Replat ~ C D- )::: (', o n D o :1J '-i.) <~'i :/ o :: o /' Vi N o 2~ 0.... ':..D NO :...') i c'j :1J IJ Ci D-:;; 0:- o J~ ~ c,J ~ (', ~ >=~/ 2 ('i .. f-_2 I I I I I I N I LOT 1, BLOCK A ~ I FREEPORT NORTH ~ I (VOL. 2001132, PG. 37) 1 \ 2c' , 20' ii:' rER ::S'IT. :\ I PART OF S 89'56'15" W i, "'--1- -if~~rH-~~~:~~~~s -,,-,-,""'_ """ N og.706~'745~. W ' . +.7::;~~~G "826) \\ 7~'<O<O<O"/ / TE></"S DUGMj _If,1ITED PA.RT0JERSH P - yo ~+--... 15' TX. .J .::;.SWE'H I (f' (\,Ol. 2C00251. ~G. 2685) ('CL. 2C00102. PG. 4826) I I I I - - - . - -' - - - ~! - _18 '" I I N 00.03'45" W 368,65' : I ,/ ~},~d~g~::~Rg~K~g~" ~-- L~ ~ (7 "')/ I \ '" - - - - - - - - - - I L16 \\.\ CAP FOUND MUllJAL ACCESS /_ I /C: ~ (~ ~+" CUT IN I ~ ~ I EASEMENT _LL I ~ ,....jj CONC. FOUND ~ ~ ~ -----l! .? ' / " L17 (BY THIS PLA T)// I ~, ~"", :i;, I ---- 05.., 'rr'n3'4-"11 1'2 -8' /1,-19 -"'.... ", nO'O.3'4::;" "'47.~R' '-- ..~ 1'; ..,____ ----'::""'::<'35" ,j J,j,~ J nJ.: _ - C20 " - - ~, ~ -- / / I <C's~ ~;::- -- ~ ~ ~ ~ - '- ~ ~ ~ ~ r- ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ---- :::2' // .? 35"~ ~ ' / rF RE LA~E EASE'.~::~jT J / / I~I ' f ~1:;-.--!~3'Z C1~ \~j 139'56'15" E 1.38 (BY THS FL:'T) L12 ~ / LOT 1, BLOCK 1 i ~I lO'c6""upi~~Rgs~~N'iRY ~---- ----:z ~2;(,,7s--00'03'AS~ ~oo~ - -'N 00'0;'45' >;;-282.w~ ~ -- -- ------ 2' O~ ~.- -- u.. --~/ '.C CICI'S ADDITION NO. 1 1 (BY THIS PLAT) ~f?nj-'j 139'':6'15'' E 1500' / / (VOL. 99124, PG. 00170) I I '-5 OO'~~:;,5~, ~U ':N'~;GY 1 / / I ~ A1C RESTAURMH ! I I I DEUVERY COMP.ANY / ~~;~~iU ~'gC\;;;;) !. I ; 1 '''rg1'S E (8;A~~~E~c'.TI ~ L: ~ it/ / ~ / :~ 1 1 LO~~5 BALc~~~ A ~ ~~ 1:2 ~ /" '~:C~I~ (2;8.998 SO FT.) .~ i~ Ii Jf I ~.Q?~~ I ~ I 3 ~ N ~ ~ 2'."~" I ~ ~ 4 . ~ ~I i~ I~ ~ ~ ~ /~1I / ~ / ~ rNl 11 ~ >- 1 ~ ,~ ~ ;~I .~: (: ~ 025 07 / ~'3H~CR II ~ :~g~30~~30~"/ ~ IZ {,O . ~7 / ~ ~~6:j~: I ~ 1 1 1 / ~ ~ if CB=S 58-28'50. E 0, I 1 I } / C9 Y / CD=37,38' I I I 2 / ~I NL~M~ i<. PA1'~E SLR\EY. ABsnACT \0. 1140 0 / I ' CO' i . J. T Tli NEA TT SUR"', ^8 S rn AC T m 175 l ;,J H /::c 1/2-,NCH IRON ROD / II ~ /',..- ~5"n \ r'7~2~ L19 __ ___ __ __ 027 ",;; .~' .f;,y ^~ W/,LYCA/P F6uND I I ;9;~~~~J~ ~ - --- / ,;{!' Ra 0" le/ ~ fFr~E ~A""E EASEME'jT~- --- . "',... ltj : ~ ~ <,'''' ..--CRA,~~AGE EASE','EW ~ - L1S ----18Y~S ~T)_ _ ------- ------- __________.-/ / 1<;] O~0~)...~ I...... / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J ji ;( (BY THS PLAT) (:6~ U;5L~T5Y4,E~~E'~~~~~ --- ------- _______ _______ ~ / / _43"'-57' 56 35' _ >- .,. :r. ",. _ ... _ _ ~Cl 2C26 / / : i!'. C 4J / / _ ~ ~ _.<CD 8U'Lno L" __ \;- ~~ OQ:..L6 41 E =225,97 = = . = =----- __=- _= - ~ / el, t..J; / -----~~-- ~ - ~L-~--~~~--I=--===~===:::l-- ~ .... \ , ~ / - - ~ - ~ - - - - ORA N;.GE EASWENT CRM,AGE E;.SEI~ENT - ------~~.... i ~.7J'\ :;; ,^ / (\C,- 9':054, PG 49C~ _ ~ (,OL 95[54, FG 49C6) _ _ ----.:.... " \ 'Y- "'J / -~--~------~~ ~-~-- ------------ ~ ~") / / 14' x 60' ;.CCESS ES'H -' :::0-.... L< / I GULF (~~~TE~5~~4~S~~~E~9~~)1l10N ~ ~li~~:~~: (VOL. 95054:>49G6k ~/2R~~/~~;~ pol'A'r OF / L=281.43', "" CH=S 1 O~8'18" w ii/If;] BEGINNING' CD=279,78' ,iJ; 1t. / / 0/ ~ / s' S'=\ENAJ< &: ~ / / 1J1lUTi EASWENT (,OL 95054, PG. 4K6) / ,vAL TER f-"OGG P:'R~ERS (\0'-- 9C05S, PG. 1687) 1/2-INCH IRON ~ ROD FOUND 443,29' ~ -::J;-SICE --:::'RD SETB:'CK -l I I I I. I ,a, 'N I~ '~ \ \ " ... \ \ ... "- ... ... , , --r-----~---,----------------------------------- ----------- I 24' ::-I~E L:.r,E, :'CCESS ~ & UccT~~I~; EASE~'.'Er, T~cc I ( \; C - L.J j.J C 2, P G 48 L 0 ) ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- - / / , ... ... \ \ / / / / / lOT 3R REPlAT OF A PORTION OF FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 95245, PG. 2050) CR ,L ~T\,1..