CC approval on 2/14/2006 THE.CITY.OF DEPT: Planning AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL DATE: February 14, 2006 ITEM #: 11 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Northlake 635 Business Park, Lot 2R, Block C (Coppell Business Center III), Site Plan, to allow the construction of a 14,545-square-foot office building on 1.51 acres of property located along the west side of Lakeshore Drive, approximately 677 feet south of Wrangler Drive. Motion to Approve subject to condition 1 below GOAL(S): APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE M - York S - Suhy Vote - 7-0 . Libby Ball U2006.02.2 ........ ..410:48:08 .06'00' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meetin2: January 19, 2006 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt, Hall, McCaffrey, Foreman, Haas, Kittrell and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following condition: 1) Include more monument sign details on the elevations to ensure it complies with the Ordinance. Staff recommends APPROVAL. Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/04 Document Name: @5NL635BP SP l-AR ~ CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Northlake 635 Business Park" Lot 2R" Block e" (Qmpell Business Center III)" Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: January 19,2006 February 14,2006 STAFF REP.: Matt Steer, City Planner LOCATION: Along the west side of Lakeshore Drive, approximately 677 feet south of Wrangler Drive. SIZE OF AREA: 1.51 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Site Plan approval to allow a 14,545-square-foot office building. APPLICANT: Architect Carroll Architects 17770 Preston Rd., Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75252 Phone: (972) 732-6085 Fax: (972) 732-8058 Engineer Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers 8350 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1000 Dallas, Texas 75206 Phone: (972) 235-3031 Fax: (972) 235-9544 HISTORY: The plat for this property (Lots 1 & 2, Block C) was approved in April 2000. A Site Plan was also approved for Lot 1 and has since been developed. There has been no development activity on Lot 2. Item # 9 Page 1 of3 TRANSPORTATION: Lakeshore Drive is a C2U, two-lane undivided road built in a 60' right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Office/Warehouse facility; LI (Light Industrial) South - Office/Warehouse facility; LI (Light Industrial) East - Office/Warehouse facility; LI (Light Industrial) West - Office/Warehouse facility; LI (Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for light industrial and showroom type uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is proposing to build a 14,545-square-foot office/warehouse on a 1.51-acre site fronting Lakeshore Drive. The applicant is proposing to meet the parking requirements for 100% office use. There are 49 parking spaces required at one space per 300-square feet; 50 spaces are proposed. At this time, MDI Construction Company will occupy 50% as office/warehouse and the other 50% will be speculative office or office/warehouse space. A 6' masonry wall is proposed to screen the loading area and will be secured with a wrought iron fence/gate. More detail is needed on the elevations (i.e., proposed colors, material, spacing between columns, etc.) Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure the landscaping area calculations are in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. There are 22 (3" cal.) Cedar Elm and 9 (3" cal.) Little Gem Magnolia trees proposed. A 20" Dwarf Burford Holly hedge will screen the parking area from Lakeshore Drive. The building elevations show an "earl grey" and "camel" color painted tilt-wall structure with brown stone, clear glass and aluminum colored standing seam awnings at the entries. Accent squares and reveals are blue. There are four sign areas shown. Staff recommends removing the one in the middle of the structure and leaving only those above the entries. A two- tenant monument sign is shown to be constructed of the same tilt-wall used on the building. More information is required for the sign panels and lighting of the sign, as indicated in staff recommendation. RECOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPRO V AL of the Site Plan for Northlake 635 Business Park, Lot 2R, Block C, (Coppell Business Center III), subject to the following conditions: Page 2 of3 I) Include more monument sign, screening wall and gate details on the elevations (i.e., proposed sign panels, lighting, colors, material, spacing Item # 9 between columns on wall and gate, etc.). Columns to match the brown stone shown on the entries. 2) Relabel "23 Cedar Elms" to "22 Cedar Elms" within Landscape Plan. 3) Remove the proposed sign area in center of structure. AL TERNA TIVES 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Elevations (2 pages) Item # 9 Page 3 of3 LOT 1, BLOCK C COPPELl. BUSINESS CENTER m (VOL 2000135, PC. 3692) t.lA~[STA'T[.lIt.1ITED (YOC\ 2001149. PC. 66~9) ~1"'C:lI LOT " BLOCK A NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARK (va... 97013, PG. 1452) COPPELL CONt.lfRCE cr"''T[R LIt.lITEOPARTNERSHIP {VOL 9922J,PC,0631) lON1",C:1I ---~-------- --- !oO' OP[~ OO""Ntl DIlAlN.oGl:USEIlI(N' -6;;~-= IYOl. !~!>6. PC )]~!) "I.'" LOT 7. BLOCK C I ESSEX WIRE ADDITION I (VOL. 87189, PG. 3370) I ~~~~,.. [~~~\~~ l~~lfEO I (VOL 20~;!~.~:. PC, 66~q) I lOOINC: Li'~~"., ".. , ~'CIIY CONCFi(f[ 1I,.''''AlL j :,.",/ N M'DO:'....~._~::..~:. " , SITE DATA INFORMATION I. PARKINI': RfOlIlRf~fNT<:i. 1~.545 Sf' / JOO Sf' .. lSPACE:JDOSf 49 SPACES -'0 (tJltO..UDlNC2 HC) .. 14,M5 Sf 0lllIDl. t.iDI INC. CONTRACTORS 322 WEST 2ND STREET IRIANG. TEXAS 75062 PH: 972-254-1003 FAX: 972-259-9785 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR COftSTkUCTIOfrI MSOOCUt.IENTISISSUCDFOItTMC ~orSCl1Dl...ncN:W:WONl:r AHOlSJoKlTflmatlFQflf'eWlTrlla, -.OIlca.lS1llUCTlOllI'\ftl'OSlES. P'I..AHS PMPARm UHDE1Il THE lM(CT ~(>>IOfDllK"'"AUGu[.~.E. 1'DWI1l6ISlIV._IIO.M7J1 1l.Tt:11~j2OCl5 2. P...RKII'tC PRO\llnrTl. J,~ 4.~ "''' f'OOWf;!IHT Sf' sm: CO\(RACE F\.OOR ARtA RA no 155,962 Sf 14,545 Sf 22.05:11: .. 0.22 0ll.CtllIECl CARROLL ARCHITECTS 17770 PRESTON ROAD. SUITE 200 DALLAS. TEXAS 75252 PH: 972-732-6085 FAX: 972-732-8058 ~ . ~? ~; i!~ f~; .5.~ "'27.33' ..