MAP filed w/County 3/3/060',', NER'S CERT:F[CATE STATE CF TEXAS COUWP( OF DALLAS WHEREAS COP?ELL TRADE CEhTER, L.P. is the sole o,~ner of a 40.654 core tract of [and situated in the John E. Hollmr. d Sun, ay, Abstract No. 614, Dallas County, Texas, and being all of that tract of !and deeded to CCPPELL TRACE CENTER, L.P. as recorded in Vol. 2004147, Pg. 7592, Deed RecorDs of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows; ~EG!,r,lXG at a 5/8-;rca rod found for a corn. er be;r.g the scuth,,est corner of said 40.655 acre tract and the southeast corner of a 51.57 acre tract of [and deeded to Ferguson Realty Company os recorded in. Vol. 79C8.5, Pg; ,.217! ~f,Deed Rea.orals of Datlas County, Texas ID.R.D.C.'F.), sad point aisc be;ag ;n the ncr±h I[r.e OT ~ar, ay Lcxe Road (o variable ¢¢[dth right-of-way); THENCE North 00'37'00" ',','est, abng the common property ';ne of said 40.855 acre tract and said 51.57 acre tract, a distance of 1587.40 feet to o 5/8-inch iron rod found for a corner, said corner being t:ne northeast corner of said 51.57 core tract and the northwest corner of said 40.655 acre tract; THENCE South 89'55'16" East, abng the common '.;ne of sc;d 40.655 acre tract and a tract of fond deeded to 'h'illiam F. Calleio as reccrded in Vol. 80004, Pq. 1855 of Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.);, a distance cf 1275.09 feet to a 5/8-inch ;ran rod found for a corner; THENEE South 00'37'18" East, clonq the east llne af said 40.655 acre tract and a ~est line cf said Da!:ejo tract, a distance cf 1390.DCj feet to a 5/8-inch [rca rod found for a corner, said corner being the southeast corner of said 40.655 core tract cad the southeast corner cf said Cc!:ejo tract, sold paint also be:¢.g in the north !ir.e of said Sandy Lake Road; THENCE Xorth 89"45'12" West, along the commoq ire Of Said 40.655 acre tract and the north line of sc;d Sandy Lake Ro~d, a alstance of 1275.25 feet to the PONT OF BEGiNNiNG and containing 1,770,907 sq. ft. or 40.654 cores of [and more or [ess. STATE CF TEXAS CCbNT~ CF DCLL,~S C,', HER'S CERTifiCATE ~¢ Tt~E;EFORE, KNC',',' ALL h!EN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ccppel. Trade Center, LP., cctir, g herein by cnd through its duly authorized officers, does hereby adc. bt this plat designating the herein ..Do,. descrbec prc. pe~Z ~s CC'~PELL T~¢~ECE,JER , on cdd~bcn to the C:ty cf Coppe[I, Dall~s County, Tex~s, cnd do hereby dedicate, ~n fee s'mp]e to the pub['c use fore, er, the streets cnd ~llezs sho~n thereon. The streets end c;teys cra dediccted for street purposes. The easements ~nd public use crecs, ~s sho,,n, are dedicated for the pub:c use forever for the purposes :ndiceted on th~s phst. No bui:dings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or gro,,ths shell be constructed or p~cced upon, o,,er or across the easements as shoan except 2a~ements, parking lots, end thct [cndsccpe improvements may b.e ptaced in