CC approval on 12/12/2006 THE.CITY-OF DEPT: Planning December 12, 2006 AGENDA REQUEST FORM corrELL DATE: ITEM #: 26 D WORK SESSION D CONSENT l.f I REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of Case No. ZC-620 The Duke Lesley Addition. zoning change request from A (Agriculture) to LI (Light Industrial) on Block A. containing 111.6 acres of property and HC (Highway Commercial) on Blocks Band C. containing 72.9 acres of property to allow the development of mixed uses. including retail. office. hotel and light industrial (office/warehouse) on a total of 184.5 acres of property located at the northwest corner of IH-635 and Beltline Road at the request of Duke Realty LP. being represented by Jack Evans. Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers. GOAL(S): o EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1. Show zoning classification lines going to middle of street right-of-way; indicate zoning on Lot 1 & 2. Block C. 2. Design all buildings/screening. and provide landscaping in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: Recommendation of the P&Z Commission at the November 16th meeting: APPROVAL with 6-0 vote. subject to the conditions listed above. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve subject to conditions 1 & 2 shown above RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. M - Faught S - Franklin Vote - 5-0 · Libby Ball Hinojosa-Flores & Tunnell absent II. ~~~61~12314 ,/.AlAI .Q6'OO' @l lC-620 Duke Leslie Add.. l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEP AR TMENT STAFF REPORT Case No.: ZC-620 The Duke Leslev Addition P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: November 16, 2006 December 12, 2006 Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning Northwest corner of IH-635 and Beltline Road. 184.5 acres (Agriculture) Zoning change request from A (Agriculture) to LI (Light Industrial) on Block A, containing 111.6 acres of property and HC (Highway Commercial) on Blocks Band C, containing 72.9 acres of property to allow the development of mixed uses, including retail, office, hotel and light industrial (office/warehouse). Duke Realty Limited Partnership Alex Bennett 5495 Beltline Road Suite 360 Dallas, TX. 75254 (972) 361-6700 Fax: (972) 361-6800 There has been no development history on the subject tract, although a thoroughfare plan amendment was approved by Council on October 10th that is reflected by the street pattern shown on these plans. ITEM # 4 Page 1 of 4 TRANSPORTATION: Beltline Road is a P6D major thoroughfare built to standard in a 120-foot right of way; LBJ Freeway is an interstate highway built to federal highway guidelines. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -middle school and warehousing, "LI," Light Industrial South -developing commercial; City of Irving East - vacant; "A," Agriculture West - office, developing commercial; "LI," Light Industrial, City oflrving COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for freeway office and commercial uses. DISCUSSION: This is a request for straight zoning (HC and LI) which might be better served through the application of a Planned Development because of the sheer size of this request (185 acres). The advantage to the community with Planned Development zoning lies in the amount of detail that is provided before any zoning is granted. The PD assures that we know exactly what is being proposed before zoning guidelines are put in place. On the other hand, the advantage to the developer in requesting HC and LI zoning is the fact that no detail is required before these base zoning categories are considered. Although a PD seems appropriate here, especially with regard to the size of the land area, we do require review of development proposal and site plans before any development can occur. Because of that requirement, staff is not uncomfortable with reviewing this application as submitted, although our preference would have been a PD request. The applicant has been known as a developer of quality warehouse buildings in Coppell for a number of years. As early as the year 2000, this landowner began to develop the area along Freeport Parkway and today that project is almost completely built out. It is no surprise then, that this application is calling for 102 acres of potential warehouse development. Because it is at the northern end of this parcel staff has little objection to the proposed use. One point of caution, the site is relatively flat and any development on the proposed LI parcel will have full view from LBJ Freeway and Dividend Drive. We suggest any construction of warehouse space be planned with fronts facing the street, and advise the applicant that truck bays adjacent to streets without substantial screening is a violation of our zoning ordinance. In addition, we urge the applicant to design any portion of a warehouse that can be seen from LBJ Freeway with facades of high quality, similar to the building frontages found in their other Coppell projects. When this property is ready for development, we would urge the designer to carefully address these critical facade concerns when any proposed development is submitted for City review. ITEM # 4 Page 2 of 4 Regarding the request for He zoning on the remaining 76 acres, staff repeats similar concerns. Although we understand the remainder of the parcel (the HC portion) will be sold to other developers, this property is the entrance to the City. What is developed here sets the tone for the entire community-it is the gateway to Coppell. Although past development in the City has been of very high quality, we have no assurance that pattern will continue until we see detailed plans for the subject property. Because site plan review is required before any development can occur (just as with the warehouse development discussed earlier), staff is cautiously optimistic that a quality product will result when plans are submitted for City approval. One final point with regard to the appearance issue--tilt