~C:E '~j TER ~~;., TI 0\ /i L, I' (' 11,;1,-" : (~: 9.524-'~, ::G. 13,64) GULF BE,t\RI~~G, I~K. (94148, PG.36) CURVE Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Cll C12 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C2.4 C25 C26 C27 C28 C2.9 OWNER'S DEDICA TlON STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTf OF DALLAS NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 777e undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the forgoing Plat of Ll~ 4R, BLOCK AY!lff'J} :!J:iJ.Jn addition to. the City af Co[:pell, was submitted to. the City Cauncil on the I~_ day of J r . 2006, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, ana ....ater and se....er lines, os shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Moyor to. note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein above subscribed. 777at, TEXAS DUGAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, does hereby adopt this plot designating the herein described property as LOT <4R. BLOO< A. F'REEPC<<T NOOlH, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and do. hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, alleys, and easements specified as dedicated to the public sho....n thereon. 777e easements shown hereon ore hereby reserved for the purpose as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growth shall be constrvcted or placed upon, over or across the ~Utility Easements~ as shown. Said 'Utility Easements. being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to. use or using same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths while reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from all parts of its respective system, ....ithin said 'Utility Easements., ....ithout the necessity at any time of prowring the permission of anyone. Notwithstanding the forgoing, TEXAS DUGAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP reserves for themselves, their successors and assigns the r!ght to use the surface of al! such easements for installing landscaping and irrigation systems, for parking of vehicles (except that parking shall not be authorized in any designated fire lanes), for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and to. constrvct and maintain paving on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved used. f--'\ ^ _ / Witness my hand at Coppell, Texas this the L day of j f:rr;i, 1..v-1 ;006. 1,AJo; (i fj) (j Zs'r~v 'r'r1TNESS MY HAND, this ~day of . 2c4J6. J CO 7 n~\/ '~L- "'. /lL-J.f....1 '- /, (( '6ty ISecretart, City of COPBJ/I, Texas and ..Ii:.ceo tM.:... Recommended for Appro'Kll: ~........... ~--~~~ Maydr C!ty of Coppell Date I /, c G: (~L;: if" 1-4' 0.:>7 .J ~r~4 ,JOG 1 hal:rman, Pla~.~~ \ '/ ( ZOning CommlsslU<!.~ I \J Dote ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ / /" ,/ ,/ / ,/ /" / / ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / LOT 4R REPlAT OF A PORTION OF FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 95245, PG. 2050) TE:<AS DluGA~ LlJlTEC P/iRT'jERSHP el. 2CC:0251, PG. 2711) DELTA 1"05'38. 1 "08' 55. 95..,9'45- 1'58'38. 