Application THE.CITY.OF Site Plan Application Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 Filing Fee: $ 400, 00 COPPELL .~*~~ e ~ ~ q ~ 8 . 1 t!> Filing Date: r \ 11,1, A> " , , Name of Applicant: LA UT"H P 2.c Pt:'1Cf"'f G etJo P Applicant Address: 100 C.USCoJr c,vQ'" I SvcrT 700 I DA~, IX 7szo1 TelephoneNumber: ZI4/S4Z- 5348 Fax Number: ZI4/~9 - 3101 Finn Preparing Site Plan Package: Will ~t.G" H It1J d- A ~C.I A-TE'S' Address: b7So !:l,u.eksr PLA&A / SueTs loa , DALC.A-~I7X 7SZ3o TelephoneNumber: Zf4/S4Z- S34-8 Fax Number: ZI4-/4SQ... 3101 , , All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: j)A\l1 Q C. S'vW'tE"1:- Address: 100 C~ Co"t.r". 5uI1'T100 I D~ L IX 7SZ01 Telephone Number: Z.14~S4 z - .s 34 ~ Fax Number: ~: r ~~1"" Name of Subdivision or Plat: LA U 'J'l4.- Q c, P f (ELl.. General Location of Property: 1Jv..J ~uJ tnL OF SOlA 12' ,; pa.rr7J/J TAr 81rb Present Zoning: 1-1 c.. - l-ll Cf UwA Y G,... #If n..c.t-Irt.. Proposed Site Plan Contains: LaRd Use No. of Lots or Acres for UBits each Use LaRd Use No. of Lot or Acres for UBit each Use Owner's Signature: tJv::::-, red W(II~ Date: If /,.( /r;( CO'C 6fJ~, ti-l" tI.~~/~~ U:/CentraVP&Zsrf/Submission Forms App and Checklists/Site App