Icndscope easements, if eppro',ed by the City cf Coppell. addition, uti:tx easements may Disc be used for the mutual use cnd accommcdct;on of al public uti:ties desiring to use or using the some u¢fess the egsement ::mits the use to part:cu:ar utilities, s~d use by pub:c ut':ties be;rig subordlncte to the sub:c's cnd City cf Ooppell's use thereof. ,The City cf Coppell and public ut~::ty entities sh~ll ha',e the right to remove and ~eep removed pe~s of cry Su;:d;ngs, fences, trees, construction, mcinten~nce, cr effidency their res¢ect:,e s~stem, s :n scid easements. The City of Ccppel end public utilit~ entices shc l et e'l t:mes ha',e the full right of ingress ~nd egress to or from their rescecti'~e easements for the purpose of construct[r,g, reccnstructlng ipspecting, patrol;no, n-,e;ntak, ing, fording meters, ~nd adding to cr roma,lng c~l or pa~s of the'r re¢peeti,e s~stems ,~ithc. ut the necessity et cpy time of procuring permission from That the undersigned do hereby co'~encnt cnd agree thct they shcll construct upon the fire lone easements, as deCk,ted and shcan hereon, a hard sud~ce end that they shmll mc;nta;n the some in a state of good repair et mil times cnd }eDp the some free and deer of cny structures, fences, trees, shrubs, or other ~mpro',em, ents or c. bstrucUcn ;nclud;ng, but not :raked to, the pcrking of motor ',ehicles, trailers, boats or other impediments to the recess of fire apparatus. The maintenance of po'.ir.g cn the fire Icr, e easements is the responsibility of the o,,ner, and the or, nor shm l post cr, d maintain cppropriote signs in conspcuous places along such fire lanes stating "Fke Lane, No Perking". The police or his duly ~uthcrized representoti,e is hereby authorized to cause such fire [ands cnd utility easements to be maintained free end unobstructed et mil times for fire dep~rtment and emergency use. The undersigned do co',encnt end agree that pub:c cccess easements may be ut::zed by any person or the general pub:c for ingress and egress to other recJ property, cnd cc.r. th~. curpnse, nf. cen~ral: . puLl:c.. ~ehicu[cr .end pedestrian use end access, and for fire close,merit and emergency use ~n, clang, upon ~nd across said premises aith the r',ght end prL. ilege ot ~11 times of the City of Coppe~l, its eg~, emp:oyee~, acrkmea and re~rese~t¢ti',e~ ~vi~g ~gre~s, egres~ ~nd regress n, mlong, upon rand ~¢ross sc'.d crem~ses. This p~at opsro,ed s,b~ect to c l platting or~incnces, ru~es, ragu:orions ~nd resc',utlons of the City cf Coppell, Tex~s. CCPPEL= TR>DE CEHTER, L.P., c Celc,,cre I;mlted pcrtnersh[p By: COFPELL ~RADE CENTER OP, LLC, a Debar'cra 1;raked I;~bl;ty compcny, its general ~7: CCRFELL TRADE CENTER REIT, LLC, ~ De,aware :Tm[ted company, its sole member By: FRINC:PAL ENHANCED PRCPERT¢ FULD, L.P., ~ De~wcre l~m;ted pc~nersh~p, its m~ncg[ng member By: PRINCIPAL EhHANCED PROPERTY FUND aP, LLC, ~ De~cre I~m:ted ':cu[[ty company, ;ts 9ener~I pc~ner By: PRtNCPAL R~L ESTATE INVESTORS, LLC, o Oef~,~ore limited I:ob:l[ty co~2~ny/~s,sole ~em, ber , 2C05. S!JBSOF, I.