wall construction is allowed on the LI zoned area and the majority of existing warehouse construction is of that material. Any construction in the HC zone will, however, require 80% masonry construction, so typical tilt wall will not be allowed. That requirement gives us further assurance that a quality product will result on the HC zoned parcels. The zoning exhibit also delineates two street alignments--the extension of Dividend Drive and the location of a new street named Point West Boulevard. Dividend is a divided street shown to be in a 90-foot right-of- way. It conforms to City standards, and extends from the existing Dividend over to Beltline Road on the east. Point West is shown as a two- lane, undivided semi-collector street with 50 feet of right-of-way. As a general rule a 50-foot right-of-way is too narrow for our collector streets, especially in areas of high traffic generation such as retail/office/warehouse districts. However, if the street were paved to a 37-foot width with a 5-foot sidewalk and utility easement on each side beyond the 50-foot right of way (or a total dimension of 60 feet), we could support the street proposal. One other general comment relative to the street alignment of Dividend. As shown on the zoning exhibit, it is immediately adjacent to the LBJ Freeway r.o.w. and leaves an impression of massive concrete roads. We would urge the applicant to provide extensive landscaping to soften the harsh look of two roadways side by side. All in all, staff can support this zoning request with the understanding that more detailed plans will be required before we can endorse any individual site-specific development proposal. Our major points of concern involve the facades of the warehouse buildings, the presence of truck bays adjacent to streets without adequate screening (a violation of our zoning code), the appearance of buildings on the HC zoned tracts, and the treatment and landscaping of Dividend Drive adjacent to LBJ Freeway. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request, subject to the following conditions: ITEM # 4 Page 3 of 4 1. Show zoning classification lines going to middle of street right-of- way. 2. Dimension and show acreage of Lot 2, Block C. 3. Adjust and show acreage/dimensions of Lot 1, Block C. 4. Show acreage of area north of Lots 1 and 2, Block C 5. Note that comer lots have two front yards. 6. Design all buildings/screening, and provide landscaping In conformance with the Zoning Ordinance. AL TERN A TIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Zoning Exhibit (2 sheets) ITEM # 4 Page 4 of 4 LOT 1 X. BLOCK 0 0.661 ACRES (ZI.oeosr) PROPOsro Z=C~C" (~r~J' "~YJ (10lI,1l2.*.n.) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED DCSC1W'T/OtI. Q/ Q 1lU.'-5I __ 1<0<"1 QI _ -..,MI", 11l. ~ h_ $Unw}\ AlI.moo' No..5d _ 1M .low.- TlI.,_,. ANmootlfo. If74. rn.- c...ml}\ T.xoe; _ir<<t _, t_ _I. QI__'" ~ -""'!y DNd ... ",_, ," ..d "Tn>cl 2" tel Dwk. RHIl, UftItMl PdrtIoI....... ____", IM""",..t No. ~=HIQfrNOHtf~Q(OdII.