CC approval on 1/9/2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE.CITY.OF COPPELL DEPT: Planning DATE: January 9,2007 ITEM #: 23 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Gateway Business Park NO.3, Lots 1 and 2, Block A. Site Plan, to allow the construction of an 114,81 O-square-foot, two-story office building on Lot 1, containing 9.49 acres of property, and an 11 0,560-square-foot, two-story office building on Lot 2, containing 8.60 acres of land on property, located at the north corner of IH-635 and Freeport Parkway. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following condition needs to be met: 1) Submission of a separate instrument designating the 1 O'-wide strip of land north of the north property line as an off-site landscape easement, subject to approval from Atmos Energy allowing for the planting of ornamental trees within this buffer area. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommendation of the P&Z Commission at the December 21,2006, meeting: APPROY AL (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt. Frnka, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Haas, Fox and Reese voting in favor. Staff recommends approval, subject to the above-listed condition. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve subject to condition 1 above M - Hinojosa-Flores S - Franklin Vote - 6-0 Tunnell absent . Libby Ball ~. ... 2007.01.26 . 17:20:30 -06'00' @ 8Gateway #3, L 1 &2, BA, SP l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Gatewav Business Park No. 3~ Lots 1 and 2~ Block A~ Site Plan P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: December 21, 2006 January 9, 2007 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: North comer ofIH-635 and Freeport Parkway SIZE OF AREA: 9.49 acres (Lot 1); 8.60 acres (Lot 2) CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Site Plan approval to allow the construction of an 114,810 square- foot, two-story office building on Lot 1 and an 110,560-square- foot, two-story office building on Lot 2. APPLICANTS: Prospective Purchaser: Ric Nelson Transwestem 5001 Spring Valley Road Suite 600- W Dallas, Texas 75244 214-446-4543 FAX: 214-446-4570 Architect: Mick Granlund O'Brien & Associates 5310 Harvest Hill Road Suite 136 Dallas, Texas 75230 972-788-1010 FAX: 972-788-4828 Engineer: Mark McGraw Halff Associates 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 214- 346-6244 FAX: 214-361-5573 ITEM # 11 Page 1 of 4 HISTORY: The Final Plat for Gateway Business Park was approved in 1990. During the initial phase of construction, the developer partially constructed structures for his industrial park identification signs at street intersections. These signs remained incomplete for approximately eight years. In the interim, the City adopted sign regulations that precluded monument signs of that scale. However, the Building Official allowed the