Reduce Setback-15' to 10' i-~ E ~~ I '. V . (y '~:. (":f~)P' 'I:J~' 't.. ,'r' . J ~-..../ ~""J." - _ 1nt# , _ .,6 December -L 2006 Wellington I\Ianor Homes. Inc. 1 7-l80 '\Jorth Dallas Parkway Suite 217 Dallas. Texas 75287 Dear Sir: Your request to reduce the huilding line sethack from fifteen feet to ten feet on the \vest side of I.ot 9. BII)ck .\ or the Villas of I.ake \'1sta Phase One subdivision in CoppelL I c\as. has 1:>cen adI11ll1i~trati\cl} appf()\ cd by me. In consultation with the Building Ufficial \\e mutuall: agree that this change. being a corner lot. will have not substantive clTect un the density. lise, design and dnclopmcnt of this subdi\ision Yours truly. <~:.-h ' ---- I /7 I \-... _,.' -~-' (f~ar\ .. Sicb. A.I.e.!' t)ir~cthr of Planning I c File (pD-:'~()2)/ Building Official