-C-!.II T....., _'IU.~__"""'&HIt'......~,~ BlCGINMN(;, Q'" '1'-"'''''"'' _ "DCA" ~ _<I,..,........ III",. ""..-e'M Q( 11l. _I rlfIl'-Qf-.., IN Q' 8fl/1I",.RtJod(Q'IO_foo'_I1gfo'_o,_..,)_lft.ft...."...,,..,_Qf-..,...QI,,,,.....teI,.H/gII_yNo.I~ rHDfCC. ~ III. ...Jd ..-_, _ Qf "".....,.,. HJrh.., No. I.J5, "'. iWofIll'I9 "", (f) .-, N<>rl/IlI ~ ""mtN.'... M_ _t. Q"'_Qfl,,U5."'''''10 . 1/2--- _ 1lCA'~_ IrJrfln(ll_pokIt; _51........ 30m.."'.... u_ _t. ...t~Qtl.~l.lf"" IQ.CCItIO'fI,._t_'" ~-po/rIt; N."u..D Htr.... 55 mnut... 32 _ _t. . _ 41-.7:5"" tel. -"'" -, ,..,..,,,,, ......,...,1; ~ ~ ~ ,i ~i I" ~~~ _ J5....... 4.1",....,...." __ _t.. ","'_Q/I,2f9.14 IN, "'.I/2-tldt.... '-4fw-..r, _"...,IHr"'. "'..-11l etJftIfIf" QIL..t I."""" C, Gdl_'....._ f't1iIc..... od<1#I1oIo 1lI 11M Chy..fCqppllll._ """"".11 T.-IICCO>"dhf'" "'.pItJt_", _HUH.,.... 'twQI_fJNII~ rHCNCC. _ OO~ '.J""""", ~7~C...t..,."" ,,,._,....41_LIII2. _1l>fI_ rlf7I'It-..f-.., _ Qf 01_ tJrl. (.. 7.$-lb<It _ rlfIIl-",......,J. .. ...-. QI "',:>> .., '" . 1/2-_ "" .nil 'DcA' c"",.",.,,,,,. c-. _po;o' _,,,, "'..., ....lIfL.., I. """'* 11..1_ r;.n_,~I'lItIl;_ ,.....,_IHr)"..IM_tfl&.e 11(" InJet Q,___",~~'Sd\ocIIDiIo,,*lreeonIH" _f'1.I'..,."'QIIl>fI_CMoo<I~ 1HDICC. _", U.....-- 21",.....,... .l2_h.t -., tIN __I1l_",,,,.~~t!Jdtolll D;o.rnc:t '...._'" 11M .'l.'':' _ D. __IU5__"-1I. _ _ '" tIN C1t,41C--''''''' """"'.II T._ ~ '" ",.,."., _.. __"nr~ 1'..,. '.'4, _1tI._I1l_..fL..t I. III..a.... I'$lHCTA_..... IQ ,.... CIty..' CcIpp", DciIaII eo...,}\ T.-........,...".. lM,.".t _.. ~ H2.U,..". ~IO ~6"J'I *000..... -""!y_ IQ CI-efI/_ f'__ ClwJ>-rl""_ J'I -..... JIOOII~""''''' '" III. _0Hd~ ...."",ce (>fI..JIJ44J ,..,1.. ..J/f-_....,... ,.",,,,,,,.....r. ~,...tktlf Il>fI _'fIrlyMlrlll...,__ ..fL.., I. 8IodI So C--'........ c.n_.Il _lHIdIIiflfllo III<t C1I,II'~ ~ "-'.II T.-~ 10 Ill.""" _.. __taOOll "-" ~"Slo-*" ........,yO"- IofIIItaT _1If11I.FWtfflilll,LI'. ~J'I _.2OOI-'''''/HtlS..tlll.NldDHtlIl~ 'THCHCr. s..,,,, 00.,."..., 20",.....,.., 7.J_ _t _, 1M _,_,,/~L'" I........~.....,.. c..._......._.., 1.11'.44'" ,... .J/4-_ _~ _ JW ~ 1HDICC. ~ U~ Z5........,... f$_C...t -., ,...._",_II'....,LC>t I......... c.w>MIa.._ C",,'...IlII"'_'" 1.174.'. _, Ie. '/1--"" _ 'DcA'_ .......,,..,_.. 1tN.... _1_41 ".,,_IItHd; 1Hl";M:C. s....", 00.,......, 0'",.....,... "_ _t_,tIN__t_,",U_""'" .--....., 2.51I.1ffH".._I't>>/TDrBICCINHINC; CONT~ olO.JI;.J15 ___ _, '" ~~ _..I _ ...-.,._ COPPEU. INOEPENOENT 504001.. OISlRlCT VOL 411. PC. 461 ZONED; .C" ~,~~,,:,g..,...... : YOL 157110,PG. 11174 I ZQNED:"U" __ N'~ 2388.83' __ PROPOSED ZONtNG .u. 101.~;'''Ac.m (.....OUU If') QIlOSSNl[A,~M:Il[S~ClI'''Y) (....,.....n.) ~"" I. .............__'*.....,...__.-..,"'s."..0II.....-. ~~1-:-a==-~%~uo. l' =~=s..,~~:rs-r~=..U IOt1/.N.,..._~,.,....,.._...._..-y-_ _......,-------- z-'r-___"'........___........ J. .-._________"...,__ :".= ..::=&.:'" - - -. -- - -~ ......... LOT 1. BlOCK II PSlNtT AOOITlON ~ED~~2; PG.