completion of these signs if these lots were platted as common areas. A portion of the subject property is one of those common area lots. The remainder of the subject property has never been platted. TRANSPORTATION: Freeport Parkway is a C4D/6 four-lane, divided thoroughfare within a 95'-wide right-of-way. Gateway Boulevard is a C4U four-lane, undivided collector street within a 70' -wide right of way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Vacant; LI South - Vacant; LI East - Vacant; LI West - LBJ Freeway; City of Irving COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Cappel! Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for Light Industrial/showroom uses DISCUSSION: This request is for site plan approval to allow the development of two, 2-two story office buildings at this prominent location at the comer of Freeport Parkway and LBJ Freeway, and was originally a part of the Gateway Business Park. The proposed office use is appropriate at this location. Parking is being provided at a ratio of one space per 167 square feet of floor area, well exceeding office requirement of one space per 300 square feet. Access will be provided via two driveways from Freeport Parkway. The Site Plan and all its elements are in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance except that the two proposed monument signs exceed the 60' maximum size permitted. The applicant has agreed to reduce the size of the signs to be compliant with the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. When this park was originally developed in the 1990' s, street trees were planted and entry features and industrial park identification signs were erected. During the intervening year, these street trees have matured and have become an asset to this site. The Landscape Plan indicates that 49 over story trees (over 300 caliper ITEM # 11 Page 2 of4 inches) will remain and an additional 44 trees (Live Oak, Cedar Elm and Bradford Pear - ranging in size from 4.5" to 9.5" caliper inches) will be transplanted within the site to partially fulfill the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance. This will significantly enhance the appearance of this development. While it appears that there is sufficient land being devoted to landscaping, there are errors in the calculations, omissions in the data tables, and a deficiency in the number of trees being provided in the parking lot islands. These items are specified in the conditions for approval. North of the northern property line is an existing 40-foot-wide gas easement, a portion of which the applicant desires to use to fulfill their perimeter landscape requirement along this property line. This appears reasonable in that this area will always be open space. However, permission is still needed from Atmos Energy to allow trees to be planted within their easement. Also, the applicant will need to submit