CC approval on 2/13/2007 THE.CITY.OF DEPT: PLANNING DATE: February 13, 2007 ITEM #: 1 3 AGENDA REQUEST FORM CorPELL D WORK SESSION D CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Alexander Court, Lots 1-26 Block A. Preliminary Plat. to allow the subdivision of 26 single-family lots on approximately 18+ acres of property located at the northwest corner of Bethel and Denton Tap Roads. GOAL(S): _ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following conditions shall be addressed prior to submission of a Final Plat for this property: (PLEASE SEE THESE CONDITIONS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE) FINANCIAL COMMENTS: On January 18,2007, the Planning Commission recommended APPROVAL of this Preliminary Plat (7-0), subject to nine conditions, with Commissioners Borchgardt, Frnka, Kittrell. McCaffrey, Haas, Fox and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to Approve subject to conditions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 8 & add standard erosion disclosure to site plan RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends APPROY AL. M - Hinojosa-Flores S - York . Libby Ball t. 2007.03.07 . 10:22:37 -06'00' Vote - 7-0 @3AlexanderCt.. PP l-AR THE.CITY.OF . . COPPELL AGENDA REQUEST NARRATIVE s ALEXANDER COURT PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS 1) Establish all common areas as separately platted "X" lots of sufficient size to assure that all common area improvements (walls and landscaping) are within those lots, and adjust lot sizes accordingly. . These appear to be established; however, no two drawings match (Site Plan, Landscape Plan, hand drawn, URock Wall Center Line" plan and Screen Wall Entry Features Exhibit) in terms of location of wall, materials used, wall height, etc. 2) Submission ofHOA documents to assure perpetual maintenance of all common areas. . No applicable documents submitted, and the notes on Plat/Site Plan need to be revised - including, but not limited to, deletion of uhomeowners will be assessed $500 on Jan 15th", easement wording needs to be added and spelling errors need to be corrected. 3) Resolve the conflicts with the size of the property and the boundary of proposed Lot 8. 4) Revise the name of the entry street -- Enclave is an existing street in the City of Coppell. . See attached memo from Tim Oates, Fire Marshal - Alexander Court needs to be changed... conflict with existing Alex Drive. Ruth Way is O.K. 5) Add PD Conditions to Preliminary Plat as revised on the PD Site Plan. 6) The preliminary construction plans for Bethel Road show a grade differential adjacent to Lots 21, 22, and 26. Please be advised that prior to the installation of the screening wall and the development of those lots, the correct grade that matches the Bethel Road plans will need to be established. 7) Add a note to the Plat that Lots 7-19 cannot be built on until a LOMA or LOMR has been obtained. 8) The plat shows that the existing 20-foot sanitary sewer easement will be abandoned. Additional comments will be generated during the plan review on the actual technique used to abandon the sanitary sewer after the easement has been abandoned. This will require removal of the existing manholes and plugging the ends of the existing sanitary sewer lines. 9) Additional comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review. Agenda Narrative Form. Revised 1/99 From: To: Date: Subject: Tim Oates Marcie Diamond 1/31/2007 4:27:34 PM Street name change Ms. Diamond, I apologize for not catching this at the DRC review. Mr. Hawkins is developing the Alexander Tract at the NW corner of W. Bethel Rd and S. Denton Tap. His desire is to name the two (2) streets in the development Ruth and Alexander. Our concerns, as well as the Police Dept's, is that we already have a street named Alex in the Parkview Addition off Parkway and the emergency responders may become confused with the similar names. I recommend the applicant come up with a new name for Alexander Ct. Several other street names that are 'fun' for Emergency Services: Parkway, Park (twice), Parkwood, Park Valley, Park Valley Ct., Park Meadow, Woodpark, Parker, Lake Park, Parr Meadowcreek, Meadowlark, Meadowview, Meadowview Cir., Park Meadow, Meadowglen, Meadowrun, Highland Meadow, Clover Meadow Pintail, Penfolds, Penuel Asher, Archer, Alder Tim Oates Coppell Fire Department Deputy Chief - Prevention & Building Div. 500 Southwestern Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Office # 972/304-7055 Fax # 972/304-3514 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Alexander Court" Lots 1-26" Block A" Preliminary Plat P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: January 18, 2007 February 13, 2007 Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director Northwest comer of Bethel and Denton Tap Roads. Approximately 18+ acres C (Commercial) To allow the subdivision of26 single-family lots. Owner: Mr. John Hawkins Mira Mar Dev. Corp. 6003 Sunderland Drive Colleyville, TX 76034 (817) 996-6698 FAX: (817) 329-1792 Surveyor: Bill Bartlett Sempco Surveying, Inc. 3208 South Main Street Fort Worth, Texas 76110 (817) 926-7876 FAX: (817) 926-7878 ITEM #7 Engineer: Kelly Zwinggi Zwinggi Engineering/Planning, LLC 150 Parish Lane, #337, P.O. Box 1247 Roanoke, TX 76262 (940) 390-0040 FAX: (817) 961-0299 Landscape Architect: Tricia Amador Woliver, ASLA 6825 Studebaker Drive McKinney, Texas 75071 (469) 734-6764 FAX: (972) 562-8861 Page 1 of3 "'~. ---' HISTORY: In 2003 staff initiated several rezonings and Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendments to provide consistency between the built environment, the Land Use Plan and the Zoning Map. With this tract in particular, staff initiated a Land Use Plan amendment from Neighborhood Retail to Low Density Single Family and a rezoning from Commercial to Single Family- 12 on approximately 14 acres, leaving the remaining four acres of frontage along Denton Tap Road for non-residential uses. At that time the property owners opposed the rezoning, but did accept the amendment to the Land Use Plan. