Landscape Plan (ProLogis) ~2.62i2,~~ .,e- '-?o ~ ,".>'" \. ,~\ ,,,,, "> ..../ ,.... \'4 o N ci \~:?- \V \ ,'). ""'-," ,l,l O 0 ~~ MfINHAIDT';J.iSOCIATES o AAO-IITKTS, P.l.L C. ~ 1~'~J c..o............s "'-Jb;w!..y 3,1l"[ 5JI ~,l.........s '"DAS 7$2,.$.4 1!1,-U.:.-,s-Jt.:. ,~EVISiO~S: ',==- =: ~ =: =: :::;:=: ~ - :::; - ~ < ^ _/ ~ - -- .....~...~~.w- ~-' - ~e~o~ - - - - - -- - -- - =- =- =- ~~ - - - - - -. - ~ D.= 0:~~~~:: - < =- :: <:: - '- ==--=:= "'<- ......,- '" _"'(V ~=-/"=-"'( =- -::::.=:-".........=',,- - - - ,-. --""/-" - ::.- ~= - 6= :::~? ~ ~:::: -s:)::,~~ - --------- BERr-.1i.JDAGRASS HYDROMULCH, TYPICAL ------------~--------------- c~ --- ~ ~- " ",' ., "., . ,'15' DSCAPE el>pf< -R ------------------- , - - - - - EXISTINGSIGNAND LA NOS CAPE- - - - TO REMAIN,.-. -= ~. ,..:.:J.....c.,('~"_ ',' ,. ' ~ ',- ...- '. .... ,'. . , . - . ' tAf CAPE BU-=F.s,C( . ~~",..,._. . :. . ,',-,. ..', ,. . '" "." ... . . '.. '. . '. ,,' . .... '..;" '. " ." . '. ~ -'- --~------ " -;:::----:.--: - '--"'('-"'(-- =~- ""-~= -~- , \ I \ ::: _ s =: 'V' =: '" - IL- 1 LO --/;- ~~~ -;="4!,: " ~-,-~---,- ~~'91 ''l-~a: j, i; - :::_=:::.-~ ~ I -- ".--............-\- =..-;:;=. =- " 1# \.. . . . '. ." .. ,,' ,'" ; ~ " ".' . :" " . . ~, i ~ f'.:; ~ \ : (10) EXISTiNG CREPE MYRTLE : TO REMAIN 19) EXISTING LIVE OAK I TO REMAN .~,f'~-_. I I I .\ ~ BERMUDAGRASS ". 0"'" ".. HYDROr-.1ULCH,~ ....... .... :..0."......... TYPICAL t ,^ 8'" lIMITHYDROMUlCH~t. 0"< t/"j ~ ('@'.,\ ~ ~ cD:<':\ ~' 'G" ,..: o ,.. " ..'...... .....'.. " ~, .: ~" .' . . . . u.. :. . ... . . . o t,", . ~r0 l~ '0' ," .' '0' \ . ." ' " \E) \' '.' t: ~ ' \' :. , " .' -!s' - :::: =_s:::V.=:.....- \ I 'V +- - - - - - - +-- - - - - - -....- - - - - - -............... - - - - - -6--- _ _ _ _ _ _...-- _ _ _ _ _ _,__ '~E"': ::-~ [.1 r~ ..,......::)1 -'__ ""......j.I ""'''- ',1... '" ~_ 1~! r, ,,",,- f ~c \ ~ U ~ ~ o u ~ ~ frJ I.. I \ .......... l j I ) () ,n BUILDING 6 FFE: 523 \ I I ~~::. - - - - --i - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - -... - - - - - _ --t - - - - - - -t _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... _ _ _ _ _ _ - ,..-. :::; "/ =-..... - --'-" -" , r c~ , r ,..c: ~------r------~--____~______~______~_____ <~.' l' 'j )~, . ,~,,:'",: ( ~'. \. ...' . ~,' ~'~~d< ',: l, r----- , " '/;-i " 'r."'+-1. , :~,.' ~ ..,~:-~ l\-;~ 142,120 S.F. < ilj l ~~:= ---=- := ~=~.......=" ~ ~=~~, ~=S _:::=~~.-_ =::(~"/ - _= r -'y' r= r,/'::::== " <~ \ -~-------~------~------~------~------~------~----- - - - - -< - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - -< - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - -1- - - - - - _ '~ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ I) : I 'c'.1 ',_J 1 ~ "'--" !l:\J .J 'j) \ ,.\ ." / ~~ - - .--~-'--- -.----.db=.T---'"-- I. - ~. L [: I.., ." t. ..,. ~-~.'" . 'r-'-.'.'~ ':.. '.- '...:..........1[....: ,--,,_ " CO::;,," =" '._-- , .~-~'t;-' " :, ""r' . " " . ','.,' '",.. I 6 ~ -i,i ',' i: ':..")