CC letter of approval on 2/13/07 THE.CITY.OF February 14,2007 Mr. Tom Wouters RCP, Coppell No.1, Ltd. 32 Village Lane, Suite 200 Colleyville, TX 76034 RE: Coooell/121 Office Park. Lot 3. Block 1. Final Plat Dear Tom: This letter is to inform you that the Coooell/121 Office Park. Lot 3. Block 1. Final Plat, to allow the development of an approximate 8,290-square-foot, one-story office building on 1.23 acres of property located along the north side of S.H. 121, approximately 1,400 feet west of Denton Tap Road, was unanimously approved by the Coppell City Council (7-0) on Tuesday, February 13,2007, subject to the following conditions: 1) Include recording information for both counties when existing easements span the County line. 2) Compliance with the following Fire Department comment: a) Fire hydrant shall be private. Therefore, the double detector check valve will be required to be 8" to accommodate both the fire hydrant and automatic fire sprinkler system. This Final Plat must be submitted for signatures by City Officials within six months after approval by the City Council (August 13, 2007), or it shall be deemed null and void and resubmittal shall be required. It is recommended that this Final Plat not be prepared for filing, including obtaining the franchise utility signatures, until after receiving Engineering comments on the first review of the civil plans. After City signatures have been procured, it is the applicant's responsibility to file the document with both the Dallas and Denton County Plat Records Departments. Please see the attached checklists for the requirements for filing in both counties, as well as the number of copies our department requires. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, ~ Gpry L~b, A.LC.P. dJrectdr '"';; Planning Cc Konstantine Bakintas, P.E., Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Building Inspection file- ----- - -- ------------ ------ --- --- - ----~ - --- ,.._-~---_.__. 255 PARKWAY * P.O.BOX 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673 City of Coppell Planning Department PROCEDURE FOR THE FILING OF EXECUTED FINAL PLATS AND REPLA TS Following approval of the final plat/replat by the City Council, and correction of the plat if required by Council and the Engineering Department after the first review of the civil plans, the information listed below is required for the submission of the Final Executed Plat to the Planning Department: · Transmittal letter, including the name and telephone number of the contact person · All blank spaces completed, with the exception of the signature of City Officials. · Seven (7) 24" x 36" black lines on white paper and two (2) 24" x 36" mylars Black lines must be folded in a 8 112" x 11" format: You may submit additional copies for your use; however, one (1) paper copy will remain with the City prior to filing and, after filing, six (6) paper copies and two (2) mylars must be returned to the City. · Original signatures on all plats Names must be typed or printed below each signature. · Signature block of Utility Companies, with original signatures of each representative It will take approximately 3-5 weeks to review and obtain signatures of City Officials Once proper signatures have been obtained, the Planning Department will telephone the person listed as representative or contact to pick -up the plats The representative shall file the plat with the County Clerk's office and return the six (6) black lines and two (2) mylars to the Planning Department, indicating the volume and page of the Map and Plat Records, as filed by the County Clerk If the final plat/replat has not been submitted for signatures by City Officials within six (6) months after approval, the plat shall be deemed null and void, and resubmittal shall be required For additional information, contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678 *PLEASE NOTE: Tax Certificates from each taxing entity (city, school district, and county) having jurisdiction Ol'er the property showing that all taxes hal'e been paid, must be provided to Dallas/Denton County at the time offiling. DO NOT SUBMIT TAX CERTIFICATES TO THE CITY OF C{}PPELL 1/06/05 CYNTHIA FIGUEROA CALHOUN, DALLAS COUNTY CLERK FEE SCHEDULE CONT. PAGE 2 IDEMNITY BOND: (214) 653-7443 CONTACT CIVIL PROCESS BEFORE FILING TilE REAL ESTATE RECORDS. MAPS: RECORDING DEPT (214) 653-7275 (REVISED SEPTEMBER 2005) 24 X 30 IS $23.00 24 X 36 IS $33.00 IF MULTIPLE PAGES ADD $22.00 PER PAGE AFTER THE FIRST IF MULTIPLE PAGES ADD $22.00 PER PAGE AFTER THE FIRST REQUllU::MENTS TWO BLACK LINES ARE REQUIRED. ONE MUST HAVE ALL ORIGINAL SIGNATURES FOR RECORDING. THE SECOND COPY WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE APPRAJSAL DISTRICT ALL DUPLICATE COPIES WILL BE CLOCKED IN AT THE TIME RECEIVED ONLY. ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED. THE PLAT MUST BE APPROVED BY THE CITY SECRETARY, OR CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. PERFORMANCE BOND, PAYMENT BOND AND A CONTRACT: (214) 653-7275 (FILED AS SEPARATE DOCUMENTS) $16.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE. $400 PER PAGE, THAT FOLLOWS ON BOTH THE PAYMENT BOND AND THE PERFORMANCE BOND. SI 8.00 FOR THE CONTRACT TillS OFFICE WJLL KEEP THE CONTRACT, PLEASE SEND A COPY. IF THE CONTRACT COMES IN WITHOUT THE BOND(S), THE FEE WII.L BE $16.00 FOR THE FIRST I'ACj[ AND $400 FOR EACH PAGE THEREAFITR. THE CONTRACT MUST HE niL ORJCiJNAL AND ALL SIGNATURLS NOTARIZED. FINANCIING STA TEMENTS (lice-I. lTCC-31 REAL ESTATE O~LY: (214-6):1-7275 UCC-I $2600 STANDARD FORMS (NO ATTACHMENTS). PLUS AN ADDITIONAL $500 PER ADDITIONAl DEBTOR AFTER THE FIRST. (FORM Musr BE DATED AFTER 07-29-1998 OR CURRENT) $4 lOO NON-STANDARD FOR1\1S. PIllS $-100 PER ADDITIONAL f';\CF (AFTER DEBTOR'S SIGNATURE). $5.00 PER ADDIJlON;\L DEBIOR AFTER THF 1-11\.51 (ATTACHMENTS 10 OR FORMS DATED PRIOR JU 7-29-1998) lJCC-3 $26.00 STANDARD FORMS (NO A 11 ACHMLN 1S), PER BOX MARKED (FORM MUST BE DATED 7- 29-1998 OR CURRENT) ADDITIONAL $5.00 PER DEBTORiSECllRED PARTY AMENDED AFTER HIE FIRST, $4100 NON-STANDARD FORMS, PLUS $4()(J ['l.R ADDl rIONAL I'ACiE. PI. 1<. BOX MARK[D (A TIACW&.NTS TO OR FORM DATU) PRIOR TO 9-1-92) ALlDITIONAL $5.00 PER DEBTOR/SECURED PARTY AMEr"DED AFTER THE FIRST. Administration Vital StallsllCS (940) 349-2012 (940) 349-2018 ....... '" ..... \ I! \ '., ,.<' . J : ... .... . (;; ',~-~- "., :~: \..-.-=- '- ~" -:-:.~; /./ .... ... --- ... ,.' '. J" \ \' .' .............. Misdemeanor Court Clerk (940) 349-2014 C,vil Co un Clen-; Recording Department (940) 349-2010 Webslte www denloncounty com/depVcclhlm Probate Court Clerk (940) 349-2016 Admlnlstralion FAX (940) 349-2036 (940) 349-2013 Office hOllts 800-430 Wed 800-500 MOIl,Tues,Thurs.Frl Cynthia Mitchell County Clerk Denton County Courts Building 1 sl Floor P,O. Box 2187, Denton, Texas 76202 Reauirements For FilinQ A Plat In Denton County, Texas EXTRATERRITORl.:U JURISDICTION (ETJ): Tha, area outSide a CI.ty'S Inruts so designated to fall in the City'S "sphere of Influence" SUBDIVISION WITHIN EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTIO'\': If the locatIon of the subdivISion IS WIthin the extratemtomlJunsdIctlon of any city or [OWTl Within Denton COLlnty, Texas, the plat shall be approved by the governing body of that JUrISdiction and so tndlcated on the face of the plat SPECIFICATIONS FOR FILING PLATS: 1 The size of the plat shall be NO LARGER OR SMALLER than I S"\ 24". 2, The County Clerk's office requires 3 (three) blue line prtnlS and 1 (one) Mylar, all \\Ith ORIGINAL seals and signatures; NO EXCEPTIONS' 3 The plats must show the follOWIng: A) CertIfication and DedicatIOn by the owner, B) CertIficatIOn by a Registered ProfeSSIonal Land Surveyor. C) CertificatIon and approval by the CIty, (If wlthm the Clty'S ETl) D) Approval by Comrrussloner's Court. (If needed) 4 Signatures must be onglna] and names must be pnnted under each signature 5 Signatures must be acknowledged. Notary's name must be prmted under notary's signature Notary's seal must be affixed and legible, and the notary expiration date must be sho\\TI 6 Seals must be affixed by whoever appro\'es the plat, whether It IS the city or the county, as \\ell as the sur.eyo: and notary 7 All stamps and seals MUST be legible on the Mylar and all blue line prints 8. If a plat or re-plat does not indicate whether the land covered by the pial or re-plat IS ITl the ET J of the munlclpaltty, an afflda\'lt statlTlg that InformatIOn \vill be reqUITed. There IS no charge for fIllng thiS affldavtt 9, Tax Certlficates: Plats must have anginal tax certIficates from ALL taxtng entIties atlached to the back before they can be filed. There wlil be NO exceptIOns, (:\mended plats da not requITe tax certificates.) FFF FOR FTIT:\ir; A PTAT: $4300 per page (for example If the plat covers one page, the fee IS 543 00 If the plat co\ers two pages, the 2nd page IS an addItional 54300, totalmg SS6 00 to file the pl;H, etc.) Thfrc IS an addItIOnal 52,00 fee per tax certIfIcate If you should need file stamped copies of the plat for your records, the first two are free and each additIOnal are 2:5 cents per page FEE FOR ADDITIONAL FILI!\GS: For Jny addItIonal documents such JS restTlctlons or CQVEl1Jn!S, e:c the f:lll1g fee :s $1400 for the rust page, $2.00 for each additional page and $2 00 for the back of the last page. e'en If It IS blank, for the purpose of the file stamp Accepted forms of payment: cash, money order, business check or cashier's check; NO PERSONAL CHECKS 1450 E McKinney Street. Denton. Texas' 76209