~ COPPEl..L BUSINESS CENlER II - U (UGl1T INOUSlRIAl) ~ PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8350 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 PH: 972-235-3031 FAX: 972-235-9544 ,-=- Of"Of - 14,,5.4.5 Sf ~ - I I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET VICINITY MAP (roor TO SC"'LE) -, ". -. ~,- [LECTRIC..ETER PQ'II[RPOU: llO<TSTAHOAAO ....T'[RW(T[R .AT'[R ~AL\f: ,RRIC.11Oto CONTRa. ~AL\f: n~E "\'OR"'" CUAHWT ... n. ,.. '" -0 ~o ~, Tll...HOC_.....CONTIIOl 'IllN"ncSIGN.....pou T[,[P"()N[ ElO~ F1.000UGtH F1.AG ~Ol[ m'o ~ 'IllN"rIC'5ICN '1'-"OOIROf'IROO .iP.CIlECO KOO<' CAP 51:' (C.IlI.) COf'I'IllOlL'NG..ONUIoII:N' ____PROPERTYLI'<[ -,-F'(NC[ -M-llY[RtlEAOUlIUT~U"E -'-UNtlEM"OUNDElEC1lIlClINE -l-UNOf:RCIlOl/N(lT'[LEPIlON[lH: -C-lJH{l(RQlOl.I<VCABlE"NE -rw-.- UNOCRGROLH;I w.ltR ll'<[ --.r'1II<-~ UNOI;IlGflOON!lSAH"""Y'lE"M:RLI<E _'J_EIUS'CON,OUR . I ~ ~ ~ U u 1; o ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY PRICING PURPOSES ONLY i (SUB..ECT TO RE"'SlON PftIOA TO CONSTJlUClION) flTENT Of ~ ~~~ : . ~ . ~ ~ . NO. DATE REW$/IO/II ~ ~ !:~Ii~~l~~y.K~~ C~~~.I~i~~I;ng~l~::~~' ~ . SITE PLAN ~ NORTH LAKE 635 BUSINESS PARK LOT 2R, BLOCK C COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER III C/TYOFCOPPELL, TEXAS .... II .. Ij LOT 1, BlOCK C COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER III (VOL 2000135, PG. 3692) llIMlIOOM ESl'AlI. l.III1rD (\IlL lOOt,. N. ....) ..... U - =- -------------------------- ._~ ~.- MMIK .."... S'l'Sma, INC. (WI.. tI07t. 110. '1M) I I t ~ I I ~ .-- 0.--.................111:.. "'hCllr". _.. ~ ~ _ ........ fw "* _ ...... ........ ,. ...... ....... . ... .... .,. .. 0IIIw tN/w .......... ..... ,. .... ... ____ ... - 111 tilt ___ ..- .... 1M .. ........""".........u.t. PLANT MATERIALS LIST ScMI1Wlc .-- c- ..... ~ ... ........ .,...".,..... '-IttIe GIM' LI"W............ 3"-CIL. I!' ht.. lP ....... .... ""'*- ~ IiIIf'wdt ai: ,.. corn.Irwr ar- u.... CI"UIWoIII. c.... "' 3"-CIL. "4' ht.. ~ ...... .... ........ ~ brwlch d ,. ...aIr'ftIIt&...,~ ~~ ..h1:,,1P....CIIIftWwr "--.1CnDdart:.... ~... .,.M...,.......~v- .......CaIIr. ~....._ _ .....-o.c. 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PREc.A$T c.oNGRETE PANELS ~In-t STONE PATIERN OR BRICK THINI<oIALL FENCE (COLORS TO ~ MArc.H/COMPATISLE HITH WILDING) EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDUlE 0C01'lC:..TlLr-...L."~-",,"1<1'W ~~,.~~ @UlNC..T1LT-....."'NEI..-,....I~ ___u,~l'lt~ c.oL.Ol'l,~4n~ @ CCNC-_TllTI>;A/..LP'NEL o SCREENWALL & GATE DETAILS ~$TAJt$Te>>e,I"'" u;Il.OIl.D1No101'oO~('H.l,LI( @MNtJI"AG~$TON!! SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" @ !lTNOI,"" !Ie'*' ~"'l. Al<Nl,.., -,~ CGIl..DI'loU!.o.Dc.atl! f .' 11- 5'-4' SIGN GOP'!" ON BACKING ATTAC.HED TO TENANT PANEL l' :i;) 't TENANT CONG. PANEL, PAINTED B j SIGN SHALl.. BE EXT'ERALL"( ILLUMINATED ("-9- iSRClUND-MOUNTED LhSHTS) SIGN GOf"'( ON BACKING ATTAc.HED TO PANEl c..oNC.. PANEL, ~~D@ REF. MAn.. 5C-HEDLLE 0......-N.M$T~ Vl$T,,",,"-l """"'~ " @$TaI'IU'PDWt~ @~~~. 0L'elfT'!I F'l"eM<n::rc),P"Pll~ ~~4n--4 1/4'~ """"'~ to' i1 @ ~-l'IIll!OeD M'Tl... PONe!. -,""' ~~N o MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ~ ~'~~;LA5TER ~~6'~~RAPE7 ~ ~~. 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