-r62\O / -- ~ ,- '~ i / lOT 1, ILOCK B coPP!U. BUSINESS ctNlER " WI... 96008. Pc. 11 ZOHEO;V L.. Ne9"25'~t: 1114.28' 120' R.O.W. li L "oo~~ GR APHlC SCALE IN FEET L-E:~E:""""c::;lo "'* rfl(H>O/lAN' /'P. POIfERPCU ::: ~r;;R s:;;:o "'" .~TER v....'>'t: C'I. ClE.fo'tOU' -0 MAHIO.-l ... e~s M1:TEA ____ r'ltOPERTY UM ,i II" ~ii 11:~1t I 5g~,< d'g' 0, ~~~~ L- .U'" r==== ~ i:l~ ffi~ ~~ :~;< ~iL ~~~ I I ICl s Cl: "'. ,g~ ~i~ , . d W* ".~ IZ~ ".' ::::i ~ i~'~ '... ~ ~,,~ '......... :t:!'N il Ill! PROPOSED i .: ; LOT I . BLOCK C U 17.395 ACRES (757,73$W) _/IIV,~~lIf'WAYJ II ___ (W2.wtQ.n) N>i~ Jl ~~-~ -- ~~r- : ~~~b I t~~~i ~ ~~,~:: n_F"R/APPlII':AHT. DUKE REAlTY. L.P. S4115 8EllUIE ROAD, 5TL360 OALLI\S,TX75240 Pti; (91Z)J81-S100 FAX: (912)3S1-Saoo - PA01ECO KClCH CONSVl.TlNG ENGINEERs.. INC. 8350 NORTH CENTRAl EXPRESSWAY. SUITE 1000 OAlLAS. TOIlS 75206 pt1: (912) 2J5-3QJ1 'A.X;(912)2J5-~ =]l \ ~ TYPICAL POINT WEST BLVD. PAVEMENT SECTION IC2!!J ,,~ ~~ - TYPICAL DIVIDEND DRIVE PAVEMENT SECTION IC4!:!J I:'~ORNER lOTS 'MLl HA~ TWO FRONT YAROs.1 J:Oi'llIOOG IEl(IHIDIJUT 181H11E1E1J' , Of 21 DUKE LESLEY ADDITION BLOCK A. BLOCK B ... BLOCK C , 84.559 ACRE TRACT LOCATED 'N THE CITY or COPPEU.. TEXAS NlO BEING OUT Of THE CORDELIA BOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 56 !r JEffERSON TILLEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1474, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ~ ~ ~ ~ LOT lX, BLOCK 0 0.667 ACRES (a.lI&O'-l PRllPosro Z=C~" (lNa..~2~.A'" (lC16.I2.SQ.n.) DEtfCtl'PTION OF PROPERTY tfUtlVEYED DC$CI/fPrIa( of. I."~ tIetW IroC'fo/,."d_''''/IO".. ~...... Surw}l .u..troclNo. M_Ifwr."",,- rw., SUrw}l ANlrod No. I~". DoIw c-I}I r_ _ ""'" ,...., 1_ /rocl. ., Ittt>d ~ III s,..w lI\:rranl, DHd.. -'t'OOl I' _ 'r""" z- '" DuM fIMI', U>nJtH ,,-...... ..-- III *,",,,,,,,,.., No. ~!H2 of If-. DHd!l'_ .f D<1/I<JIIf ,......1,; T-.-- -'d llU.~ __ Irod -. ..... ~1aiJorl,--...I I!ICQNfItHG, 01 . 1/2-lIodl .... _ 'tlCA- e<fI -.<J "" e<<7''' 01 1M /101......,_ of ".. _I r1lJItl-ol-_, /tI. of S_ ffoH (0110_""" _ ,.."1_0/__,).,,, "'" ...nfl_I ""'-o/-.,,,_..f "''''''01. HIfIo.",1/& 6~ rHCNCC. __ /11. __I _ .f...I...,.,.H/fIto.." NG. -.J5, ".. Aohotlil_(4)"-' _ n."...J.!l ",,,,,,-. 05_ _1,.._ ofl.~IZ""1o 0 1/2-_'" _ '/:101I'_ ""-d fDr....-".,,, _ ~I ~ Jel"'....'- "'_ _t .....,_ of I,D57.lf ,.,,10...........10_1 foAINI"" ....-~" _ Jf.".. 55 ",""'-.52 _ _I,,, ...,....... of.,.," ""10. .....,0'.,. _, b.wI<l' lor GItl/I'II-'''''l; N<If1h J5 fIoOt_ .u ",..~I... ., _ _I,. ",,_..1 ',21"""" 10.. 1/2-1fIdl....... _4 lor O<<rlr; _,.,.., />Ht9".. _m____ ofLOI.2. _ Co GoI_,.IJ_ Prri. "" _ion,.,"" CH,.of~_ c-IJI r... _~ '" 1M""" __ ill ~ UI04l, "- 106 0' _ DMtI1f-*i. 1HCNCC, HcfflI OO~ IJ........'... ~7_..E...1, -.".. _'I/IMof_l.Ol2. _Ifwr_' ,..,,-01-..' _ of 01_ """" (0 15-,...,t _ rlpfI'-M-.o)'). 0"''-<01'" ",." 1001 10" l/l-_...._ 'DcA" cqo fwtod 1M ~ _'0;0'_' /10 III. _I.... ,,'L.II, tIMdr/J .,_ GoI_rSu_ Pwfl.' HId ,...,t oINb.iIl,... "'. _III _ .fa /rotl .,___Ia CoppoI"""-' SdIooI Dlrlrld_1Io __ ~11. "-OIl' of ",._D-dlf-*; rHCNCC. _ 119.....