DRC comments City of Coppdl Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department PD-18 , BECK ESTATES ZONING CHANGE FROM "A" 'l O PD-SF-12 DRC Date: February 24, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: City Council Meeting: April 11, 2000 March 16, 2000 3. 4. 5. Need to speei~ PD conditions: Shall be developed in accordance with the SF-12 District regulations, except as specified below: · Minimum side yard: eight (8) feet · Minimum front yard: 100 feet No alley shall be required The property to the south is zoned "PD SF 140" If there is to be a cabana, where is the pool? What is proposed to be contained in the cabana? Per Section 35-2 of the Zoning Ordinance (attached) an accessory structure in a residential are shall not have sleeping areas, bathroom plumbing, or kitchen facilities. Why is the variance being requested to the required 9~3'' side yard? What is the proposed square footage of the home? How will this ~ffect the abutting properties? Note: A. Please re*ise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff conu~aents plea~ provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the March 2nd Development Review Committee (DRC) meetillg. Each applicant will bring one new set of revised plats and p{ans to the March 2nd DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, March 7a to resubn~it eighteen (18) folded copies of revised plans aad three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X lO of each exhibit to the pJnnnlng Department SECTION 35 - ACCESSORY STRUCTURES I~EGULATIONS 35-1. Non-Residential and Multi-Family Residential Uses. 35-2. pools and spas, each building and structure used for or multi-family residential purposes shall be considered a Section 42-24. The regulations detailed in 35-3 of this .~ of swimming pools and spas accessory to non-resident uses. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) ith the exception of swimming accessory to non-residential or >fincipal building as defined in ~cfion shall govem the location al and multi-family residential Single-Family and Two-Family Residential Uses. Buildings and structures accessory to single-family and two-family residential uses shall ha~e no sleeping areas, bathroom plumbing (except for hand sinks) or kitchen facilities, s~all not be used for commercial purposes, shall not be rented and shall not be occupie{. Accessory buildings and/or structures shall not be located in a required front yard. With the exception of swimming pools and spas, the regulations detailed in Paragraphs buildings and structures accessory to single-family ar including both those attached to and those detached fr multiple accessory structures exist on the same site, the structures shall be used to determine the regulations app detailed in 35-3 of this section shall govern the locatio accessory to single-family and two-family residential m B and C below shall govern two-family residential uses, the main building. Where :ombined sum of all accessory icable to size. The regulations of swimming pools and spas es. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) Accessory buildings that are less than 150 squar~ feet in area shall observe the following regulations: 1. Maximum Height - 10 feet 2. Minimum Setbacks: (a) Rear: i. 3 feet when the rear property 1 the roof overhang into the setba, Exception: When the accessory the rear setback sba ne is adjacent to an alley and :k is no greater than 18 inches. building is a garage or carport, be no less than 20 feet ii. the same as the required fron~ yard setback when the rear property line is adjacent to a sleet. iii. 10 feet when the rear property [ne is not adjacent to an alley or street. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) ! ZONING ORDINANC~ CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(O~d. 91500, An~nd~l Th~aSh 91500-A-129) 149 SECTIO~ 35. "ACCESSORY STRUCTURES" (b) Side: ii. 3 feet when the accessory buil, behind the main building and setback is no greater than 18 building is not located at least 5 the minimum side yard setback be the same as the minimum main building. ling is located at least 5 feet the roof overhang into the ~aches. When the accessory feet behind the main building, 'or the accessory building will fide setback required for the Exception: When the accessory building is a garage or carport with side alley accesS, the side setback on that side shall be no less than[20 feet. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) 15 feet from a side property line that is adjacent to a side street. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) iii. 10 feet from the main structure On an adjacent property. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) 3. Materials: Exterior grade wood siding is pe~rnitted on accessory buildings that are less than 150 square f~et in area, provided that the wood is painted with a color tha~ closely resembles the color of the main structure. One meta~ accessory building, or one accessory building with a metal]roof, is permitted on any one building lot, provided it is less [than 150 square feet in area. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) Accessory buildings that are 150 square feet in ar~a, or more, shall observe the following regulations: 1. Maximum Height - 12 feet 2. Minimum Setbacks: (a) Rear: ii. l0 feet Exception: When the accessorylbuilding is a garage or carport with rear alley accel, the rear setback shall be no less than 20 feet. the same as the required fron! yard setback when the rear ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 E~titioQ *(O~. 91~00, AJ~aded Tlgoogh 91500-A- 129) 150 AGG09009 SECTION 35. "ACCESSORY STRUCTURES" property line is adjacent to a street. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) (b) Side: The same as the minimum setback required for the main structure. Exception: When the accessor~ building is a garage or carport with side alley access, the side setback on that side shall be no less thatl 20 feet. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) 15 feet from a side property line that is adjacent to a .side street. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) iii. 10 feet from the main structure ~n an adjacent property. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) 3. Materials: 80% of the exterior wails ~ust be masonry that closely resembles the masonry used in the main building. For accessory structures 300 square feet in area or less, posts spaced at least 6 feet apart and banisters and railings less than 3 feet in height shall not be congidered exterior walls and shall not be subject to masonry requirements. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) 35-3 In-ground and above-ground swimming pools and spas:l A. Maximum height: 4 feet B. Minimum Setbacks: 1. Rear: (a) 5 feet from the rear property line toi the outside of the pool liner. except when the rear property line is adjacent to a street. (Ord. 91- 500-A-128) (b) the same as the required front yard S~tback when the rear property line is adjacent to a street (Ord. 914500-A-128) o Side: 5 feet from the side property line toi the outside of the pool liner. (Ord. 91-500-A-128) ZONIIqG ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 .Edition · (O~L 91500, .aunended 'fl~eu~h 91500-A- 129) 15 1 ^~ Co SECTIONi$5 - "ACCESSORY STRUCTURES" Distance from the Main Structure: no less than 5 feet from the main structure to the outside of the pool liner. (Ord. 91-5CD-A~128) D. Distance from lCD-year Flood: When land has been reclaimed from the lCD-year-flood by means of fill dirt retained by a retaining wall or by the headwail or balk. head of a lake or pond, no swimming pool or spa shall be constructed within ll0 feet of such retaining wall, headwall or bulkhead, as measured from the outside of the pool liner. (Ord. 91- 5CD-A-128) Distance between Single-Family/Two-Family R~sidential Uses and Non- Residential/Multi-Family Residential Swimming Pqols/Spas: When property occupied by non-residential and/or multi-family residential uses abuts a single-family and/or two-family zoning district, swimming pools and spas accessory to non-residential and multi-family residential uses shall be located no closer than 50 feet to the single-family or two-family zoning district, as measured from the outside of the pool liner. (Ord. 91-5CD-A-128) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 19<t6 Edition · (o~ ~oo, A~ ~,,~ ~OO-A-n*) 152 Comments for the City of Coppel Development Review Committee[ February 24, 2000 PD-185, Beck Estates Zoning Change Acceptable Jeff Curry FEB 2'+ ;'000L~ ITEM: //1111 PD-185, Beck Estates, a goning change request from "4" Agricultural to "PD. SF-12' Single Family-12 Residential, to allow the development of a single family residence on approximately an 1.0 acre of property located at 824 DeForest Road, at the request of Lee and Laura Beck. DRC DA TE: February 24, 2000 and March 2, 2000 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENT STATUS.: PRELI?,4L~L ~R Y ,/FtNA L No comments. 02/2~/00 10:18 CITY OF COPPELL a 992 ~04 9092 N0.026 ~0~ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMI LEISURE SERVICES COMM ITEM: Beck Estates, Zoning Change DRC DATE: February 24, 2000 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landscape 4ITTEE N'TS [anager COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY~,/ R4~L4~I P~'~S~D The developer should be made aware that the proposed d~velopment is affected by the Park Dedication Ordinance stipulating $1,285.00 per dwelflng unit. DRCO22400e 2 5 2000 DE VEL OPMENT RE VIE W C(_ ~MM rTTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: PD-185, Beck Estates, a zoning change request ~rom "A" Agricultural to "PD- SF-12" Single Family-12 Residential, to allo~ the development of a single family residence on approximately an 1.0 ac~e of property located at 824 DeForest Road, at the request o fLee and Laura Becl~ DRC DATE: February24, 2000 and March 2, 2000 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant Ci~y Engineer (97~-304-36 79) COMMENT STA TUS: ,/PRELIMINARY No comments. Feb-24-O0 0g:4]A I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW coMMITTEE FIRE PREVENTION COMMENTS ITEM: PD-185, BECK ESTATES DRC DA TE: February 24, 2000 CONTACT: TRAVIS CRUMP, FIRE MARSHAL COMMENT STATUS: rr~rwr ~ r I PRELIJ flNAR Y 1. No Comments, FEB 24 2000" DEVELOPMENT R EFIEW COMMITTEE BUILDING INSPECTION COMMENTS DRC DATE: February 24, ~000 CONTACT: Greg Jones, CldefBuildlng Offidal (304-3500) L 8' sideyard setbacks wouM not meet minimum for SF~12 zoning. 2. Cabana canno~ have kitchen ~bathroon~acilities.