Application - 8/3/06 THE.CITY.OF Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat g/5/tJp Name of Applicant: A)/./z.,I/-1- Eo 6' ~/2> ?/3 ,K4t/ ~ Telephone Number: r);) - 3{) 7"~ '11/ (] Fax Number: FirmPreparingPlat: l}R..j-NI1JL 5t1kJ \'/fl(lil/k Address: ~ ~ 0 E:-c!lJI 5';/ j. e fu(s,u! LL! TX-- Telephone Number: cr Fax Number: ~ :J..-- Subdivision Application Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 ~ --:- COPPELL f\ Il Replat Amending Plat Minor Amending X F Filing Date: Filing Fees: Applicant Address: c;,j , (tJl/{? L(; ~x. q 7:9 -767-- tJ1 J7 . 7$- All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: /V / /t/1- JZ 0 6 (!)eS tf/.3 ,/~41'fJ 5>-- Telephone Number: 1)J- - jt) ~ WIO Name: Address: ( tJ /j/-fJ II ;' ;- X "7:51) Fax Number: 1 'J7. - 7& 7- tJCj/} . Name of Subdivision: .J; /1/ () f J2 ::€) (1J ,/J f) [J) '110 tJ General Location of Property: Lj /7 cr C;/'"3 )::'4 YeS (-.: Present Zoning: "'5 y::: 1 Owner's Signature: 7;?/?U~ / /;-/ Ot.er/c~L ~ Date: ~/~/qb U:/CentraI/P&Zsrf/Submission Forms App and Checklists/Sub App