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D divided major arterial built to standard in a 150' right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - SF-12 (Single-family) South- PD-108-SF-9 (Single-family), and PD-108-LI (Light Industrial - undeveloped property), H (Historic park land) East - R (Retail- hair salon) West - SF-12 (Single-family) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan shows the eastern portion (approximately four acres) of the property as suitable for Neighborhood Retail and the western portion (approximately 14 acres) for Residential, Low Density. DISCUSSION: The Preliminary Plat is essentially identical to the Site Plan/Zoning Exhibit discussed in the previous case. Therefore, approval of this preliminary plat will be subject to many of the same conditions, except that additional conditions from the Engineering and Fire Departments relating to the Utility Plan have been added. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of Alexander Court, Lots 1-26, Block A, Preliminary Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1) Establish all common areas as separately platted "X" lots, of sufficient size to assure that all common area improvements (walls and landscaping) are within those lots, and adjust lot sizes accordingly. 2) Update Table of Lot sizes once common areas lots are defined. ITEM #7 Page 2 of3 3) Submission ofHOA documents to assure perpetual maintenance of all common areas. 4) Resolve the conflicts with the size of the property and the boundary of proposed Lot 8. 5) Revise the name of the entry street, Enclave is an existing street in the City of Coppell 6) Add PD Conditions to Preliminary Plat as herein revised. 7) Correctly note and/or verify the minimum 85-foot lot width on all lots, if any lots are less than 85-feet wide, list width and lot numbers as a PD Condition. 8) Revise note #1 - Requested Variance to the Zoning Ordinance to: " Minimum front and rear building lines shall be as indicated on the individual lots" 9) Revise "site" easements to "sight" easements at intersections. 1 0) Add a note indicating that "No building permits shall be issued for Lots 7 through 17 until a LOMA or a LOMR is received, and these lots are replatted to indicate the revised flood plain line, unless the Final Plat is not filed until the revision to the flood plain line is approved by FEMA as prescribed herein." 11) Attached Department comments relating to easements, water lines, fire hydrant placement, etc. AL TERNA TIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat 2) Department comments (Engineering/Fire) ITEM #7 Page 3 of3 THE.CITY.OF COPPELL ~r..,.,~.. :If *rc-..I1- ? . - - - ~ " q of I\.s . \ ~ CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORe REPORT THE.CITY.OII' COPPELL .~~ * t!~..I1- ~ ~Q ~ .t 1\ 6 . \ ~ q Proiect 10 PP-06-0071 Proiect Name Alexander Court, Lots 1-26 Block A, Address 689 S Denton Tap Rd Proiect Type Preliminary Plat Application Date 12/19/2006 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description To allow the subdivision of 26 single family lots 1 of Aqency Engineering Comments Preliminary Plat 1. Are the landscape easements along Denton Tap Rd. and Bethel Rd. part of the individual lots or HOA Common Area? 2. Please be advised that when a screening wall is placed along Denton Tap Road, it needs to be set back so that it does not encroach into the existing 20 foot and 25 foot sanitary sewer easements. 3. Drainage easement between Lots 8 & 9 and Lots 17 & 18 should extend all the way to the rear of the property and the drainage systems should be extended to the creek. 4. Lots 7-19 cannot be built on until a LOMA or LOMR has been obtained. Utility Plan 5. The drainage systems between Lots 8 & 9 and Lots 17 & 18 should extend all the way to the creek. 6. Your plat shows that the existing 20 foot sanitary sewer easement will be abandoned. Additional comments will be generated during the plan review on the actual technique used to abandon the sanitary sewer after the easement has been abandoned. This will require removal of the existing manholes and plugging the ends of the existing sanitary sewer lines. Additional comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review. Fire Administration Utility Plan 1. Revise the Prop. 6" PVC Water Line to 8". 2. Show existing fire hydrants along Bethel Road adjacent to the property. 3. Additional fire hydrant is required at the entrance to the sub-division on the north side of Bethel Rd. Ii ! ! ~ j t! II t'if' I 8. '6.J-.J' : I ~ I: -- I J , I ,.1 " 'L ~ --.. .... .u -- EDWARD A. CROW SURVEY .., -. - - .... . _4ft .... ... - ., - - . _4ft ... ABSTRACI' NO. 301 ... -- I~" - . ...n aw ... 17'tIW' _ ... ... .- .... ... --- - ..... ._4ft - ... ..... ... - - . -.... - GRNCl c:o\o\: mAlD "7 -. ... ..... - .- - WI.. 14'eo. PO. .. ... -- ..77' - .-.r, - DJlD.Ca..1\o. ... ... ... - - ......1 - ... - - - - . .".,.. I - I .." -- - .... 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