CC approval on 11/14/06 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE.CITY-OF DEPT: Planning November 14, 2006 COfPELL DATE: ITEM #: 1 9 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Freeport North, Lot 4R, Block A, Replat, to establish a building site, various easements and fire lane to allow the development of a 51 ,360-square-foot, one-story office building on 6.4 acres of property located on Royal Lane, approximately 1,200 feet north of Bethel Road. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1. Remove the line that previously indicated a 30' front yard building setback. 2. Contact Jeff Curry at 972-888-1330 to discuss easement requirements. 3. Comply with the attached Engineering Comment Sheet. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Decision of the P&Z Commission at the October 19th meeting: APPROVAL with 6-0 vote, subject to the conditions listed above. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Staff recommends approval. Motion to close the Public Hearing & Approve subject to conditions 1, 2 & 3 above M - York S - Tunnell Vote - 7-0 @ 11 Freeport N, L4R, BA, R 1-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Freeport North" Lot 4R" Block A" ReQ!!! P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: TRANSPORTATION: October 19,2006 November 14,2006 Matt Steer, City Planner On Royal Lane, approximately 1,200 feet north of Bethel Road. 6.4 acres LI (Light Industrial) To establish a building site, various easements and fire lane to allow the development of a 51,360-square-foot, one-story office building. Owner: Jeff Turner Duke Realty 5495 Beltline Rd, Ste 360 Dallas, Texas 75240 972-361-6704 FAX: 972-361-6800 Engineer/Surveyor: Jack Evans Pacheco Koch 8350 N. Central Expwy, Ste. 1000 Dallas, Texas 75206 972-235-3031 FAX: 972-235-9544 There has been no development activity on the subject property. Royal Lane is designated as a C4D/6 four-lane, divided collector built to standard in a 100' right-of-way capable of accommodating a six-lane, divided thoroughfare. ITEM # 15 Page 1 of2 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -vacant, LI "Light Industrial" South - Cici's Distribution Center; LI "Light Industrial" East - Gulf Bearing Distribution Center; LI "Light Industrial" West - Superior Air, Thyssen Rrupp Elevator & Welton USA OfficelWarehouse; LI "Light Industrial" COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppel! Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for light industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: This is the companion request to the Site Plan approval. A mutual access easement along the northwest ingress/egress point, a 24' fire lane easement encircling the proposed structure, a 20' X 20' water easement and a drainage easement triangle at the southeast property comer are proposed to be dedicated by this plat. The Replat is in good order and provided the conditions enumerated below are followed, staff recommends approval. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1. Remove the line that previously indicated a 30' front yard building setback. 2. Contact Jeff Curry at 972-888-1330 to discuss easement requirements. 3. Comply with the attached Engineering Comment Sheet. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Engineering Comments 2) Replat ITEM # 15 Page 2 of2 THE.caTY.OF THE.caTY.OF COPPELL CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORC REPORT ~ 8 Proiect ID RP-06-0056 Proiect Name Freeport North, Lot 4r Block A Address 631 Royal Ln Proiect Tvpe Replat Application Date 9/20/2006 Case Manaaer Matt Steer Proiect Description , to establish a building site, various easements and fire lane to allow the development of a 51,360-square-foot, one- story office building 1 of 1 Aaencv Engineering Comments 1. Provide an agreement for maintenance of the shared fire line. li,::::- , rl ..../." \; . i~,., ~':;" ,; r Nov. I~ f l()[)1o ~ 8 ~ ..,,"~.~~,~ I II .. (Ol1.~p.c;'MI) ,_ '~ 1IIOll~ I ___________________ - _+________nn____________ -nnmnn---n---mn-----------l=ff~}.,~~~~f.---------~.-.--+n---mn---u_u_____/ --;-O:-!OliiY~;!5l:1iMOl-i I : ___m_________~~~-,-. BLOCK A nm --- --- -- (______nn___m______________.__.Ll..~.~~~~;_':C:_~~~t_____________.____u__u__n_____n______ .1 ~~N~~' / : ; I (VOl.. 200113" PG. 37) ; " 20' . 211 ""Tt~ ['!illl \ I I ..... , '-_ (YO.. 2000102 I'G. 482') 6: / :~h' I T[XAS OUCA/~"';TE~ PAATNERSHIP S n-,e'". W: --Ui"~~k~.~~ct~s -....., N OO'OJ'~. W ~cu~~ ..:f"/ /' I ,~ ncu ["'!I:~["l (VOl 21J00251 PC 2685) 2O'oo':U--L~'?:-~~-~--':.8~) 37875' '0 - '-, / / : I (va.. :1000'02 Pc. '811) _____ .::.-______0_ _ _ _~.. Joe" "-( y / I N OO'OJ'~. W JeSSS' /VJ~~K~' .... ~,I; '/ I ........ -------------- " CN'~ lIIV1U~~ ell // CJ /~ y..-~M~ I ___ ____ ~ 111 (lYlMISPVlT)/ //.. / e'I I ~")o -....:~~...Q.. _.....!!2.'ID~'!....-,~____1" 0;': _ _ _ _ _HOO'llJ'~L2~_ _ _ _ -a' // co / / :!I ~r)o:,:t-~ C'~/H89'!ollI' ( IJa rr.ftiR;"';'~'S(~~H'J Ll1 ._// /' / II LOll BLOCK' :.. "ci:.~=',.J~~:z...,~~.;;;;.,--;:"~--"OO~<<.-,;;OOL----~~. '~---:--/" 11/ / / ClefS ADDiTION NO 1 : I (Ill MS PlAT) I ~r "89'!oll'~ ( ,~oo \ I '=':~:: /1 / , (VOL 99124, PC 00170), SOO"llJ".( l~OO l-3n41' I I I .....c REsr....\JR...NT : I I 1 ~~cx:::: I I T_Ut07. / / I, ~ D'STRI6UTlON ,tie I I " ~~ ,~. ( (R~,..j,'I'/ "- 1 CB_S 58"28' ~ ~ / LOT 4R REPLAT (990l16. PG. 221.3) WI I I ') CD-37 38 / I ~ Of A PORTION Of I 1 lOT 4. BlOCK A ~I ~,I~ /, / /' "v (.,;"~r:,,:,~ ~g"~) I c.'."_. I" '.4O&ACRO ...I...~I... / .i' II I T[:a:...souc....ti :RI ...,I} _ (271," so. n.) ~11f I~ / ~ ,+0 / I L....'T[O P...RTNERSHIP ,'~ ~: !;:~ !II ~!! / // /'~ J..' ~ I '''''. 200025'. " ",,' ~ ~I !!I~ """"j I !:~ ~I i'l~ 1 "/--.J.j " / !' I "i ",I L t--:'l I ;: I 1 / /':- -4 ? I ;: I I 1 ;/ If / ~'f / / ++ l l' 7i~~:,:.;.'t.~~;;;,:~:~~~;"-1 fr. T .1" f I ii' il Ai; / :.1~~ I : ... ""}!'Ia \ C11~1~ - - - _ -f27 .,~/ ;/..~~ Iii; ~ I : I., '\'>':U.r ",- ~ r.-:!lI;A~C:~~"I...T - - _ _ 7 ~ I><~J /1 ~.., "" ./OR~y.~i~~.~/lT ,~'u''''IY(ASo(~/lT Ci5 - L -- Cl~ --- c;. I b/~ &'" / LOl7!ORR~6:t6rOf .J l\. '\ _, f'REEPORT NORlH ~- ~43LST - - . _.... (\00., lI!105_. PG -toe) _ _ __ C14 c~ _ _ --c; I I (VOl. 9S24S, PG. 2050) ~~_~.....!...a'~l~.>!!!_~l'lJRrI<<~Y__ ---_ --~,,'0J l/2-11O<:l I . CR...fThl....O[ - - - - = = = = = 7 -=- ~ -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- - = =J-== == '5 ::::'~1..~-;, "'I" / .{ ,.::."~~:::,,;~ \',';., - - - - ?~~~~tS;:~.(~~J ~~;..~~~~) --~~ 0-- CIJ ----------------------- -----~~M.-- I~~ R-7~.00' 1-___ T_142.39' / l-2el.4J' / CH-S l0"2,',e- W! /, <:0-271.78' J /t ,Je:::rl~! / , ~ GULF UNITED INDUSTRIES ADDITION (VOL 9S054, PC. 4906) CULf B["'R'tiG, ItiC (9~1-ftl. PC .\Ii) I I fll.lNrR'" flFf'JICA nflN srA/fOFJ[.U$ CQ.WrYOF/lAUJIS ~r~;..~,;:...~::-~~-&c=~~...::"'_ _oI._......""''''''*''' ......-......._..,..__-.____,_ :.-.::::.=r..::::::::::;:'_.._""'".,,,....,,.""'-.-_.,.,.., ""'" ID:A$liUCANLUJ[D,.Alt7HCJfSlr.__'...,_,.,.......IIoII",.__~ _UJf-'__A.f'MIPOllTlIOImI.__ ,....at,.,~ r_ _.._,_"/N ,...""...._. __......,..__...____.._,.-____ a. -",_........-....._,--",,""'---- .~MY-.__.,., H,,~......... _ _....._......_"'..~_-".