....:1 . , ' ' , \ ~--,-,_.' . I \ I .,. /- =-=-~-~ ;- \ - ",",=---',,= :::=~ , =-.5=:"/=: -- -'/ ~- ',~ --::::.. - - - \_-~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - Z~' FTR'E~~ - - - - - - - - - - -""",-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ 7 LC - -~~~-~~.. - U:6SG&8:~~ ,::; _~-;<_~~_-~~r c=~- - - - - - - -.- -. ....-rvl '.... ~. , \ I L-' ",".".... \ .' " <. . , ': / / I 1 / ,,' / 11,- - ;- - - - - - - - - 7 . / I . / MAINTENANCE NOTES COPPEll NOTES 1. Tr:e Owrer, tenant and their ager.t, 'f any, shall be jeinUy a,nd severa"v reSDOll.siQLe for 1te-.!TQjj1ten~c~..)f..gIl.@ndsCQP~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ r- .. - - - .- .- =~ - , / 2. All landscape shall be mailitainOO 'Ii a neat and orderly manner at all times. Tnis shall 'nclude mow:ng, edging, pruning fertilizing, wate';rg, weeeirg ard other such activities common to landscape mairtenance. \ ::;~-ssc~=-=:- ,- -..:. ~:::::/"' /"'r::c.c. -~'-----'-' ... I =: - S =: ~ =: ", - lANDSCAPE TABULATIONS 1. rrigatior CDlltroller sl,all irclude a surge protection device. (reeze detector and rain sensor. OPEN SPACE ReqJirerreo:s: 15'/, of 10: no: :c,ered by buiicir,gs:o be iandscape open space. One (1) :ree pe. 25C.J s.l. of open space. 3. Alllardscape areas srall be kept free of trash litter, weOOs and other such material or plants not part of this pJan. PER~,1ETER LP.~DSCAPE Req..;re:nen:s: S~iee: F"or;:age siail ::00~ain a ~ 51 'ar,escape b!....4'erNi:'1 orle (1 ~ree ]":aL 12" abo\e '.JrCl<noJ per 50 !.f. anc ])" he p3r~irl<.J 10' saeen: heqe or berrr,. ?er'r;e:er iancscape areas shail CDn:a/n a 10' :arcscape oJ'Jffer alc!'.J ~rcpel:f lir,es Nl:l0n€ (1) :-ee, ]" :al. . 2' a)c, e '.Jloun: per 50 1.1. !~ fER:CR LP.\DSCAPE Requ~remerl:s: 1 iJ:'/O Of g-c.ss parki~ area !c t€ !ancsc3pe. Oc,e (1; '.:ee per 4009.1. of "equi"ec lar,:sc3pe a,"ea. 12'/, cf :0:al!,l,moJ8' p'3rki,,'.J spar...<es sra,l ~e plan:ln.J is'arx:s \vi:n ,"ees. HYDROMUlCH NOTES 2. Landscape plans srall be sigred and sealOO by a I,censed Lar,dscape Architect 'rrigatior plans shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Irrigat10n Des:gne-. 1.1321.f. ReqJir"lc 34520.85 s.f. i15'/;) (14) T:ees. 3- cd. P:o.icec 346155.1.15%) ! 1 ) ,"ees. 3' cal. (14) e.ergeer :rees. 10' h~ (5) ficwe-i!'.J o<raMen:als. 8'-")' ht 06499 1. Alllawn areas :0 be Hydromulch Bermudg'ass, unless noted o/,hery/se on drawings. () PLAN NORTH LANDSCAPE PLAN 4, All plant llaterial shall be Ira:I'tail1ed i'l a "ealUiY and growilng cond:t:on as is appropriate for the season oflhe year. TOTAL LOT AREA: (Exclusive of bulleing): 230,139 s.f. 3. 2. Contractor srall scarify, rip, loesen all areas to be hydroi"Llcned to a minimum depth cf 4' prior to topsoil ardnydrorr.ulch :nstallation. 1 " Scale: = 40'-0" Far-:ing Lot: 891&0 s.1. Fa'-:ing Spares: 182 5. All plant material which dies srall be replaced with pla'lt material of equal or Jetter value. :: rc~'icec: Frc..iC8{] 24 :;83.48 s.f. 128,,:) 127. :Iees ]' cal. Freepor: Park.vai: Req'_ :ree '23) 'reo::5 3" cd. R,e~uh:"a 8,9:6 S.l_ (~C;o/O, (23: :rees groJss par\:rg '21: 12'/, :o:al par'<ir-;) 4. Irr:gatior meter will requ:re assessrrent by the City of COPPElII Water Utn:res. Contractor shall prOvide separate bid prop')sa/ for one years main!enance to begin after final acceptarce. 