CC approval on 5/9/2006 ~ rHE.CITY.OF D~PT: Planning DkTE: May 9, 2006 / COPPELL .~. l' a It .t . q A., . \ ITEM #: 16 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Gateway Business Park. Lot 38. Block 2. Site Plan, to allow the construction of an approximate 142, 120-square-foot office/warehouse building on 11.62 acres of property located at the northwest comer of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Blvd. Motion to Approve ,i _ " GOAL(S): .', ... APPROVED BY .CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE M - Peters S - Brancheau Vote - 7-0 . Libby 8811 . 162006.05.1 . ....... . 815:04:52 -05'00' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date ofP&Z Meetine:: April 20, 2006 Decision ofP&Z Commission: Approval (5-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt, McCaffrey, Foreman, Haas' and Kittrell voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to compliance with departmental comments. Staff recommends approval. Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/04 Document Name: @5GBP,L3B,B2, SP l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Gateway Business Park.. Lot 3B.. Block 2.. Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: c.c. HEARING DATE: April 20, 2006 May 9, 2006 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Asst. Director of Planning LOCATION: At the northwest corner of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Blvd. SIZE OF AREA: 11.62 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: To allow the construction of an approximate 142,120-square-foot office/warehouse building. APPLICANT: Owner: ProLogis 2310 LBJ Frwy., Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75234 972-884-9292 FPCX:972-488-9848 Architect: David Meinhardt Meinhardt & Associates Architects 14643 Dallas Parkway, Suite 636 Dallas, Texas 75254 972-980-8980 FPCX:972-980-8082 HISTORY: The City Council approved the final plat of Gateway Business Park on June 12, 1990. On October 12, 1993, City Council approved a replat of Block 2. On April 9, 1996, City Council approved a replat with site plan for Haverty's, allowing the development of a 220,675-square foot regional distribution facility and a 50,000-square foot-retail furniture center. On December 12, 2000, City Council approved a site plan Item # 7 Page 1 of 5 amendment to allow a 170,590 square foot expansion of the Haverty's facility. This addition was never built. In March 2003, an alternative expansion plan for Haverty's to allow a 245,277 square-foot building addition and parking was approved. This proposed expansion never occurred and site plan expired approximately one year ago. In March 2001 a Site Plan for a 144,544 square-foot office warehouse building on 11.62 acres of property, as well as a replat for Block 2, Lot 3 into 3 separate lots was approved by City Council. The site plan for Lot 3B has since expired, however the plat is still valid. The current request is for a new site plan for Lot 3B. TRANSPORTATION: Gateway Boulevard is a C4U four-lane undivided collector street within a 70'-wide right-of-way. Freeport Parkway is a 4-lane divided road in a 95' -wide right-of-way, which is indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan as a C4D/6 (110' R.O.W.) SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Minyards Corporate headquarters; "U" Light Industrial South - Office/Warehouse; "U" Light Industrial East - vacant; "U" Light Industrial West - vacant; "U" Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is proposing to develop a 142,120 square foot office/warehouse building with parking and truck service areas on approximately 8.1 acres of property, leaving the northern 2.5 acres of the site undeveloped. The vacant area is labeled as future development. The applicant proposes to construct a 10%/90% mix of office and warehouse uses, providing a total of 182 parking spaces, slightly over the 176 spaces required. The entire rear of the building is occupied by dock doors accessed via a large truck court/service area. The layout of the site provides two access points along Freeport Parkway, and two along Gateway Boulevard. The second point of access along Gateway Boulevard has been designed primarily as a truck entrance/exit to and from Item # 7 Page 2 of 5 the facility via a mutual access easement with the property abutting. Originally, the applicant proposed a 150'-wide accessway that has now been revised to 40' -wide, with a grasscrete island along the north side of the driveway. Grasscrete is essentially a concrete paving system, which allows grass to grow over the portions of the concrete base. This area will appear to be a landscaped/grassed area, however, it will also support the occasional 18-wheeler truck which can not maneuver the turning radius from the access easement onto the property. A detail of this is attached to this report Landscaping All perimeter, interior, and non-vehicular landscape requirements have been met with regards to the portion of the site proposed to be developed at this time. Because the northern portion of the site is not proposed to be developed now, the applicant has not included this area within the landscape calculations. However, there are several minor drafting and labeling errors, which are specified in the conditions of approval. The truck service area is proposed to be screened from Freeport Parkway by an 9' -high solid screen wall, measuring 40' in length. The screen wall will be constructed of the same material as the main structure and painted to match. Seven Leyland Cypress trees being planted between the wall and the street will soften the appearance of the screening wall. The north side of the truck service area will continue to be screened with landscaping. A 40' wide TXU Electric easement is located along Freeport Parkway. Because of existing poles and overhead wires, the applicant is limited in the type of trees that may be planted within that area. Typically, large overstory trees would be planted along the front of the property; however, due to the height limitation, the applicant has instead proposed to plant a significant number of crape myrtles in this area. The entire length of the