52.., 0'52" 90"00'00' 66'49'2r 42"37' 40' 45..,3'34" 91'53'29" 4-5 "00' 00" 50.., 5' 32" 16"08'21 " 90.., 1 '51" 90"00'00" 88"05'23" 88 "05' 23" 52'" 0' 52" 2"02'11" 38.., 5'27' 90"00'00' 21..,7'04-" 84- "20' 54-" 15'44'51" 90"'1'51" 90"00'00" - 'I OWNER'S CERTlF/CA TlON I STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAUAS 'r'r'HEREAS, Texas Dugan Limited Partnership is the owner of 0 6.405 acre tract of land situated in the William K. Payne Survey, Abstract No. 1140 and the J. r Thweatt, Survey Abstract No. 1753, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being 0 portion of Freeport North, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas according to the plot recorded in Volume 84203, Page 1835 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being 0 portion of the some tract of land described in Special Warran ty Deed to Texas Dugan Limited Partnership recorded in Volume 2000251, Page 2685 of the Deed Records of Dallas Coun ty, Texas; said 6.405 acre tract being more particularly described os follows; LENG TH 20.04' 21.05' 33,28' 38.15' 49.18' 47.12' 34-.99' 22.32' 23.68' 48.11' 23.56' 26.32' 221.48' 85.01' 84.82' 46.12' 46.12.' 27.32' 40.14-' 6.68' 4-7.12' 11.14-' 44.16' 222.70' 47.23' 47.12' Aporoved and Accepted by; TEXAS DUGAN ~[) PARTNERSHIP tl~ / By Jef }fumer Title: Sdf ior Vice Presiden t 1\ 10l _ has been filed with the City of ..2000 z. 00 7 ~<-- r. 1+~ ATMOS ENERGY D Floodplain Development Permit Application No. Coppell floodplain administrator on 1.-f~ (fA J_ Floodplain Adm~ f' 23 . 7 Date if) ----~ -Jtd-_?;;;d/u- TXU ELECTRI/tu~-PANY STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTf OF DAUAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned Quthority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Jeff Tumer, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to. me that he executed the some for the purposes and consideration therein. GIVFN UNDER MY HAND. AND. .SEAL OF OmCE thiS,/'L day of !)YJ ,,' / 20M. ;,_-(." ) ",,1.,"1:1111,.1 I Z / r ~- , \~,,>,J\ ~~~.~ Tl.,IC:I;'I'I/ / "........\) ~~.~.~~,.y.~:.,..:'f;:Jr?", /,r-1 )J ......<;:;./".:\1..\'\ ri,l/:;"U(!,/ (f - J/), {"...~,::-":- .. (20',,;1-%. x7 if!') . rJiLl '.- l.Afj..;'(( -.: : "z::.-{~? ~ ~ Notary 1ubliclin and for the_5:ate of Te;~S ~ ", ../;.~~.;:o .... ~::: My Corr!mission expires: ,-:>. f - .)( . ( u I ~, " f/[ "F\,<:-l--',' ~ 'l,/ 'o..E-X?I?,.~S...' .f //1/. ~')~--,,~\~ "" '{./!!/I,l\\\\\\\\" NO TES: 1. Bearing system for this survey based on the plat of the Freeport N'xth Addition, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, recorded in Volume 84203, Page 1836 of the Deed Records c f Dallas County, Texas. 2. Subject property is shown on the National F700d Insurance Program F700d Insurance Rate Map for the City of Coppell, Texas, Community Panel No. 480170 0010 E, dated April 15 1994, All of the subject property is indicated to be in 'Zone X" on said map. Rele'Klnt zones are defined on said map as follows: :J I - 20 40 80 j I I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 120 I I' ~("\\J';~ 13~A~Cri ) \.../ ~j CI1Y OF ,c~ COPPEll I r''-' I I, ~ BEGINNING, at 0 point for corner; said point being in the southwest right-of-way line of Royal Lone (0 100 foot wide right-of-way); said point also being the northwest corner of Gulf United Industries Addition, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas according to the plot recorded in Volume 95054, Page 4906, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; . '- i .'\ ; ~ I~~~/ \ ! iJ I --- ?=/?= ~. ! ~!g : ~~I.i..~ !I 1-' ~ ! ~ I",. U c'8o.lf?:? CI1Y OF : .It;- GRAPEVINE 3rriEL ~PROJECT \, TriENCE, in 0 southerly direction, deporting the said southwest line of Royal Lone and along the west line of said Gulf United Industries Addition, the following three (3) calls,' LOCATIONI South 20 degrees, 53 minutes, 57 seconds West, 0 distance of 28.13 feet to 0 1/2-inch iron rod found; said point being the beginning of 0 tangent curve to the left; z :s In 0 southerly direction along the said curve to the left, having 0 central angle of 21 degrees, 29 minutes, 59 seconds, on arc distance of 281.43 feet, 0 radius of 750. 