White Glove Exp Add, L1R1, & 1R2, BA/Rep - DRC 060526 THE.CITY.OF COPPELL ,di ~~ en C1- .5 DRe Agenda and Staff Comments Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 PROJECT: White Glove Express Addition. Replat PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Marcie Diamond DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3676 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: May 26, 2006 PAGES: (including cover) TO: Joe Pipes.- Landes & Associates /' FAX: 214-350-9099 817-870-1292 Items Transmitted: 1 . Agenda for the June 1, 2006 DRC Meeting 2. DRC Comments Remarks: A. Please revise all plans and plat(s) based on staff recommendations. Should the applicant disagree with staff comments, please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the June 1, 2006 Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. B. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plans and plat(s) to the June 1, 2006 DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. A representative of the project is required to attend this meeting. C. The applicant will have until noon, June 6, 2006 to submit 12-24' x 36' sets, and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG, TIF, PDF OR SIMILAR ELECTRONIC FORMA T of each exhibit. Only two sets of revised preliminary engineering and irrigation plans are required. Reductions and electronic copies are not required of the engineering and irrigation plans. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 972-304- 3676 or e-mail atmdiamond@ci.coppelI.tx.us THE.ClTY o F CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT COPPELL ~*~ - Proiect ID RP-06-0021 Address 250 S Denton Tap Rd COPPELL , !l, Proiect Name White Glove Express Addition, Lots 1 r1 & 1 r2. B P Proiect Type Replat Application Date 5/18/2006 Case Manager Marcie Diamond Proiect Description To allow the subdivision of one lot into two lots, allowing for separate ownership of each lot, 1 of 2 Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Charlene La Mattina Review Date 5/25/2006 5/26/2006 5/24/2006 Fire Administration Tim Oates 5/23/2006 Parks and Recreation John Elias 5/25/2006 Planning Department Marcie Diamond 5/23/2006 Comments 1. No comments. No Comments Received 1. The new utility easement should be a "Private Utility Easement." 2. Provide an agreement for the maintenance of the shared utilities located within the private utility easement. 3. Establish separate domestic service for each lot. (Each lot should have its own domestic meter.) 1. Inconsistency related to the 'fire lane' on several sheets. 1. Need a current Tree Survey, the landscape plan turned in with DRC packet is lacking required information. CODE COMPLIANCE ISSUES: This replat can not be approved as submitted because it will make existing developments on both lots non-compliant with the various regulations of the Zoning Ordinance, including setbacks, landscaping, and parking, specifically: 1. The existing C zoning district requires a 30' side yard. If platted as proposed, the northern building will only have a 10' side yard. 2. All provisions of the Landscape Ordinance would have to be complied with after platted into two separate lots, it appears that there would be significant deficiencies, including: Sec. 12-34-8: (B) Interior landscaping - 10% of paving area, one tree per 400 square feet and provision of parking islands at the end of each row of parking, maximum 15 spaces in a row, etc... (C) Perimeter landscaping. a minimum of 10' buffer adjacent to all property lines, not adjacent to the street. No landscape buffer is being provided adjacent to the proposed new lot line. Sec. 12-34-9: (A) non-vehicular open space is required which is equal at least 15 percent of that portion of the lot not covered by a building or by buildings, of which a minimum of 50 percent shall be located in the required front yard. C I T Y 0 F COPPELL ~ *' c ,- ..... " Agency Reviewed By THE-CiTY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT COPPELL fd " " Reyiew Date Comments 3. Parking: car wash requires 1 space per 500 square feet = 9.3 spaces, lube center 1 space per 200 square feet = 9.4 spaces for a total of 19 spaces (18.7 rounded to the nearest whole) only 16 parking spaces are shown on the site plan, all of which are proposed to be platted as part of the car wash lot, leaving no parking for the lube center. At a minimum, the parking behind the lube center should be devoted to that use, and not platted with the car wash. It must also be noted, that the existing landscaping is not in compliance with the Landscape Plan approved with the SUP 1074RR, and must be brought up to code irrespective of the re-platting efforts herein. DRAFTING ISSUES: Plat: 1. Delete one of the two City Secretary's signature blocks 2. Revise the franchise utility signature block from TXU Gas to Atmos Energy 3. Explain the "ACCESS EASEMENT AND R-O-W", Vol. 97131, PG 5879 DR.D.C.T. - was it established by separate instrument ?.it did not appear on the replat filed in Vol. 97198, PO 2532 "Tree Survey": 1. Need to submit a Landscape Plan/Revised Site Plan for each lot indicating compliance or requested variances from Zoning/Landscape/Parking Ordinance as applicable when two lots. 2. Revised Site and Landscape Plan and Plat need to be at the same scale. 3. Board of Adjustment action will be required. ....-".,_.,...,..,r.........'~~r-..~',~...:...-. MEMORANDUM r--.. .'. .': - 1- ~ ., \ G: ,: _...':(~:.:,J;;i-'_~::~c . ; 1: ~ I \ I, .I / \ ,. , 'Ui \,', , ' I :i , l,\ JUN 1 2006 To: ,.... .. .... Malt Steer From: Jeft Curry Date: June 1,2006 Subject: June DRe S-1121R-SF-9, St. Ann Catholic Parish, Zoning Change - zoning change ucceptable, pleuse contact Rick Fielding at 972-888-1344 to discuss electrical requirements, Third Replat of Saint Ann Catholic Church - replat unllcceptable, please contact Rick Fielding at 972-888-1344 tn rlbcus~ relocation of TXLJ Electnc Delivery facilities. ------- ~ White Glove Express Addition, Lots lRl and lR2, Block A, Rcplat - replat " ( unacceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss easement ~ " requlfements. .__---- --- -------. ......-.----- --.-. " ----- All Care Veterinary Hospital, Lot lR, Blk A, Site Plan Amendment - site pl,m acceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to di$cus~ e1ec.:lrical reqU1fcmen ts. All Care Veterinary Hospil4ll, lAlt lR, lUock A, Replat - replat acceptable, please contact Larry Redl'ck at 972-323-8917 to discuss easement requirements. 22'd 260L t-0::: ,::'L6: 01 bOU8882LE. ^d3~Il30 J3l3 nXl:WOd~ 9S:9T 9002-T0-Nnr '1 \1. : . ~. L -nJ