Application Site Plan Application Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. CoppeJl, Texas ~~019 Phone: 972-3042~'678 Fax: 972-3044092 THE.CITY.OF corrELL .~~. ~ 1\ ' \ Filing Date: 12/21/2005 Filing Fee: $400.00 Name of Applicant: Rodney Hi<< Applicant Address: 8350 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1000, Dallas, Texas 75206 Telephone Number: 972-235-3031 Fax Number: 972-235-9544 Finn Preparing Site Plan Package: Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers Address: 8350 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1000. Dallas, Texas 75206 Telephone Number: 972-235-3031 Fax Number: 972-235-9544 All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: Rodney Hitt Address: 8350 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1000, Dallas, Texas 75206 Telephone Number: 972-235-3031 Fax Number: 972-235-9544 Name of Subdivision or Plat: Coppell Business Center III General Location of Property: 1225 Lakeshore Drive Present Zoning: 1I -light Industrial Proposed Site Plan Contains: 1 1.514 Owner's Signature: Date: [2 '/ U:lCentraI/P&.ZsrflSubmission Forms App and ChecldistslSite App -- --------- -~- ----- rr-- -~ ~. i'W~1II MOline. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AlP ACCOUNT 322 W. SECOND IRVING, TEXAS 75060 (972) 254-1003 BANK OF THE WEST CUSTOMER SERVICE #986-2302 IRVING, TX 75061 050686 50686 DATE AMOUNT 12/13/2005 **************400.00 PAY TO THE ORDER OF City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd Cappell, TX 75019 II! THE SUM OF FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS 1110 SOb a b III I: l. l. l. 9 l. b 7 2 L, I: III 00 L, 5 l. L, bill "0 ~CJ) - <ll~ "Q)>o c."*~~ C. 0 (/J 8 Oal<ll (J>-~N _ <llj- ~ o~_--- ~-N ~<ll <Jl...... ..' a.. a. en - a. (J 10 0 1Ol) C\l ~'."';'O:_--'--,*~._~__+~_"':'~,f_;""__,_~=~,~\ D<lt": -,' ,DfL,:~2-',f-:'-'L:j' ,__ 0 6 8 2 7 0 I Received from --- l"!ln,I,,-.h..c") &,tU!~-f... ,G~1a -----1 J... - ",,' ~ Address ,- .:.22. z. ,(.0_ ~c~ _ __ n, Un __~ I - .. __, . '. __ i .,-,- ~..~'J...t..,~Jr.T.)t..n--l Y:.().wL__ -.,-~.---.._' 001,ars SfllJ.'L:.-tI'(L.-:-I For -n:idt---e~/L<.,jIL~.it j.r,L3J<ld~{q~fJ1>La_.6(.w -(1~kl.c_il/, LJf.,I3c:21 l.v4f ~-..i'L-1h.lk O.")l1-ft<-(7' w-' 17' :5 +.t....,,u--+-'j\ci- D,. ;4 -- --,_. ^-~-'-----..-.._._- -.-.,---- ~-P_""'-'--'-'-'--""'-' -0 ~'-'iJ ~ t ~6.':;~' & ',_. I '. , ,_.____n.__.____..-_.__ _.___~ .'1) <.i",~ZL: ~ i.v:=:j I I~ I'j !;),.(7~,,;i'iT+---+-----j !'!'/ ./0. ._.;h..a~:i.2~ _ _ _ _..j ~,._........~ ~!-:l :it~,.,.,:r-:~2~"'_~.,,""'~~....r_,L._~~~.."'r_.....=ii::_""':_~1,1..,._._~_'~"",_."."-"""""7......'V"""'";):v...._""..........._,,~....c_.._..,,..""j; CASH RECEIPT ''''11"- :J~, ----..-._- --.- ~)\j ~