Dir. of Eng. memo to Council-rev. Thoroughfare Plan THE.CITY.OF COPPELL ~ ~ ~ ~ 1\ 8 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Director of Engineering and Public Works DATE: October 10, 2006 REF: Consider approval of an ordinance revising the Thoroughfare Plan to add the proposed Lesley Drive as a two-lane undivided collector street (C2U), in its entirety from IH 635 to Dividend Drive; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Recently, members of city staff have been meeting with the developer of the 'Lesley' tract at the northwest comer ofIH 635 and Belt Line Road. In an effort to provide better ingress and egress to the site, the developer approached representatives of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) requesting that they allow a connection to the existing westbound ramp onto IH 635 from Belt Line Road. TxDOT does not allow any road to intersect its frontage roads unless the road is contained on a city's Thoroughfare Plan. Also, TxDOT does not allow any road to intersect a ramp providing either entrance on to or exit off of a highway. Because of these requirements, the developer has requested that the city consider revising its Thoroughfare Plan to show a roadway from IH 635 northward to a proposed extension of Dividend Drive. Because a roadway in this general location will improve traffic circulation in and around the proposed development of the 'Lesley' tract, staff is in support of the request from the developer to revise our Thoroughfare Plan. If Council approves this ordinance, the developer will then be required by TxDOT to remove the existing ramp leading from Belt Line Road to westbound IH 635 and reconstruct a new frontage road and ramp. In meetings with TxDOT that I attended with the developer and the developer's engineer last week, it was very clear what TxDOT was trying to accomplish with regard to allowing access from the 'Lesley' tract to IH 635. First and foremost, TxDOT does not allow any access to ramps; therefore, the developer will be required to remove the existing ramp and construct what TxDOT will classifY as a frontage road. That frontage road will be in the general alignment and location of the existing ramp. Once TxDOT designates that as a frontage road, the developer will be allowed to connect a thoroughfare i.e., the proposed Lesley Drive, to that frontage road. Proceeding west from Lesley Drive, the developer will then be required to build a new ramp entrance from the frontage road to westbound IH 635. Because of spacing requirements, the new entrance onto IH 635 will be further west than the existing entrance. The end product of the frontage road with the ramp will be very similar to the existing ramp. However, the important thing to TxDOT is that a portion of the rebuilt access to IH 635 will be classified as an access road which allows for the intersection of streets that are on a city's Thoroughfare Plan. The developer's engineer, Pacheco Koch, has provided a preliminary cost estimate for the removal of the existing ramp and the reconstruction of an access road and a new ramp in an amount slightly more than one million dollars. As the 'Lesley' tract development progresses, Council will see additional agenda items conceming agreements between the City of Coppell and TxDOT and potentially the developer to allow for the construction of a new frontage road and ramp and the connection of a thoroughfare street to the new frontage road. Staff recommends approval of the addition to the city's Thoroughfare Plan of a C2U to connect IH 635 with the proposed extension of Dividend Drive. Staffwill be available to answer any questions at the council meeting.