Minor Plat att. to 8/9/06 CC pckt. /I\I/,E; t?s //1 "'f / ~ I.. 8 It / Gl-;j_V . J. rY4 y 60'S ", ~ ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ co ~ '" '" ~ " SOUTHWESTERN r ""''' / "'81.1:' "'I/) lJ ~ ".0 'A/: I ! ~ ''', '''-, ''-'' ",,- ') "-" ~'8''::" ''>-, "c~ ":~" , "'z~p;, \ -~. "''1,>........ \\ 5 I TE:. ,-,"-., ',-,_,,- " " ',,---- "'" ~" ~ ''''''-'' '" COT! or~ '" If'l u1 CO '" z < ~ ~ < :; ~ CONC MON DFW INTERNA llONAl AIRPORT "" ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ -.J ~ . -.J .. ~ ~ c> . .. C\I i!: C a Q C\I ...~ Q::: . d~ ... ~""... ..J il llJ :;:0"': "I: . ... "" . ... .... ~ ~i..;~ Cl ~ W .... "'~~ . ..... "" Z . ~~"c> 0 - ~m . 't ~ N . - C ~ MAP NOT TO SCALE SeRVICe R04D SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT I, Harold D, Fetty, III, RP,L.S, No, 5034, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land, and that the comer monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision, CONC MON -----.., .... - -.... ...- ...- ......0 --........... /~~~ --- / v -_ s 7<77' / -- -. ...... ----,11 ..",..---.......... ..............!.48.g 25.00' I I /" ...... ;.,. -... I 0 / ...oil -... 1:/ -- 10 I"~.,~~ -..."1:' I. -- I . / v -..._ "'Af/i' <I -- ~ ~I ~ I -_... C)po.r.r --_ 25.0' I I S 7<77',,':;"'_ "''l:l!=:ee --_A -- ,- I <0, ...__ ~~ ......... 1<tf8.p .......,...... I DOC WA19 EASEMENr ..._ ", I I ..._" I , LOT 1 --...... , I"''''fio~ I I ~... \vfi I I BLOCK A ',\ '" I I ' \ . ... I ...oil \ \ '" I ... 1"" ~~ \ ,., ,., '" v'!i I ~ IS: ~ I ~ 1 6 8 A eRE s II I, I Z I I I 7 3 , 3 4 8 sa. F T "," I I ~I I~ , I ~I~ ~I~ " ZONED L I ~I~ ~Ib __' I I IZ r---~------------ I I - t--- ---L --------------- " I - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ /7-------'-----+--------___ I I 20' r.l'. " L. CO. ESIfT - - - - --/~ +- - _ ---------------------_ "!--I-----l___________.LVOL. 2253, I'G. 37~ D.R.D:C.r. :'flil.1 I - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ ------------------______ ~ ".8 . I --------__ ~ A6'o/ / - - - - - - ----- N~- ----- "'./ ---- --- . _ 18- IR~--- - _ ___ _ 176.00' -----------....--- -_ L - - - - - - ------===-- -------- ~ -- -- .. --- - RErAlNED AS UrlL/~ ~EIfE-"r ---- !Ii N 8r 47' 4/ . . W 724.55 . / CO TTON ROAD ( ABANDONED ) ------ 8,4 ? ' 50' R. O. W. ABANDoNED "l-~__ ...- AO PER ORD 2002-(17' ,~ /97.r ___ ___ ___--...-...-~;~;,.o' VOL. 2002011. /'G. 632(1 Harold D. ~etty III Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5034 s ;><. /;>'<. '8' .€" ;>S;> . 4IfS' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally ap~eared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein stated. Given upon my hand and seal of office this day of Notary PUblic In and for the Stale of Texas My CommiSSion EXplres: BEGINNING CONC 01' 101)0 '0 - . ...0 .CItlo o ui .." --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ~ --- ---- C I ry OF COI'PELL 518' IRF ... ~~ i!:,- !Ie""- .~ ....: ......leu ~~i~ .....15"" ::i~"cl ~~ . ~~ - ..J i 1/2" IRS LEASE TRACT 28,971 SQ. FT. S 85'5J'J8'W 726.85' --- clrr OF IRVING --........... -- .' ~ CI r~aLL /'" rs PER ORD 11-411 . '"54. I'G. 40(JJ ---- --- ---- ---'-----F ~ I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I PROLOGIS VOL. 2003/(12. I'G. (1524 ~ Chairman, Planning and Lonlng CommiSSion City of Coppell Date I I I I DALLAS/FORT WORrH I I /N7'ERNArlONAL AlRPORr VOL. 70063. I'fJ. /I 35 I I D.R.D.C. r. , I I I I I ~~ I: I ~~ I I ...:;: I "1:. 8~ ~~ , ~- I a: ...i,.: Q. I ..::; I i~ .~ "" I , I '[lj ..,:. .~ l&1l; I l:l I I I I I I ZONED LI f'ATTACHED TO i C.C. PACKET l ~_ qpy 120 I~ STATE OF TEXAS: OWNER'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY OFDALLAS: All that certain lo!,,!ract or parcel of land situated in the SA & M.G. RAILROAD COMPANY SURVEY, ABSTP'(/-\CT NO. 1439, City ofCoppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being all ofTwo tracts of land as described in Exhibit A-1 a 1.5921 acres tract and in EXhibit A-2 a 0.0917 acres tract in a Deed to Douglas R. Ralston, as recorded in Volume 2000174, Page 3045 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" Iron rod found for comer at the intersection of the abandoned Cotton Road (abandoned by City of Coppell Ordinance number 2002-978 as recorded in Volume 2002088, Page 6329) with the Soulh!lrtv nght-of-way line of Interstate Highway 635 (a variable width), said point lleing the East comer of said' .5921 acres tract; THENCE N. 87 deg. 47 min. 41 sec. W. along said abandoned Cotton Road centerline passing at 704.54 feet a 112" fron rod found at the Southeast comer of said 0.0917 acres tract, and continUing for a total distance of 724.55 feet to a point for comer in the East line of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport tract, and at the Southwest corner ofsaid 0.0917 acres tract; THENCE N. 00 deg. 41 min. 39 see, E. along said East line of Airport tract, at 23.22 feet pass a broken concrete highway department monument found at the Southeast comer of a 29.920 acres tract of land as described in a Deed to the State of Texas, as