White Glove Exp Add, L1R1 & 1R2, BA/Rep.- CS 061004 GAP CAPITAL 1909 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Suite 550, Dallas, TX 7520] (214) 35(V)070 Fax (214) 350-9099 www.gapcapitalcom L.L.c. October 4, 2006 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY City of Coppell Planning Department Attention: Marcie Diamond 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: White Glove Express Addition, Replat Dear Marcie: Enclosed please find two (2) copies of the recorded Private Utility Easement Maintenance Agreement and Dumpster Sharing Agreement. You will note the recording information on the last page of each document. I want to express my sincere appreciation for your assistance in the replat process, Your help in steering us through the process was invaluable, You are one of the most professional people I have had the opportunity to deal with. You are a valuable asset to your department and an outstanding representative for the City of Coppell. ( Sincere~y, I I \ . f / ....~t#J Joe Pipes ! i RECEIVED DC \ 5 2006 PLANNING DEPARTMENT [Jlof J It 3;)1 Nf-:>O - COrnm.ercuLf 11f1111~lmlll~m~~111111 :A:::~ 200600361900 PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND DUMPSTER SHARING AGREEMENT THIS PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND DUMPSTER SHARING AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into to be effective as of September 27,2006. WHEREAS, VINTAGE W ASH-COPPELL, LP ("Vintage") is the owner of the two tracts which are described on Exhibit "e' and Exhibit "D" hereto (the "Tracts"); WHEREAS, the Tracts are mutually benefited by a private utility easement which is described on Exhibit "A" hereto and shown on the attached hereto as Exhibit "B" (the "Private Utility Easement"); WHEREAS, Vintage desires to set forth the obligations of the current and future owners of the Tracts with respect to the maintenance of the Private Utility Easement and the utility lines within the Private utility Easement; WHEREAS, there is a dumpster enclosure located on the tract described on Exhibit "c" ("Tract C"), and it is the desire of Vintage to allow the dumpster to be utilized in the future by the owners of both Tracts; NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Vintage agrees as follows: 1. Maintenance of Private Utility Easement. Each of the owners of the Tracts shall be solely responsible for the repair and maintenance of improvements (ie. paving, landscape, walls, etc.) on the surface area of the Private Utility Easement which is on their respective Tract. The Tract owners shall jointly share the costs of repairs and improvements to underground utility lines which are located within the Private Utility Easement. Unless the costs of repairs to underground utility lines is the direct and proximate result of the intentional actions or negligence of a respective Tract owner, the costs of repairs and improvements to underground utility lines in the Private Utility Easement shall be borne in equal shares by the Tract owners. If the cost of repairs is the result of intentional actions or negligence of one Tract owner, such owner shall bear all of the costs of repairs and improvements to the underground utility lines in the Private Utility Easement arising out of such intentional or negligent act. For purposes of this paragraph, utility lines shall include water lines, sewer lines, gas lines, and electric lines. The obligations of the owners of each Tract shall run with the land. 2. Use of Dumpster and Maintenance of Dumpster Enclosure. The owner of Tract C shall retain the services of a disposal company to supply and service a garbage dumpster for the joint benefit of the owners of the Tracts. The costs incurred in providing the garbage dumpster and servicing it shall be borne in equal shares by the Tract owners. The Tract owners shall jointly share the costs of maintenance, repairs and improvements to the dumpster enclosure. Unless the costs of repairs to the dumpster enclosure is the direct and proximate result of the intentional actions or negligence of a respective Tract owner, the costs of repairs and improvements shall be borne in equal shares by the Tract owners. If the cost of repairs is the result of intentional actions or negligence of one Tract owner, such owner shall bear all of the costs of repairs to the dumpster enclosure arising out of such intentional or negligent act. The obligations of the owners of each Tract shall run with the land. 3. Attorney's Fees. The prevailing party in any legal proceeding regarding this Agreement shall be entitled to recover from the other party all reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in connection with such proceeding. 