3. Bermudagrass seed shall be extra rulled and treated lawn type and srall be delivered to ,he site 'n its original unopened CDntaicer, and shall meet Texas State Law requirements. 70) omamen:al 'lees, 0-10' h:. 5:' ra:[~ for TXU easemen'. 6. DRAWN BY: RMT lANDSCAPE PLAN CHECKED BY: BDA 5. All landscape areas to be 100% 'rr;gated with an automatic underground irrigation system, ,~~,04,) :,"ees (154) new trees, ,65) :rees, 3" :al. (75) ficwerfr9 o:namen~ai 2'-10' nt (14) e\er9reen crcarer:al, ~O' h~ (9) ex. Li.e Oa~ (10) ex. C:e~e ',1}r:e PROJECT NO. SHEET TITLE: G~:e.Y~y Bou:e,arc: (4'8 I.f. Reql..ire.c 1'9) 'Jee9 3"'~. Su'M,IA.RY To:al t"ees re'~u;reo: To'al :'ees pro.leee: 4 Fiber: Srall be one rUI'cred (100%) percel'.t Wood Cejlulose FiDer delivered to t'le site in its origiral unopered cortairer.Conweb' or equal. smr landscape architects, inc. 17CB ~. GrWlr SJee~ Dailas, Texas 75202 Tel 2-4.871..))83 Fax 2"4.871.0545 Er"all sr:-'oI~smr-la.com :lro',,'!cec '9) eAis:irg :;ees GENERAL lAWN NOTES 1. Fine grade areas to aeh'eve firral contou's irdicated on civ" plans. Peri!Te:er Larcscape ~:)I~r Pro~e'~y Lire: 480 U. Req'";reo ,1 '.cees]''' r;,.i. lANDSCAPE NOTES 1. Contractor shall verify all existing and P"ODOSOO site elements and not'fy Arcritect of any discreparcies. Sur,ey data of exisb'ng cord:tiOlls was sUDpl!ed by othe-s. 5. Fiber Tack: Snail te deli'/ered to the site :n 'ts originallJropened cortainer, and srall be 'Terro- Tack one', as manufacturOO by Growers, Ire." or equal. g ~ U \0 ~ ~ r;Q ). ~,~ "';, - r. .' -' l'J r'), ,'l \...f \ ( r \, I,. I' 1 , ' 1') '.lees 3' cal. s-,e.Yn alliri,of .Yorio. ,.,~&~~ I~~=&\ D....' .. 1M . 1ft '''fl''. r , u I. U II ,~~ The Globol Distribu tion Solu tion 2310 LBJ Frwy., Suite Dallas, Texas 75234 Phone: 972.884.9292 972.488.9848 2. Ad'ust contours to achieve positive drairage away from buildings. Pr~vide un'fcrM rounding at '.op and bottom Jf slopes and other breaks in grade. Correct irregularities ar.d a'eas where water rray stand. ?r::,.'!COC West P'oper:y LI-e: (121111.: Reql~irec ~rO'.'irjec: (25) 'rees J' caI. 25) "ees 3 cai. PLANT LIST TREES BOTAN.CAL NN,1E REMARKS 6. Hydrol11uleh willi BerTl'lJdagrass seed at a rate of t.......o (2) poulids per o~.e tr,ousand (1000) square fool QTY. 2. Contractor shall locate all existing u'lde'g'ourd utilities and ncny Arcritect of ary conmcts. Contractor sl-all exercise caution whe'l IYorkirg in the v'cin:ty of underg:ourd utilities. cortainer grJwn" full to base, 4' spread min. 45 gallo1 'Dill. cortairer grcvVII" 3-5 care" 1"0 emss caning, 4' spread ':latcl,ing contai~er grown, 12' n. 4' sp:eae, 5' brancn'ng ht, rratching contai~.er ,~rown, 12' n. rr:r. 4'-5' spread mil', container ,~rovm, 12' rt. 4' sp'ead, 5' brancn'ng ht, matchlrg B&B 12' ht., t..'-5' spread min." 5' brarchirg rL. '!;atch'ng 3. Allla,vn areas to receive solid sod shall be left in a maximum of 1" below final fnish grade. Contractor to coordinate operab'ons with on-site Cons:rucCon Marager. CO'.1\10N NAME SIZE 7. Use a 4'x8' batter board against all beds areas. Cup-essocYDaris leylaneIT LagerstroeMia ind1ca 'Red' Querc'us shuma'd~ Quercus v;rgin'a~a Taxodium disticrum Ulmus c-ass'folia Leyland Cyp:ess Crepe Myrt/eRed' Shumard Roo Oa~ Live Oak Bald Cypress Cedar Elm 14 75 31 16 7 11 10' hL 8'-10'ht 3' cal. 3" cal. 3' cal. 3' cal. 3. 