Applic. letter re easement use WEST & ASSOCIA TES 17430 CAMPBELL ROAD SUITE 110 DALLAS, TX 75252 972-713-8111 FAX: 972-733-3078 RECEIVED JAN 3 2001 PLANNIN G DEPARTMENT December 28, 2006 Gary Sieb Director of Planning City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. PO Box 9478 Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Sandy Lake Oaks 632 Sandy Lake Road Coppell, TX Dear Mr. Sieb: As we have discussed, I have attempted to reach an agreement with Atmos on the construction of parking and drives within their easement, but have been unsuccessful. I am not sure why Atmos is unwilling to work with us in this case. I know they have made similar agreements with other developers. My attorney has advised me that the recorded easement (copy attached) contains no prohibitions against parking or landscaping within the easement. In fact, the document states that "The said Grantor is to fully use and enjoy the said premises except for the purposes hereinbefore granted to said Grantee,", Also, The parking we intend to construct in the easement does not cover the actual gas line and therefore will not impede Atmos's operation and maintenance of the line. It seems clear to me that we do not need any agreement from Atmos in order to construct the parking and landscaping we are planning. We own the property and have the right to use it so long as it does not infringe upon their easement rights. Based upon these facts we intend to proceed with design and construction of the project as approved by the City Council and Planning Commision. Please let me know if you have any questions or require anything further. Chuck West G,P. Sandy Lakes Oaks, LLC 7~97 ...1.50 STATE OF TEXAS COUllTT OF DALLAS I That tor and in con dent -;;n, ot (be Bund.r1td Twenty Fin II\d Yo/loO Dollars CU25.00) to the un erl1gn.;d, nord I.. !fOrNn (herein $t:--lfld Crantor) paid, the recaipt of vhich is har.~\aCknOVledged the aaid Grantor do.a hereby GRANT, SELL and CalVEY unto LOne star Gu Co"'PanT, a corporation (herein Styled Grantee), it, succassors and &IS iiI's , the right of way anrl easement to construct, inspect, llAintain, repair, o~eratt, replace and rel10Te at Will in whole or in part a pipe line and appurt'!nances t!lereto together with measuring and/or reguleting fecilities over and through tba folloving rle~cribed land, situated in DelIne and Denton Counties, State of Texas, to- vit: - 1Q{a..r ALL Kf2l BY TIlES! PRESDlTS I 2LS.19 acres, more or less, out of the B. B. E. and C. P~. Co~any Survey, Abstnct No. 200, the A. Logsdon ~vey, ',bstract Ne. 7f'3, the S. K. Hiatt Survey, Abstract No. 638, the G. C. ~:oosley Survey, Abstract No. lL02, and the W. A. Trimble Survey, 'bstract No. 1268, lOOn fully described in deed from Nins Fey Celhoun to noyd A. Nor:lan, recordad in Volwne $217, Page LeI, Deed Records of Dallas County, to vbich reterence is here made for turther description. TO HAVE A.I/ll TO HOID unto eaid Grantee, its successors and 8Ss1~rlS, so long as such line and appurtenances thereto and facilities sl>~ll be main- tained, vi th inp,ress to and "l;;re88 froa the prel1lis." for the purposes of this gran t. The sald Cr3ntor Is to fully use and enjOT the said premises except for the pur.>oses hereinbefore grante~ t.o s aid Grantee, "hich hereby agre.s to pay any rlallll6es which NY arise to groving :rops II\d fences fro. the con- struction, aaintenance and operation of said faeilities. It is underatood and a,reed that the ....asuring and/or re!;ulatinl: facilitiea to be eonstrJcted h..r.under shall be confined to a tract of land 10 feet by 10 feet, the Sou'.heast comer at Slllle being in the tence along the tlorth right or VI)' line or Sandy Lake Road alonf, the South 1 ,ne or the above said lend, "aid Southeast corner also btilng 15 reet Westerly alocg ~,,~ ..i th ::nd t::nee dO:1C; the tlorth rf 'i',t of Way line of Sandy Lake 1'0ad froA ita interleetion with Crantees' 16-inch'pipe lins known and designated on its records as its Line "F", llIld c('lmer also being the intersection ot a North-South tence vith tho rence along the North ri- hI. ot vey line oC sdd Sandy fAke Food, to~ether vith the r1~ht of incress to and egress tro~ seid D foot by 10 f;lot tract on, ov~r And a{'ross '}rantors adjacent Ian" ro~ the nuroo~e3 h~rein ~rnnled. The ahove de~crlbed property constitut~s no ~art or Jranters homestEad. Th. ""n.i~eratlo~ first at",c rpclted .~ t.,,~n'! pid to :;!'~r.lor ty t;rlmtf:f! t:") in tall sal,i::!";::'("~~orl cf C'Yf>rJ rj,'?t:t herfoby ~~ra::tp.~, Al' ~c.veriar,t,.l' ;ar,,_1 ll-'rPfj,~r.t~ ~rr'1:: co:\:l':.."'lr."~; !':Lllll ey.~,='n(; to Anc fe. t;1~.(~~n. 'J':""Pr, tt-c r':~'T('C'.i.re heirs, Ie::a] r~!",rf"'''.f'~At.1vp~, ~';r("f"r~"'r' :;n(.: ^~~i~""." 0" t~p ~'rt-1p.! :'f'~.e. "". It 4~ t-,('r~hy \Dlcip.rr~r.".rl tt.,,1 Lt,,, :-nrtJP ,:;~C"~rlr.' t~ \~ :"'rl'1r.t i!l b"'hllllr of ';r:mt.._. jc: t.(1tt:l')ut. "Itt,~rl ty t.r., rll'kt' !)ny COVf-<fJl:,!. ~r lpr"f-r'p.nt r:.c1. ~p.rflr. (~}'!' I''! "'=!"' f'," ri. ..,..~ .,...~. t~f' C'):.,:~;;:] ',:1 .er,".'!' 01\ . ,: 1~ ~;,,.. It)....., (' r.....,..-...r 1:J.:. ... LL'~,,- '. ,.'..- ;:~ 'r,,_c o:.d dell v..nd 1n t!:c ",r,'~ V'Cf1 of t.he '.:ll1jp.r!'1~.'n"d A~/.j,l~~_ .. . 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