Final Plat .! ':, . r" ,~f'" I 1'- ," ','" 01, I:e r/ f \ P P IIC ant. RCP Coppell ;ill cd. SUite 20D 32 VdLigC lanc Cullcy\ Ilk, le.'.J~ 7603,+ I" t..::. ,~-~~ . IJ > " 'f"'-!- r-=.':3 40' 2D' 10' 0 20' ~ DRAWING SCALF: I" = 20' ~)6<lo -,35'; "'(!"j;' Jrw ~ '.' ,) ), . .~ 5 S" CIRT " /.9 ')(j) ./') ... OJ ).}'j I ~. G.i ''f: RCP Coppell Fi I, Ltd. CC No. 2003,242-04143 D.I{.D.C.r. Iv ~505. 'Jl..' 78" I " l1t -......... ./' " A-. . ------.. , , ~& , ,0' tv rv o~ "r ~I ., S UH ey llr! Engincer: t~J D I ~33 Baird, Hampton & ~ D ~ Engineering & ,~c r, ,',q L, ,--) l 2C>~7 - 2.07~,,;, ;-<A l'f" ~,~ C F L. =" :\S_..r-".;e .< " , I , .~ I POCI 5 S" Cll-Z!' ~. I FR\V\1. Inc CC ~o. ')7-50250 D.R,O.C,T 5/;.s" (,IRS '. , . , ~ I Lut 63 5S' Ul-Z!-".. "Slitz\CO\" 2.}) S6S;S.(j6. I )," . . /2''1: ?,v.S G\?" ?,\\ '\. ...." 0 '-, co'Q'Q ,':;yu \ \0'><u -0'(\1'> {) I.~' '<. ~ ~." 'C C.'> C~'. ~~J' ~. Lut60 Wock ( '\ /" - ; , IC'. C'76 s'r', C ( V ( USe . N, P.> !. u},'Vf. C.I( !) 'ld/f.!~Vrll iI,,,, ~ N{). 'J'l' (I. 'J') J}tZ ~e~. rtQr W~~1If. /(/,...;,,;, /f' "^6/Q I{I/~ ~ / /(O/~. 2/ ,-- .'., If I) . V, f!';lit /"::'1 01 ('I/:.- :)gQ F . ')6) . /} trJ' - I/r" ,oj; <\' 't, P" Po, -0,. I I} "Il,s. ' ....._9 _\iUt] // 'fJ:)I/_ ~--- 'J,y "- "-~ ~, / luth2 POB SIK" (,IRS S 6$oS /'/2 " Ii; S 6soc- v8' 78" ~ S 6Sec- v8' 78" ~ //----....., ,/ "20' Vtli;ty (Per E:qs 01,s elhe ,c/at) /)t / ---~---~--/ , . 21' -- . Cc -~r 'm/)) GI,Jn o/)"q,.. 7? (pG E:: -co <37' l'r tf, "ssm Ss S .",-' ,~p/) -- /JiGt) . t ~,,::-::::_.___//-/ 7?;: ,3;:, 778 J], \' ,.;' S 6Soc- u8' 78"# , , , 0=89'5854" f~=3000' L=4711' CH=N 69'02'15" E CL=4242' R=30.CO' / .S'- C) .C) (,-:) c<"') r? o & Co' ..... , Denton County ~ ,---.----.. ,<> Dallas Countv ') ) ..... . 7<0 . C' , / /// /' .--- / / I i I ~ ^-.' Q) Brown, Inc. SUrveying I,' c_ "1_'" / G J l:,"-f'g\F'ncl:'::I]t C:;/'.i(~ .~ , tl "'~ && ut':.::::. '{'Co~ g;jJ Q ~'" P E:<:::~ (0 ~ $' ,.J~ ~ n"f f..t...' / , / I I. I \, \ . 0 ,.~ & o r? <' Lot 3, Block 1 1.231 Acres 0=90'01 '06' /R=3000' // L = 41 1 3' CH=N 20'51'45" W CL=42.43' ReI> Coppell if I, Ltd. CC No. 2003-242-04143 I),R.D.C.T. ~~. 6 70.00, '-" < c::i' f-.. "., ..... -~ '<.: . ~ ~- ,:.& -... '-' ,,--- ..... ~" ", " ~ Iv ...6500. . .8'78' VI,; \. '- ~-.-..-..--- _.~._-----~ "~_, ---:-.-;.~o. /</ Drai " (P f)(~ge ~", er 'J.... E:.~s "'liS Gf'h """'" ' <. ~r:!Gt) "'ent \,~ ------..~. \ '~~ ~ 76> \ -.....,~, --~~_ '2:~~ ..(Approx. County Line) -- '-'-'-'-""""':-..... '. ~", "" <::..~ 2.;, '~ 74,> >... Co ,30' 178 I Fir. '0/)1 ~,10' 775 ?? ..1 ,~/a/)G~!) "q('~_ ~\ i' , ',' I "'er tJ..<.-'~se ''-{,'ss ~ / "..... ! 'liS flle/)! I .,,-'-J / \ IJ/'3t) t ~4>~----------7----- '.....-.....,s: 77' .& 20'D;\. .......,,'-.:~ '0 r,~ >.\ 7 . '-' ._______ (p l/)agG /\?< \ / "" .----- -.--. er ~J... ~as f \ "4;:, x "-. 