White Glove Exp. Add, L1R1 & 1R2, BA/Rep - AG 060711 THE-CiTY'OF DEPT: Planning AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL DATE: July 11, 2006 ITEM #: 11 ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the White Glove Express Addition, Lots lRI and IR2, Block A, Replat, to allow the subdivision of one lot into two lots, allowing for separate ownership of each lot, containing 1.628 acres of property located along the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 500 feet south of Braewood Drive, at the request of Joe Pipes, Vintage Wash-Coppell, L.P. Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve subject to conditions 1-9 below GOAL(S): ... . ~~Rg~~~I~ ON ABOVE DATE M - Tunnell S - Faught Vote - 7-0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: . Libby Ball t...... 2006.07.1 . .. 8 15:46:25 -05'00' Date ofP&Z Meetin2: June 15,2006 Decision ofP&Z Commission: Approval (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt, Hall, McCaffrey, Foreman, Haas, Kittrell and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Staff recommends approval, with the following conditions: I. This plat shall not be filed with Dallas County unless the Board of Adjustment grants all required variances to the Zoning Ordinance to assure that both lots are in compliance, including: a) Variance to the 10-foot perimeter landscape requirement adjacent to both sides of the internal (new) lot line, with the required trees being planted elsewhere on the lots. b) Lot IRI- · Reduction of the side yard setback from 30 feet to 12 feet along the southern property line. · The existing 6-foot brick wall adjacent to the Lone Star Gas Easement, with additional trees in the triangular area shall be provided in lieu of the perimeter landscaping along the north property line. · No parking lot islands will be required; however, the nine trees will be planted within the perimeter landscaping adjacent to Denton Tap and the residential areas to the east. · A reduction of the overall landscape requirement by 7,476 square feet, subject to additional shrubs and ornamental trees being planted to enhance the appearance of the site. c) Lot I R2 - · A reduction of the overall landscape requirement by 377 square feet, subject to additional shrubs and ornamental trees being planted to enhance the appearance of the site. 2. Recalculation and clarification on the number of trees being provided as indicated on the plan and within the Plant List (minor discrepancies exist). 3. A tree removal permit will be required prior to the removal of any trees. 4. Submission of a complete Maintenance Agreement for the shared utilities. 5. Shared utility easements must be noted as Private on all sheets. 6. Submission of an agreement for the shared use of the dumpster. 7, A clarification of the "ACCESS EASEMENT AND R-O-W," Vol. 97131, PG 5879, which was filed in the Deed Records of Dallas County. 8. The existing landscaping is not in compliance with the Landscape Plan approved with the SUP-I074RR, due to dead and missing plant material and must be brought up to code irrespective of the outcome of these re-platting efforts. 9. Contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 at TXU Electric Delivery to discuss easement requirements. Agenda Request Fonn - Revised 09/04 Document Name: @3WGE,L1RI&IR2,A-Rep I-AR CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL 2148288279 08/30/08 09:50pm P. 001 Jun 30 06 05:06p GAP C8pi~al. LLC 214-350-9099 pl. 1 PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND DUMPSTER SHARING AGREEMENT THIS PRIV ATE WILrry EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND DUMPSTER SHARING AGREEMENT (thIs "Agreement") rs entered into to be effective as of July _, 2006. WHEREAS. VINTAGE W ASH.COPPELL, LP ("VintaGe") is the owner of the two lrncls which are described on Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" hereto (the "Trllcts"); WHEREAS, the Tracts are mutually benefited by a private utility easement which is shown on [he survey of the Tr'dcts attached hereto as Exhibit lie" (the '.UtiJity Easement"); WHEREAS. Vintage desires to sct forth the obliglltions of the current and future owners of the Tracts with respect to the maintenance of the Utility Ea$ement and the utilit)' lines within the Utility Easement; WHEREAS. therG is a dumpster enclosure located on the tract described On Exhibit" N' ("Tract A"), nod it is the desire of Vintage to allow the dumpster to be utilized in ths future by the owners ofbolk Ttl1Ct~; NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt Bnd sufficiency of whjch arc hereby