a separate instrument designating this area as a landscape buffer to fulfill the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance. When the property to the north develops, the remaining 30 feet of this gas easement may be used for their landscape buffer area. In the event that approval is not received from Atmos, an alternative landscape plan will need to be submitted. These buildings will be constructed of tilt-wall panels, with over 50% glass and 13% to 14% Alucobond Metal Cladding as an architectural accent on the front facades. The buildings will have articulated entryways and are designed to break up the expanse of the faryade. These materials are similar to the existing office developments along the IH-635 frontage. There is an existing billboard on this site. This is a legal, non- conforming use. The legal status of this sign will not be effected by the approval of the Site Plan for this tract. There is also a Gateway Business Park sign at the comer of Freeport Parkway and 1-635. This structure will also be allowed to remain, but the letters may be revised to reflect the new name of the park/owner. RECOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROV AL of Gateway Business Park No.3, Lots 1 and 2, Block A, subject to the following conditions: 1) Submission of a separate instrument designating the 10' -wide strip of land north of the north property line as an off-site landscape easement, subject to approval from Atmos Energy allowing for the planting of overstory trees within this buffer area. 2) Reduction of the size of the monument signs to 60 square feet. ITEM # II Page 3 of4 3) Provision of a tree, per row parking, within every landscape island. 4) Revision to the Plant List ISchedule Table to include the specification of quantities of each tree species. 5) Revision to the enhanced pavement at the driveways on the Site and Landscape Plans to be compliant with the standard detail as specified in the Subdivision Ordinance. 6) Landscape calculations being revised to include the required 10' perimeter landscape buffer along the mutual property line between Lots I and 2. 7) Preparation of an exhibit indicating location and size of non- vehicular landscaping areas to assure compliance with the Landscape Ordinance. 8) Correction of the note indicating "Typical 4-inch caliper shade tree" note to 3-inch as indicated in the Plant List Schedule. 9) Specify plant material (species and type) to be used for evergreen hedge. AL TERNA TIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site plan 2) Landscape plan 3) Tree Survey/Mitigation Plan 4) Elevations ITEM # 11 Page 4 of 4 -, ... I w i' I [.W,^, Y !W 1\[ \K :L U I S '^ N D I !-l L i J H ! , tJ .