Departmental comments THE.CiTY.OF COPPELL THE.CITY-OF CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT " s Proiect 10 SP A-06-0015 Address Freeport Pkwy COPPELL " s Proiect Name Gateway Business Park Proiect Tvpe Site Plan Approval Application Date 3/22/2006 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description to allow the construction of an approximate 142, 120-square-foot office/warehouse building on 8.54 acres of property Agency Building Inspection Reviewed By Greg Jones 1 of 2 Review Date 3/30/2006 Electric and Gas Engineering Jeff Curry Charlene La Mattina 3/31/2006 3/30/2006 Fire Administration Tim Oates 3/29/2006 Parks and Recreation John Elias 3/29/2006 Planning Department Marcie Diamond 3/29/2006 Comments 1. Floor plan acceptable. 2. Revise word 'strpinklered' under construction type. No Comments Received 1. The orientation of the drawings should be consistent throughout the entire drawing set. 2. Show the required bands of stamped concrete at the driveways along Freeport Parkway. 3. Trees shall not be planted over underground City utilities. 4. Provide permission from the adjacent property owner to construct the proposed improvements on their lot. 5. The inlet along Gateway Blvd. that you are proposing to remove appears to be a low point inlet. How will the water that would otherwise drain to this inlet be handled if the proposed modifications were in place? 1. Show Fire Department Connection (FDC) location on Site Plan and Water Plan. FDC must be within 50' of a fire hydrant and on the same side of the fire lane. 2. Indicate fire lane turning radii, 30' inside and 54' outside. 3. Exhaust louvers not shown on the Elevations. 4. No dead-end fire lines in excess of 150', especially 6". Trees within the hike and Bike Trail easement are limited to ornamental trees only, and are subject to being removed in the event that the 8-12 foot wide trail parallel to Freeport Parkway is constructed in the future. Site Plan 1. The entire lot is 11.62 acres, the development is on 8.54, what is planned for the remaining 3 acres? The Landscape Plan indicates landscaping on this 3 acres, should this be incorporated into this tract? All plans need to be consistent. 2. Dimension all property lines. 3. Dimension typical parking space width and depth. If parking spaces are 18 feet deep instead of the required 19', then the additional one foot needs to be THE-CITY-OF COPPELL " 8 Agency Reviewed By THE.CiTY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT COPPELL ~"r..- lIf *.. ~ ~ e .t " \ ' q 8 " Review Date Comments added to the required perimeter and/or interior landscaping. 4. Dimension fire lane and curve radii 5. Verify number of parking spaces, it appears that 181 parking spaces are on the site plan. 6. Per Section 12-34-8(C) of the Zoning Ordinance, the access-way (driveway) between property lines along the west property line exceeds the maximum permitted width of 40 feet, please revise. 7. Label all easements, including the mutual access along the southern property line and the 3 acres to the north. 8. Label Southwestern Boulevard. 9. Will the area along the west property line be utilized for truck or future vehicle parking? Need to add landscape islands. 10. Common Area at southeast corner: . Indicate the location of existing sign and landscaped areas. . Will the placement of the driveway negatively impact the existing sign and landscape area? 11. Need to indicate location of and screening of any and all proposed dumpsters. Landscape Plan 1. The entire lot is 11.62 acres, the development is on 8.54, what is planned for the remaining 3 acres? 2. Where is the 8.54 acres calculated in relation to the Limits of Work" line? The Landscape Plan indicates landscaping on this 3 acres, what portion of this area is being used to fulfill the landscaping requirements (non-vehicular?) for this development? Should this be incorporated into this tract? 3. Will the area along the west property line be utilized for truck or future vehicle parking? Need to add landscape islands. 4. Dimension all property lines. 5. Indicate the location of existing sign and landscaped areas in the common area. 6. Please re-calculate and recount the existing and the proposed trees, the Landscape Calculations, Plant List and Plan do not match. 7. Need to show and label all easements, including the Hike and Bike Trail parallel to Freeport Parkway. ELEVATIONS 1. Correct direction Labels on Elevations, they are all in error (I.e. the elevation labeled south is actually east, etc.) 2. Dimension the depth of the articulated panels. 3. Indicate color, materials and manufacture's spec. on the black and white elevations. 4. Indicate proposed attached sign areas, and state compliance with the Sign Ordinance. 5. Include elevation, materials, color, light source, etc. of the proposed monument sign, as referred to on the Site Plan sheet.