DRC comments City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Alford Media, Preliminary Plat and Site Plan DRC Date: July 31, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: August 21, 1997 City Council Meeting: September 09, 1997 1. Show location of existing unimproved driveway (dashed lines), so that a person on-site can more easily visualize where improvements will take place. 2. Architectural plans reference details of entry feature and sign, but do not include them. These features should be removed from the right-of-way to be dedicated. 3. Provide elevations of all signs contemplated. 4. Existing house needs to be ADA accessible. 5. Driveway should enter from the street approximately at the 500' contour. This will get truck traffic near the midpoint between two occupied houses (both zoned LI) during whatever period they continue to be used for residential purposes. It also will avoid the loss of one of the 9 large trees shown. 6. Provide caliper and species of the 9 larger trees shown. 7. Depending upon size and species, it may be worthwhile to consider salvaging the large tree where the driveway approaches the northwest coruer of the proposed office/warehouse structure. 8. Show location of underground power service crossing be, neath State Road to the service point of the office warehouse structure and to the service point for the existing structure, and removal of on-site overhead lines. 9. Provide color board showing roof color, stone color, sign color and paint color on exterior concrete tilt wall, plaster and trim. 10. Show brick paver bands at driveway entrance from future Freeport Parkway (primary image zone). 11. Indicate measures which will be taken to protect existing trees during construction. 12. On preliminary plat, show names of adjoining subdivisions and adjoining property owners. 13. On preliminary plat, show width of existing right-of-way for State Road. 14. Provide signature blocks for Floodplain Administrator, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, and Mayor. 15. Provide an irrigation plan. 16. Correct Thweatt Road to Sandy Lake Road on location n~ap. Note: A. B. Staff written comments will be faxed to each applicant. Please revise plats, landscape plans, and utility plans based onlstaff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons ~vhy staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the May 1st Development ReView Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring one new set of revised plats and plans to the Aug. 7th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, Aug. 12th to resubmi~ twenty-eight (28) folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X il)Df each exhibit to the Planning Department. DRC DATE: CONTACT: i DEVELOPMENT REVIEW C IMI EE ENGINEERING COMMENTS Alford Media Addition, Preliminar~ Ph~ and Site Plan, to allow the development of a 41,231 square foot ~ffice/warehouse facility on 14.76 acres of property located along ~he east side of State Road, approximately 2, 400 feet south of Sandy !Lake Road, at the request of Dunaway Associates, Inc. July 31, 1997 and August 7, 1997 Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Eng~eer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ~PRELIMINARY Preliminary Plat 1. Show the existing right-of-way for State Rd. 2. Show the easement for the existing sanitary sewer line i located on the east side of the property. 3. Show the sight visibility triangles for the existing/futur~ State Rd./Freeport Parkway at ingress and egress locations. 4. No easement should be provided for the sanitary sewer line a~ is~43za~e. Please extend the water line to State Road and provide the necgssary easements. 5. It appears as though a portion of the private drive [encroaches into the 100 year floodplain. The roads should be shifted out of the flo4dplain or a flood study will be required to fill in the floodplains. 6. Remove the topographic lines, building foot prints, parklng lots and any other items not pertaining to platting. Show firelanes, property line~, easements and any variance requests if required. Will the existing "Easement for Street" and the "For~/ner St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad Spur Tract" to be abandoned. If they am to b4 abandoned then provide a note stating "to be abandoned by this plat." The R.R. spur l:ould possibly require approval from Railroad. 8. Staff has met with representatives of this firm and am generally in agreement with their comments about water and sewer. However, they hav~ been told that based on their water usage, the water line may need to be extended to ~tate Drive. Also, they need to verify the existing sewer on the east side of this site to insure that they can access it. 9. Impact Fees will be required. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI~EE coMM . i! PLAT AND SIT~ PLAN FIRE PREVENTION ITEM: Al. FORD MEDIA ADDITION, PRRLIMINARY DRC DATE; .IULY M, 1997 CONTACT: TRA VIS CRUMP, ACTING FIRE MARS~ T21~3'l~'z3g03 COMMENTSTATUS:I I,",~'I~.~ [PRELIMINARY ~ All fire lanes to be shown on plats as easements. A full fire sprinkler system will be required, including a Class III standpipe system. A monitored fire alarm system will be required. 4. On site fire hydrants will be required. Date "[~ELEC TRIC Comments for the City of Coppell Development Review Committee Prelim' /~=] lnary, ..... Plat is-~ acceptable. Easements will be required for proposed electric facilities. A plat with easement requirements willl be provided to the developer. Load information (size of structure, A/C / Heat Load) will be required from the developer before easements can be determined. Other comments Please call me at ~-888-1307 if you have amy questions. Tim Brancheau 14400 Josey Lanc Farmers Branch, Texas 75234 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEE NG COMMENTS DRC DATE: CONTA CT: Alford Media Addition, Preliminary P~ and Site Plan, to allow the development of a 41,231 square foot off we~warehouse facility on 14. 76 acres of properly located along ~he east side of State Road, approximately 2, 400 feet south of Sandy lake Road, at the request of Dunaway Associates, Inc. July 31, 1997 and August 7, 1997 Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: Preliminaw Plat 1. Show the existing right-of-way for State Rd. 2. Show the easement for the existing sanitary sewer line located on the east side of the property. 3. Show the sight visibility triangles for the existing State Rd. at ingress and egress locations. 4. Need to meet with staff regarding the extension of the water line to State Road. 5. The proposed monument sign is shown in the proposed right-of-way dedication for future Freeport Parkway. This can not be allowed unless the City approves a l~cense agreement. 