CC approval on 01/09/2007 CQPP,ELL DATE: Planning January 9, 2007 THE-CiTY.OF DEPT: AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM #: 25 D WORK SESSION D CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Lauth Park Center, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan, to allow the development of a three-story, 68,350-square-foot medical office on 6.67 acres of property located north and west of the corner of SH 121 and N. Denton Tap Road. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following conditions need to be met: 1) A tree removal permit is required prior to the start of construction, and tree retribution in the amount of $51,850 will be due. 2) Comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review. 3) Move proposed transformer shown to north side of proposed building. 4) Include brick and stone specifications, with color names, on black and white elevations. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: Recommendation of the P&Z Commission at the December 21,2006, meeting: APPROVAL (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt, Frnka, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Haas, Fox and Reese voting in favor. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to Approve subject to conditions 1, 2, 3 & 4 above RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval, subject to the above-listed conditions. M - Franklin S - York Vote - 6-0 Tunnell absent . Libby Ball t.. .. 2007.01.26 17:21:20 -06'00' @ SLauth Park Ctr., L 1, BA, SP l-AR SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - residential; PD-134R-SF7 (Planned Development-134 Revised-Single Family-7) vacant; PD-133-HC (Planned Development 1 33-Highway Commercial) vacant; HC (Highway Commercial) vacant; HC (Highway Commercial) South - East - West - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: DISCUSSION: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for freeway commercial uses. The applicant is proposing to build a 68,350-square-foot, 3-story office on a 6.67-acre site fronting State Highway 121. There are 391 parking spaces required at a ratio of one space per 175 square feet for medical office use; 393 spaces are proposed, just meeting the parking requirements. This is a 50% speculative, 50% build-to-suit medical center with the tenant names yet to be disclosed. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure the landscaping area calculations are in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The area calculations are correct; however, there are still some discrepancies between the tree calculations and those shown on the plant list & plan (133 shown within the trees provided calculations, 132 on list & plan). Also, 68 trees are required to be shown within the interior tree calculations, as one tree is required per island and at the end of each parking row. On the Plant List, there are 41 Lacebark Elms, 26 Chinese Pistache, 20 Live Oaks, 16 River Birch, 15 Chinquapin Oak, and 14 Elderica Pines proposed. One additional tree should be added to one of these groups, as well as, shown on the plan. The provided trees have been upsized from the required 3" cal. to 4" cal. in order to offset some of the tree retribution fees (reduced to $51,850). Along SH 121 there are 167 Dwarf Wax Myrtles proposed to sufficiently screen the parking area. There are two mutual access and fire lane easements extending from Denton Tap, encircling the building and connecting to SH 121. There is a mutual access easement shown extending to the property to the west in order to provide that property Denton Tap access. The 3-story building's front elevation is on the east side. One condition that is found in the Highway Commercial District regulations, not typical of other business districts, is the requirement for less than 50% of the parking area to be located in the front yard. The applicant is just meeting this requirement with 195 parking spaces out of the 393 proposed being depicted in the front yard. The building elevations show a reddish-brown brick color with Austin Stone at the base and main entry. There are two 24 sq. ft. building sign areas shown indicating "Lauth" as the building name (one on the front and one on the side elevation), and ITEM # 8 Page 2 of3 one 28 sq. ft. miscellaneous sign area (possibly for a tenant name) shown on the south end of the front elevation, meeting the sign area requirements. A 60-square-foot maximum monument sign is shown at the entry off SH 121. A condition of approval is to show a detail on the second elevation sheet to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staffis recommending APPROVAL of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1. A tree removal permit is required prior to the start of construction, and tree retribution in the amount of $51 ,850 will be due. 2. Provide monument sign detail indicating dimensions, materials and colors. 3. Include additional screening wall and dumpster information on second elevation sheet indicating all dimensions, materials and colors. Screening wall should match the building and should be consistent in both phases. 4. On Landscape Plan, 68 trees are required to be shown within the interior tree requirement calculations, as one tree is required per island and at the end of each parking row. 5. Include a legend on the Site Plan. 6. Change "Front Elevation" to read "Elevations" on Elevation Sheets. 7. Depict heights on each elevation. 8. Comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review. ALTERNATIVES: I) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Tree Survey 4) Elevations ITEM # 8 Page 3 00 I I I J I I +.... I k ~~-----~~ HIGHLt-..tiP""" DRIVE .,; k'~ /7 GREDl$1'tlASE:ONE =c&.:'~~ \, ZONED= PO-l34111-1I'-7 \, ~,----# / \, I I I .I!-t> I ~~. I .? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ~I I I I I I , ~ N ~ (fJO'~ l......-~l.-eo' =..:.=::- ~ --... :::'.::.: ':' ~~:.:... 1lD-a:l-.. LEGEND > =H~g,~Tt.lEHT __ FlREHWAAtlT = 9'" Do UGHT POLf: mJ lRNolSf"MMER LOT 1 SITE DATA CURRENT Z~~~G: M~D~CAL OFFICE PROPOSED 290' 511:f: LOT S.F.: , 68 350 S.F. BUILDING S.F.: '45' DING HEIGHT: 3 BUlL R OF STORIES: SPACES NUMBE D' 391 PARKING REQUIR~D: 393 SPACES PARKING PR?V~ONT": 195 (49%) PARKINGEIRN AG~' 7.84% LOT COV . FAR.: .24: 1 "T\! COI1;'CI R","is~n De. L. L I - . ditions or SITE PLAN '.on . PARK CENTER "'-",...qloo1 -LAtJTHLOT 1. BLOCK A .~. I NO_BER 22, 2000 ...... ~~g,::: 7ID ~;':FAJC ~a~:-'L. ."''"'''''''' ~ClO1DAS l'U.1ll g~~ === rloX n. ~~~~~ ~ 2::1i ::IIi , ~~ ~~ ill ii ,. II ~II~ I! i!b~l~ 3!~ 1~6~1~' ~~ Ii Ii a:: ~ Zx zw~ < u _ --':.::--' Cl.a::d w<Cl. 1-Cl.Cl. ViF8 :::> < --' ~ ~ N ~ 0' Jl1 ttt 120' ~- Se<Ile,-..eo' .{ /;f'~ C(IlPELL GMDlS "'.... ON( CMl€T". PAOIE 110 IlO4TONCOo.Wrr,'lDAS \ '- , , , :~f:::':'1::5~~:~~~":::::"~t-, I , i!1 '"j :~ll 1"" i~I' '1 Z:~6.l.~~CRESiilil IIlYDlllJMULCH'I(~D#l"LLU."""AIlEA$. I~ 1,' 'II .... I I ~ Ii ,./ 4 ! ~i ,~#' 'I- 'jI;~ :~ I,' LOT NO.2: :11' , 5.tl93 AC I , / ZQIlEO: He . ' , '::~.'/?1';:W~.mi'. 'j[~~~ if;:: :;"L(=/~~;;:;' /./; B.f.A. FOR , FUTURE s.w. 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