Replat att. to CC 2/14/06 pckt."+"CUT iN CONCRETE FOUND 10' BUILDING SETBACK (BY THIS PLAT) 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (BY mis PLAT) ESSEX WIRE ADDITION LOT 7, BLOCK C (VOL. 87189, PO. ,:5370) !.~z,:S3,:S:',~ E%T:~:_-i, Lh'ITEO o, 2 :: ,,5:'' ' 4 9, P G. 6 6 4- 91 Mi wi S TATE OF 7EXA S COUNTY OF DALLAS 'gl Z I I 0 r~ ,bo Y OWNER'S [?ED/CA ZYON NOW 7HEREFORE, KNOW ALL /dEN BY THESE PRESEN77~: LOT 1, BLOCK C COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER (VOL. 20001`35, PG. 3692) III 10' BUILDING SETBACK --] {BY THIS PLAT) 1 -[ _ That, SKELTON, HUBBARD, SKELTON PARTNERS, LTD., does hereby adopt this plot designating the herein described property as N~~ t~,',',',',',',',',~ I~t,ISilN~ P.&RI(~ LOT 2~, ~ 12 (12(}~:~:~11. I~JSINIB~ O~ITIB~ III), on addition to the City of Copped, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, o//e~, end ~sements sp~iffed os dedicated to the public shown th~eon. ~e easy,ts shown her~n ore hereby rese~ for the pu~ose os /~ d/co t~. No buffdings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growth shaft be constructed or p/aced upon, over or across the 'Ut/h'ty Easements" os shown. Said "Ut/Y/t/ Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and ~ccommodat/'on of afl public utih'ties desiring to use or using some. All and any public uU/ity she// hove the right to rerxov~ end keep removed oil or ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths while reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, rnoohto/ning end odd/.n~ to or removing from o/I ports of /ts respective sj~stern, within said "Ut/h'ty Eosernents", without the necessity et ony t/me of procun'ng the perm/ss/on of on.yone. Notwithstanding the forgoing, SKELTON, HUBBARD, SKELTON PARTNERS, LTD. reserves for thermse/ves, their successors and assigns the right to use the surface of oil such ecsements for /nstalhhg landscaping and irrigation systems, for por'k?ng of vehicles (except that parking shaft not be authorized ?n any desfgnoted Ere /ones), for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular troftYc, and to construct and maintain povfng on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved used. ~tness my hand at Coppe/I, Texas this the __ day of 2008. S TATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SKELTON, HUBBARD, SKELTON PARTNERS, LTD. B/ Rondo// O. Hubbard fYt/e: Owner BEFORE ME, the undersigned outhoritz o Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Rondo// O. Hubbard, known to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing /;~strument and ocknow/edged to me thor he executed the some for the purposes end cons/deter/on therein. __ day of 2006. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFYCE this Notory Public in end for the store of Texas /dy Commission expires: N89'SO'OO"W N 89'30'00" W S 89'30'00" E ,320.00' SE ¢,E~ E~S;EUE'q- LOT 2R, BLOCK C SKELTON, HUBBARD, SKELTON PARTNERS, LTD. (DOCUMENT NO. 200503556500) (FILED OCTOBER 25, 2005) 1.514 ACRES (65,962 SF) N 89'30'00" W 119.90' 24' FIRELANE &: MtJT1JAL ACCESS ESMT. (BY THIS PLAT) S89'30'00"E 24' RRELANE & MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT. (BY THIS PLAT) 250.00' 209.77' 320.00' / 0 60' 8UlLDINO SETBACK (BY THiS PLAT) The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby cert/f7es that the forgo?rig Plot of North/oke 635 Bus/ness Pork, Lot 2R, Block C (Coppe/I Bus,hess Center /11), an addition to the City of Coppe//, was submitted to the City Councfl on the __th day of 2006, and the Council, by format oct/on, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, a//e,~, po~s, edsements, pubh'c p/aces, and water end sewer lines, as shown and set forth ?n and upon said p/at, and said Council further author/zed the ~fayor to note the acceptonce thereof by sign/ng his nome as herein obove subscn'bed. ~+ITNESS MY HAND, this __ day of 2006. City Secretory, City of Coppe/I, Texas ~'¢commended for ApproY¢/L A!