White Glove Exp Add, L1R1 & L1R2, BA/Rep CS 060712 T'Hr;:.CITV.OF ,,';;'::"'-:~~'.i...,_\_.'!.:fi i~~4~,,, .-.:; ~~~~, ,...., ,~.~' '---s.~.J/Id,-;"l -, ) ...<;~< ~ _',j~~W"' Cl f' ~~-~^ '...... " ,t /\ " \ j\ 6) corrELL July 12,2006 Mr. Joe Pipes, Owner Vintage Wash-Coppell, LP. 1909 Woodall Rogers Freeway, Suite 550 Dallas, Texas 75201 RE: White Glove Express Addition, Lots lRl & lR2, Block A, Replat Dear Mr. Pipes: This letter is to inform you that White Glove Express Addition, Lots 1 R 1 and 1 R2, Block A, Replat, to allow the subdivision of one lot into two lots, allowing for separate ownership of each lot, containing 1.628 acres of property located along the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 500 feet south of Braewood Drive, at the request of Joe Pipes, Vintage Wash-Coppell, LP., was approved (7-0) by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, July 11, 2006, subject to the following conditions: 1. This plat shall not be filed with Dallas County unless the Board of Adjustment grants all required variances to the Zoning Ordinance to assure that both lots are in compliance, including: a) Variance to the 10-foot perimeter landscape requirement adjacent to both sides of the internal (new) lot line, '.vith the required trees being planted elsewhere on the lots. b) Lot lRl ~ . Reduction of the side yard setback from 30 feet to 10.75' feet along the southern property line. . The existing 6-foot brick wall adjacent to the Lone Star Gas Easement, with additional trees in the triangular area shall be provided in lieu of the perimeter landscaping along the north property line. . No parking lot islands will be required; however, the nine trees will be planted within the perimeter landscaping adjacent to Denton Tap and the residential areas to the east. . A reduction of the overall landscape requirement by 7,476 square feet, subject to additional shrubs and ornamental trees being planted to enhance the appearance of the site. c; F' A f"{ K VV /\ y * p _ () ['-~ Cl X C) 4 -, 8 * (\ P PEL L T X 7 50 1 9 * TEL 9 7 2/4 6 2 0022 * FAX 97 2/304 3 6 7 3 c) Lot 1 R2 - . A reduction of the overall landscape requirement by 377 square feet, subject to additional shrubs and ornamental trees being planted to enhance the appearance of the site. J A tree removal permit will be required prior to the removal of any trees. 3. Revision to the Maintenance Agreement for the shared utilities, to include the mutual access easements, which shall be revised on the replat to extend between and encircle the buildings. 4. Shared utility easements must be noted as Private on all sheets, and location of existing utilities must be verified and correctly reflected on the plat as private utility easements. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the business on Lot 1 R2, separate water and irrigation meters will be required. 6. The existing landscaping is not in compliance with the Landscape Plan approved with the SUP- 1074RR, due to dead and missing plant material and must be brought up to code irrespective of the outcome of these re-platting efforts. 7. Contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 at TXU Electric Delivery to discuss easement requirements. Please submit a revised Replat and Site/Landscape Plan after Board of Adjustment action on this request. This Replat must be submitted for signatures by City Officials within six months after approval by the City Council (January 11. 20Of), or it shall be deemed null and void and resubmittal shall be required. It is recommended that this plat not be prepared for filing, including obtaining the franchise utility signatures, until after receiving Engineering comments on the first review of the civil plans. After City signatures have been procured, it is the applicant's responsibility to file the document with the Dallas County Plat Records Department. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements for filing. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at 972.304.3678. (~~reIY, J: c ~ r \~ (jtJ CJifJ 0. T (""b AIel) \...Idly Lf' 01~, .. .1 qirector of Planning I v c: Chris Russell Landes & Associates Building Inspection File