'liS f9rr; '. \ "\ /J/'Jt) e/)t< fi :,' //'--~.-~. .?O' I,., . . r,. D'I l.! '. ----~---- ; /}., /;" \ f.-/ / JJOr: . '\ C( ,-'1(1017\" ./ . fj(,)""") -----........~" ---- -- - ""'---- - 7;: 00' I), 't /8' (If: 7<00' " // & ". ..... R=3000' ---, ~ "- ~ o. ,,;- C') 5:;.s" CIRF "HHB [V" ,'() , . ((' . ( tll, . '\'r) ,"1"['1 -:(10 'C,[l/h I) f( ";'0), 'l('rj( . /)(' ,8'\'8G. /' nj.~ [ \)t 59 5,8" eIRF <'I31 [J3 E\C" .!(j'r . /)." I I. I: ,'Cor; "'1\' CC' . VJr; I ;,' ~. , (Jr},-) .'--., Jr;. C(' [ill '\'0 ) it" e- ....(H/ '-"\l'/)l) I) D. -J'G) '[01 'l/) "\'5\' .( t '1'51' /'" :3J C) ^-.' '.{) ;.- .-': .~,~. .:? ~$ r--~ ~,,:;.J Sf ....... " .>C }~~ g .s ~; I ~2; . .....::..~~: '-':..:..,...... ~' ~ :::::..; .' ...... " \[ \ ~! G'" '() '0-\'" '0\.;) ~ G?. \ '-,;.'0 r'\ \1.... 0'0-" r'\ ),b- 0~ -- r'\\ \',\0-- \; >'0\ -- r'\ (J(JG \)~ .~... " 0\1" ,-c' \... ..L \\:>J \)'>\ ~, S [AI L 01 f[, Xi\S ~ COI, ~ I Y OF D\1 LAS ~ COU.\ lY OF DL.\JTON ~ Cl fY or COPPFLL 9 WIILR.h\S, Rep Coppell if 1, is the owner of a tT;Jd of lamllocdtcd in the Carinda Squires ~~W\ey, ..\b~tTact \.0. 16X2, Denton Cour'.ty and AbstrJct ~o. 1327. Dallas County, City of Cup pel I, Dallas and Dcntlln Cuunties, Texas, being a portion of that parcel described by deed to Beal Mortgage, fnc. as recorded in County Clerk's File L\o 95-030664 Deed Records Denton County Texas (DRDCT), and being more particubrly described by metes and bounds as Collc)\\s (bearing referenced to the north right of way for State HighwJY 121): CO\1\1I1\(]\;CI Jt a i'ound Six-inch irun rod i'ur the southwest corr,a ofCoppell Grecns, PhJse Two. an Addition tu the City oi'Coppell as recordcd in C:J.bmd R, PJge 104, Plat Records Denton County Texas (PRIX I): lHl.\CL southedscerly I'.ith the south lme orsaiu Addltiun as i'ollolls' South o,P35'IO" hist, a distance oi'36S.52 ~i:et to a (ouno 5ix-inch irun roO with Cdp mdrked "13HBI:\C' (fuund inm rod); Suu th 62" 17 '0 3" [as r. a J istance 0 f 1l)7.ell CcLl tll J. tl1llT1d ' n\11 rlld ..'. i t:1 cap markeu 'S l I{ VCO \' 1:\ C": SOllth6557'12' Last. a distance or 22'7.()() led eU a Sl,:t inm md ..\ ilh jcllllw cap markcd "BHH 10.('." (SLl iron roU) ,it the POINT OF [3r(iIN\;I:\ci: I Hl'\U': Suuth 65'57'12" Fa~t, L'untinuing dlung the atliresaid south line ofCoppell (jreens Phase rwo, a d\stancc 01'214.28 :ect to ,-( Cuund 5X-il1l'h L'clppcd iron rod marked "GHB I0,'C" for the :.;orthwcst comer of Lot 21{. Wuck 1. Coppcl!'121 Ollicc [':irk, CiS rccurdL'd in Dall;}s CCei 2006002.~65.H;: [!lI'\CT Suuth 24'OO'O()" Wc~t. alung thc wcstcrly lit:e of said Lot 2IZ. a disnnce of 250.05 ket to a fOli.ud 5 :-\-inch cdpped iron rod Irldrkcd "HHH I\-C" in the northerly line of State lliglmilY 121 tlJr the sOllth\,est con'er 11 r ,Jid l.et 2 R: [Hl-.\CL .