Rep.&MP filed w/County 3/1/06C' 25 50 1'3::3' 150 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 112 70' R.O.W. · I WAlleR EASEkIENT ~ ~ (BY m~s ~'LAT) ~ '-'l Z "+' CUT FOLIND L F O F I"--4 F-) COPPELL I ,I :1 DALLAS COUNT? MAPSCO 11 D W¢iNI T Y MA P IRC~ ,2__ ¥91,S'f3, D'S. :l z27' THEL ROA D --'- --- S 8 "1' ' *~ _r:" o ~JDEWALK EA', , , ..... ~ ,(B~ T-~% PL~7' s ,,~0'5','5' ~ ~'~:~ -~JP---/ ~ ..... ~ ~.o :,r ........... ~ '~ ~ ~ '~ ~9~ I · R~ FCUNn ~ !S, b L[ 'r ~h~, ~ , .5.6, W . :'?¥*:, - -- ' ........ / ~ :~ .2942 ACRES R.n w -/ ~:::-,:,, :- I 0' d ' ' ,; 1.8956 ACRES NET .... ":::-~ ."~:::.~.:: :::',. r:::: :,::: :::: . ~ ¢¢ r~ ~. ~, A}% -' UI/f OF COPPED L=47.12; M 8 ~le . - I ~ ,~ ~' // ICH=76.37 ~43; I, ~ ' . F DRAINAGE EASEUE.NT ~ // __ 82' / .-' I I ~ ~ " 26.}. C:.C' R~ F~ND '~ ~ ET.o, ~ ~ ~,~ -- -- ~ e~';:,~':~": ,~. I I AND U F.;b_r Fy E~SE?EN* ~ ,' ZONE ' ZONE--" ........................................... ~ ................. ~ .... - A c .... ' OF COPPELL COMMERCE C._NIER 'o ::,~,'~,s~ PHASE ! REPLA r :'OD U"L:'~ EAEE'/ENT ..... " .... ZONE "X" (,OL 2'9011C8, PO. /;£'6) KCO TX![ "SpeC' 'NV. LP CROSS ---- 9--'~,~9~- --/- '-~,~ 898 i ,o..,. -- .!21 ], NET i:--- ~2~'~" 1 ~9:6 ' ATMOS ENERGY /o//¢//05- Dste of / COMPANY Cate :cf :cprc','u ~2WNER'S DE{)/¢A 770N NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL ~EH BY THESE PPESEN~: ~ot, C/tt of Copped, does hereby odopt th,"~ pict des,'~not/~g the here/~ descr/b~ prop~ty ~s Lot 1, Block A, of ~e Crescent Add/t/on, on cdd/t/bn to the City of Coppe./'4 Texos ond do h~eby dod/cote to the publ/b use forever, the streets, o//e~, ond eosements spec/Wed os d~/bot~ to the pubhb shown ther~n. ~e eos~ents sho~n her~n ore h~eby reseed for the purpose os ,hal/coted. No bu/'/d/~gs, f~ces, trees, shnjbs, or other ¢Tnprovements or growth sho// be contracted or p/oced upon, over or ccross the 'UtD'ty Eosements" os shown. Sold "Ut/7/ty Eosem~ts" being hefty rese~ for the mutuol use end occommcdot/bn of off public utffities des/Wn¢ to use or us/hg some. Ail end ony pub//~ utffit/ sho// hove the r,~ht to r~ove ond ke~ removed oil or ports of cnn buffd/hgs, ¢~ce~, trees, shahs or other /~provements or growths while reconst~cti~¢, from eli ports of its respective s2~t~ , cf procuring the permission of on, ne. Notw/thstond¢bg the forgoing, City of Coppe// resemves for these/yes, the¢~ successors end cosigns the right to use the sunoco of oil such eosements for /hsto,"khg /ondscop/ng ond /~/~t/'on s~t~¢, for po~/Ng of ~h/b/es (except thot po~/hg sho// not be outhor/~ ih cnn des/gnoted ~re /ones~ for the possoge of p~estr/on end v~icu/or trof¢c, end to constn~ct end mo¢hte,h po~¢ on the surfoce of such eosements for the p~¢ose of such res~d u S eJ. /~, Texas th/s the STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS: BEFORE ,~E, the ~nde, s/gned outhon'ty, o Notary Publ/c zh end for the State of Texas, on th/s day pensono//y appeared J/m 'f, ftt, known to me to be the person whose nome /s subscr/bed to the forego/ng /nstnjment and ocknow/edged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and considerot/on there/n expressed. I. "~,-},~'~ hi Notary Pubhc J ~ . ~'~:} State of Texas ~ --- [ ~ Comm, Expir~ O'Sql-200 ...... ~ .... f~r the State of Texas My Cornm/ss/o. exp/res: ~ --/ /- O g The unders/gned, the City 9ecretory of the C/ty of Coppe/I, Texos, hereby cert/~Tes thor the ~ ' Lot 1, B~ok A Cresc~ Add/t/onI on odd/t/on to the ~'t~ ~ ~ .... ,, .............. o~go~ng PI? of e ~th doy of 2 · 'fy council .... ~"w''~'''~, y -, r~ cng sew~ //nes os shown end s ond so/d Counc# ~dher~thoriz~ ...... et fo~h ih ~nd u ~ so/d z~ the ' /~ecommen~z2E&. '5 Cho/'rmon, P,'onn/ng Zon/`ng Commission Dote A~oroYed ond Acce~ted.. City of Coppe/I F-foodplcin Development Permit Application No. ~ hca been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain administrator on 2005. Rcodprain dmi~i'strator Date 1. Beor/ng s~tem for th/s survey /s based on obear/ng of South 89121'04" Eost for the south r/ght-of-woy //'ne of Bethel Rood os described in deed to City of Coppe/I recorded in Volume 2003094, Poge 797 of the Deed Records of Do~los CountX Texos. 