All Care Vet Hosp., L1R, BA, Rep - CS -060601 22'd MEMORANDUM ~...-._..^.---""""~':_- '.' . 1;--\ ~.: ::':'~ :'~:.~~_. . : i I I ~, \ 11,' I"~ r" JUN 1 2006 \ \ '; \ U \\ To: Matt Steer From: J eft Curry Date: June 1,2006 Subject: June DRC S-1121R-SF-9, St. Ann Catholic Parish, Zoning Change - z.oning ch<lnge uccept<lble, ple<lse contact Rick Fielding at 972-888-1344 to discu~!) electrical requirements, Third Replat of Saint Ann Catholic Church - replat unacceptable. please cOntact Rick FIelding at 972-888-1344 to discuss relocation of TXU Electric Del1very facilities. White Glove Express Addition, Lots lRl and lR2, Block A, Rcplat - ceplat unacceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss easement requirements, All Care Veterinary Hospital, Lot lR, Blk A, Site Plan Amendment - site plan acceptable. please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electrical requlfcments. All Care Veterinary Hospital, Lot lR, mock A, Replat - repla( acceptable, please contact Larry Redi'Ck at 972-323-8917 to discuss easement requirements. 260L b0[ 2L6:01 b0~18882L6 ^d3nIl30 J3l3 nXl:WOaJ 9S:91 9002~10~Nnf .1 \l: L . ~ -, ~ . ~.~.J