All Care Vet. Hosp., L1R, BA, Rep. - DRC 060518 COPPELL -~~* CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT .-'1. S Proiect ID RP-06-0023 Address 353 N Denton Tap Rd COPPELL Proiect Name All Care Veterinary Hospital, Lot 1 r, Blk A Proiect Type Replat Application Date 5/18/2006 Case Manager Malt Steer Proiect Description to extend the fire lane west to accommodate the 1 ,776-square-foot addition to the existing All Care Veterinary Hospital 1 of Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engmeering Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Charlene La Mattina Review Date 5/25/2006 5/26/2006 5/24/2006 Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department Tim Oates John Elias Matt Steer 5/23/2006 5/25/2006 5/25/2006 Comments 1. No comments on Replat. No Comments Received Plat 1. The flood plain information should be updated to reflect the most recent version of the FEMA maps (2001). Include the updated flood plain information on the plat and all sheets in the set. Site Plan 2. The plat indicates a 24' fire lane but the site plan shows a 20' fire lane. Correct the discrepancy. Utility Plan 3. Will any modifications to the water system be required (fire hydrants, meters, valves)? No comments concerning the replat. No comments 1. Change title blocks and where indicated on drawing to read "Lot 1 R, Block A" in place of "Lot 1, Block A", 2. Change City Secretary's signature block to read replat in place of final plat and specify lot and block number after All Care Veterinary Hospital. 3. Remove note within Utility Certificate that states, "This plat correctly presents the required easements for this development."