Irrigation Plan (ProLogis) \ \ \ \ ~_. --~ \ \ \ - - --.- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~.. I I \ \ \ l \ I \ ---- / ----;7 / '-- -(..~---==-=~====c~~~-2' WATER""VETER-~:;RiGAr:CNWLyr-3i (fr5~=o-cc .-'C_._ '-'=~""~~_L~- _C c. .C'C.~=C===~~=~_'==".C-~~=_=,_-~_~,_=~=~__=-_==~C'-~''=C='~_ -____==~_=,="===O~~ - -~=-=~===-o"='~=-=~~-=2-::- NA~E-R MET-ER'-,IRR'GAT!C'~ ~L i) !f'rG'C:::=:===-\-"~==~~~=~~-~---~ vERIFi S'ZE AND LCCAT ON ("OCE \ :>_____ _____ _ _--____~ -' :r----.------ ~ \. ;:::~== -;; ~c~~.:,....-:::, ""~~~~ '" ~:'./:;~c.ui:~BLE~~~~~u:-,/,4\1~;~.. rrF-7:.=~.~:.:~.~T~~~-~-.~"4:..~,~:'j~~04~ ._~~:E .~-~.n:.::"'.i~~ ..('-:...._~_:-~. ,,~ 3C'.~: . .. T ~~~;~._~~, . - .. .. - _n u_ _ 3/4"11 ~-, - . 1/2' 3~4' 3/4~ 1/2'" -.. .. .. 72---;"3rr . A 4' SLEEV:: ---- 2- 11'2- '--. .-.. 2' 1 "2', . " · !4' 3,4'- T .. --- ---:~,4.:___SLEE'.fi~. 1 /~. , ~ '" 1 --::~ 2_,/2" . 5J..E.. .1:. "2" a 1/2'9' a iii -.~:t. 2" 1~' ,11;2' - -.'--- , 4" SL::E';'€+-' ,,-':: .::..;-.r, - 'I" _,~ _ 2.1.: - - ~...... -1C E.:. -= =-~- - ........... 1 - r '"" - - - - ... V,,---,"..1::.:.~ ~ -t'I'~ 2 '4' ..Zt.~-c..:::- ~1' """1'; -- - - - i'l2~, -:-2 ~~I=*= - - rP- ~ ," --, - I.,~i;!r---- t__ lL _~_..L 1/2' -I 1 '/4' 3>&', " --JLl'.pL4: ~--. 2' - - - J 'I.LUA.:--;- __--+--~.<=. 1 4:L1::'_~ 4' *~~",I;r,' -. 'A.:;.---~-------l-- --::::;:::=:::0- c:tl'"FfF l' 11,\ ~__ \, Ii} " _ _ 8" : __ __ _ ~, ~~~~~~/~ l ~ 2'.~ _. _ _ _ _'~2~~_. _ ~j_ ~\ ~~n _~__: ~+ _,-.__ 2 11r I 'i, 114' - - - -~ ... -~ -'- - - ------ ---- ---s".EEJEIIII,I/~\ . . ~,- -\~;t- - -- ~- -~- - ----------- 1\ 4' SLEEvE S -F - I . ' , ""_ Jc I' ' 4' SLEEvE I ' '". i~1 j. /"' ",'"{e-/7 - - ; 7, . ~.. -'- -..- . - . . ~. ... m '. _. _ . ", ~ I \ 50 : "~"I~ ( 2' ~ ''9~'9' ,'/2: e ~11 112' S 343/4 " '/4" I '\" \Z/ =~~I :-"~-:;:::~'E 3/4" : , 4' S' \\' ,se, I.. ".1 " I ", \ , I' \ " s. 2" -t;\ i" \~ I \ I \ L/4' 1'\ " t4 3/4 I ' \ "'~- \"1 ~l , I i I 2 11 i" 11 I ' s I \ ~' J/-l \ I 3/4" \ I I ',\ ,. t a 1,\' '. 1 '"i '>2l ~, \\ ' \ ,: , I, I 'i\ l' "I tII 2 "2 I "~~' \ " , ~r4 . '~ :~/ 114' ...,t-~ \1 1/4' --- ~\~\ 2" 2', If\. "'~ 1/4 , '/4" ~, ~"" ''-.~1'"" ,\~ -~" ~ ~:~ 1/4" / ".... "~/ '<::;"~=m-':::-:WL-ml2~ - ~ ~ ~ . . - - - - - .. , 1 112' ':;:::~ ~--- -- - - -- - - , '/4 H ~. 1 114' , '/2' s ~ 11/2' (1 '12" \ ~1'/2' ~ " 1 11 2' 1 1/4" " II . . II . , J / 4" " 3 i ~., ~ '/2' . '/2.' ~ ' j" . 1 1/4 :3 / j" '/2' " ~.- .,..- - ~-- / IRRIGATION NOTES 1, All sprinkler equipment numbers reference the W88thermatic equipment catalog unless otherwise indicated, 2, LAWN SPRAY HEADS are LX-4 installed as perootall shown, 3, SHRUB SPRAY HEADS are LX-12 installed as per detail shown, 4, ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES shall be #11000 CR installed per detail shown, Size valves as sown on plan, Valves shall be installed in value boxes large enough to permit manual operation, removal of solenoid and/or valve CDver without any 88M exca'Jation, 5, QUICK COUPLING VALVES shall be #V015R instaUed per detail shown. Swing joints shall be CDnstructoo using 3/4" Sci1edufe 80 elbows, Contractor shall suppjy owner with three (3) ~075 couplers and three (3) #10 swivel hose ells as part of this contract 6. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER shall be installed at location shown, Power (120'1) shall be located in a junction box within five (5') fe€lt of CDntroller location by other tJa<jes, 7, All 24 volt valve wiring is to be UF 14 single conductor. All wire splices are to be permanent and waterproof 8. SLEEVES shall be installed by General Contractor Sleeve material shall be Schedule 40. Size as indicated on pian g, Ten days prior to start of construction, Landscape or Irrigation Contractor shall verify static water pressure. If static pressure is less than 65 P,S.I , do r,ot work until notifioo to do so by Owner, 10, All main line and lateral piping to a minimum of 12 inches of cover. All piping under paving shall have a minimum of 18" of cover, 11. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate installation of the system with the Landscape Contractor so that all plant material will be watered in aCCDrdance with the intent of the plans and specifications, 12, The Irrigation Contractor shall select the proper arc and radius for each nozzle to insure 100% and proper coverage of aJllawn areas and plant material. All nozzles shall be Weathermatic 5500 Sar:es. All nozzles in parking lot islands and planting beds shaH be !-ow angle to minimize over spray on pavement surfaces, No water will be allowed to spray on buifding, ~,.~.,-=:cc=~==c~~=====---==~__~~==~~~~~~~_~"C _ - --- --~------_._-- .-- ~._--------- --- ------- -- --~--~--_._--_. ---------- ---- _~~=..=~_n~~-=C=-=_,~~~---.---~--.-=~-~~C-"''''==,_.c= ----~n===~~~-_.-_======-~=~~_-c 1" -1:" .. ~- 1-- ~---1 1 ~ / j1/2 :;_""'-~~___=~~~/-A 4 "LEEVE -"'-, '-----'-1 2' , 14"4';-SLEEVE ~=~- +-+r' 1 1/4" 1 '12" 4" SLEE',:: , 112" 1 1/2 CD , 1/2' 1 1/4.' l' 3/4' . 4 I 1 , 4' 1 1/4" I 1 112" "~ 4' SLEEV:: (11/2'\ 4' ~I -~,,- ~ ~_!:_.!: \~ ~\ \ p ) ~ 12" @ L: C TO PRO\IDE 2 8'.68LER HE~DS AT EACH ~E..V TR::E, USE, 112' 8UBBL::R VALVES SHOM, 0', PLAN A~,D PIPE ~CCORDi'.G TO BeleBLER PiPE S'U,G CHART L IC TO PROVIDE 2 8'jBBLER f-oE~DS AT E~CH ~,EW TREE USE 1 112" BIJBB~ER VALVES SHOV\N ON "'LAN AND P,PE ACCORDr-iG TO 8'_'BBL::R PIPE S'Zlr.G CHART , \ ~1'/2 . _" '\ 2 I 2" I \~) BUILDING 6 FFE: 523 I \ \ , I ~---------; -- -----i I ~_-11 112' I I 'I --------!' r 314; \ .L--- I 1/2" I 3/4' 142,120 S.F. 14" SL,'500 S~~~RTVJE CONTROLI.ER '~FGRADED TO 20 STATiONSNITH SLN-20 ON SITE NEATHER flCNiTCR (,\11TH BUlL T-I"" RA..N AND FREEZE SENSORSI VERFi LCCATO', AND PONER SUPPLY / I / / '1/,/0 I..! ) \ 57 ' ~/ 1 'I SL-1600 SMARHiNE CO'dRO~lER UPGR~CED TO 20 STATIONS WITH 3'_8-20 CN SIT!: WEATt--ER ~or;iTOR (WITH BUlL T,N RA,~j '>-ND i=REEZE SE'.SORSI vERIFY LOCATiON At\D PONER SUPP'.', ~ / i-- lr ....... lr - lr ..- lr f 1 ~ ..... - ~T " * ? / 4 ~ 1/2" 1~1 . 1 '/4" -... , , 1" ~---- .~ / 2" \: I ,," 0:'-- \ ' '.I .'" 