00 feet, and 0 chord bearing and distance of South 10 degrees, 28 minutes, 18 seconds West, 279.78 feet, on arc distance of 281.43 feet to 0 poin t for corner at the end of said curve; ~ ,i _- YJ.?'. - ....';'--.---- ~/ ~____i MAPSCO South 00 degrees, 16 minutes, 41 seconds East, 0 distance of 225.97 feet to 0 point for corner; said point being the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Cici's Addition, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas according to the plot recorded in Volume 99124, Page 170 of the Deed Records of Dallas Coun ty, Texas,' 118 VICINITY MAP LINE TABLE LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 LS L6 L7 L8 L9 Ll0 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 BEARING N 45'D3'4r E S 20'53'57" W S 20'53'5r W N 68'46'41" W N 20'53'5r E S 68'46'41" E S 4-5"03'47" W S 00"03' 45 - E S 89"56'15" W N 00'03'45" W N 45'D3'47. E N 00'03'45" W N 23"06'48" E N 23'D6' 48" E S 00..,5'36" E N 00'03'45" W N 00'03'45" W N 00'03'45" W S 00..,5'36" E N 66..,3'19" E S 66..,3'19' W CURVE TABLE RADIUS 1050.00' 1050.00' 20.00' 1105.45' 54-.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 786.26' 54.00' 54,00' ,30.00' 30.00' ,30.00' 1129.45' 10.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 810.26' 30.00' 30.00' ~_..~~ ~2/ tJ ~.._ ~~Elf-CABLE 'Zone X" - Areas determined to be au tside the 500- yeor flood plain; 3. Sidewalks ....ill be constructed at the expense of the property owner ",hen deemed necessary by the City Engineer. TANGENT 10.02' 10.52' 21.95' 19.08' 26.44' 30.00' 19.79' 11.70' 12.50' 31.01 ' 12.4-3 ' 14.07' 111.48' 54.19' 54.00' 29.02' 29.02' 14.69' 20.07' 3.47' 30.00' 5.64' 27.18' 112.05' 30.10' 30.00' j -b -07 -:ct"e'.cf :'pprc',<cl :;:, ( S- r 01- DIJte ':f:..pprC.QI 3/r/01- -OC-te of~pprc..cl ~-~'u1 ___:2__ ._____ :)cte cf '!'pprC',':1 CHORD BEARING S 48'43'49" E S 48"45'28" E S 02'36'06" E S 51..,5'18" E N 26'09'11" W S 4-5"03'45" E N 56'31'32" E N 01'47'58" E S 45'43'35- W S 22'49'56" E N 88'43'19" E N 41'05'33" E S 07'53'36" W N 44'50'19- E S 45'03'45" E N 44'06'2.7' W N 43'58'57" E N 26"09'11" W S 51'13'31" E N 69"20'09" W S 44'56'15" W N 79'25'13" W N 26'36'14" W S 07'41 '47" W N 44'50'19- E S 45'03'45" E LENGTH 41.48' 28.13' 20.00' 20,00' 20,00' 20.00' 41.55' 45.77' 15.00' 59.06' 34.05' 67.95' 29.06' 4.19' 15.23' 24.00' 5.39' 53.57' 15.25' 32.18' 24-.89' CHORD 20.04-' 21.05' 29.57' 38.15' 4-7.50' 42.4-3' 33.04' 21.81' 23.07' 4-3.12' 22.96' 25.48' 220.74' 76.50' 76.37' 41.71' 41.71' 26.39' 40.14-' 6.55' 42.43' 11.08' 40.28' 222.00' 42.50' 42.43' THENCE, North 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 04 seconds West, deporting the said west line of the Gulf United Industries Addition ond along the north line of the said Lot 1 of Cici's Addition, 0 distance of 408.83 feet to 0 poin t for corner,' said poin t being the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block A, Freeport North, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas according to the plot recorded in Volume 2001132, Page 37 of the Deed Records of Dallas Coun ty, Texas; THENCE, is 0 northerly direction, deporting the said north line of Od's Addition and along the east line of said Lot 1, of Freeport North, the following four (4) calls: North 00 degrees, 03 minutes, 45 seconds West, 0 distance of 368.65 feet to 0 1/2-inch iron rod with "Pacheco Koch" cop found for corner at on interior "ell" corner; Sou th 89 degrees, 56 m in utes, 15 secon ds Wes t, 0 dis ton ce 0 f 20.00 fee t