~, ::-, ~J 1 R r; g l, (V 1\ r: ^ \. ! s ~ SITE DATA TABLE EXISTING ZONING: PROPOSED USE: SITE AREA: FLOOR AREA: BUILDING AREA: BUILDING HEIGHT: PKG. REQUIRED.: PKG. PROV.: PKG. RATIO: PROPSED LOT COVERAGE: F-"" LOT 1, BLOCK A LI OFFICE 8.60 ACRES (374.613 SF) 110,580 SF 55,280 SF 49'-4- 369 SPACES 662 SPACES 5.99 SPACESl1000 SF 1.4.78% 29.51 % LOT 2, BLOCK A LI OFFICE 9.49 ACRES (.'3.218 SF) 114,810 SF 57,.05 SF ...... 383 SPACES 681 SPACES 5.93 SPACES/1000 SF 13.89% 27.78 % EB 01 SI~~ PLAN """'" // ;;.~ " / ~ m "\ '"i7820-10\E' ::L'" r-o, 39' Vl ---~~_._ , q , ':l all________. ~~~/;O ~'O' "",. " '),,;', n ;;-- EB 02 SITE LOCATION NORT" - 27 I CONG~lE P~TED c~" M~ I 03 MONUMENT ELEVATION SMOQrl-< ALL WELDS CAP TOP ~::~:~. ~LAro. 6" D<A CCNC Fl.LED W/COI'>e 10& PAl'<TED CO-OIl 1.6.$. '-""Xb" XII... STEEL TL5E SET ~~~TE FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 04 DUMPSTER SCREEN ELEY. Q'BR!~J;l_~.~~!~_!!~ TRANSWES].!i~.,f~~~.::.~IAL SERVICES GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK. NO 3 N.W. CORNEl OF ill A fREEPORT PARKWAY LOT I &:. 2. BLOCK A CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COU NTY, TEXAS SITE PLAN 10. HUK.E. DAn ~... SHEn .... DEn,_ cm.:mr~ Al , , \ lANDSCAPE LEGEND o EXISTING TREE TO RENAlN o PROPOSED yo CAI.. SHADE TREE o PROPOSED 'J' CAL ORNAMENTAL TREE = PROPOSED EVERGREEN HEDGE - PROPOSED ClRNANEHTAL GRASSES c:J PROPOSED SEASONAL COlOR .. PROPOSED EVERGREEN GROUNO COVER CJ PROPOSED HVDRot.IULCH BERWDA T1JRF PROPOSED LIGHT POLE BY OTtERS >\ PRlVATEDRAlNAGE ,____..J EASBENT ~ ; ( '\ , I , E\oERGREEN SCREErtNG I I \ tEOGE 'NITHIN 5'4' WIDE I I BEOTOALlOWFOR2'.Q" I : CAROVE~. I S1GNAGE REF: MOilTECTURAL VEREO SEASONAl COLOR AT ENTRY lYPICAl PA\IBEHT ENRlCtwEHT Y3lAWON SlAlUS REMOVE MD MmGATE TRANllPI.AHT ~ SITE PlANT LIST 1 SCHEDULED TABlE QUANTTTY SPECIES TOTAl CALPER IMCHES 1 '.lILUIERRY M" +4 21 . UVE OAK 314" (SIZES RNG:. FROM 4.5" TO U' CAL INCHES) 17. CEDAR ELM 8 - BRADFORD PEAR EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN .. 27-LIVEOAK 11-CEDMB..M I -PINE 3 - 8RADFORO PEAR 3II-UVEOAK 54r 3I-ts:DMEL.M 31. RED OAK 31- BALD CYPRESS 10. SWEET GUM 20. CHINESE PISTAOiE PROPOSED SHADE TREES (3' CALI'ER. &5 GALlON) '" PROPOSED ORNANENT AI.. TREES (3' CUlER, 15 GILLON) .. 13 - CRAPE MYRTlE 2S2" 8. OICI.AHOMA REDBUD .. ARISTOCRAT PEAR :) - FOSlER HCl.l. Y PROPOSED ........EN SCREBtNG tHlGE OF PARKING (7GALl.OM,I-lfO.C,I4f' H8GHT MIN.) 1,154 !in. rNlARf 8lJRFORD HOllY sn-'NEWERSTEVENS" HOllY ",. CITY OF COPPEL~ TEXAS LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS. ARTICLE 341 LOT 1, BlOCK A TOTAL SITE AREA. 37<1.81315.F. (1.60 ACRES) BUIlDING AREA (l.EYEL 1) ~ 56.7~ S.F PERIMETER lANDSCAPE REQUIRED PROVIDED ',~C1FOI'I'-5nII!I!TP__ r.f1'HT,1'EDGE. 74'HT._ -- ~ ~- l.'i'-t"-.!E~lNCJK.oIPf -.......ONGAU.~flIlElETII.O,W ,~~ 164'1lEQUF:Ell li'.a'f'IIIIOYllED ~p-y lr.a'I'l'IOVUD 1.'TRl!E.T~_ML.f ~~ 1.H._{7ll7U'.-11j ,S_RfQUIIIa> lSTllHS_ 1'IlEEPORT"I(WY.('.L,''-, .-- .-- ..-...I'tloOPI;RTY"-II.IML~_) UnlEElREllUIlEll '.10'-t''MCE~~ lU-t'1lEQUIIIIEll 1O'.r""'~1l MEAA1~~UNE S-I"-t'WltE~l.JKlICN'ElIUFl'VIN.