~proYed and Acce~ted; POINT OF BE GINNING /ri L3 L2 20' U'nUTY · EASEMENT (BY THiS PLAT) 56.00' L4, 25' U'PUTY ESMT. (BY THiS PLAT) , I NBg'30'OO"W _~ 30,00' 1/2-INCH IRON ROD CAP FOUND (C.~.) 60' R.O.W. LOT 1, BLOCK A NORTHLAKE 6,35 BUSINESS PARK (VOL 97015, PO. 1462) C 3 ? P ELL :.7 .C f/!,1 E R C E C E N TE R k U I r~ 1'4 , .OL. 9922: 50' CPEN S<:N\EL LINE TABLE Z /NE L ENG TH BEA tWNG L1 6.01 N89'30'OO"W L2 5.93 s8g'30'O0"E L3 5.95 N89'30'OO"W L4 10.00 N89'30'OO"W L5 71.96 NOO'30'OO"E CUR VE TA BZE CURVE DEL TA t~ADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHOt~D BEANING CHOt~D C1 41 '56'22" 30.00 21.96 11.50 N 69'31 '49"E 21.47 C2 90'00'00" 54-.00 84-.82 54-.00 S45'30'00"W 76.57 C3 90'00'00" 30.00 47.12 30.00 N45'30'OO"E 42.43 C4 42'08' 34-" 30.00 22.07 11.56 N 68'25'45" W 21.57 C5 4-1 '47'25" 50.00 21.88 11.',5 N 69'36'17"E 21.40 C6 90'00'00' 30.00 47.12 30.00 S44'30'00"E 42.43 C7 90'00'00" 30.00 47.12 30.00 S45'30'00"W 42.43 C8 4.2'00'0¢" 30.00 21.99 11.52 N68'29'58" W 21.50 LiL'~Tc~' P ~ r~ ~'x, ERS~-IP Chairman, Planning Date Mayor Date Zoning Commission City of Coppeil Floodplain Development Permit Application No. Coppell floodplain adminlstmtor on 2006. has been fi[ed .~ith the City of Floodplain Adm¢nistrator Date NO TES: 1. ¢eor/'ng system for this survey ?s based on a bearing of South O0 degrees 30 mlnutes O0 seconds West for the west right-of-way hhe of Lokeshore Drive according to the p/at of Coppell Business Center //I recorded in Volume 20001~5, Page 3592 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texae. 2. Sidewalks wi71 be constructed at the expense of the property owner when deemed necessary by the City Engineer. 3. ¢C.~,I.) - Controlhhg monument. Approved and Accepted ATI~ OS ENERGY T~U ELECTR[O DE1J'~RY COMPANY Cste ~f :ppro,,:l OWNER: SKELTON, HUBBARD, SKELTON PARTNERS, 322 W. 2ND STREET IRVING, 'TEXAS 75060 PH: (972) 254-1003 FAX: (972) 259-9785 SURVEYOR: PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 8350 NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: (972) 235-~031 FAX: (972) 235-9544 APPLICANT: PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 8550 NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1000 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET (c.M.) A;PLJNE ~7 '~N GLER [PROJECT LOCATIONI DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 11 I//CINITY MAP STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS OH4~ER'S CER TIFICA 770N H&/EREAS, SKELTON, HUBBARD, SKELTON PARTNERS, LTD. /e the owner of a 1.514 acre tract of /and, situated in the Cordelia Bowen Survey, Abstract No. 56, De/fas County, Texas, and be/ng ail of Lot 2, Block C of Coppe/I Bus/ness Center //I, an addition to the City of Coppetl os recorded /n Volume 2000155, Page 3692 of the Deed Records of Del/os County, Texas; said tract be?ng all of o tract of /and described /n Special Warranty Deed to SKELTON, HUBBARD, SKELTON PARTNERS, LTD., recorded ~h Document No. 200503555500 of said Deed Records; said 1.514 acre tract being more particularly described os fo~lo BEGINNING, et o l/2-inch iron rod w/th "HALFF 4~ ASSOC. · cop found at the northeast comer of soid Lot 2, Block C and the southecst Comer of Lot 1, Block C, of soid Coppe// Business Center /11, said point being in the west