--"',...._ ._.. _ 110. "liIlilr.r__I.'..__ _ "liIf1lrc_..",........,._r_"'" IIM____ __''" ""'fIU/I'Jk y''''",-''' _...--.. _.. ",__,,,,,*,,,,y'-'__ ....' /0 '--'''_kMp~_'''''p...-fo.f_r~.w.-.. 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DMd R~ ", ~ c.....t)l T_ ..Jd ..405 ___ t~t "...., ........ pflrllclllorf,. dN<:rlbed ... -. BCG'INNWC, lit II ",.,t N r;"mr; HId""" "Nt9 .to tit. .000th".., r#9ht-of-,..,,. IIn. of Royd L_ (II 100 """t .... I1f1Ilt-"f-_,.J; HId p""" __ "q /h. "lIrtlt...I corn...- "' (Nfl Uilted "'~,t... Addltfon. IIfl oddff,.", to Ih, crt,. 01 CoppfJIf, ,_~, to Ih. phil rwctlNlftl... \'blum, '505of. ,.. "IOIS. III th, o..d R~ 01 """"" eo...l)! Turn; 1HD<<X I'l " H41tltw1y ~'1IIn. ~I.to9 tit, HId H41th...1 fin, of R"p LIIfl. IIfld a1om) NT. _I 1In. ", ."Id Gulf UnIt.., ......trln A<<IItJon. lite 1oiIo_, Ih... (3) coh; South 20 "-9r'H. .5.J mlhutn, ~T 1HCCItO'* ....t, ., ""'tl1fln 01 2tilJ fa.I /" " '/2-/todl Iron nxJ .Ib&m<t Nid",.,t "...., Ih, "....In, of II 1""9'"1 _ ,,, Ill, to"; h II ..",",fIrl,.~tlllfl oIIM, tho ",III _ t" tho lelt ho"', II AIIttal 011'" 111 2/ ~" 29 mIhu'... " __ IIfl In' tikI"'''. ", 281.4J '-I. 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In' dhilllfl'" 0' 377.011 ,"I /" " 1/2-"'do ;.", ",d ""th "I.~' t.. found ot/h...dofRld~ 1HCNCE. Soutlt 66..,.... 46 mhl'... 4() _fh e",,1, (;0111"""'9 oIorI9 Ih. ..,Jd ..",'h"..1 1In. 01 Rl1yd lOll.. " dlalflft<< 111 1$).24 '"' 111 lit. POINT or 8E~G. CONTAINING. 2l!,fM fttII(In ,"I '" 6.405 GCIY. 01 fond, men '" I.u. SlJRvrYDR'S CFRMCA TF' SJ"A7CfTlD'A' ~~~ _AU.Wf}I'YM1!"~~ _1_l#T.rt"'~"~_~I__,....._,.<Orl/IJ =:,l'.:::'_ -"':::.r::.::.::..ru: :.::.=:':.-;.: ::.:::. ~ '= ~ ;;;::'Ot~ ~c;;;: r.::;''' DlfWID __lMYCF_-' PRELIMINARY ~~Tr:~~~~ _t-:rL_~. ::-;;;:,...._ t__,... S'AII" CF llXU ~~~ IIOTIICIlE ....--...-..._" .110"",_ to_""....SIoI.."_... ......,,..,-,._ _i.&'r)rL....~._f9....,.,..IN___..._,.IN,......",..,....lIUm""'_ -.....,..,10__""_1....._,.,.....___....._.....- IIroOf_JlY__.lf"Al.OF__,lH.,__r._ " g ~ ~ o I: ~ . ~ fu ~ ~ ~ ~ 110""'_1'1_""""_"'_ ..--- ~ , , ~ ! ~ ~ " :~ " I' ~i! --.... -..0 ~.... tow (CJl.) CONlTtOU."GVt>>tUMt/l' ____PRDf'(.U'l'L..( _PRot'OSCO(Asct,€/lr _pflDf'OSCllSC1BAOt 1II~1'&.6l'lJ' LOT 4R, BLOCK A, FREEPORT NORTH :...~--, ~~t'_~"'" ~"""'_IG<'" ____IIHICIt'.. ~ """" T[XAS DUGAN UNITtO PARlN[RSHP .549~ sa TUH[ ROAD, SUIT[ J60 OAU.A$. T[XAS 7.5240 PH: (972) J&1-1I7C4 FAX: (1l72) 3&1-&800 BONG A REPLAT OF 6.-405 ACRES Of FREEPORT NORTH LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL. TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE WllUAlol K. PAYNE SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 1140 AND THE J,T. THWEATT SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 1753 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS :STAJ['OFIO'AS CO/JNT'tOFlWJ.AS 1JO"Of/,f1iC."" -"""_"'_Jl '110"",_1'1_""''''' _.f'_.. lfIIo *,.~ ==';,"::':~"'", ";..100\:; :::.::::'--::- =-,:::-;:.:..r.::: -='_-. ~.. L .......~,.,.___........,.,oI...."-'__........_"'",.atr.,ee..oc '___I'I_~"-IIJf"'''''__oIlWooC-f)l ,_ I. ~..,,.,...,,.~_..____,.,.,,..___...,.,...~., ~,_ ~_IIO. _1lI 00111 l; _"""~ "" ....,.......",,,....-fy._rod "'''1'1 "Z-.X"....___I_..._...__-- __MYHNDNID~OFOF'1'ICS:__.,.,__ "Z-.X"___IIo.._....____,."., ~ <:IIA'S'YM/.l.PP"r..l.NT. PACHECO KOCH CONSlJlnNG [NQHEERS. INC. 8J50 NORTH CENTRAL EXPfl:ESSWAY. SUIT[ 1000 --........ ~-~... ,~...._,-_.".....-.... !~.i~ ;.. ~i ~; r'~::,~ '*'Mry_to_......St.leolr_ ..--- .1 _...._IIf.._.'..-V___-,.,...atr~. I e ~ (;'.'.,,"-,':; \;.;:""V... " L ~~~:~L,