-.26 "'.....,....J2 _ Eut -"'" __fl_.f".. ~.....-' SdMMJ/ D<otrXl ,,,. _I~ _ ofLaI 2. _ O. __. eJj __"oft.. "" _I.... Ie> 1M Cilrof C---._ ''''''''JI r... ~ Ie> 1II.,.".'''''_ ill __ IJ7tto. ,..". 1117~. """ III. _111 lito a' Lal I. tJIod< I\, PSlNC1Atlafflan. la"" CH,...ICappoll. _ ea....1,. TOItfD~ 10 floplo'_1Io _."252.,.. 6110 "'_0<1 t> ~Iat -.-Ir _ I. "-IV. r~1M CWporoliot> _.. _. ~lt1S, "'- U1I af tho _ DHd ..""'....... 0 ....,cnd af .2..JM.4J IINI "'. J/4-_ .... p", _of ibr ~ ... potl, ~ Ill. _tOff,.1I<Irl1o_' CG'rl" af Lal I, _ B. C~ s...o- c..,.. It .... _loti I.. IN CUr.f Capp.r. DoIao C......,... T._ ~ to ",.pIoI ~.. __ t.8DO& "-" __.. ~ -""r_ t.1IIICU _!I'.n.Port~ 1..". __" ..,......1001011I.,.... I04IH 0'''' 1oId0eM1......., ~ ,i H :~ ~~ q~i !~~ 1HtNCC, Sou'" 00..-- 19 ",t>~,-. lJ --=- _L _, lito _I Iiw of _ L.' f. 4Iodl B. ~ ~ c..,. It o...~ of l.lIt."''''' to" J/~_.... ~ -..,,.,. oamor; rHDICC, _ n...-- 25 "'....,.., ., __ r..~ -.. ,,.. _I~ .... 01 _ L.I t. *-' B. ~- c..,. 1t...._.1 t.ll~.a....' to. 1/2__ _ _ "DCA"_ _,.,. _lo,.. _ _ _ 01 ......- ~ Sou", 00 H9f'OH. 01"'....,.., 17_" _I. _, ~___ .1.."......... ...._of 2.512.14""la lIWf'aHrOFBCGINNING; CCNTANNC.Ao.a..s"'........l'N'''',,,...5.D_at...............-. CCf>PELLIN(lEP9C)OIT SCHOOLOIStRlCT VOL 417, PO. 461 ZOflEO:.C. ~' *"~"':J BU.NESS : ~71~PC.le74 I ~~.......w_________~~~~:____ _~~_.. LOT 1, 1Jl0Q( A PSlNETADDITlCf4 / / ~':'2i." P~~'''O / ..----- .~. I. . I' , ~ I..'.' :: ~ ~ I :: , !I. ~ ! ~ .;. ; ~ lOT I, 1Jl0Q( B COPPfll. BUSINESS CENlER n VQL.98OOll,PG.11 ZONED: -U- PROPOSED ZONING .u. .,,,.\1:;; L N89~~'~.E 1174,28" 120' 'to"., PROPOSED DIVIDEND DRIVE .....-....-.... ......."..... -- . PROPOSED LOT 2 , BLOCK C ~004 ....CRES (Zl7,-.z!F) 1 ~::. *" I .=~ (22I.7tOSQ.n.) PROPOSED lOT 1 , BLOCK C 17.395 ACRES (751,7J$lF) QlIIOSS1#€A~~_Taf""'" (wa.2IJ!Q.nj N71~ 1 <\5.. 1~12"'_~__J I. ....,.,.___.._.._....~oI$aoollltItJ.......Qt ~~r:-,...-==-~~~Uoo 1 ;~~~~~l==.~~~~~~ M1tn. MoIllN_~"..rr.._...._.."... ......- --...-,-..------ z.,."lt"-____t...._<<>>-_.......... .1 ..-.,__....,_____...,_"" :- =- .,::::L:'" - - -, -.. -~ .....,.., "oo,~ GRAPHIC SCALE '" mT L-~c::=l:E:"""" I:::::> ~ fllIEH"DIlANl .... '0fI(~ POl[ :.? ~~R~"'~:c' ... ....nRv....\4: <:q, CUAlO(a)T "'0 ..-.au: .... ~511(TtR ____ PlWP(RTY lM ~i .~~ 1igt d'g' , ~~"i L- .~~" t:f; i~ ~~" I i~'~ ~~~ ~ ~~o ~ ~ ~~ ',d go II.I~ f~ I ....... ...:!!. ~ ~ i~~ ,~~ ~~~ Ii:, U___ ~ ---- n_nt/.u>P1ICANT. OUl(E REAlTY. LP. 5495 BE\.TUlE ROAD. STL~O OAUAS.TX7:5240 PH: (972) 3&1-8700 fAX:{972)3&1-ISOO '""""'" P....OE:CO KOCH CONSLl.""'G eNGINEERS. tNC. a.l5O NOIlTM COITRAL EXPRESSWAY. SUITE 1000 DAl..l.AS. TEXAS 75201 PH: (9n) 235-JO.J\ fAX: (972) 235-~ =1l ;;:0001000 IEllD-CrmD1J" 18111E1E1J' 2 01' 21 DUKE LESLEY ADDITION BLOCK " Bl.OCK B a. BLOCK C ,~ +CRE TRACT LOCATEll IN THI7Jjl1'Y Of COPPELL. TEXAS . N<lJ BEI~cerrL~:. J~=" ~~~~ ~~. ~~7~. ~ lW.lAS COUNTY, TEXAS ~ ~ ~ . a ,