right-of-way i/ne of Lakeshore Drive (a 60 foot right-of-woy~; THENCE, South O0 degrees, 30 m/hutes, O0 seconds West, along the said west right-of-way /t~e of Lokeshore Drive and the east //ne of sold Lot 2 o d/stonce of 206. lJ feet to a 1/2-inch /ron rod with 'HALFF ~ ASSOC.' cop found ot the southecst corner of sold Lot 2, s(]id point being the northeost corner of a troct of /and descibed in deed to Marek Brothers Systems, /nc. os recorded /n Volume 2000065 Page 5599 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE, North 89 degrees, 30 m/hutes, O0 seconds West, depart/hg the sam west right-of-way //he of Lekeshore Drive, e/cng the south /?ne of sam Lot 2 and the north hbo of the /darek Brothers Systems tract, o distance of 520.00 feet to o 1/2-inch iron rod with "HALFF ~r ASSOC." cap found ot the southwest corner of sam Lot 2 and the northwest corner of scm Morek Brothers Systems, /nc. tract, said po/hr be/hg in the east hhe of Lot 7, Block C, Essex W~re Addition, on addition to the City of Coppell recorded /n Volume 87189, Page 3370 of the Deed Records of Da/IDs County, Texas; THENCE, North O0 degrees, 30 m/.nutes, O0 seconds East, deporting the south i/ne of sam Lot 2 and along the east of said Lot 7 and the west //ne of said Lot 2, a d/stance of 206. 13 to o "+' /n concrete found in the top of o drainage in/et at the northwest comer of said Lot 2 and the northeast comer of said Lot 7, sold point be/hg in the south i/ne of said Lot 1, B/ack C; THENCE, South 89 degrees, .30 m/butes, O0 seconds East, deporting the said east //he of Lot 7 and along the north //'ne of said Lot 2 and the south Eno of said Lot 1, o d/stance of 320.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAiNINg, 65,962 squore feet or 1.514 acres of lend more or /ess. SUR'FEYOR'$ CER T1FICA TE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That /, Michael Larry Lew/s, Jr., Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby certify thot I prepored this p/et from on actual end accurate survey of the /and; thor the corner monuments shown were proper{y pieced under my personol superv?s/on in accordance with the platting rules and regulaUons of the City of Coppe//, Texos. EXECUTED THiS_ DAY OF , 2006. PRELIMINARY RELEASED10/31/2005 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. Michael Lorry Lewfs, Jr. Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5773 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE NE, the undersigned authority, o Notory Public ih end for the Store of Texas, on this doy persono/ly appeored Michael Lorry Lewis, Jr., known to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing ,hstrument end acknowledged to me thor he executed the some for the purposes end cons/deter/on therein expressed. G/FEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFYCE this __ day of 2006. ,Votary Pubh'c in and for the State of Texos /dy Commission expires: LOT 2R, BLOCK sC NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINES PARK COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER Ill DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 255-9544 1.514- ACRES BEING A REPLAT OF ALL OF LOT 2, BLOCK COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER III LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE CORDELIA BOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 56 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS C Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers i 8350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TX. 75206 972235.3031 DRAWN B Y CHECKED B Y SCA L E DA TE JOB NUMBER SMH MLL 1"=20' NOV 2005 1568-05.296