property along Freeport Parkway will be landscaped in conjunction with this application. Also within this 40' wide TXU easement is a twenty-foot Hike and Bike Trail easement, which also requires that trees be limited to ornamental. However, a condition of approval is the acknowledgement that these trees are subject to being removed in the event that the 8-12 foot wide trail is constructed in the future. The design of the parking lot places 18' deep parking spaces throughout the site. The reduced length of 18' in lieu of 19' is permitted with the provision of at least 2' minimum clearance beyond where the curb or wheel stop restricts forward movement. As proposed, two feet of clearance exists, however, this area can not be counted as landscaped area. The applicant has revised the landscape calculations to reflect this change and has adjusted the calculations accordingly. Item # 7 Page 3 of 5 Elevations The architecture of the proposed warehouse/office facility will be two- toned gray painted tilt wall construction with green accents and tinted glass windows and silver mullions. Enhanced entrances are being provided at the comers of the building with two additional entry features along the Freeport Parkway frontage. These features extend three (3) feet from the face of the building. In addition, vertical architectural features, with green accent color are spaced every 50 feet along the fa9ade. These undulations protrude 8 inches from the building. Staff is concerned that these features will not provide the needed relief to break up the expanse of the over 700-foot long building running parallel and within 100 feet from Freeport Parkway. At least 1-2 foot offsets should be required of the 8- inch features and a minimum 5-foot offset should be required for the building entrances. A 54-square foot, externally lit, monument sign is proposed adjacent to the main driveway along Freeport Parkway. It will be constructed of thtJ..same materials and painted the same colors as the main structure on this site. The building elevations indicate the proposed areas for possible future attached signage. The signage is illustrated in such a way that up to six tenants may have attached signage. The outlined areas are in compliance with the sign regulations and will allow for individual tenants to obtain signage as they occupy the buildings. As previously mentioned, the layout of the site places a large open area at the northern portion of the site (approximately 2.5 acres). No additional development can occur on this portion of the site without amending the current site plan, requiring review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The applicant has clearly delineated the boundary between the undeveloped area and the site plan area. However, staff is concerned with the appearance of tl}{s area in terms of maintenance, etc. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Page 4 of 5 Staff is recommending APPROVAL of Gateway Business Park, Lot 3B, Block 2, Site Plan subject to the following conditions: 1. Show Fire Department Connection (FDC) location on Site Plan and Water Plan. FDC must be within 50' of a fire hydrant and on the same side of the fire lane. 2. Correct the dimension of the northern property line of this property, and add the dimension of the northern line of the "limits afwar/(' on the Site Plan and the Landscape Plan. 3. Need to show location ofthe Monument Sign on Landscape Plan. Item # 7 4. Correct the size of the proposed Crape Myrtle trees from 3" caliper to either 8-10 feet in height or 45 gallon. 5. Replace the 17 Texas Mountain Laurels with an overstory tree on the Plant Palette. 6. Add the following note to the Landscape Plan "Trees within the hike and bike trail easement are subject to being removed in the event that the 8-12 foot wide trail, parallel to Freeport Parkway, is constructed in the future" 7. Resolve all discrepancies in the tree counts in the Landscape Calculations (i.e in the plant list, summary, and tabulations) 8. Add the grasscrete detail to site plan sheet. 9. Consider increasing the protrusion ofthe articulated architectural features. 10. Correct discrepancy between the exterior colors specified on the elevations and those on the color board (Jaguar or Liquorice Tint?). AL TERNA TIVES 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval ofthe request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Department Comments 2) Grasscrete detail 3) Site Plan 4) Landscape Plan 5) Building Elevations (2 pages) 6) Color Rendering Item # 7 Page 5 of 5 THE.CiTY.OP' THE.CiTY.OF CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORe REPORT COPPELL !l* COPPELL " s Proiect 10 SPA-06-0015 Proiect Name Gateway Business Park Address Freeport Pkwy Proiect Type Site Plan Approval Application Date 3/22/2006 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description to allow the construction of an approximate 142, 120-square-foot office/warehouse building on 11.62 acres of property 1 of Aqencv Engineering Comments 1. Your proposal to remove the low point inlet along Gateway Blvd. will be revisited in greater detail during Engineering review. Parks and Recreation Additional comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review. Trees within the hike and Bike Trail easement are limited to ornamental trees only, and are subject to being removed in the event that the 8-12 foot wide trail parallel to Freeport Parkway is constructed in the future. 1. Show Fire Department Connection (FDC) location on Site Plan and Water Plan. FDC must be within 50' of a fire hydrant and on the same side of the fire lane. Fire Administration N~.i.LS:i~ I.,. I I I;.. I I : [J I I [1~~ , ' '.~i --~:-i-- ---r--~:--i-i;i~ , ' , , ' , -----;-- ---~------~----- , ' , , ' , I : : (J , , , : I I -----,-- ---~------~----- , ' , , ' , (J I : [J : , , , _____~-- ___l______L_____ , ' , , ' , : [J: : (J , ' , , ' , -----,-- ---e.-~~!!I------ : 't i i CJ I ~ I CJ I I. I I -----i-~ -j-':-----i -----j-~~ l-----l~:--- I ~ 't. I I , .. : CJ I. CJ I : t : : -----~_a ---T------r----- I" I I i [J: : CJ , ' , , I I _____-1__ ___~~~~--~~- : : : ~~ (J: : ! 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