Departmental comments THE.CiTY.OF COPPELL '~* "' THE.CiTY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT COPPELL .~.*"'. ~ ~ e Jt . \ & q ". . Proiect 10 RP-06-0069 Address Freeport Pkwy Proiect Name Gateway Business Park No.3, Lots 1 and 2 Block Proiect Tvpe Replat Application Date 11/21/2006 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description being a replat Gateway Business Park No.2, Common Area 1, containing 0.29 of an acre, and a minor plat of approximately 17.8 acres of property, to establish various easements and fire lanes to allow the construction of two, two-story office buildings Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering 1 of Review Date Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Ken Griffin 11/29/2006 11/30/2006 11/29/2006 Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department Tim Oates John Elias Marcie Diamond 11/23/2006 11/28/2006 11/28/2006 Comments 1. none received No Comments Received 1. Is there a Property Owner's Association being formed to maintain the private utility lines and landscaping throughout this proposed development? 2. Who are the proposed private Drainage and Utility Easements being dedicated to? Additional comments may be generated upon detailed engineering review. No comments No comments a. The name of this plat is a Minor Plat and Replat of... b. Correct the name of the plat in the signature blocks on the second page. c. The existing lot at the corner is Gateway Business Park NO.2 Block A, Common Area 1. d. Correct the label on the face of the plat which calls out Gateway Business Park no. 5. To NO.3. e. Add existing LI zoning district designation to the east of the property. f. Add building setback lines from all property lines. g. Need dimensions and bearings for Fire Lane THE.caTY.OF THE.CITY.orr CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORC REPORT COPPELL ...~~ '* ~~... r ;-~~ e ..t 1\ 6 . \ & q Project 10 RP-06-0069 Proiect Name Gateway Business Park No.3, Lots 1 and 2 Block Address Freeport Pkwy Project Type Replat Application Date 11/21/2006 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Project Description being a replat Gateway Business Park No.2, Common Area 1, containing 0.29 of an acre, and a minor plat of approximately 17.8 acres of property, to establish various easements and fire lanes to allow the construction of two, two-story office buildings of Aqency Engineering Comments No Comments