\'ort1165-5S'tS' West, along the nor1hcrly linc UfSd;d 121, a distancc uC214.4x t'cd to a ,c;t iron rod; THFi\Cl' '\orth 2r'02'+N" La:-,t, departIng SJid nurtherly line, a distance of250.12 feet to the POl:\T OF BIG[~'\E\G eontJining [,231 acres more or kss, \OW, llil-RLFORL. Ki\O\V ALL \1L.\J I3Y TlllSl- f'RISf'~1 S TI L\ T RCP CClPPI LL ,; I. JCling by dnd thrllugh lhe undersigned, lts duly aL.lhorllcd otlicLT, dc'\.'s hcrcby adopt tiES plat Lbigrdtlllg lhc elbO\C Jcscnbcd prupmy as Lot 3, Block 1,Coppe1U121 Office Park, an Addition to the Clty of Coppell, T e.ns and do hereby dedicate the ea,ctl1enh shown hcrcon Cur thc plirpU~CS indicatcd, .\'0 buildings, Ccnccs, trL'C~, shrubs or other ill1prO\dnents or grO\\1hs shall be constructcd or placed upun O\cr or JcrllSS the "utility l':J...Ser11ccts' d,S sht\\\n. Said 'utility etiSen:ents" being hereby reser\cd Cur thc n:utu-il use and accommodation orall public utilitics dcsiring usc UCSdml..'. ,\]1 anu ,;ny public utdity shall ha\c the' r:ght cO retl10le and keep re!ll[)wd Jllllr P:\I1 orany burlding, fence, tree, shrub or uthcr imprtl\Clllel1b ur gnmths \'. hieh Illay 111 any way endangcr or il:ti..'rtcri..' \\ith thc cLlnstru~t1Un, m,lintcni.tncc llr ctlicle:lCY ofLts respecti\e system onthc "utility L'aSe1nent" and all public utilities shall atalltime, ha\c thc full rigbt ofing,'ess ,mu egress to or 1rom and upon the ~a:d "utility eascml'nt" t(lr the pUflJosc nfconstrucllng. or r~'cun~tructing, ll1spccting, patrul11l1g, mallltdming i.\I'.d Jdding ll! or removing i'rom all parts 01' its resp.::ctiv,: systel1ll'.lthl1ut thc T'ii..'CCS,tly elt emy [1111i..' ufprtll'l;ring thc p~'nl1ission uC;"nyone. \V ~lness my hand at . :his thc , 2(J()7 ) '(PI', {lie V r, Vc)I' ,~ C' Vo 'I 0, j ~S. ('I? JOO ')Eb U o~ V. f.? ' P, l\, [/ f. J8'/ VOl 01 990 !J...:.? 'I~' .?}I) ~ - If}) 't 8" . lJyO,;o 36 f.> ) 'IlD ( t J<j' g L'I) ...y , Pg I 'R08 'of] ....... '101 ,f .~\ D'7//.'j. ( .')' ..... ~, Iv ------.." 6SoJ::- u8' 1Jif?" VI,; I/--------......'........~--- ..........." ~ / 20' ( .'-.... 7 IJV.6 .Jlil ~-~OO' I' ". " SC (P . 'If} E:: ~ 0' iY S,f}'78 , er ti) '~selh ~ 650<." VI,; IS IJ/. '8/)t "", 58'7 at) ".. /' 8" VI,; '-...,~/ 6189' day L1r R.CI' Cuppcl] 'i I :\ IC'.dS limlted Par1nership Gy: Pnnted namc: I;tk': S L\ I I... Url!::X,\S ; COli'; I '{ ClI' ~ Bcfurc mc thc Ul'.uerslgn. a :\ULLI)' Pl;bl1c tllr :hc SUtc ufTc'.a" un this day persunally appeared . knl1\'. n to be ,hI..' pi..'rson \, hose namc is sllb~cribcd to thc tllrcguing In,trun~ent ,:nd <.lcknLl\'.lcdgc tllmc tbat hc cxccuteJ the same tc,r the purposes dnu consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stCled (Ji\L'n undcr my h,.md and scal uf l)llicL', this thc Jayor .2007 - - -- ----_.--~--~-- ------ ----- 0.lJtat) Public t<.'r thc Stall..' L1f ICXJS ---- ---- -------_.._----- !