State regs.-child-care centersMinimum Standards for Child-Care Centers Physical Facilities §746.4215 May other programs use my licensed indoor space at the same time I have children in care? Subchapter T, Physical Facilities Division 1, Indoor Space Requirements 09/01/03 No. You must not share the indoor licensed activity space with other programs at the same time you have children in care. §746.4217 May I care for children above or below ground level? Subchapter T, Physical Facilities D~/ision l, Indoor Space Requirements 09/01/03 You must not care for children on any level above or below ground level without written approval from the state or local fire marshal. Outdoor Space Requirements §746.4301 How many square feet of outdoor activity space must I have? Sabchapter T, Physical Facilities DiviSion 2, Outdoor Space Requirements 09/01/03 (a) You must have 80 square feet of outdoor activity sp~ce for each child using the outdoor activity area at one time, unless you are licensed to provide only: ( I ) An alternate care program; or (2) A get-well care program. (b) You must have enough square footage in the outdodr activity space to equal at least 25% of your licensed indoor capacity. (c) If you were licensed before September 1,2003, youdo not have to comply with the outdoor activity space requirements specified in subsection (b) of this section unless the permit issued prior to September I, 2003, is no longer valid. NAEYC affirms that adequate outdoor space fo~f play is necessary for the development of gross motor (large muscle) skills and to provide children with fresh air and sunshine. Texas Department of Family and Protective Sercices Physical Facilities Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers §746.4305 Must I fence the outdoor activity space? Subchapter T, Physical Facilities Divif~ion 2, Outdoor Space Requirements 09/01/03 Yes. A fence or wall at least four feet high must enclose the outdoor activity space unless you meet one of the tbllowing: ( 1 ) You am licensed to provide only an after-school care program in a classroom facility owned, operated, and administered by and located ia a public school as defined by the Texas Education Agency; (2) You are licensed to provide only an alternate cam program; (3) You are licensed to provide only a get-well care program; or (4) The only children using the outdoor activity space aire five years old or older. Enclosed outdoor areas keep pre-kindergarten ~ge and younger children in a controlled area for their safety and ease of ~, upervision, ~ §746.4307 How many exits must I have from my fenced outdoor activity, space? Subchapter T, Physical Facilities Division 2~ Outdoor Space Requirements 09/01/03 Each fenced yard must have at least two exits. An entral~ce to the building may count as one exit, but one exit must be away from the building. §746.4309 May I keep the gates leading into my outdoor activity space locked while children are in care? Subchapter T, Physical Facilities Division 2, Outdoor Space Requirements 09/01/03 Yes, however the locking mechanism must be accessible to all employees at all times. Employees must be able to open the gates immediately in an emergency and satisfactorily demonstrate this ability to Licensing staff' upon request. 126 Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers Physical Facifities §746.4311 Must the outdoor activity space be connected to the child-ca 'e center? Subchapter T, Physical Facilities Divt~, ion 2, Outdoor Space Requirements j 09/01/03 No; however, all outdoor activity areas used by childreq must be accessible by a safe route. We must approve a plan to use an outdoor activity' space that is not connected to the child-care center, such as a near-by park, schoolyar% rooftop, or other alternative. We will consider the following criteria before approving th~, plan: (1) Traffic patterns of vehicles and people in the area; [ (2) Ages of children in the groups; (3) Availability of appropriate equipment; (4) Usage of the location by other persons when the children would be most likely to use (5) Neighborhood circumstances, hazards, and risks; (6) Accessibility to children and caregivers on foot or tl~e availability of push-carts or other means of transporting infants and toddlers; (7) Reasonable accessibility ofrestroom facilities; and I to obtain assistance if needed when injury ot illness occurs. (8) Ability §746.4313 ; Must I comply with additional requirements if my plan to uselan outdoor activity space not connected to my child-care center is approved by Licens!ng? Subchapter T, Physical Facilities Division 2, Outdoor Space Requirements I ~ 09/01/03 Yes. If we approve the outdoor activity space, you.mus~: L (I) Give parents written notification of the location oft~e outdoor activity ar[~,~pon their child's enrollment; (2) Develop a written plan to supervise children, both 4uring play and while traveling to and from the outdoor activity space; and (3) Meet other conditions specified by Licensing stall; if applicable. §746.4315 May other programs use my licensed outdoor activity space ~at the same time I have children in care? ~ Subchapter T, Physical Facilities No. You must not share the licensed outdoor activity si same time you have children in care. rsion 2, Outdoor Space Requirements 09/01/03 ace with other programs at the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services 127