<>>OO IIAITUAl.PRllPEIn'YUNEIIET'fEEIILDlI'lNmI. 17TllEE1RE(ll111Ell 17fl11El!l_ lM2'11III.n7fEEl) INTERIOR lANDSCAPE REQUIRED PROVIDED ..llIolI_MEA-nu..l1.F 'm.....'AIlllNGII>ACEIJlACMllEIl._ 1.In,OFOROIIP-..a1l'lEA ll,IUI.F,IU!I.) 1lI.......,,!!1%) _.~ 1,11'Ml!.rUUPEl'l.__I.' .,.Tl\ftl~ .11l'lll!h;_ OFlEQI.JINiIllWTElllDlt,._1 ~- 1,tMl"-..oMlI~llCCUIlA1A - ~ __OF~'fiP_"""A(lEs ~.'crrAl."-O#~-...H;I$ .- .~ lIHOU__MOL~I8~12"J1oOFTm.... '_&P'ACEI NON-VEHICULAR OPEN REQUIRED PROVIDED SP....CE 1.1KOFIITI!NeANOI"COVERI!llI'l' 4I,l101.1'1'") ....~OOSJ'.(15.2'11o) ~~IIIEFVMflI" 2,_OFTIlTAI.";Q.l.A/CMCIIPE REllUFlEtIfIl!'Ao) I'RlMIlEDll_) MEATO__U)CATQl"~ 2'1'-1,' _s,' J,Im!;r<,rCAL_Il.F'atUllllI.F 2lITMEs :NlllEEa OF~NOH-'o'EHICl..LJIItOl'EN _.........F,'2.IIIlII,'...11'lE~ ......'I'tmICOlfil"I'BIIIIIlET9.OIl 1IOVII<ll'l~",",TlIlAl. CITY OF COPPEL~ TEXAS LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS. ARTICLE 341 LOT 2, BLOCK A TOTAl arTE AREA E .13,21. S.F. (II.... ACAf'S) BUILDlNOAAE.A(LEVEL1)-57.11lH8.F. PERIMETER lANDSC.4.PE REQUIRED PROVIDED I.I(;IlEENH$OFOFI'.IlIlKT~O '4I'H'f._. ~4I'H'f,>EtlOE -~- -- ~ ~- 1.""'\fCIIE~1.JIINNCN"l -........OMGAI.I.~IT!lII;ElII.O,W ,~~ ".r1lEQUlRED 111'-4"I'ROWJEO ~P_" S- IT>llE~.rCALlPl<ll.f'EIIlIIL' ~~ 1-H-"*'<!L.F""-'1l I1T1'lEElllEllUIREll .~~DfD ~_.(MQL'__'7) ._~ ',~~~.-~=~ llTMel!l~ l1TRa;S~ lIU'llI-17TAEt:I) INTERIOR lANDSCAPE REQUIRED PROVIDED ..ON_/lll/EA._",U 'ar.....pAAICNGaPACEal"lKMDED._ 1._OF___1I'IEA -..o1.F.ll",) "..'.1111.1%) 2.ITREE,rCALJll'Elt.I'EIt....F I1nlEElREllUIlEIl "IITllEU_ OF~IIofn:/tI<lIItl'_1 I. TN!E-...-...-rllCCUllArA - -~ _OF~lfi_"A(lE. .,10l.......-0#~....,.. .- .~ lIHOUBEMOU!SI'fIIMI2'lo0f"TOT..... PAAlCNGIP~ NON-VEHICULAR OPEN REQUIRED PROVIDED SP....CE l.lKOFIlTEMeAN(lTCOVERI!llIY II.2MS.'.II"' ...toI5'.'.!ll.:n.1 aaDIMJIIM>>lIlll!PI.ANTBr J._OFTOT.....oea.l..NClICIrI'E :=11"01 =:::'11_1 /lMATO"LOCATEDIN~ -.- 1.1TN!E.rCN..PBl,I'BIIJ.5OIlI..F JlTNiEl .-. (If_NON-~c.EN ......:E_u.-..f,'UN&F,.Z1T1lEE. '~~~~mH. SCAlE: 1"=60'-0" - O'~RIEN & A~SOCIATE~,INC. TRANSWES!.E.B~_~O}1~E.,!gAL SERVICES GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK. NO.3 N.W. CORNER.OF I35l FREEPORT PMlXWAY LOT 1 & 2. BLOCK A CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 2ND REVISION PER CITY OF COPPELL. DEC, 27. 200lli ""..... I "'IT I '" I ..." _n loeC.I2.-I==1l1 LS-1 .IIDlJITIONAl.P_LOTf'lIlIU'_ l'BaTYllECll.IRBEHTlIIATP_1II..NClI __rwo_01'P_...,-_ TWOlIlEfil.!lNIiI'Bl:ROWOF_ ""~_MCJ_r""'"IllH. ~~~.""llM ~~.,...,.., L\N)\ =:::::.- 'T\T""'L1t:D lJ1.1__1~. L T\....rlU'\ lJ1~)II1.am._ U"""'TiS GRAPHIC SCALE L-_...u--: 'i 1~~n LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A LANDSCAPE SUBMITTAL PLAN , , >\ PRIV"TEi::=~-----' f \ I I \ I ' I I \ ~~_." LIN)\ =::::.- T'\r-LJ1:D 111.]111-.20. L lUlU\. 1JI.l)1Il..-m.