6. Impact Fees will be required. 7. The utility easement needs to be a minimum of 20' wide. JUN 997 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEE NG COMMENTS ITEM: Alford Media, Pre 'luninaty Plat, to allow the development of a 42, 080 square foot office/warehouse/showroom facility on 14. 763 acres of properly, located along the east side of State Road, approximately 1,350' north of Ruby Road, at the requeSt of Steve and Tom Alford. DRC DATE: May 29, 1997 and June 5, 1997 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ] t~°~-tri~dINA4~ ~F~NALI R-E461-SEO Withdrawn 6/5/97 1. Additional information needs to be provided. The information that is provided cannot be evaluated. No dimensions are given plus there are no utility plans, tree survey, contour information on floodplain information, vicinity map, adjacent zoning or uses, etc. 2. Staff has met with representatives of this firm and am gerterally in agreement with their comments about water and sewer. However, they have been told that based on their water usage, the water line may need to be extended to State Drive. Also, they need to verify the existing sewer on the east side of this site to insure that they can access it. Also, need to show the existing floodplain to insure that they are not developing within it. 3. Impact fees are required. 4. Sixty foot right-of-way from centerline needs to be dedicated for future Freeport Parkway and trail on road. 5. The roadway and bridge may not be rated for truck traffic. This needs to be investigated. MAY-30-199? 08:28 CIT'r OF COPPELL P.04 DEVELOPMENT REViEw FIRE PREVENTION DRC DATE: MAr 29, 1997 CONTACT: TRA VI$ CR UI~, COMMENT STATUS: C214) 3O4.-3505 All fire lanes to bc platted as fire lanes. Minimum radius on fire lanes is 30 feet insid~ and 50 feet outside. Minimum fire lane widt~ is 24 feet, i All portions of all buildings to be within 150! feet of a fire llme. Lone Star Gas Company If you have any questions or concerns reprding comments or natural gas service pleise conutct me via the above direct line or fncsirnilei phone number. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMIITEE B UII~ING INSPECHON C~ ITEM: ALford Media prelim plat DRC DATE: May 29, 1997 CONTACT: Greg Jones, Chief Building Offwial (304-35i COMMENT STATUS: I ~ ]NITIAL[ 1. No problems with prelim plat-SUP needed for non-residential use of existing house. drc5296 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMIT LEISURE SERVICES COM ITEM: Alford Media, Preliminary Plat DRC DATE: May 29, 1997 and June 5, 1997 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and l~ndsca 'EEAlford Media [ENT gAY 2 9 1997 ~e! Manager, (304-3542) COMMENT STATUS: The Leisure Services Department has reviewed the above referenced development and has the following comments. If this project is to disturb center median, please qontact Leisu..re Servic. es Department, Superintendent, prior to dispatch at 304-3554. There wall be existing irrigation, trees, and turf that will be impacted during construction. The developer should be aware that a portion of this depelopment is impacted by the City of Coppell Hike and Bike Trial Master Plan wh~re north-south, on-road bike trail BR-15 runs along State Road. The developer may be required to provide additional right-of-way to allow for this trail. Should there be any questions by committee members ~r representatives of the proposed development regarding these comments, pleas~ feel free to contact Brad Reid at 304 -3542, or Gary Sims at 304 -3560. B JR DRC529.97G 'fUELECTRIC 1997 Comments for the City of Co~pell Development Review Committee Date Preliminary/P~a~LPlat for ~// Preliminary/~l Plat is ncr acceptaDle. Easements will be required for proposedl electric facilities. A plat with easement requirements will be provided to the developer. ~ Load information (size of structure, A/c / Heat Load) will be required from the developer beforeieasements can be determined. Othercomments Please call me at 2~-888-1307 Tim Brancheau if you have a~y questions. 14400 Josey Lane Farmers Branch, Texas 75234 I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: DRC DATE: CONTACT: Alfotd Media, Preliminar~ Plat, to allow ~he development of a 42,080 square foot office/warehouse/showroornllfacility on 14.763 acres of property, located along the east side of State Road, approximately 1,350' north of Ruby Road, at the request of Steve and Tom Alford. May 29, 1997 and June 5, 1997 Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ~PRELIMINARY 1. Additional information needs to be provided. The information that is provided cannot be evaluated. No dimensions are given plus them are no utility plans, tree survey, contour information on floodplain information, vicinity map, adjacent zoning or uses, etc. 2. I have met with representatives of this firm and am generally in agreement with their comments about water and sewer. However, they have bee}n told that based on their water usage, the water line may need to be extended to State Drive. Also, they need to verify the existing sewer on the east side of this site to insure that they can access it. Also, need to show the existing floodplain to insure that they are not developing within it. 3. Impact fees are required. 4. Sixty foot right-of-way from centerline needs to be dedicated for future Freeport Parkway and trail on road. City of Coppell Development Review Committee Cor~ments Planning Department Alford Media, Preliminary Plat DRC Date: May 29, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: City Council Meeting: July 8, 1997 June 19, 1997 A landscape and irrigation plan is required. Two additional parking islands are required, one at the center of the most northerly tier of parking spaces, and one at the end of the 4 spaces opposite the loading docks. See Preliminary Plat checklist for other missing items, such as information concerning surrounding property, topography, floodplain, and tree l~eservation plan. (See attachment) Dedication of road right-of-way 60' from center of State Road will be required for future Freeport Parkway and on-street bike trail. A Special Use Permit will be required for conference center use of existing residential structure. Note: A. B. Staff written comments will be faxed to each applicant. Please revise plats, landscape plans, and utility plans based or~ staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons! why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the June 5th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring one new set of revised plats and p~ans to the June 5th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, June 10th to resubmi! twenty-eight (28) folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11)of each exhibit to the Planning Department.