4. Assignment. In the event Vintage shall transfer or sell either Tract, the purchaser of such property shall assume the obligations and duties hereunder of the prior owner, and the prior owner shall be relieved of any further obligations, liabilities, and duties arising hereunder. 5. Entire Agreement. This instrument contains the entire agreement relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force and effect except a subsequent modification in writing, signed by the party to be charged. EXECUTED to be effective as of the date first written above. Vintage Wash-Coppell, LP, a Texas limited partnership By: GWD Investments, L.L.C., a Texas r 'ted liability company Its: Sole Ge I Partner By: R. J. Pipes Its: Manager 2 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared R. J. Pipes, Manager of GWD Investments, L.L.C., the sole general partner of Vintage Wash-Coppell, LP, a Texas limited partnership, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of said limited partnership, and in the capacity therein stated. i!:.. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 2'[ day of September, 2006. / 0(___ ,\\\\\1\\1111'''''1/11111 ~""\\ ~ :3 E I? IIQq~ ~ _,0_........-. 1/\ ~ *',-- . ~."'r:c.,. ~ $" ~.~., ~"t PUll ....7.A_~ , '<7-' '''"*< .-v ~ :::':~ .....o~ :;.2:":0 Cl', ';: =(I):~ : ;: \ \ <P", l; 1 ~ '. ""'I)-I: ...<V : if ~ '_. Or.:, ..' ~ ~ -..,I:XP\R<i:...:\ ~ ~q, 04"'1"4-";':00 ~,# '/"1111. .. - J,. \\\.\\"\ 11111""fItl\\lI\\\\W _. "-------- .' . . - .-.- / ). Printed Name of Notary~ 1\{10/J t5e rifl:{ rd My Commission Expires: L\ - \ U - ~ C.D " After recording return to: Vintage Wash-Coppell, LP 1909 Woodall Rodgers Freeway Suite 550 Dallas, TX 75201 3 PROPERTY DESCRllPTION FOR A VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE Uffi.,ITY EASEMENT 0.0293 of an acre ofland situated in LotI R., Block A., White Glove Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat: filed in Volume 97198, Page 2532, Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas~ said 0.0293 of an acre orland being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a ~ inch iron rod set with plastic cap stamped "Landes & Assoc:' at the northeast corner of said Lot 1~ also being the northwest comer of Block A, Braewood West Addition, an addition to the City ofCoppeU, DaUas County, Texas, ac.cording to tbe plat filed in Volume 80153, Page 53, Plat Records of DaUas County, Texas~ THENCE S 00036'02" W~ along the common line of said Lot IR and said Block A, 77.61 feet~ THENCE N 89.59'09" W, leaving said line, 56.92 feet~ THENCE N 00004'37" E, 1 0.00 feet~ THENCE S 89059'09" E~ 47.01 feet; THENCE N 00036'02" E, 73.74 feet to the northeasterly line of said Lot lR; THENCE S 58 u 19' 18" E along said line, 1 1.68 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.0293 of an acre ofland_ ~0.~p tj/Z'l/OlP EXHIBIT "A" " "oc c.... Oc-o a~e . E"D ... o"81:l~ U c "iit! -;;0. o os: ~ ~C""l; S:O ::a 1::*2.20 gJ 010 ~t~.2 ....~58 ... 8 ~~o"O ~i Ii.. o 0"0 -~xl5 !J~~i i g ~rx; Em c.... ::J ::d! 15 <<8 ll. e: .c-i c.s,g~ 8.~8N :>0 lP "Oii=CJl :: E :t~ .8 8 8"!D" 01;;00> "'.1-- o 0" / 0) 0> .rl5'~ / i......2/'" m:5zg r ? q,; / 9.t.~ / ~... ~ ;p~. ~"'Q"" t;-~};,~' / [yn.... ~~ / " ~i// ;~ ~ ~ ti ~ f;cl ~ ~ E-t :0 fOf;cl !::~ I~ p.. ::t: E-t ~ fj ~ ~ :... "- I'i ":.jJ ~ ~. g )q;,Y ~ m~ ~ I .o? ~ aq p; I b~!:t .. I 0 g~ Y1~ 10% 0 I t-=~ ~ l5~ ze !f..: 140, -<E~ I ZIQ'~ ::::tQ.~.g X I ~~tri ~~~ ;.o(~j \ l!s,..n. .XN. ~...o' .. 0"11. ..; - . \ b . <'101::: (IOcr: \ N....l - . \ g .J I- ,,0.. L \ \) g ~:l!~t)... /~ Ta~ i~ __L_____~~-~ : " ,---j ___ ________~-~--:--L--! _----- - ~ ~ r I .~ wz jE- f2~ G: Z . 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ION b>0> ~~ -! m . g\ I~ y~ :2":\ r= (,) ~':c:i :!a; ,..0 mOt ~~ to-' ~ ~~ 5~ l!!S ~d ~ ~ o N - LJ . sf"'; ~ -~ X Ill!: inr::o: _Ol o ZN .0(2 . .15~ :So ....: m~~ti -~~ci ~~o~ I-m 0 11. g~~ ~~ ~ EXIDBIT "C" Lot lR, Block A, White Glove Addition, an Additipn to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas EXIllBIT "D~' Lot lR2, Block A, White Glove Addition, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas FILED RND RECORDED ~~~, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS (&~.'~1 \:~/ ~Jhik ~~ (JJh,Mt--- ~~~/ Cynthia Figueroa Calhoun, County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS September 28, 2006 03:47:24 PM 200600361900 FEE: $40.00