8 11 4 ,--V \ A~ \ 1~, \ \ ~:3 / 4 ., u 0 TO PRO'v'D:: 2 BUBBLER HEADS .A T ::ACH NEW TRE::, USE' 112' B'.BBLER vALv::S SHCl,N or. PLAN A~;D P',PE ACCORD,'.G TO BUBBLER RiPE $IU,G :C',~RT ~ '/ ~" L I C TO PROiDE 2 8'~B8LER "E'>-OS '>-T EACH :,E,V TFEE '~SE 1 '/2" 3'~8BLEH J~L'i::S SHO'.'iN ON PLAN ~.ND PiP:: ACCORDiNG TO Bi~BBLER RiFE S'Z',8 CH~RT /4, I I ~ I \./\ I ~/ 31" , " " 1/2" , 1 '/4" "I ~ / 4 2" l' / ./ ~ . 2" , // 5' 3/4 /"- ~_ _ , ,14 _ ..--1/. " 1/3! ?? .= -==~~-- . -~-----~~_.------- 1/2 .-= - - - - - - - - - _ _ h " l' I --- .. -_.~ ~- '/2' ~ I ~12 1 ~ /2.' i 1/4." 1 ~ / 4 1 ~ 1 ~ 3/4 ' 1/2" "( / 4" ...J..i ,A '" ~., r-~"--'--'__-..........-r-'--~~,,- - -~. ._~ "---- ,----.W - -S-----~J'T' 'W-~---~- ~ 11/2'" -p. ,-A, ..---JA.r-....a. 1m.... __~.....~.___ A ___ _~~_+=--~'~~. 1 1/4" 1 1/4"" 1" 3/4' 3/4 '/2' '/2" 3/4" 3/4'" , / l.~c 1 U 4 ' 1 '1L~ (") 4' S~::EvE \ 4' SLEEVE ~~----------------- -=-.-.::..=- --~-=- ---=-:~--=- --=- --..=-.-=- -=----=-~--=---=--- 3/4" 1 '/4" 2 --a-----9 II - - - -' - -- - --- - -- ~ 9 2 U2' 81 oA 1~ 1 3/4' ..... ..... ~, 2 '/2' a .. 81 ~ " 1/2" 1" J/4' 1" ~~-. 3/4" r' 3/4'. SLEEVING NOTES L~ Z IRRIGATION LEGEND 1, Contractor shall lay sleeves and CDnduits at twenty-four (24") inches below finish grade of the top of pavement . WEATHER~tATIC LX-4 POP-UP LAVIN HEAD o WEATHER~tATIC l)(-12 POP-UP SHRUB HEAD 2. Contractor shall extend sleeves one (1 ') foot beyond edge of all pavement IRRI(3A TION PLAN o . ~ $ . o WEATHER~tAT;C 11000 SERIES ELECTRiC VALVE () PLAN NORTH Scale: WEATHER~1ATIC TURBO ROTARY FC 3, Contractor shall cap pipe ends using PVC caps. WEATHER~tATIC TURBO ROTARY PC 1 " 40' -0" 4, All sleeves shall be Schedule 40 PVC pipe, 106.5 BUBBLER (2 PER TREE) 5. Contractor shall furnish Owner and Irrigation Contractor witi1 an 'as-built' drawing showing all sleeve !-ocatioflS, WEATHER~,tATiC V075R QUICK COUPLER CONTROLLER, SIZE AS INDICA TED smr landscape architects, inc. 1708 N. Gnffin Street Dallas, Texas 7520:2 Tel 214.871iX183 Fax 214871.0545 Email smr@srnr-la.com ~ WATER METER, SiZE AS iNDICATED D,CA, SIZE AS INDICATED P'IC CLASS 200 LATERAL LINE PVC CLASS 200 MAiNLINE PVC SCHEDULE 4D SLEEVING @== VA.LVE SIZE GPM BUBBLER PIPING CHART I,I~P r~ 1-5 BUBBLERS -1/2" PiPE 6-10 BUBBLERS - 3/4" PIPE 11-20 BUBBLERS - 1" PIPE 21-30 BUBBLERS -11/4" PIPE '~ 31-40 BUBBLERS- 11/2" PIPE -~'- ~*__"'->"""",",--.r. .- '..._..,."",....._--,._.....,.,-_...........,~_,"'-"""'......,.......'".............'_'_.III__'~_...~......._'___M....tI"-_........,~"..""".nollI'....,'....'.....~.."~""._""~'''''''".,..-......' ..._""'..........___......~__.._-...-'_'~. '~'.."'~_~--.,.~=->'.","_,,""""'-~____ ........_...._'_~,_..____ ___-..__-- ~...c____, ___ ... --- -- REVIS,ONS: ~ d: ~ :-l :J o cO ~ \~ \~ (9 ~ U ~ ~ o ~ o u ~ ~ o ~ \ l L~ \ \ ~ g ~ \0 ~ ~ ~ O 0 ~~ MEINHARDT & ASSOCIATES o ARc-mEeTS, P l.L C. ~ ~';;: ~ ""'<Ar c...u...u 'UAS 7~~ in-i~$'>>: FRO.:ECT :\0. 06499 SHEET TITLE DRAWf~ BY CHECKED BY ~ , , . . ,', ~ . ~ :!' . . ." . ." I 'I 1. ., : ~. ' " , ~ ' . " , : , . ~',' ~Iltt.'a.. ...... D "A' 4ft 1M .Ifj \t,!;'" r , u I. U II ''':g The Globol Distribu tion Solu t;'on 2310 LBJ Frwy., Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75734 Phone: 972.884.9292 Fox: 972.488.9848 DATE3 20 O~ SHEET: L2.01