~ED ;%3 S,%~,~'~ TO before me,,a Notary Public in cad far said County and State cn this /Y'~ day of ~-J~: ~ u.~ , 2005. ,.~.~. ~ ~IE J. MILLER Hot.:r/ ~,~:,~c" ;n and for tr.e State of ~'-~,~,~~ ~ ~' ~mmiss~Num~7~ My ~mi~ ~ms Feb~ 4. ~ !4y Cam, tn;ss[on E~p;res: Printed Nome: STATE C,F TEXPS COdNTY OF D,~LLAS THAT I, Denr.;s D. Vote, Rog;stored Profess:anal Land Sur~.e~cr, do hereby certify that the p:at sho,~n hereon cccurctely represents the prc. perty,,as aeterm;ned by an on the ground sur,.ey made under my direction and super'vis;on on ,,ovember 3, 2004 and that the location of all monuments sh. oan ore correct, and that the lots, blocks, streets, end avenues, alleys and pUbr:C nays crd ground cra accurately staked off and marked. Bernls D. Vote, Reqistered Profess:crial Land Surfer?or #4813 Vctex Sur~eyir, g (9?2) 964-0.558 STATE C'F TEXAS.^, COUNTY C'F BEn:yE the unders:gned, a natoo' public in ccd for the said county and state on this day :rsono~ly appeared Dennis D. Vote, knoan to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed the fcregc.:ng 'nstrument and ockr, o¢,'/edged to me that he executed the s~me for the purpose in cc. nsiderotion there;n expressed, ~nd the capacity there~n,~oted. .... ¢ '" c~' CF CFFICE ca th;s the day ~, ~OC,~.~ GI,~N tJ~ C~R .JY H~. D AND~L c ~ !/y cc. mm;ss:on e~p;res: B~ ~ SOURC April 07. 2007 THE ?nEST LINE ?,.HICH BEARS NORTH .00'37'00" WEST OF LATCUR PARTNERS, '_.P. TRACT AS RECORDED IN X¢OL.95197, PG.359. UTILITY ESMT. ,~,?'}" ~ U~UTY ESMT, ~ ~ D~I'AI L "A" N.T.S. CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT ARC CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 89'08'12" 30.00' 29.55' 46.67' N45'11'O6"W 42.11' C2 90%0'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S45'14'48"W 42,43" 03 90'00'00"' 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'45'12"W ¢2.43' C4 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' 47,12' N45'14'48"E 42.45' C5 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S 44'45'12"E 42.43' C6 90'51 '48" 30.00' 30.46' 47.58' N44'48'54"E 42,74' C7 90%0'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S45'14'48'W 42.43' C8 89'08'12" 30.00' 29.55' 46.67' S45'11'06"E 42.11' C9 41'00'30" 30.00' 11.22' 21.47' S19'53'15"W 21.02'i C10 49'23'4Y' 30.00' 13.80' 25.86' S64"41'09"W 25.07" Cll 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S45'37'00"E 42.43' C12 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' ¢7.12' S44'23'00'W 42.43' C13 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47,12' N45'37'OO"W 42.43' C14 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'23'OO"E 42.43' C15 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S45'37'OO"E 42.43'! C16 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' ~7.12' S44'23'00%~ 42.43' I C17 