8. If installation occurs bet'ween September 1 and April 1 ,all hydromulch areas to be Winter Ryegrass, at a rate of four (4) pounds per one thousa'ld (1000) square feeL Contractor shall be 'equired to re-hydroriulcri ,v'th Bern:udagrass tre (ollowing grow'r'l9 seaso',. PLANT LEGEND I QUANTITY .. PLAJH TYPE SYMBOL PLMH TiPE NOTE: ALL T~EES TO HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS MW BE MATCHI~jG WITHIN VAR,ErES SHRUBS/GROIJ ~~DCOVER BOTM~iCAL NAME COMMON NAME JuriDerus sabinaTar~arascifolla' Tam JWi1per Trees vdr'r the hike ard bike t'ail easem.e~t are subject to be;rg "emoved in the evert tnat tr.e 8-12 foot wide trail. parallel to Freeport Parkway, is constructee in the future. Contractor is resporsible (or cbtaining a/I required landscape and irrigator permits. 4. Contractor shall provide (2") two inches of importOO topsoil 0'1 all areas to 'eceive lawn. ADD ALTERNATE. 4. Contractor to provide a rrinimuM 2% slope away (rorr aJl structures. 5. Imported topsoil shall be natural, friable soil from tre reg:on ,nown as botteM land soq, free from lurrps day toxic substances, 'oots, debris, vegetation, stor,es, containing ne salt and ~ack to brown:n color. 9. Alllawn areas to be hydromulched, shall rave one hurdred (1('000) percent co....erage pror to fral acceptance. 5. All plartir.g boos and lawn areas to be separated by steel OOging. Nc steel to be irsta/led adjacent to sidewalks or curbs. 6. 10. Contractor srall rnairtain ai/lawn areas unCI final acceptance. This srall 'nclude but net be 11mited to: mowing, waterirg, weeding, cultivating, cleaning, and replacing dead or bare a:eas to keep plarts '1' a v:gorous, reallny condition. BC CE CM LC LO RO TJ ~jOTE: Plart list is an aid to oidders only. Contractor shall ',er'fy all quantities or plan. NI heignts and spreads are min'r:,urrs. All pla~t rraterial shall meet or exceed rema"'(s as irdicated. Fax: Bald Cypress Ceda' Ehi Crepe Myrtle Red ' Leyland Cy;Yess L;,e Oak Red Oak SrulT'ard' Ta:'1 ~unp€r All landscape areas to be 100% irrigated Niln an underground automatic :rrigatio'l systeM and shall include rain and freez.e sensors. QTY. 353 6. AlllaNfl areas to be 'ire graded, irr1ganen trenores completejy settled, and finish grade app'o',ed by the Owners Constructior Marager or Architect prior to installation. All rocks 3/4" Ciameter and larger, dirt clods, sticks, concrete spoils, etc. srall be :e"moved pr'or to placing topseil and any lawn ;rstallation. SIZE 5g81. REMARKS cortai~er 'ull, 24" spread, 36" O,C, Cyroeon dactylon Common Berrrudagrass 7. All lawn areas to be Hydromulch BerMudagrass, unless othel\vise noted or the drawings. 7. hydromulch, refer to rotes 11. Contractor srall guarantee establishment of ar acceDta~e turf area and srall p-ovlde replacement from local supply as necessary. DATE: 4.2~ ,O~ Sf-IEET: 200 L 1.01