~ lAIlSOQA'" GRAPHIC SCAlE L-_~ lj ....." LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK TREE MlllG TION PLAN 2'.q MIN FROM DRIPLINE ~~~~':r~~oi:~XE. EXISTING TREES TO BE SAVED lEAVE EXISTING NATIVE COVER, WITHIN FENCING LIMITS UNDISTURBED ORANGE PROTECTION FENCING NOTE: THIS TEMPORARY FENCING SHALl. BE PLACED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PROJECT AND REMAIN UNTIL FINAl LANDSCAPE INSTAllATION CONMENCES. THREE EACH 1 TREE PROTECTION DETAIL NOTE: FENCES THAT REQUIRE ADJUSTNENT SHALL REMAIN AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM EXISTING TREES. SCALE: NTS EXISTING TREE LEGEND O EXlSTlNGTREETOREMAlN,PROTECTlVETREEFENClNG MUST BE PROVIDED - SEE DETAIl '1, TMIS SHEET CilID EXISffiG TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED ON SITE BY OWNER ~ EXISTING PROTECTED TREE TO BE REMOVED AND MITIGATED REFERENCE SHEET l.S-3 FOR TREE CHART. SCAlE: 1":60'-0" - O'~RIEN & A~SOCIATE~, INC. TRANSWESI~!.'I_~~~I~g)AL SERVICES GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK - NO.3 N.W. CORNER OF IS35lFREEPORT PNfKWAY LOT 1 & " BLOCK A CITY OF COPPElL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 2ND REVISION PER ClTYOFCOPPfLL-OEC. 27, 200lI "'" ..... om ,.. I """ "'" I DEC.l2.JIOIr==,li1 LS-' T_IlI T__ ~ 'oO .... - -. ~I- - DIa.(D.B.H.) C..., ""- C.."." "'" 15 1 1 , .. 1 1 , "" , - , , .. "" 1 . .. 1 , 1 12 1 12 T " 12 0 12 12 12 0 "51 -... .. , , , , """"""" "" - 0 10 , "" 11 -... 1 I I I , """"""" "" - 0 "" -... e. I I I I """"""" "" - 0 "" , -... .. I I I I """"""" "" - 0 "" .. -... 1 I I I , """"""" "" - 0 "51 """'" .. , I I , """"""" "" - 0 "" """'" ... , I I , """"""" 50. - 0 , , , , . I , - 0 , 1 I , ... . . . . "'" . I - 0 " I T .. . . T 0 1 I , - 0 I 0 ... . . . 0 1. . 0 1 . . """"""" . "" . . . . - 0 . I I . , I I 0 . , , 0 . . . . .. . . . T 0 . T ... . - I 1 1 1 1 """"""" "" T . . . T 1 .. - . T .. . . . . " 1 T . EJ08TlNG TREE BEING REMOVED N<<J MmGATEO. T_'" T__ a.. (D.8.H.) ::.. .... """ WoO "'- "" ..... - c..",,, ""- ""- "- - , 1 T . - , , , I T_ ... 1 T 0 "'" " , 1 1 1 T "" 1 . . T 0 . T . " 1 . . . . 0 T 1 Po. I 0 T 1 I.' I , I T_ o . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 T .... . , I . T 0 .... " . , . T 0 T , 11 ""001< . , I """'-- T 0 I I 0 " ""001< . I I "" T . ... , I T 11 ... 1. . . . . T 0 , T ... .. . . T 0 . . . . T ,.. I I I T 0 1 , I 001< , " 1 " T 0 I T 0 1 p"" . , ....... 0 1 , 1 1 3 , ....... 0 14 1 I T 1 I P I T 1 T , , . 001< , . T_ o , T 001< , T )4" REQUIRE hlmGAnOH MITIGATION TREES 1 PROTECTED MULBERRY TREE (#2818) IS BEING REMOVED AND MITIGATED 34 INCHES TREE MITIGATION REQUIRED SEE SHEET LS-2 FOR LOCATION OF EXISTING MULBERRY TREE BEING REMOVED EXISTING TREES BEING TRANSPLANTED << TREES ARE BEING TRANSPLANTED ON SITE BY THE OWNER TOTALING 314 CALIPER INCHES REPLACEMENT T1REES 801 CALIPER INCHES OF PROPOSED TREES ARE BEING PLANTED AS FOLLOWS: 183 - 3" CALIPER SHADE TREES (183 X 3 = 549") 