acknowledged, Vintage agrees as follows; 1. Maintenance of Utility Easement. Each of the owners of the Tracts shall be solely re~ponsjble for the repair and maintenance of improvements (ie. p:wing, lalldsCOlpe. walls, etc.) on the surface area of the Utility Easement which is on their respective Tract. The Trllet owners shall jointly share the costs of repairs and improvements to underground utility Jines which are located within the Utility EaSement. Unless the costs of repairs to undergfO\lnd ytihty lines is the direct and proltimate result of the intentional actions or negligence or a respective Tr<lct owner, the costs Of repa;{$ and improvements to underground utility Hnes in the Utility Easement shall be borne in equal shares by the Tract owners. If the cost of repairs is the result of intentional actions or negligence or one Tract owner, :such owner shall bear all of the costs of repairs and improvements to the underground utility lines in the Utility .E3sement arising out of such intentional or negligent act. For purposes of Ihis paragraph, utility lines shall include water lines, sewer lines, gas lines. and electric lines. The obligations of the owners of each Tract snaIl run witllthe land. 2. Use of Dumpster and Mlllllrellance of Dumpster Enclosure. The owner of Tract A shall retain the services of a disposal company to supply and service a garbage dumpster for the joint benefit of the owners of the Tracts, The costs incurred in providing the garbage dumpster and servicing it shall be borne in equal shares by the Tract owners. The Tract owners shall jointly share the COOlS of maintenance. repairs and improvements to the dumpster enclosure. Unless the costs of repairs to the dumpster endo$ute is the direct and prox.imAte resuJt of the il'ltentionalllctions or negligence of a respeclive Tract owner, the costs of repairs and CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL 2148268279 06/80/06 09:85pm P. 008 JUI"l 30 Db 04l40p GAP Capltal~ LlC 21"-350-6099 10.3 improvements shall be borne in equal share~ hy tne Tnlct ownCni. If the cost of repairs is the result of intentional actions or negligence of one Tract owner, slIch owner shall bear all of the costs of repairs to the dumpster enclosure arising out of such intentional or negligent act. The obligations of the owners of each Tract shall nm with the land. 3. Attorney's Fees. The prevailing party in any legal proceeding regarding this Agreement Shall be entitled to recover from the other party all reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in cunm;clioTl with such proceeding. 4. Assignment. In the event Vintage shall transfer or seJ] either Tract, the purchaser of such property shall aSBvme the ohligatiom; and duties hereunder of the prior owner, llnd the pnor owner shall be relieved of ilny further obligations, liabilities, and duties arising hereunder. 5. Entire Agreement, This instrument contains the entire agreement relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any mal representations or mOdIfications concerning this instrument shall be of no force llnd effect e!l.cept a subsequent modifiC<\tion in writing, signed by the party to be charged. EXECl.ITED to he effecli ve as of the date (irst written above. Vintage Wash-Coppell. LP, a Texas limited p.l\rfllcrship By: OWO 'Investments, LL.C., a Texas limited liahility company Its: Sole General Partner By: R. J, Pipes lis: Manager 2 CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL 2148268279 06/30/08 09:85pm P. 004 Jun ~O 06 O"t....O,. GRP CaF1~al, LLC 2]... - 350." 9099 p.4 ST A TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME. the undersigned authority. 01'1 this day personally appeared R. 1. Pipes, Manager of GWD Investments. LLC., the sole general pllrtncr of Vintage Wash..Coppell, LP, a Texas limited partnership, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing in~trument anti acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considenltiou therein expressed, as the act and deed of said Jimited partnership. and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY llANO AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _ day of July. 2006. Notary Public, Slate of Texas Printed Name of Notary: My C:ommilision E"'pire&: After recording return to: Vintage Wash-Coppell. LP 1909 Woodall Rodgers Freeway Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75201 ~ CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL 2148288278 08/30/08 09:35pm P. 005 JlJn 30 06 O~:40p GAP Capital, LLC 214-350-9099 p.5 EXHIBIT "An Lot lR 1. Block A. White Glove Express Addition. an addition to the