MP & RP Attached to CC Packet 111406 30 15 0 30 60 ~1 SCALE: 1" = 30' Basis of Beorir;g: "Robertson Commercial Pools Addition" \/01.98220 Pg.0056 lI'S/R ~ LX, E~,:=C~ ;, z o ~ ~ o '" o ~ :: ~ 'i C ,1o\'4Q Et.. / '~'-'-., A ~ ,-<(c,.....'--,j-l, ~ ,-<[-,c-:;[:.::::C'.'~: .~, ,--. '-'.,' T' ,r j., .... ,--",,' 2'~/=:~ 134 7~ c:q ;'" ,Io,:t, C:E ~!~ S~ 'I E,Io\, ~ ~ Q") ~ 2::::,1 C~2S :::;'j. 3SC>~ ~ ~ 589'56'22"[ 73.41' z o ..-. ~ N (J1 (J1 :i "89'56'22"W 6345' N s:> (J1 C'> N87-36'07"W 49.30' ~=;['- :~'t. 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I :z c '.. c z,'::\ E:. ~' r',' ,__ ,,_ '-''---Co..;' ~'j - .::... '" .." c ~ " "J 3~C4 ---- .......... '\:59 '5.5 ',:1 ',' "j" 2/' .+ , .~ ..... B2,B3' 12'~R I CiY'< 7ROC ~CNU/'/O< I I I I .- ~,-, .. .- ,-- \--.' i_J,.\.- .~{ EL. S~I/::.;\i -'"' ~ ~'-~/.'~ ,,"",~r'+- ~ .. r' ~ ;,-;'~ ~,~. L+ / .i,i;-:: /rr " -' J '...-' "..../' , , r '.-.-'.t.__. '-, "...-/ I ~==:j.4':; .......... .......... 2. - CJ -J u -J CJ LOT 1R BLOCK A AREA= 115,534 SQ. FT. OR 2.6523 AC. \ ('0 ~ '9',.;> '0 \. Jo /~, , '0, ;J -.......:.: ;1"-" ,r--, ' '~C5, L -- ;..u ':0 ,""1 ""1 s:> o o ..,",,-- z fY7IHi~c-,. ,~ ,'.',',',,6<J6.'ry, , o "', '~- ~ I X 1 I l,t'A TE,~ CSI.~ ~ ,~ ==3 /~, J;h . ----- ,,'r'Jr "rr ',,,,,.-..,'1 ~.. -l ,"-" -~ 10 I \:',~, '::J ,j' 'J U :-, IJ ~../: d / / ':1 '~ 24' .~ ,q~~A~\:: & EjSC1/E,~,,:: ----I I I I -'~---+ " 70' I '--, 1--, I I t--- I I I I I I I I '~ "8-15' ~ " \, ~,,' , " ",',20'Sq'l1"t',',':'.',..,',',',',','. ,',' '.',',' , , . , , , " ,or;. .:>;3!';er ["",..,., t ' , . . , , 'Vo/,9~22fJ ' P' . ,~"', . . ....i~~ 4.38' ~.- . .'Ne-nYcO'T "~"'~""~",____,'~fIO'9~C.<-_<y:~:;~:,:,~. f1R ~~ lI'n" SOO-48'12"E 35.00 ' UTILITY CERTlFlCA T[ FLOOD PLAIN LINE WAS TRACED FROI0 THE REFERENCED FLOOD INSURANCE RA TE I,JAP. LECE,"<O FiP FOUND 'RON PPE Fie FOUND IRO,"/ eoo SIR SET leON ROO WITH C&P CAP .~..., (],0 ',r \i -" .~.' '-J' !,.-.. :J j ,,'(1 N89-2631 W 193.00 This plot correctly presents the required easements for this developemen t, TXU Electric Delivery Co,,' Verizon Communications: Time Worner Coble: A tmos Cas: Dote: Dote: Dote: Dote: I I 1- ,"~,~:.=,:=< ,=;',~~:._, '-~ :.:: e,.:] , :::.:: :=,:..--:; ;~..~ ;:~E'L= / ,', .. "- C\j . """- LC) .1; r-<) ~. " ~ ", :s. .. .. o ..0 o p o o (J) '";:- '.. .... ..... 12'f1R ~ '-l14'Cd'27"'.-' 15<1' fI SANDY lAXE RD ~ .... ~ ~ ~ P A.RK CREEKVI.E:fI DR. fI, BE Tf'f:L R POINT OF BEGINNING ~' ~' /r.~" .-< :-. c ~ I ) ~ " - -.-' '- '--- .. - " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 :;: .c -,:- ,\.j ",/ :--_~ ~l,j~_,', T OWNER'S CERTlF/CA TE ',VHEREAS, RL Robertson, LLC, is the owner of a tract or parcel of land situated in the John Vest Survey, Abstract No. 1508, in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, being the seme as Lot 1 Block A of the "Robertson Commercial Pools Addition ", an addition to the City of Cappel! recorded in Volume 98220 Page 56 in the Dallas Coun ty Map Records, and elso includ'ng Tracts A, B, C, and 0 described in the deed to R.L, Robertson, LLC recorded in Volume 98170 Page 5904 :n the Dallas County Deed Records (DCDR), and being more particularly described as folloNs: SITE BEGINNING at a found ~-inch iron rod on the west right-of-Nay line of Coppel! Road (60' Nide right-of-way) at the southeast corner of Lot 4 Block A of the Duke-Freeport Addition Replat recorded in Volume 2001-134 Page 74 in the Dellas Coun ty Mop Records, being also the northeast corner of said Lot 1 Block A "Robertson Commercial Pools Addition "; VICINITY MAP N,T~;, THENCE South 00'00'00" West, 351.27 feet along the west line of Coppell Road to 0 point for 0 corner Nitnessed by 0 found ~-inch iron rod which bears North 14'08'27" West 1.69 feet; THENCE North 89'26'31" West, 193.00 feet clong the north side of