Departmental comments THE.CITY.orr COPPELL !l *",. . THE.CITy.orr CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT " . Proiect ID SPA-06-0065 Address N Denton Tap Rd " . Proiect Name Lauth Park Center, Lot 1 Block A Proiect Type Site Plan Approval Application Date 11/21/2006 Case Manager Malt Steer Proiect Description to allow the development of a three-story, 68,350-square-foot medical office on 6.67 acres of property Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering 1 of 2 Review Date Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Ken Griffin 11/29/2006 12/1/2006 11/29/2006 Fire Administration Tim Oates 11/22/2006 Parks and Recreation John Elias 11/28/2006 Planning Department Matt Steer 11/30/2006 Comments 1. No comments No comments received. 1. The proposed sign should be removed from the existing 20 foot Utility Easement adjacent to the north side of S.H. 121. 2. Consideration should be given to extending the fire lane eastward through the parking area on Lot 1 and through Lot 2 to Denton Tap Rd. to provide for appropriate fire lane circulation when Lot 2 is developed in the future. Additional comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review. 1. Fire hydrants required every 300' along fire lanes. 2. Show FDC. Required to be detached from the building, within 50-feet of a fire hydrant and on the same side of the fire lane. 1. Tree survey is incomplete. Need to know what trees will be removed. 2. Tree survey should show only protected trees on property. Hackberry & Bois D'Arc are protected only if they are 10"DBH or greater. 3. Tree Removal Permit will be required prior to start of construction. Site Plan 1. Rename all plans to "Lauth Park Center, Lot 1, Block A" 2. Include all required setbacks (60' front, 30' side and 20' rear yard setbacks). 3. Show dimensions of lot. 4. Ensure only 50% of the parking is located in the front yard. The building may need to be shifted east. 5. Include correct zoning information on adjacent properties north of Lot 1 and Lot 2 is PD-134R-SF-7 and within Lot 2 is HC. 6. All parking islands shall be a minimum 150 square feet, and shall contain a tree and no greater than 15 spaces can be contiguous without an island. 7. Include height in feet in Site Data Table. 8. Show FDC and fire hydrants on Site Plan. 9. Correct vicinity map to show Denton County and THE.CiTY.OF COPPELL !l *" J> ... . Agency Reviewed By THE.CITY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT COPPELL ...~~ * tJ~... ~ ;-~~ e ..\' <'\ oS . \ & q Review Date Comments Dallas County in place of where city names are indicated, and Highland Road is in the wrong location. 10. Include mutual access & fire lane easement on plan. 11. Based on the building square footage given, the parking required should be increased by one space. 12. Correct floor area ratio to read .24:1. Landscape PlanlTree Survey 1. Remove preliminary from title block, and rename to Lauth Park Center Lot 1, Block A. 2. Include lot dimensions. 3. Consider upsizing the tree sizes to offset some of the tree mitigation fees. 4. Redo landscaping calculations. The three categories of landscaping area requirements are stand-alone and cannot be overlapped. a. Perimeter: 1. Show required and provided perimeter areas. One tree is required per 50 linear feet along each property line. 2. Based on rough calculations, there is approximately 2,220 linear feet; therefore, 45 trees are required to fulfill the perimeter tree requirement. b. Interior: 1. 68 trees are required. One in each island. Islands are needed at the end of each parking row and to break up the parking rows of greater than 15 spaces. c. Nonvehicular: 1. Review lot size and ensure it is correct before netting out the footprint of the building. 2. Based on rough calculations around 39,650 square feet are required and 16 trees are required. 3. Include total % of site devoted to landscaping at bottom of chart. 4. Plant list is incorrect. Ensure plant list, calculations, and those depicted match in number. 4. Note that all trees are planned to be removed on the Tree Survey, if that is the case. If possible, reconfigure plan to save the large overstory trees. Elevations 1. Rename to "Lauth Park Center Lot 1, Block A." 2. Submit a color board at the DRC Meeting. 3. Indicate color and material type on black and white elevations. 4. Include dumpster enclosure, monument sign (if location is acceptable) and solid screening wall. 5. Show dimensions of proposed sign areas. Ensure that a total signage area does not exceed the permitted 95 square feet. 6. Indicate color and material type for all architectural elements. Include color percentages - Maximum 94% base, 5% other and 1% accent color per elevation. THE.CITY.OF THE.CiTY.Of" COPPELL Jif~'~* ."'... r ~ e q x I\.s . \ & CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORC REPORT COPPELL .~~ * fJ-iJi1lt!I'... r ~~~ eXI\B . \&q Proiect ID Address SPA-06-0065 N Denton Tap Rd Proiect Name Lauth Park Center, Lot 1 Block A Proiect Type Application Date Case Manaaer Proiect Description Site Plan Approval 11/21/2006 Matt Steer to allow the development of a three-story, 68,350-square-foot medical office on 6.67 acres of property 1 of Aqency Parks and Recreation Engineering Comments 1. Tree Removal Permit will be required prior to start of construction, tree retribution in the amount $51,850 wiil be due. Comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review.