Freeport N, L3CR, Quill/Rep. - CS 060619 Subdivision Application Planning Departu1ent 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 ~ THE.CiTY.OF COPPELL lf~""'-.. *. d.-it. .-.!St l' /.l: _ 0 f: ~ -\' >'\ 1'; . \ ~ Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat Replat Amending Plat Minor Amending Fiting Date: ,,- I '1- O(P Filing Fees: Name of Applicant: _~_~rt N u....t+lrMcI Applicant Address: 5oc::> STAPLES DR - F A'P/YI/NbTON J Mil {]l70:>'-' Telephone Number: 50"3 - ~S ~ - €'4'37 Fax Number:.?~-:-d.S ~ -~" t Firm Preparing Plat: 1-1A"'1::>~ 4" Jt$:5<<: '/ ~ Address: I LtfS .sO G V Q(1.1.VY1 P l~ *- :l-O\ PIt'U..-tt-S" ,-rI 7 5~ 5Zf Telephone Number: .-!rlJ. ... 3g (,-Q3sfs' Fax Number: ~-r~ -"!Ii <... OS,~ All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to' Name: t6~ (Q p~prr Address: 11.f~?O ..G_\l~u.NI~R -:cf;.- .20) p~~J LX 7t;?5t.J Fax Number: ."J.. '3~(. 0 5"'18 Telephone Number: om- '"3i'c. O~"38 Name of SubdivIsion __E 1'.et:::ft:)/2'- General Location of Property: Lt4D S. }'.lortTht ~rJ'-( Jt1.-. L-.otM1' Present Zoning: L-1: i Single family IiI' ownhousc iID"pl~x IIM:]t~FamilY - !i H \r1C2biie Home !,olfice etail lLight Industrial iPlanned !Development ~loodplain Ov'mer's Signature: ~ ~:Z:VL Date:~{z~--' ~ ' -- :_F CentralfP&Zsrfi'Submlc;sIOn Forms App and Checklists/Sub App '- I ! JUN 2 1 2006 III ---I' . ;: < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ $ ( i ~ ~ ~ > , ~ ~ ! ~ ~~ ( ~ , ~ ~ l $ ~ 1 ,,)