-irst S,n ings B,mk of Ari1l1gtcn - Lendcr S 1"[\TL C)t, Tl'XI\S ~ CCJl';\irY OF ,\tmos Lngcry " , Bctorc mc thc undcrsign, J \'c1tary Public tCir the' Sti.Hr: of I'eX,IS. l)n lhis ddY persor~ally 3ppeJred . Klllmn :0 be thc person I'. hose name IS sL.bsenbed to thc forcguing 111~\nJmcnt auu aCK.no\'. ledge tLl me' that he' e'xt..'cukd the same Il)! the purposes emu C~l[151dcration tberelll expressed, anu 111 the cdpaeity therem stakd, IXU Lkctric Ddi\ery (.1\ ~'n lmL~cr my heme! and sl'al Llt' o:'ticc. thIS thc cay or . 20m VIRlZO\. Bob Holldnu 0.L1tary Public ll.lr thc St"ilC uf I CBS CO~lCASI' Juan /apata L__________._ ____ Flocxlplarn De\eloprnent Pennit Application 1\0,___ bas b.:en tiled I\ith the City ofCoppel! tloodplain aumiI1lstrator on ______ ___________, 20U7 f'loodplain AdminIstrator DatI..' thc ucdcrsigncd, thc City Sccrctary ufthc City uCCLlppclL Tc'.as, hcrchy I..'L,rtilics that thc t'urcgOlng hnal Plat titlcd Lot 3, Block 1, CoppelU 121 Oftice Park, an addltiun to the City ofCoppdl, was ,ubmitkd to thc city Cuuncil on thi..' ~m_uay uf _ _ ,2007. and the CouncIl, by fonnal 3ction. then and th.:re accepted the dedlCJtion llr streets, alleys. parks. easements, public spaces and \'. dli..'r and scwcr lincs as shown and Set forth in the and upon said plat, and s<.lid Councd further autborizcd the mayor to not<..' the Jcccptmce thcreof by SIgning his namc as hi..'rcin abu\c subscribcd. \\IT\-ESS \1Y fL\\-D, this Jay of ,2007. City SCLTt..'tary. ( ity of Cop pel!, leXdS RceomrncndcD Cur ,\ pprm d I: ChaIn'lan, Planning Jnd Zoning CommiSSlOn Date ,\ pprm cd and Acccpted: \1a\or City O!'Cl'ppeli. fe'.as Date 1 hcreby ceclarc lhat thlS IllJp and thc deSCription hereon \'.ere' prepared ti'OlH all onthe gn1Llnd ,UI ey, and that the monuments shm,n hereon l'.Cre fliund and/or Set under my supen is:on during December, 20UC>, in accordance wl1h the plal1ll1g nllcs and rcgulJtions ofthc City of Cuppcll, Tcxas. Doug \kKoy l{eglSlt'red Professional Lmd SUr\'eyor IcxCls Rcgistration :\u, 5799 STATL or TEXAS ~ COUNTY OFL\I{f{ANT ~ Before me the undersign, J. \-owry Public for the Swtc ofTe'xds, un tlm LLty pcrsonatly appearcd Doug \lcKoy, knO\\1l to be the person whose name is subscribcD to thc forcguing imtml11L11t and i.ll'knm,lcdgc tu 111i..' that he cxccutcd lhc sanK fur thc purposes and considcration therein L'xpresscd. and in thc L'apacity thcrcin -.tatcd, Cli\cn under my hand and seJI of offiCe, thiS the day of __11007 .\'otary Public for the Swte of Texas Final Plat Lot 3, Block 1 Coppell/121 Office Park being 1.23 1 Acres out of the Clarinda Squires Survey, A - 1682, Denton County Clarinda Squires Survey, A - 1327, Dallas County City of Cappell, Texas Dccunbcr, 2006 (972) XSS-1344 Date - -- ----- ---- (l)72) X1\S,1344 Date (972) 31 :-\-0652 DatI..' ;'\. (972) 320-7404 _nO ( .., I -..,- ~ " - D,ltC " <, r'r 1 41 . Ftb, /3()oOt