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S45'37'00"E 42.43' C18 90'00'00" 30.00' 30,00' 47.12' N 44'23'00"E 42.43' Clg go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' 4.7.12' S45'37'00"E 42.4.3' C20 45'57'00" 30.00' 12.62' 23.88' N67'48'30"W 23.26' I C21 134'23'00" 30.00' 71.34' 70.36' N22'll'30"E 55.31' C22 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N44'23'OO"E 42.43' C23 44'23'00" 30.00' 12.24-' 23.24' S22"48'30"E 22.66' ! C24 135'37'00" 40.00' 98.06' 94.68' N67'11'30"E 74-.07' C25 90'51'48" 30.00' 30.46' 4-7.58' N45'll'O6"W 42.74' C26 20'11'58" 100.00' 17.81' 35.25' S10'20'47"W 35.07' C27 21'03'46" 100.00' 18.59' 36.76' S09'54-'53"W 36.55' C28 46'46'47" 30.00' 12.98' 24.49' S22'46'24'W 23.82': 031 90'00'00" 54.00' 54.00' 84.82' S45'37'00"E 76.37'I C32 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N45'37'00%~ ~2.43" 033 go'o0'o0" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N 45'37'00"~¢~ 42.43' C34 gO'O0'O0" 54.00' 54.00' 84.82' S45'37'00"E 76.37' C35 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S44'25'00'W 42.43' C36 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' N45'DTOO"W 42.43' C57 90'00'00" 30.00' 30.00' 47.12' S44'23'00'W 42.43' C38 90%0'00" 54.00' 54.00' 84.82' N44'23'OO"E 76.37' C39 41'00'30" 50.00' 18.70' 35.79' N19'53'15"E 35.03' CURvE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT ARC CHORD BEARING CHORD D.E,1 43'13'13" 100.00~ 59.61' 75.43' N67'46'24"E 73.66' D.E.2 46'46'47" 54.50' 23.57' 44.50' N22'46'24"E 43.27' D,E,5 46'46'47" 156.50' 59.04' 111.45' S22'46'24"W 108.38' UNE BEARING DISTANCE L1 SO0'37'O0"E 19.95' L2 NOO'14-'48"E 19.50' L3 S00'14'48"W 19.50' L4 NOO'14'48"E 19.50' L5 N40'2YDO"E 36.33' L6 S39'59'1T'W 18.16' L7 NOO'37'OO"W 22.00' L8 SO0°37'O0"E 22.00' L9 NOO'37'OO"W 22.00' LIO N45'OO'OO"W 30.78' Lll S45'00'00"E 34-.82' UNE BEARLNG DISTANCE EL1 SO0'OO'05"E 116.76' EL2 S44'59'55"W 58.19' EL3 N45'16'38"W 20.00' EL4 N44'59'55"E 50.00' EL5 NOO'OO'Ob"W 140.20' EL6 NOO'OO'OO"E 35.62' EL7 S89'59'51 "'~ 38.66' Floodplain Development Permit Application No.~has been f:fed ~ith the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on __, 2005. F',oo~p[ain Admln~str~tor Date (~OL. 79C, 85, PG. 2171) FERGUSC, N REALTY CO. (VOL. 79085, Pa. 2171) EX. 20' UTILITY E~.dT.--% Vol. 79074, Pg. 206 25' h',U~JAL ACCESS AND ,F, IRE LANE ACCESS EASEMENT vol. 2004147, Pg. 7557 ¢ol. 2004147, Pg. 7548 ~0' T.P.&L. Vol. 86153, Pg. 1282 ACCESS ESMT. ¢,'[LL!AM F. CALLEJO, TRUSTEE (D.R.D.C.T.) / , S 89'53'16" ' f?,"',~ -~ '- 3' ~' '-- % , ~, , 135 5 , .... , .N89'~3'OO~E. 2~2.00' ~'__ ., :'~,'7 zoo -- 750.!6' N89'23'OO"E .608,00' · / / / / / / / / / 2o' u~u~ Es~./// / / -/ / ,' ,, t( .- ~ "~,,7-J ...... ~0,70 N--'~9'~[6 W 46-~',0-0~ -- S00'02'26"W--' 20.00' ~.~.~.... S89'23'00"W 200.04' D.E. 20' UT,[JT~ ES!4T. (sy Tni~ Plat) ~/8' IRF I / N89'23'OO"E 160,~7' ~0 I ::. i ,x o~ .~ ~ -'~ I FERGUSCN REALTY CO. ~/  ~' / al ~ 'k % ~20x20 ELECTRIC ESMT ~ ~ Io ~ ~ , ~---~ ~ ''~ ' . I !l ~ soo.