re eozemenls, pubhc ~mproveme~l d~stmcls and olher properO, oWeements a//o~ hme /Or these procez~e.s *NOTE T}us checklist ~s gcneral m nature and for mformanonal rcquucmcnts see the Cra, of Coppell Subdp.~smn Ordinance Flood Construcnon Detads purposes only For specdlc engpnccrlng )lam blanagement Ordinance aod Standard