Departmental comments THE.CITY.Op" COPPELL ~* ... s Proiect ID Address Proiect Tvpe Application Date Case ManaCler Proiect Description Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department RP-06-0056 631 Royal Ln Replat 9/20/2006 Matt Steer THE-CITY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT COPPELL .~,r.-.. ~ Q e q ...t 1\ 6 1 e. Proiect Name Freeport North, Lot 4r Block A . to establish a building site, various easements and fire lane to allow the development of a 51,360-square-foot, one- story office building Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Ken Griffin Tim Oates John Elias Matt Steer 1 of Review Date 9/28/2006 9/29/2006 9/27/2006 9/27/2006 9/25/2006 9/28/2006 Comments 1. No comments made on replat. No comments received. 1. Provide an agreement for maintenance of the shared fire line. 2. Fire hydrant spacing shall not exceed 300' along fire lane. 3. Water line is private, not public. 4. Show FDC location. For your information, we are providing the following estimated fees. These fees are based on the information provided, and may change prior to finalizing the project. Roadway Impact Fee $5,083.60 Water Impact Fee $11,844 Wastewater Impact Fee $4,797 In addition, construction inspection fees in the amount of 2% of private paving, drainage, water and sewer and 4% of public work will be collected at the time of permitting. See the attached sheet entitled"General Engineering Plan Review Process" for information on review process. 1. Show fire lane turning radii, not currently shown. No comments. 1. Rename to "Replat Lot 4R, Block A, Freeport North," and include in all signature blocks. 2. Shift 30' front yard setback to "60' Building Setback with Front Yard Parking." 3. Include owner's name within the template used for owner's dedication and notary. 4. Correct vicinity map to show correct property configuration. .. .. .. CD THE.CITY.OF COPPELL GENERAL ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW PROCESS * DRe Review · Engineering will review development plans for major issues concerning right-of-way, easements, traffic, utilities, floodplains and other project-specific engineering issues. The DRC Review is not a full engineering review. After Site Plan and Final Plat approval by Planning and Zoning Commission · Engineering Department will consider approval of early grading. i. Submit grading plans for review including: cover sheet, plat, grading plan, and erosion control sheets. 2. If approved, pay grading inspection fees (provide copy of contract to Engineering Dept.); grading inspection fees will be calculated as 2% of grading contract cost. 3. Complete early grading permit at Engineering Dept. and provide copy of N. 0.1 & TPDES General Permit (ij required). 4. Developer/owner holds City harmless for any adjustments in grading identified during plan review/Council action if commencing early grading. 5. Grading preconstruction conference required prior to commencing dirt work. After Site Plan and Final Plat approval by City Council · Submit civil plans for review (see Subdivision Ordinance for required elements of civil plans). Review will not begin until final plat approval by City Council. However. minor revisions may be necessitated by engineering review. therefore, the plat should not be prepared for filing with the County (i. e. obtaining franchise utility signatures) until after the first engineering review. Allow 2-3 weeks for each plan review and expect 2 + iterations. · Schedule meeting with Engineering staff to resolve major issues. · impact fees are assessed by the Engineering staff and submitted in writing to Project Engineer. i. Plat will not be processed for signatures before roadway & park impact fees (if applicable) are paid. Please note that under Senate Bill 243. the Texas Legislature delayed the collection of Water and Sewer Impact fees until the issuance of a Building Permit. Water and Sewer impact fees are to be paid to the Building inspections Department, 500 Southwestern Blvd. 2. Plans will not be approved before payment of roadway & park impact fees (if applicable) and inspection fees (provide copy of contract to Engineering Dept.); inspection fees will be calculated at 2% of contract cost for private work and 4% for work in the public right-of-way or easements. After approval of Engineering Plans · Plans will be signed and stamped by Engineering staff. · Preconstruction conference required prior to beRinninR construction. Possible delays in the Plan approval process · Floodplains: Development must comply with the City of Coppell Floodplain Management Ordinance. i. Will a LOMR be required? If so, allow time for the review of these studies by the City and FEMA. Development may commence upon receipt of CLOMR from FEMA. 2. Will a LOMA be needed? If so, work directly with FEMA. Work may commence upon receipt of LOMA from FEMA. · Corps of Engineers, CDC and TCEQ permitting - allow time for the permitting process; provide copy of NO! to City prior to commencing work. · Right-of-way use agreements, off-site easements, public improvement districts and other property agreements - allow time for these processes. *NOTE: This checklist is general in nature and for informational purposes only. For specific engineering requirements, see the City of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance. Floodplain Management Ordinance and Standard Construction Details. forms/planreview Revised 2/04