~roo ~, .... ~ ,j II 0 ~l ,C ~89'23'00"E~ % Z ', x91_4"' ~ ] ~ 82' DRAIN. ESMT, ~ ~ ~ 20.00' k /'{ ~ II . x~0 r~ ;~ ~/ (Maintenance of Esmt, I ~ ~, I~ SOO ~7 0,0 E / ~ ,: o o I ,~c I~ .l~ ', F t b~ o~'ner~ I , z ~t ,F~ 1n nn , ,}/ ~ ~ , ~vn~/~ ~,~ i'd I '. I I ~ ~l io x:'/ ~ ~' ~ ~ l~ I - z /,",',,',, oD X ~ ~ 0 , I~ VOJ. 7g074, Pa. 206 ~,x,,,,~,/ ~l I~ ~, ~ u /m m ~b ~ /I P , x:},Wo° ~ I ~1 I~ BLOCK 1 ~ i m i' ~ I I ~,",~,"q~ I !, ,M ~ t ~n ~n~ c c z~'l ', ' ~ ' ~ ~ ACCESS ESMT,~ 0 ~ I ~/O'''''X~ i 58 CO ' ¢ ~,~ ~.r. , b ~2 00' ~ - ~ / I 0 "~""," 24 F~RE~NE ~ o ~ '~ b m , ~%,.,v,,/ ...........~ I ~ 40.654 AC. 2.oo : ~ ~ i ~ F F ~E~C~[C ESMT ~ ~,, ,,,~, ,,,/,~/,xx '' ~UL~ L~M/.i mO~ ~ /(By PIGS).' ~ J , ~ 4%:',"/ I I '. I lJ ~ ~ , I /(See Detail B ~ s Sheet) ' ~,, ' ' -- I ~' ¢ ' ' , ~,,",x I 82' DRA NAGE ESMT. ~ h I P~ -~ / N89'2500"E2ooo / II ~ 4:/ I q I t 58.00'I I by owner) ~ m ,, ~ z~ ~ ,~ [ .~/ (To Be A~cndoped I I I,,,i~//IT=72~%r I , ,~ ~ ~ z~ -, ~ / I ~" oI L8 / _ _1t, I ._: I',' I '~, 0 ~ ,50 __-- ...... ,~ ~,,------, ------ O~ ' I Ngo'oo'o~"E. I ~ II , , . ~k ' 'r~ I ' I m; , NOO'37'OO"W 10.00' :42 25' 15.15'kV/J: , : m O0~ ' ~ ~ ' 10' E~C~C ESMT.~ ',~]~ ~: I q . 9C85 PG. 2171) I j~ ~ ~L~]~. A ~1 t~~ i:~ rn ~ n'~ T ~ ~ ?~1~ RHFFt ~, ,~//]~ . h~ I , II I~to ?1 ~/~ / :: (See Deto',l ~s Sheet) I m 'l ND -- Lj] a DRAINAGE ESMT. ~ 13 15'~//~ :~24 nRELANE a ~EMENT ~ , ~ ' I~ ~/~ ~ ~ ACCESS ESMT ~ ~L ~ N~'~2'W 7~30' ~' 'X~ .~ . , . ' , ~ , ,, ~,~ ' ..... ' '~ 8~8'~' ' .... ~(,,,,,~ , ..... ,, I ,, ~ .. , =J~_. 1~ ,F '~20,0~ _ _ _ _ 5/8' IRF~ ; ~20' DRA[NAOE ESMT. ' ,io~.,='4~",,, ,~,~ ~, 24r Z45.24 ; 24 / , / . ~ ~ ~ TEXAS PO'¢,ER ~ LIGHT CO. ~orego~n?-p!at- of- COPP EEL- TRADE- 6ENTER;- An--addition- t~ th~-6~t~- e~mitt~.t~the-City-CounciP om the- day-of- eeGo~ then-an~ there accepted-the- ded;cat~on- ~9~a?s, and; ~oter and- seweF-line~, cn~sa~d-~oun6 F.fumer-outh~ z~ (h~Moy~-.to not~-th~aeeept~e~, 100 LOCATION MAP -~'tTNESS-MY-HANO-r thig- the-----day of ............ ;~2'~i. FLOOD PLaiN NOTE: By graph[col~lotting, the Property is located in Zone 'X', as de:heated on the E)otlas County, Texas and incorporated Areas Flood Insurance Rate Mop Number 48115C0135 J, dated August 23, 2001, as pub~shed by the Federal Emergency ~,~anagement Agency., Zone 'X' is defined as Areas determined to be outside 500-year floodplain. The Surveyor utilized the above referenced flood p[oln information for this determination and the Surveyor does not certify that revised flood plain information has or has not been pub:shed by the Federal emergency Management Agency or some other source. LOT lA, BLK. A COPPELL MILL, LTD. PTRS. ('vOL 2003100, PG. 11057) P.O.B. SAND Y LAKE ROAD ~C.c,EASE!