84 - 3" CALIPER ORNAMENTAL TREES (84 X 3 = 252") SEE SHEET LS-1 FOR PROPOSED TREE LPelATIOIQ:t" .C:4 ;.' '.: _ O''!.RIEN & A~SOCIATEl', INC, TRANSWESI~~~O~~E.!!gAL SERVICES GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK - NO.3 N,W. CORHER Of 635 I FREEPORT PNe(WAY LOT 1 & 2, BLOCK A CITY OF COPPELL. DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 2ND REVISION PER CITY OF COPPElL - DEe v, 20lMI ""....... I """ I '" """ *" IDEC12.-I==1l1 LS-3 ", ~-~ it1 TREE MITIGATION CHART .;~i/,\. ~-. ~ LiN)\ ::::::.- ncJ-1ER ~;==.,.. 'AS8OClAT'Ea LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A I ~Ff. EL..I!>".'$ 01 SOUTH ELEVATION. BLDG. 1 MATERIAL AREA CALCULATION I I I 02 NORTH ELEVATION. BLDG. 1 03 WEST ELEVATION . BLDG. 1 ~.~ cr I I I I I -, Ii w KEY NOTES: <7> ~E~l~~~.~~~lllol) o ~E~L~:_~~Ntw o AOOlIlEM 1.000rlGlO TOF'_EL.M'-.'$ o ~C:~_7"'~TEO <b ;'~L'.:iL"""""LJOII(I~lI;I~ 0l1ilOO1'ltlEef:T~ A "-..c.l11'O 111</11:0 ~AI><<IIol.l.L ~ ITV1"'UI!'O .Io!lIllfCllREO !!IT CODf) '\Y"la.E,&lIt<l\OlODllEOAlll1.~FM"f:~ i> ~~~~~~~~~~~Et1"E"EO""IEQl_D!l""COOEI N)~' !L. ~'.e' $ <S> 1<.M.0000001",Uffl'Oc.a.OItNoI ,.Q.. ,. "IiI.I.A~O TI!I1'(tl .~L 6LAMI1El'1I"EIIlEP"l6 IIlEQU'I'lfD!!IT c::coEJ 'eVlOlQ.!Alt.6OiCOIl!DAlll"lCl.ltTA_LloIt<OOIIflt.olM!i!l. /,;'- AlLD:ll!!Ol\DI"ETAl.Cl..AOOtI<<i 'V'c.a.OII.&rtTOCoa.ClIIII2 Q'BR!~_~.~~!~_!.I'!.'= TRANSWESE.~~~~~IAL SERVICES GATHWAYIIUSINESS PARK. NO 3 N,W. CORNER OP ill. FREI!POlT PAkKWAY LOT 1 ol 2. BLOCK A CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS 51TH PLAN JOI MU..IU DAn .... 'HEEt' 1--.----------, A2 "'" ..... .. an.:.m~ <3> ~~di:D~~~~~=D"TCODEI 04 EAST ELEVATION. BLDG. 1 <!}> ~~~~~"f IOl00Alftl <S> ~~~~~~~~~~~=::o~J om"""" ~ lEN.IM _ LOCAT~ 01 WEST ELEVATION. BLDG. 2 ~ ~ ~ MATERIAL AREA CAlCULATIa./ I I I I I I I 02 EAST ELEVATION BLDG. 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j l KEY NOTES: <2> ~1~~~::_~F~~' <>> ~~l~~~~~N&I1J <b AOOI'lE66~OCAtl(lN tDP, fL.. W.-.' $ <9 ~C:':;_7"~P <V ;1~L~lPM\ELJOIN1-....o:f:IltR:lO ~ ~ lNE MYOCI ~ I' -"'A1!O tlNl!D a.IV.ol,-..L QLAM ITl'l'1"t:IIII:D AS IIIf:CLII11ED eT caor:; 0I1<lClE......ANOOllEDAI..~_II.ItO(;W~6. <e> ~ ::-~~~~~ ~':;~~~IIED ""JEWIllilED e-.- CODEI 2I'OH. H.' I!"..' $ <5> 1{M.~~AHTEDCDLOIIt""',1 ..Q... I' I\I6II.ATED 1""EO ....IIC)lUl.L CA..... (lEMI"ElED At IIEc:lJlllllED liT CODEI 'e''''C:U:_AHODIZEDAL..rtClltT~lilll'CX:lW~'' Q'BR!~_~.~~~_!!'!S TRANSWES1Ji~J.g~~.::.~IAL SERVICES GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK - NO 3 N,W. CORNER OF 6.15 A FREEPORT PARKWAY LOT 1 &. 2, BLOCK A CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS SITE PLAN JOI HUMin Dm .n.' IHUT ... ...~- an.f::m~' A3 /i0A1..~f1:TA.l..CL,ID[)1I<G 'V' co..OIIL &/r"tl0CDLOIItJ <5> ~4~~D~~6~~=~IlYCOOEJ 03 NORTH ELEVATION. BLDG. 2 04 SOUTH ELEVATION BLDG. 2 <e> ~~~~;;~llOllOlTAl..FII<l ~ ~~~~~~~~~~":.'==tll;O~' <$)lVl.IHT6ll>>I.LOCA.llO'l