2. 9'dewo/ks w/?l be constnjcteo at the expense of the property owner when deemed necessary by the C/ty Eng/neer. 3. (C.q.) - Contro///n~ monument. OWNER'S CER77FTCA TE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS ~EREAS City cf Coppell /~ the owner of o 2. 1898 ocre troct of /ond situcted in the Jomes A. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296, Dol/as County, Texas; sa/d tract be/.ng port of o tract of ~and descr/bed /n deed to C/ty of Coppe/I recorded /n Vdume 200~094, Page 0797 of the Deed Records of Oo//os County, Texas; so/d tract o/so being port of Block 5, Coppe/I Commerce Center Phase I, on odd/t/on to the City of Coppe/I, recorded in VoL 81051, pg ~041, deed records, Do/icG County, Texos; sold 2. 1898 ocre troct being more part/cu/ody described os folio ws: BEO/NN/N~, at o 1~2 /'nch ~ran rod found for corner, so/d point be/ng /n the south r/ght-of-woy ~~ne of Bathe~ Rood (o 50 foot right-of-way),, so/d po/.nt o/so belhg the northwest corner of that certo/n 1.0g acre tract cf /and described /h deed to Corn/lie Juroszek recorded i'n Volume 99100, Poge 874 of the Deed Records of Da/icG County, Texos; THENCE, South 01 degrees 18 m/hutes 00 seconds West, deporting so/d south r/ght-of-way /,''ne of Bethel Rood, al~stance of 183. J0 feet to o ~ inch /Yon rod found for corner;, so/d po~hr be/'ng /n the north //'ne of o 18.918 acre tract of land descr/bed /n deed to KCO TX// Coppe// /nv. Ltd. recorded /n VD~urea 200024~, Page 3694 of the Deed Records of Da//os County, Texos; THENCE, North 89 degrees 01 minutes 04 seconds West o al~stance of 520.41 feet to o '+' cut found on the top of curb /n the e~st n'ght-of-woy //'ne of Freeport Parkway (o 70 foot n'ght-of-woy at THENCE, North 01 degrees 18 m/hutes O0 seconds East, along SOl'd east n'ght-of-woy d/stance of 183.]0 feet to o ~ ~nth ~ran rod W/'PACHECO KOCH' cop set for comer;, so~d po/nt be/n~ at the /'ntersect/on of the east r/ght-of-woy //'ne of Freeport Porkwoy and the south r/ght-of-way //be of Bethe¢ Rood; THENCE, South 89 degrees Ol m/nutes 04 seconds East, deport/ng so/d east r/ght-of-woy //'ne of Freeport Parkway and dong so/d south r/ght-of-way //`ne of Bathe~ Rood, a d/stance of 520.41 feet to the PO/NT OF BEG/NN/NG,. CONTAIN~NO, 95, J90 square feet or 2. 1898 ccres of ~and, more or /ess. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL /dEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thor I, Jomes A. Koch, Jr., Roe~stored Profess/onol Land Surveyor, do hereby cart~fy that I prepared th/~ p/ot from an octuo/ and accurate survey of the ~and; that the corner monuments shown were properly p/aced under my persona~ superw's/on /n accordance w/th the p/att/.ng nj/es and ragu~at~ohS of the C/ty of Coppe//, Taxa& ~nol Land Surveyor STATE OF TEXAS COUNT? OF DALLAS BEFORE ~gE, the unders/gned outhor/'ty, o Notary Pub//c /n and for the State of Texas, on th/$ day persono//y appeared James A. Koch, Jr., known to me to be the person whose nome /~ subscr/bed to the forego/ng /'nstnjrnent and ocknow/edged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and cons?derot/on there/n expressed. C4VEN UNDER ~Y HAND AND SEAL OF OFTICE thi¥ J(~ day of ~A-~-~ , 2005. Notary Pub/?c /n and for the State of Texas ~f/ Comm/¥sion expires: S/~ /'~".0"'38 Volume' Page' CRESCENT ADDITION CONFORI'IED COPY : -- '' ~ :~ r~' 0 ' ~ ~ C ~ ~ L ~ ~ B L ~ C ~ E C 0 ~ ~ S LOT 1, BLOCK A :'~ ~"'~ ~]Cx~'2';~'~*'~ BEING A REPOT OF BLOCK 5 OF COPPELL COMMERCE " c~.~,~,~ ~,~ c~o,~ co,~,~ c~ CENTER PHASE I AND A MINOR P~T OF A 1.O959 ACRE ~' ~'~'~ ~ T~CT OF ~ND LOCATED IN THE CI~ OF COPPELL, TE~S ~arch ~1, 2~06 ~4:~6:02 P~ ~E~: ~o 20~680076554 AND BEING OUT SIMMONS SURV~, DALES COUNt, JAMES A. OF THE ABSTRACT TEXAS NO. 1 296 OWNER: CITY OF CgPPELL 255 PARK NA Y BL FD. COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 ~ 8350 N CENTRAL EXPWY SUITE 1000 DRA~R~ BY CHECKED BY SCALE RM/MWW NK 1 "=50' DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 972235.3031 DA TE JOB NUMBER 06/17/2005 2052-05.175 DWG RLE: 2052-05-173P.DWG