to 0 p oin t for corner at on exterior "ell" corner; North 00 degrees, 03 minu tes, 45 seconds West, 0 distance of 376.75 feet to 0 ff +" cu t in concrete found at on angle poin t; North 45 degrees, 03 minutes, 47 seconds East, 0 distance of 41.48 feet to 0 "+ " cut in concrete found in the said south west line of Royal Lone; said poin t being the beginning of 0 non-tangent curve to the left; 'TrlENCE, in 0 southeasterly direction and olong the said southwest line of Royal Land, and along soid curve to the left, having 0 central angle of 20 degrees, 35 minutes, 39 seconds, 0 radius of 1050.00 feet, and 0 chord bearing and distance of South 58 degrees, 28 minutes, 50 seconds East, 375.38 feet, on ore distance of 377.41 feet to 0 1/2-inch iron rod with "LJA" cop found at the end of said curve; TJ-4ENCE, South 68 degrees, 46 minutes, 40 seconds Eost, continuing along the said southwest line of Royal Lone, 0 distance of 150.24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING, 278,998 square feet or 6.405 acres of land, more or less. SURVEYOR'S CERTlFICA TE STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAUAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 777at I, Michael Lorry Lewis, Jr., Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from on actual and acwrate survey of the land; that the comer monumMts shown were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance ....!th the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. EXECUTED THIS 12th DA Y OF DECEMBER, ~ "" ~.. ~ F. .,t ~ .... ~., G \ ST e -9 ..:t., c,.. ~Y." ..' (1'0 '.<Jl ~... T. ...,~ '; ~I~~.A.~~ . ~~~.R.~ .~~~~;. !~i ('"\"1> 5773 ~,:"'~ ., -?~,c-es s \ ~~'4. <:l t; "S'UR~ ~ 2006. -L '--/'- Iv ~ Michael Larry./~ewis, t j Registered Professional Lan Surveyor No. 5773 STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAUAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, 0 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Michael Larry Le....is, Jr., kno....n to me to be the person ....hose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrvment and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVFN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OmCE this 12th day of DECEMBER, 2006. ~ ~ l.) o ...J CO 1.-"'''-~:''--'~''''"'''r;V!''-_..,...., """ ___~'~~:.-' "--'-'-~___ l~?, JOANNA MACIK II '(1~.:7 'u oO,""'.SICN EXP:RES I I ~~~" M,W 23, 2C<j9 J ..:.t"~""..';oII("1,lJl?:'J"m.:...,...I'JIi~'~J.;;'q"~~.~~ Ci<~t~{;~ IVleuif Nataf Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission expires: q--J-3- ~ ~~ I- o ...J '- L- E::: c:::::;; E::: r---.J ~ [Fa~[Pl[L&u LOT 4R, BLOCK A, FREEPORT NORTH ~ 0::: o ~ I- 0::: o ~ IJ.J ff: I..L o I- ~ .,J [h 0::: (C.M.) CONT!:(DLL r,G f~m,L'~un PRCPE~TY LNE PRCPOSED EASEMENT PRCPOSED SE'B;.C~ OWNER: TEXAS DUGAN LIMITED PARn~ERSHIP 5495 BEL TUNE ROAD, SUITE 360 DALLAS, TEXAS 75240 PH: (972) 361-6704 FAX: (972) 361-6800 BEING A REPLAT OF 6.405 ACRES OF FREEPORT NORTH LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE WILLIAM K. PAYNE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 1140 AND THE J,T. THWEATT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1753 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers SURVEYOR/ APPLICANT: PACHECO KOCH CONSUL TlNG ENGI~EERS, INC. 8350 NORTH CENTRAL EXPRESSVvA Y, SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 235-9::44 ~ 8350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY. SUITE 1000 DALLAS. TX. 75206 972.235.3031 CHECKED BY MLL SCALE 1"=40' DATE SEPT. 2006 JOB NUMBER 1958-06.302 ORA WN BY TAM PK FlLE. 1958-06.302 DWG FlLE. 1958-06.302RPDWG