Freeport N., L3CR, Quill/Rep.-AG 060808 THE CITY OF DEPT: Planning AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL >i-~.. . , DATE: August 8, 2006 ITEM #: 15 ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Freeport North, Lot 3CR, Quill Corporation, Replat, to extend the fire lane and establish additional utility easements to allow the construction of a 33,000-square-foot building addition to the rear of the existing I 46,000-square-foot office/warehouse building, on 9.5 acres of property, located at 440 S. Royal Lane ;\PPRC)VED B'{ Crry COUNCIL ,.ON ABOVED~rE Motion to close the Public Hearing & Approve subject to conditions 1 & 2 below GOAL(S): M - Tunnell S - Peters Vote - 7-0 . Libby 8all .t.., ' 2006.08.22 , ,.' . 15:58:18 .05'00' EXEClTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meetine: July 20, 2006 Decision ofP&Z Commission: Approval (5-0) with Commissioners Hall, Foreman, Haas, Kittrell and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: I) Additional comments may be generated at the time of final engineering review. 2) A Construction Development Permit will be required. Staff recommends approval. Agenda Re4uest Form - Revised 09/04 Document Name: @6FN, L3CR, QC, REP l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Freeport North" Lot 3CR" Quill Corporation" Rel!!!! P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: July 20, 2006 August 8, 2006 STAFF REP.: Matt Steer, City Planner LOCATION: 440 S. Royal Lane SIZE OF AREA: 9.5 acres CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: To extend the fire lane and establish additional utility easements to allow the construction of a 33,000-square-foot building addition to the rear of the existing 146,000-square-foot office/warehouse building. APPLICANT: Owner: Coppell Mills Ltd. Partnership John Whitney Dallas, Texas 75220 508-253-8437 Fax: 508-253-8961 Architect: Mayse & Associates, Greg Daspit 14850 Quorum Dr., Suite 201 Dallas, Texas 75254 972-386-0338 Fax: 972-386-0578 HISTORY: The final plat for Freeport North was approved by City Council on August 8, 1984. A reduction in required parking for this use from 188 to 96 was granted by the Board of Adjustment on April 4, 1996. A replat of Lot 3C and a portion of 5R (Quill Corporation) was approved on April 9, 1996. Item # 7 Page 1 of2 TRANSPORTATION: Royal Lane is designated as a C4D/6 four-lane, divided collector built to standard in a 100' right-of-way capable of accommodating a six-lane, divided thoroughfare. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - ADP (Auto Data Processing) Office/Warehouse, "LI" Light Industrial South - Lam Lee Group Office/Warehouse, "LI" Light Industrial East - Wagon Wheel Park, "LI" Light Industrial West - Duke Realty Corp. Office/Warehouse, "LI" Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for light industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: This proposal is the companion piece to the Site Plan Amendment discussed immediately prior to this case. The Replat is intended to extend the fire lane/access easement, abandon a portion of the existing fire lane easement and establish additional waterline easements to accommodate a 33,000-square-foot warehousing addition to the existing Quill Facility. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROV AL of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1) Include a vicinity map on the first sheet. 2) Additional comments may be generated at the time of final . . . engmeenng reVIew. 3) A Construction Development Permit will be required. AL TERN A TIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat Item # 7 Page 2 of2 ~Ul ~Ul ~CD <Xl CD m ~\ ~ 'J "')~~ ..J CL .-- U C) u. <t 10 ~__ f- ~ <:(:30 J n_ u: n_ WQ'J l,L~ (y" [1' <t >-' CIJ.- ~ Ul CD (/) If) <( <(co m.JX [ <( <( _J L.LJ ::r ~" ~ f- a ~~ ~~~" Z!Cr:> >OZ ;~5~3u6 ~wen en~u th~~ ~>-~ <(C) o~.J CL<:( OU--.J Z :;; <t y~ w 0 :2 (~ en <t Ul ::::J~ ~ t:T]~ 'I t ~ 8!!.. '~~..~:'~;:;.~;.~'i ~~~~~'1"~-"" , " ~ H ~ n m,m'~ m:HI~, , I ,sl:!:::::::;:,;:;;\;;;II;~ .z..c.~. ~..~..'.~". ~. :;.' "I'~.".I".' 1 ~6~~~!;~,,~ :,"IZ"''''"'tZZZZ,~ I..~W '~I.: l;'-r;.. :: "1'i' '1.'1'.'. ' ".1'1 I ~. O"j , j, I -- ---- 1_' -- ; 1 ~ .1., ., c.':'I'j." ,I, "I '2'-"1'"""1" 1 1 3 i In" 11 I L' ,/ / . ~~ ! W f ~:i;:; :~ ',." , L ;g~ ~~~ ~~~ i? I; ,0l"68 ;.~ ~ ~ ,9<:;'lll" M "Ot,n.oo S !~ (11 __M~l:..O~'~_l__-:__,,-:;~ f-=-~. : 0 Sq:. 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