recorded in Volume 80236, Page 1004 of the Deed Records of Dallas Coun~ Texas, and continuing for a total distance of 202.54 feet to a broken concrete highway monument founa for corner in the South line of Interstate Highway 635; THENCE S. 72 deg. 17 min. 28 sec. E. along said right-of-way line, at 20.92 feet pIIss a 5/8" iron rod found for corner atlhe Northeast corner of said 0.09'7 acres tract, and continuing for a total distance of 757.45 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 73,348 square feet or 1.68 acres of land. NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, VICTRON STORES.L LP, acting by and through the undersignep,\ its duly authorized agen!.. does hereby adopt this plat designating me herin above described real property as vlCTRON STORES ADDIIION, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas Coun\y, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets and alieys shown hereon and does ~ereby reserve the easement striP!' shown on this plat for the mutual use and accomixlation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same. Any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, frees, shrubs, or other growths or improvements which in any way endanger or interfere with t~e construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective systems on any of these easement strips, and any public utility shall have, at all times, the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon the said easement strips for the purpose of construction, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, main~ining and ad~il1g to or removing all or part of Its respective systems without the necessity, at any time, of procunng the permsslon of enyone. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Cl W Z o N N APPROVED AND ACCEPTED SYMBOL LEGEND ~ ',,it n TElEVISION c;.o.~ PHO"E FIRE PO"E~ (A.BLE"~ METEII' IlIsell'l1tOR"Nl POLE .. III ~. 920IRF &LEe TU IiL&C wM. IRON ROO FOl>><D ElECTRIC BOX "EnR ( CO'I4!_ I ~Te. WlIS~FAce n " r. -t(-- )l.)NCTIOIi BOX iJC LP HNCE~IR c~ ~I~~ lI/.IT ~IWPAtE 1'IO~~~fT "_~ 1M"" Mayor City of Coppell, Texas LJate GRAPHIC SCALE /.. 30' The undersjgne~, the City Secretary of the City of Co~pellJ.. Texas", hereby certifies that the foregoing minor plat of VICTRON STORES ADDITION an addition to the vity of vOPPELL, Texas, was submitted through the City Council ofthe day of , 2006 and the Council then and there accepted the decication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said piat, and said Council further authonzed the Mayor to not the acceptance therefore by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. ,I..: Ch4-, :i-, \, rf / -~,' i.' l I ?i.~-; J ~ ' .: c'{'_l \\'1" :' 0 . .e;,e 0e~'I>\. ( C LeA5EL'''E, NOTES 1) According to F.E.M.A. Flood Insurance Rate Map. Community Panel No. 480170 0135 J dated August 23, 2001, this property lies in Zone X. This property does not appear to lie within a 100-year floOd plain. 2) BEARING SOURCE: STATE PLAIN COORD'S DATUM NAD 83. 3) ALL 112" IRS ARE CAPPED WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAPS "R.S.C.I. RPLS 5034." Said addition shall be subject to all the raquirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of COPPELL. MINOR PLAT llllitness my hand the day of ,2006. WITNESS OUR HANDS, this day of VICTRON LOT STORES ADDITION 1 BLOCK A STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally apRElared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose ancfconsideration therein stated. Given upon my hand and seal of office this day of City :;ecretarv.. CitY of COPPELL ENGINEER: MA ENGINEERING MICHAEL ALTURK, PE 1120 S. FREEWAY SUITE 118 FT. WO R T H. T X 7 6 1 0 4 817 - 885 - 8 6 0 0 ZONED LI 1.68 ACRES/ 73,348 S.F. LOT SA. & M.G. RAILROAD COMPANY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1439 AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS UTILITY CERTIFICATE RECIEPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE PLAT CORRECTLY PRESENTS THE REQUIRED EASEMENTS FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY GAS: ATMOS ENERGY COMCAST VERIZON for VIC I ~ON:; I O~t::;, Lt-' The develojJ8r, builder;. seller or agent shall inform in writing, each prospective buyer of any part of the property located within special nood hazard areas, that such property is in an identified flood hazard area and that all development must conform to the City of Co~pell Floodplain Management Ordinance. The written notice shall be filed for record in the Deed Records of Dallas County and a copy of the notice must accompany the application for development permit. Floodplain Development Permit, Application no. has been filed with the City of Coppell. OWNER: VICTRON STORES, LP 901 FERRIS AVE WAXAHACHIE, TX 75165 R.S.C.I I ROCKWALL SURVEYING CO..INc.1 LAN D SURVEY DATE APR I L 7. 2006 SCALE I. . 30' FILE# 200eO&34FP SUR V E Y IN G CLIENT VICTRON GFO 2810001907 Notary t-'Ubllc In and lor the :;late 01 I exas MY Commsslon t:xplres: 19B4 S. FM 551 ROYSE CITY, TX 751B9 972.772-5434 PHONE 972-772-5443 FAX e