the cailed 0.585 acre tract described in the deed to Chadick Capitel LP recorded in Volume 99114 Page 8140 in the Dol/as County Deed Reccrds, end along the north side of the called 1.750 acres tract described in the deed to ',Jichael S. Chase and Graciela P. Chase, husband end wife recorded in Volume 95243 Page 2071 in the Dellas County Deed Records, to a fen ce corn er; THENCE South 00'48'12" East, 35.00 feet continuing along the north side of said Chase tract to a found ~-:nch iron rod; THENCE North 86'57'25" West, 102.02 feet continuing along the north side of said Chase tract to a found 1 ~-inch iron pipe as described 'n the Boundary L'ne Agreement beLveen J.C, Nisbett and wife, E'"elyn Fay Nisbett end Richard J. Lee and Nife Barbaro Lee recorded in Volume 93195 Pege 7874 in the Dallas County Deed Records; THENCE North 00'03'00" East, 213.89 feet along the east side of said Chase Trect, and clong the east side of the called 0.686 acre tract described in the deed to Joel E. Hartman and wife, Joyce A. Hartman recorded in Volume 80135 Page 2707 in the Dallas County Deed Records to a found ~-'nch iron rod; THENCE North 87'36'07" West, 49.30 feet along the north side of said Hertman tract; THENCE North 04 '40'03" West, 164.14 feet along the east side of said Duke-Freeport AddiUon Replat; THENCE South 89'54'30" East, 356.81 feet along the south side of said Lot 4 Block A Duke-Freeport Addition Replat to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 115,534 square feet or 2.6523 acres of lend, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL tAEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That R.L. Robertson, LLC /s the owner of the herein described property, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein desc,-ibed property as REPLA T - ROBER TSON COWvlERCIAL POOLS ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate; to the public use forever the streets and alleys shoNn hereon. The easements shONn hereon are hereby reserved for public utilities, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The ma'ntenance of paving on the utility access end fire lane easements is the responsib'/ity of the property ONner. No bu'ldings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvemen ts or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use the same. All and any public utility shell have the right to remove end keep removed 011 or ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other 7mprovemerlts or groNths which in any way endenger or interfere,vith the construction, ma'ntenance or efficiency of its respective system on the easements end 011 public utilities shall at 011 t'mes have the right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, patrolling, maintaining and add'ng to or removing eil or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. Any public utility shall have the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters ond any maintenance required or ordinarily performed by the utility. This plat approved subject to 011 platUng ordinences, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. EXECUTED this the ________ day of ________________ , 2006 Ron Robertson R.L. Robertson, LLC STA TE CF TEXAS COUN TY OF DALLAS BEFORE '"IE, the undersigned authority, a Notery Public in and for the said County and State, on this date personaf/y appeared Ron Robertson, known to me to be the person and officer Nhose nome is suuscribed to the foregoing'nstrument and acknoNledged to me that he executed the seme for the purpose end consideration therein expressed and in the copecity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND M.JO SEAL OF OFFICE this the ______ day of ___________, 2006. Notary for the State of Texas _____________________________ My Commissicn Expires _________________________________ PU/~POSE OF REPL AT' TO CCVBiN[ UNPLA TED TRACTS TO LOT 1 Date: August, 2006 SURVE'(QR'S CERTlFlCA TE I, Thomas C. Holland, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual on the ground survey of the land, and that the corner monuments shoNn thereon Nere placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the plotting rules and regulations of the City Plan Commission of the City of Coppell, Texas PRELIMINARY, THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NO BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE, Thomas C. Holland date Registered Professienal Land Surveyor No. 2036 STA TE OF TEXAS COUN TY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, 0 Notary Public in end for the said County and State, on this date personally appeared Thomas C. Holland known to me to be the person and officer Nhose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknoNledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER f,JY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the ______ day of ___________, 2006. Notary for the State of Texas _____________________________ Recommended for Approval: Chairman, Plenning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas Dote Approved and Accep ted.. Mayor City of Coppell, Texas Date The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Ceppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing minor plat and replat of the MINOR PLA T AND REPLA T - ROBERTSON COMMERCIAL POOLS ADDITION to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the ______ day of _________________, 2006, and the Council, by formal ection, then an d th ere accep ted th e dedica t ion 0 f s tree t s, alleys, parks, easem en t s, public places, and Nater and sewer lines, as shONn and set forth in and upon said plot and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. Witness my hand this ___________ day of _________________ A. 0., 2006. City Secretory FLOOD PLAIN NOTE According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Mop titled "Dallas County, Texas and Incorporated Areas", Mop Number 48113C0135 J, Effective Date August 23, 2001, the land described in this map of survey is partially located within a Zone "X" (unshaded), Nhich is defined on the mop as "Areas determined to be outside 500- year flood plain" and partially located with a Zone "A" which is defined on the map as "Special Flood Hazard Areas Inundated by 100-Year Flood; No base flood elevations determined. "; "Floodplain Developmen t Permit Application No. __________ has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on _____________ , 2006, Floodplain Administrator date "The developer, builder, sel/er, or agent, shall inform'n 'Writing, eech prospective buyer of subdivision lots of property located within special flood hazard ereas of this site that such property is in on identified flood hazard area and that all development must conform to the provisions of the City of Coppell Floodplain Manegement Ord7nance." MINOR PLAT AND REPLAT ROBERTSON COMMERCIAL POOLS ADDITION LOT lR, BLOCK A Nov. l~J Lc(J A REPLAT OF LOT 1 BLOCK A OF ROBERTSON COMMERCIAL POOLS ADDITION RECORDED IN VOLUME 98220 PAGE 56 DCPR 2.6523 ACRES IN THE JOHN VEST SURVEY ~ ABSTRACT NO. 1508 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ...t (,.. ~ /, ("I,... /- '" ~ ' fu " ~ PJ ~_J "-.c./ " OWNER R.L. ROBERTSON, L.L.C. 569A S Coppell Road Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 393-2152 phone (972) 393-6244 fax Contact: Ron Robertson ENGINEER - SURVEYOR C-P ENGINEERING, LTD. ENGINEERING - SURVEYING 1801 Gateway Blvd" Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 (972) 644-2800 phone (972) 644-2817 fax Contact: Thomas C, Holland, RPLS Job No. 05107 Scale 1" = 30' Sheet 1 of 1