/ENTNo, CC-86-14480 & ~[GHT-OF'-',¥AY CONT. MON.) .................. ~ 'vOL. 87220, PO. 3977) LOT 2, 8LK. A A~¢~BERPO;NT AT CC:PPELL, LLC. (VOL. 2001249, P0.15701) APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY ($ign~ure) (Print Date of Approv'al ATMOS ENERGY ¢,-z. (Signature) &.L. (Print Name) I 73o-o 5- Date cf Approval VERIZObl (Signature) (Print Name) Iz-~O-oY Dote cf Approval (Signature) Print' Nome) /pprovcl NOTE: ALL EASEMENTS WERE RECORDED IN VOL. 2005091, PG. 00042, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. This plat is an amending plat and with Sectio,~ 212.016 of the L, ocal /- D ¥ ~' Director/of f I~ning has been amended in accordance Government Code. /'/5. D~te of Approval March ~3, 2~86 ~9:02:~3 AM FEE: $33,~ CONFORMED COPY .~. OPFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS PURPOSE OF AMENDED PLAT: REVISE 10' ELECTRIC EASEMENT SERVING EAST StDE OF SITE; ADD DRAINAGE E~SEMENT. MAPSCO PAOE 1-U H, T.S. ~ LIO' DETAIL "B" d/. L6/ / L~ ~L16 UNE BEARiNO DISTANCE L1 NOO'SY56"'6 II L2 N 21'55'20"",'~ 59.66' [~ S89'52'5~ %', 5.00' ~ ~ L5 N00'27'09% 20.00' II L6 N89'52'51"E 7.~5' L7[ N55'O1'Og"E 111.15' L k LsI N45'23'O7"E 26.67' ~X %~ Lgl N00'31'16 I,~, 12.29' mol N89'28'44"E 20.00' k I L~I s00'5~'~6"E I 2o,oo' [J L121 s89'28'44"",', I 15.59' II L~ s45'2~'07"',', ' 26.75' It L14 S55'01 '09""¢, ~ 10;.88' L15, SOO'27'Og"E I 16.:6' ~ ~ L171 S00'27'09"E' 125.99' II L18~ S21'55'20"E 59,65' 10' ELECTR~,C ESUT. ~aw Sc~theos~ Corner~ :1 Iz (ay T;~;s ~" ~ I of Prcper~ ~0.9079 ~RES II /TEXAS P~'¢,ER a L:SH% CO. /EASEMENT ~ RI~HT-Cr-'¢~AY II /~c.c. ~o, cc-~-~o J ~ ___ N89'45'12"¢¢ 433.73' N89"45'12"W 1275.2~' ..... LEOEND MINOR COPPELL LOT UNE BEARING DISTANCE L1 i'~00'3 Y 56"',', 284.41' L2 N21 '55'20""h 59,66' L3 N00'27'09"'6 125.88' L5 N00'27'09"~¢, 20.00' L6 N89'32'51 "E 7.65' L7 N55'O1'og"E 111.15' L8 N45'23'O7"E 26.67' L9 N00'31'16"'¢, 12.29' LIO N89'28'44"E 20.00' Lll S00'31'16"E 20.00' L12 S89'28'44"'¢, 13.59' L13 S45'2Y07"',', 26.75' L14 S55'01'09""¢, 103.88' L15, S00'27'09"E 16.36' L171 SC. 0'27'09"E 123.99' L18! S21'55'20"E 59.65' L19J S00'33'56"E 286.4-3' Property Line Existing Easement Line ~cs~ment Line Bu:',ding Setbocks Fire:cae Eosement [RF ,ran Rod Fcund  Hatch;ag far Firelane, Access ~< Dro:nage Esrnt, NOTE: 1. No tot-to-:ct drainage Mil be 2. Minimum finish f:acr for cji bu::d;ngs ,~Ji[ be 507..]0 3. Side,~a:ks ¢,i]l be constructed at the expense of toe property o,ner ,,hen deemed necessary by the C;t:, Engineer. 4. Maintenance of the dra:noge easement ,~:.1 be perform. DJ by O~ner. AMENDING PLAT OF TRADE CENTER 1, BLOCK 1 BEING AN AMENDED PLAT OF COPPELL TRADE CENTER LOT 1, BLOCK 1 RECORDED IN VOL, 2005091, PG. 00042 (40.654 Acres) OUT OF THE JOHN E. HOLLAND SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 614 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS DATE: DECEMBER 2005 SURVEYOR VOTEX SUR'vE71HG 4548 Tuscany Dr. PIANO, TEXAS 75095-7042 (97,2) ,964-0858 FAX (972) 964-5604 SCALE: 1" =100' OWNER COPPELL TRADE CENTER, L.P. 5055 KELLER SPRINGS RD., SUITE 300 TEXAS, ADDISON 75001 (97,2)-,280-8355 FAX (972)-231-7955 7