Departmental comments THE.CITY.OPO COPPELL ...~-- * ~~.. ~ ~~o e.t~5 . \&q THE.CITY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT Proiect 10 RP-06-0044 Address 569 Coppell Rd COPPELL , /.,{. (- Proiect Name Robertson Commercial Pools Addition Proiect Tvpe Replat Application Date 8/23/2006 Case Manaaer Matt Steer Proiect Description to expand the area of the existing plat and provide necessary easements to allow for a building expansion and new construction Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering 1 of 1 Review Date Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Ken Griffin 9/1/2006 9/1/2006 8/31/2006 Fire Administration Tim Oates 8/31/2006 Parks and Recreation Planning Department John Elias Matt Steer 8/30/2006 8/31/2006 Comments No Comment. No Comments Received 1. It appears as though we will need approximately 15' of sidewalk/utility easement adjacent to Coppell Road for the future street improvement project. Please coordinate this dedication on the plat with the design of that project. 2. Provide a looped fire line and fire hydrants spaced at 300' along the fire lane. 1. Show fire lane easement. Turning radii requirements 54' outside, 30' inside. No comments. 1. Change title block to read "Minor Plat and Replat Robertson Commercial Pools Addition Lot 1 R, Block A". 2. Indicate previous lot lines on plat. 3. Remove note and replace "Comcast" with "Time Warner" within the Utility Certificate signature block. 4. Change "Final" to "Minor Plat and Replat" and remove the word "subdivision" within City Secretary Signature block. 5. Update vicinity map to reflect current conditions.