City ()f Coppell, Dallas County. Texas. CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL 2148288279 08/30/08 09:35pm P. 008 Jun 30 06 04:40p GAP Capital, LLC 214-350-9033 f.G EXffiBlT JIB" Lot lR2, Block A, White Glove Ex.press Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas. CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL 2148268279 ~6(80/08 09:85pm P. 007 Jun 30 06 04~40p GAP Cap i t.a 1, LLC 214-350 9099 p.? E.XHIBIT "C" ,.. SURVEY OF 0.808 or AN M:JS or LUfI) BEING A POIUION Of lOT 1 R. BlOCK A. \lJHrn: (;I"Q\IE EXflFtess ",OOlMN. MI ADDITIDN TO 1)1[ em' Of CoPPEU.. DAUA'i COUNlY. T(XAS. ~Cr:..oROING TO lHE' PlAT FllID IN vOLIME g7 I 98. PACE 2$)2. PU.T RECORDS OF T~ COUNTY. TEXAS- ~C1M: I) .-cs Nf( WED IA'UM lIO\'IJIIEMIS flllINI) AT Tlj[ ~ coPltlfJ? AND Ttll. SQlmEJlST COMDI 01' lOT ,It. llI..OCll; !\" IIttlR: 0lP\It MJ\Il'IlON. AM W\lIIION 10 1l-IE ctrr Of' CiOPP'fLL IINJ,Il$ CoOUNr'(. ClIIdo. ....._. IV It'It .-LW' p~ 11M --. '1'1 WIll. ...... ~ I"U\I Nt,CUWIIS ... DI\U.l\5 tauN'\'I. 1DIIoS. ~ '~:'/T~=(~)-'~'~-~'~'I ~ I~~ ~,. Ml a: j~ ~ .._~..... "- M~~ I ~ ~,,, ....~ . I I ........... ~Gt._ "'- . ~~ ,I I .......... 'I!.-S.7:. '- 50 0 50 d ..1 I I ..... "'(, ~ ~ .... - j ~ ~ ~ 1\ I I .... ~~s _ --.......... ~ Sc:o..~ ." ,. 50' O! ~~ \ I I f' ~ o.'t~(.~4~. "-.... I--- ......f- ';>.'""/- "'- 101M ' I I,' "- '-. (b ~....o. " I:;:j~~ I\! : L/~-->-'~ -'~... ....~~ '- '- ~~~ II : ,/f ;- ------- ---" " ~...~III ...r' /...~~ ~ ;-..J % I I "I f UllO jC. " ..... _~ I I/', .r .J '- '- U 1.( Y'''' iii lor 1R. Bl.K. .... --." {fl'>.... 1(11 ,,"'1 g WHr~,GLOV~ O(PR~ tiED'N. ~ " I. l..i'.- I v~.... 97 105, ?G. +5.:u. " ' .( ..'or.>' IlL ~ '" AI 1 ~ ..~.~. ~ ---, /,/ I I ~ rjU).CT. ......~/ I J__L ~ja!.V'..!?!:o.!._f:..::_W..J~- ~<t<b. , I I I r;;;'~E~;;)- ~ I · I I I 15'_' U.E- cri I I ;1 J....-J -:: ",. pc.. 1~1 .... ~' , P;PQSIID) · aiJ ~ I I J.Dt IRS. BJ..I:. A ~ ~ I ~ ' o.AIOlI .6C. 11 I IItXBS esu'l. .It R--O-w I - I LVOL lt7U1. fIG. lMmI $ I O.ltJl.c:.f. _20' B.L I ___ --~ I ~~ ~~. I I I I I I I ---[S;;,~~~-~;:;;:~ iii VOL 2005048, PO. 20 , I_ ".R.D.C.T. ~ (ZONEO "ej -rt"_ ~.) ')r~~' ~... . a....L.S. tIO. 8'1 rsa ..lRAT( MmJ MJ SOUNDS Q€SCIlIVIlOIt INm' ~ (IAn: ~ -.--.- r __--- ..... -. ....... -', w- ....- 06067 tR2 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: White Glove Express Addition Lots lRl & lR2" Block A" Replat P & Z HEARING DATE: c.c. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: Page 1 of6 June 15,2006 July 11, 2006 Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director 250 and 254 South Denton Tap Road 1.628 acres S-1074RR-Commercial Replat the existing lot into two lots of 1.020 and 0.608 acres respectively, allowing separate ownership of each lot. Owner: Joe Pipes Vintage Wash-Coppell, L.P. 1909 Woodall Rogers Freeway, Suite 550 Dallas, Texas 75201 214- 350-9070 FAX: 214-350-9099 Landscape Architect: Chris Russell Christopher Russell Landscape Architecture 5925 La Vista, Number 3 Dallas, Texas 75206 214-695-7344 FAX: 214-826-8279 Item # 6 Surveyor: Landes & Associates 1107 E. First St. Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817-870-1220 x 02 FAX: 817-870-1292 HISTORY: In December of 1993, SUP-1074 was approved for White Glove Express Car Wash. In mid-1994, the preliminary and final plats were approved for this 0.988- acre tract of land. Approximately 2 Y2 years later, this SUP was expanded by approximately Y2 acre to allow an oil lube and car detailing facility to be constructed. The property was then replatted to incorporate this additional land into one lot, which is currently proposed to be subdivided into two. In 1998, the SUP was revised to allow "Q Lube" signage, The Vintage Car Wash sign was administratively approved in December 2001. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six-lane, divided thoroughfare, contained within 110 feet of right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Coppell Professional Office Buildings; "c" Commercial South - Creme de la Creme Day Care Center; "PD-208-C" Planned Development Commercial East - Braewood West Single Family Subdivision; "SF -7" Single Family-7 West - Wynnpage Office Buildings; "c" Commercial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for mixed uses. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this replat is to divide the existing lot into two, to allow for separate ownership of the two existing uses, a car wash and a oil lube center. While initially this appears fairly straight forward, it becomes complicated when dividing this land into two separate parcels resulting in each lot becoming non-compliant in terms of various zoning regulations, including setbacks and landscaping. While variances to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance cannot be granted through this re-plating process, they will be enumerated and analyzed from a planning perspective. Ultimately, if this replat is recommended for approval, this action will need to be subject to relief being granted by the Board of Adjustment. Side Yard Setbacks The existing "c" Commercial zoning district requires a 30' side yard. There is currently only a 44-foot separation between the two buildings, Therefore, if platted as requested, the northern building will have a 12- foot yard, and the southern building a 32-foot side yard. The northern building would require a 40% variance to this setback regulation. Landscaping This property was originally developed, and later expanded, under previous Landscape Ordinances. While this project was in compliance at the time of development, various aspects are not in compliance with current regulations. This non-compliance issue is further compounded by subdividing this lot into Item # 6 Page 2 of6 two, causing additional requirements and resulting in significant deficiencies, especially in the proposed Lot lRl car wash facility. The summary of the results is analyzed below. Lot lRl - Car Wash Facility If subdivided, this lot will be non-compliant on all three levels of landscaping, perimeter, interior and non-vehicular. Perimeter landscaping - a minimum 10' buffer is required adjacent to all property lines, not including the street frontage. · New intemallot line - No landscape buffer is being provided adjacent to the proposed new lot line. The applicant will need to secure a variance to this requirement, in terms of amount of landscape area. The seven trees required within this buffer area are proposed to be planted elsewhere on the site. · North property line - as approved in the original landscape plan, instead of the perimeter landscaping adjacent to the Lone Star Gas Easement, a 6-foot high brick wall was constructed, with a triangular landscape area, containing two trees and landscaping. The applicant will need to secure a variance to this perimeter landscape requirement, in terms of amount of landscape area. The seven trees required along this property line are being provided in the triangular landscape area. The east and west property lines, adjacent to the residential and Denton Tap Road respectively, will exceed the provisions of the landscape ordinance (i.e. existing 5 to 8 inch caliper overstory trees), and will further be enhanced when a total of 22 additional overs tory trees are added along the perimeters in lieu of planting internal to the site. Interior Landscaping - 10% of paving area, parking islands. etc. · Currently required by the Landscape Ordinance but not by previous Landscape Ordinances, therefore no islands are provided on this lot. The nine trees that would be required internal to the parking lot are being provided elsewhere on this lot. Non-vehicular Landscaping - 15% of the lot not covered by buildings · This also was a newer addition to the Landscape Ordinance; therefore, only 1,382 of the 5,724 square feet of landscaping are being provided on this lot. The two trees that would be required are being provided elsewhere on this lot. In summary, this lot is short 7,476 square feet oflanctscaping, and the applicant is requesting that in lieu of providing these landscape areas, additional ornamental trees, shrubs and plantings be substituted. Item # 6 Page30f6 Lot 1 R2 - Lube Center This lot will generally comply on all three levels of landscaping, except for the provision of the 10 feet of perimeter landscaping along the new north and east property lines, and a 377-square-foot shortage in overall landscape area. Almost 30% of the lot area is devoted to landscape areas, and 17 new overs tory trees and shrubs are proposed to be planted to be in compliance with the original landscape plan as well as the plan currently proposed. Parking The lots are proposed to be subdivided in such a configuration that the existing 16 parking spaces along the east property line will be platted to serve the car wash. The applicant has stated even though this exceeds the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance of 9 spaces for this use, this amount of parking is needed to accommodate the employees and customers. The Lube Center lot is proposed to be modified to add 8 parking spaces directly behind the lube center, which includes the installation of the required landscape islands. There