CC approval on 1/9/2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE.CiTY.OF corrELL .- ... DEPT: Planning DATE: January 9,2007 ITEM #: 24 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Gateway Business Park No.3. Lots 1 and 2. Block A. Minor Plat and Replat, being a replat Gateway Business Park No.2, Common Area 1, Block A. containing 0.29 of an acre, and a Minor Plat of approximately 17.8 acres of property, to establish various easements and fire lanes and to allow the construction of two. two-story office buildings on property located at the north corner of IH-635 and Freeport Parkway. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1) Submission of a separate instrument designating the 10' -wide strip of land north of the north property line as an off-site landscape easement, subject to approval from Atmos Energy allowing for the planting of overstory trees within this buffer area. 2) The addition of bearings, dimensions and curve data to the fire lane easements. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommendation of the P&Z Commission at the December 21,2006. meeting: APPROVAL (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt. Frnka. Kittrell. McCaffrey. Haas. Fox and Reese voting in favor. Staff recommends approval. subject to the above-listed conditions. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve subject to conditions 1 & 2 above M - Faught S - Peters Vote - 6-0 Tunnell absent . Libby Sail t&.. 2007.01.26 .. 17:20:53 -06'00' @ 9Gateway#3.L 1 &2.BAMP &R l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Gatewav Business Park No. 3~ Lots 1 and 2~ Block A~ Minor Plat and ReDlat P&Z HEARING DATE: C.c. HEARING DATE: December 21, 2006 January 9, 2007 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: North comer ofIH-635 and Freeport Parkway SIZE OF AREA: 0.29 (Replat); 17.8 (Minor Plat) CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Establish various easements and fire lanes, to allow the construction of two, two-story office buildings. APPLICANTS: Prospective Purchaser: Ric Nelson Transwestem 5001 Spring Valley Road Suite 600- W Dallas, Texas 75244 214-446-4543 FAX: 214-446-4570 Architect: Mick Granlund O'Brien & Associates 5310 Harvest Hill Road Suite 136 Dallas, Texas 75230 972-788-1010 FAX: 972-788-4828 Engineer: Mark McGraw Halff Associates 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 214-346-6244 FAX: 214-361-5573 ITEM # 12 Page 1 of3 HISTORY: The Final Plat for Gateway Business Park was approved in 1990. During the initial phase of construction, the developer partially constructed structures for his industrial park identification signs at street intersections. These signs remained incomplete for approximately eight years. In the interim, the City adopted sign regulations that precluded monument signs of that scale. However, the Building Official allowed the completion of these signs if these lots were platted as common areas. A portion of the subject property is one of those common area lots. The remainder of the subject property has never been platted. TRANSPORTATION: Freeport Parkway is a C4D/6 four-lane divided thoroughfare within a 95'-wide right-of-way. Gateway Boulevard is a C4U four-lane, undivided collector street within a 70' -wide right of way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Vacant; LI South - Vacant; LI East - Vacant; LI West - LBJ Freeway; City of Irving COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable Light Industrial/Showroom Uses. DISCUSSION: This request is to subdivide this property into two lots. Lot 1 will contain 8.6 acres and Lot 2, 9.49 acres. As noted in the History section, the southern comer of this property (approximately one-third of an acre) is developed with existing Gateway Business Park entry feature sign and landscaping. This lot was originally platted as a common area which will now be incorporated into Lot 2. This Plat establishes lot and building setback lines, various public and private utility easements and fire lanes to allow the development of two office buildings on this tract of land. A common access easement from Freeport Parkway, across from Wrangler Drive, will serve both lots with an additional driveway serving Lot 2. The water, sewer and drainage easements within these tracts are private so that in the event these lots are sold to different owners, maintenance will be assured. The proposed fire lanes appear to meet ordinance requirements; however, bearings, dimensions and curve data need to be added to the Plat to assure our turning radii requirements are met. ITEM # 12 Page 2 of3 As discussed in the Site Plan approval, in the event that Atmos Energy allows the planting of over story trees within the buffer area abutting the north property line, a separate instrument designating this 10' -wide strip as an off-site landscape easement will need to be filed with the County with this Plat. In the event that Atmos Energy does not approve the plantings in their easement, and alternative Landscape Plan will need to be submitted. RECOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of Gateway Business Park No.3, Lots I and 2, Block A, subject to the following conditions: I) Submission of a separate instrument designating the 10' -wide strip of land north of the north property line as an off-site landscape easement, subject to approval from Atmos Energy allowing for the planting of overstory trees within this buffer area. 2) The addition of bearings, dimensions and curve data to the fire lane easements. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Plat ITEM # 12 Page 3 of3 N \ _LLC 1 \ ~.:m.~CWJ.AI CDI.Im' , ..'\ \ SIMMONS SURVEY, , "t\.';~ \ U JAM&'l ~cr NO 1296 1\ .,.~" '... --' 1\ ". , ........... III ~ - ""1fJ/r',&/""'- -.......1' '\"~ '\ ... 1 _ - 0' ...~ .. ._-~,. 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