is one existing accessible space adjacent to the south side of the building; therefore, meeting the nine required parking spaces for the lube center, Dumpster There is currently one dumpster serving both businesses. Once replatted, this dumpster will be on the car wash lot. Staff believes a private agreement also needs to be entered into allowing for the shared use of this dumpster. The Replat The Replat instrument is compliant with the technical aspects of the Subdivision Ordinance. However, staff is concerned about the irregular shape of the car wash lot to provide additional parking for this use. Finally, two clarifications on this plat are needed. The first relates to the notation on Lot I R2 - "ACCESS EASEMENT AND R-O-W," Vol. 97131, PG 5879 which was filed in the Deed Records of Dallas County. A copy needs to be provided to determine the effect, if any, it would have on the current platting activities. The second is an Engineering requirement. If subdivided into two lots, the existing shared utilities need to be placed in a Private Utility Easement, and a maintenance agreement needs to be submitted for review and ultimately filed for record with Dallas County. An incomplete agreement was submitted and revisions are needed. While this replatting activity will not effect the built environment from a visible perspective and the general public will not be aware of the lot line separating these two uses, these non-compliance issues (setbacks, landscaping, locations of parking and dumpster, shared utilities, etc.) caused by the replat must be addressed through a separate legal process. In this case, Board of Adjustment action will be required prior to filing this replat. In the event any of the variances are not granted by the Board, this plat cannot be filed because it would result in the existing development being non-compliant. Item # 6 Page 4 0[6 RLCOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the replat of Lots 1 R 1 and 1 R2 of the White Glove Express Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. This plat shall not be filed with Dallas County unless the Board of Adjustment grants all required variances to the Zoning Ordinance to assure that both lots are in compliance, including: a) Variance to the 10-foot perimeter landscape requirement adjacent to both sides of the internal (new) lot line, with the required trees being planted elsewhere on the lots. b) Lot 1RI - . Reduction of the side yard setback from 30 feet to 12 feet along the southern property line. . The existing 6-foot brick wall adjacent to the Lone Star Gas Easement, with additional trees in the triangular area shall be provided in lieu of the perimeter landscaping along the north property line. . No parking lot islands will be required, however the nine trees will be planted within the perimeter landscaping adjacent to Denton Tap and the residential areas to the east. . A reduction of the overall landscape requirement by 7,476 square feet, subject to additional shrubs and ornamental trees being planted to enhance the appearance of the site. c) Lot IR2- . A reduction of the overall landscape requirement by 377 square feet, subject to additional shrubs and ornamental trees being planted to enhance the appearance of the site. 2. Recalculation and clarification on the number of trees being provided as indicated on the plan and within the Plant List (minor discrepancies exist). 3. A tree removal permit will be required prior to the removal of any trees. 4. Submission of a complete Maintenance Agreement for the shared utilities. 5. Shared utility easements must be noted as Private on all sheets. 6. Submission of an agreement for the shared use of the dumpster. /. A clarification of the "ACCESS EASEMENT AND R-O- W," Vol. 97131, PG 5879, which was filed in the Deed Records of Dallas County. 8. The existing landscaping is not in compliance with the Landscape Plan approved with the SUP-I074RR, due to dead and missing plant material and must be brought up to code irrespective of the outcome of these re-platting efforts. 9. Contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 at TXU Electric Delivery to discuss easement requirements. Item # 6 Page 50f6 AL TERNA TIVES I) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATT ACHMENTS: I) Existing Tree Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Replat Item # 6 Page 6 of6 ~ Zj - 21 H -<:: >~i -1 ...-, ~""i :r:: ljS -~:::I :\l wa:: :r:: c'" ...------< ZCJ cZI =- 5t:! :-.... (l)i '--" ...j-' ~ o~: 1 1 ~ ~I J::: >-~I~ ......J ~i=! ~ C8 ;;!il ~ ""'I t . 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