MP/Replat att to 1/9/07 CC pckt. JOEL \VILSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1555 /z'FR LOT 1, BLOCK A ~(~:; ~ n __n - -- - d --- - ~ 1 ~ ZONE LI JAMES A. Sr:VIMONS SURVEY, ~ \ ~-- POINT OF ZONE He . ABSTRACT NO. 1296 ~ Y( COMMENCING ~ II g /";, ~ \ r- ' 9'% ;<) /1 '\ A;) PRO X. L 0 CAT i mj 0 F Z 0 'N, G L I" c: U I ~ CAT ELL U S LAN 0 ANODE VEL 0 P MEN T COR P 0 RAT ION . c9 ~ 0 . ; .~" ~t~ VOLUME 2000R3205C7'TPAGE 3287 PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~ / <90~!b,?l,,^ ~\ ~ CJ I co . . . . . (BY SEPARATE NSTRU;ENTl I~ _ _ _ _ _ / /"V ,,' \ 6' 7\ ~ <t I <t I r ~ ~ ;<) 1( -co" 7->" ,*.,. ~ ~;9~~C\ ~~ \ ~, I I[ I.O,E ST:~LGAli!&'ft;jC~ASEfiENT -l r-- 20 cCO,[ 51 AR C,\5 5C'I?M,Y U"MErn :: 7<2;'0.0 r~ 'q~;t:<6 "'~i~," ~ Li 0.r'.D5. -. ~ . iCL. ;~6;:!.i: 13C6 ::, '<2ee}", "'1;.. \ . '" co " ., ~/ - \\ ,- --- -. --- '- '- 1'- - - - -. - - - -. - - ". - - .---- -;:"- - - --- --- '- - , - --1 10' PRIY A TE LANOSe-APE BuFFER = -- -- -- - -- --.- - -- - --.- L -~'-l- F 1._ _ __ '-, , SD.E N FEET POINT OF 1O;:yRj~~~;R~~~O;NWREU~~~iIERl ~ L - --t - _A~FRO'~'3ST":\CT~,~ _ _ _ 0" . _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _t ---'I!Y _ SEPAR! .:r.E..'.N.:; TRU~~~. _._. . ;~;!~A;' ~'.c.~~2~"-- _ _ _ _ _ LJ _ _ _ _. _ _ -'-. _ _ _ _ _ _ __'; _._. _. _ _ _. _. BEGINNING ...- \. - - - - - - - _.1_ - -f- - - ---j- - - - - - -S80/-0:3'34'E- - - + - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - -. - -- _ _ _ _ T::.... _ _"~--'='"'- --,4 A _ _ _ -lIY3Y.5A~L 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ , LOT 1, BLOCK A Ct- - - - - - ~ - -F i- +- - - --I. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - f- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \- -L _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~-----~- -,-l---l-------------------~~~~--- ------------}-----------------~-~---\-----~ ~ ~ 6'j, \\ I 1--- --------~~ --~~~~~~.~~.~~~T~~~~~-~~~~~~\ I I \ '- '-&. ~ '&',,~ \ I 1 ~------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ \-O~_ 7:,> ?- \ I -,10' BUILD,NG SETBACK I X - - -- '- _...n_._ _u_ _._n.. '- -- --.- - - - -- - - -- -. -~ \ \ I I \ '':"0 '::r ~~ , , \ I (BY THIS PLAT) I! L 24' FIRE LANE IBY ThiS PLAT) \ \ I I 20'X20' PLBL C \\ -./~? (0 ,\ I I ( \ \ \ UTILITY EASEMENT \ /\ \ 'I'S,' '/CAP.J \ \\ I I 'I \ \ I I IBY "IS PLAT! \ ,,/" />>/ '/<> },.F1R BEARS ,~ I, \ \ \ \ I I /< / \.~ l/z,' S:,R IUCA? 523'3622'E.1.95' '\" 11\\\\ ~"~\,\:\ LOT 1, BLOC'J' A \\\\ \\ II \[ -' -'<~>/ '\\ \,\ s~:~'~o~~~,~i9' C E? ART ~y1 E ~r 0 r T R A ',S peR TAT i 0 ~~ \\ .\ \ r\ \ ," ,,' 'Jolune 75073, ?cge Ci007 \ I \ \, \ Y \ I I // // \ ) D.R.D.C.T. ~ ,,\ \\", \ \ \..--V // \ /~ ~ \ I \ ~ \ 374,613 Sq, Ft \ I 1/ \ / / y\ '( \~C"\ ,I \ 15' PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT ~ '\ ,\ \ or \ I \<[ /~/~.:>\ ~ \J~ '\Il \ IBY TCiS PLAT! \ \\ 8.60 Acres \ 1\ // //V // / r':9t-~ "'1~ \ \ \ \\) \}I \ // /~~~/ // \ o V' \ ' I ,\ \ \ \ , ' -;? _ ",/ // / ) / \ 0_ . r.v ,,< 0 I \ \ '\ \ \1 \ ~ / / y / / \ % ~ -'l; \ ~ \ -~----------- / f\, \ '____/';/ ," / // / \ <{1/\~~oiJ'9t- %_ I '- \ \"--- --.- _u - --- _.u - - --. - -----cy ;/~t-\....\. ~-:/-:~// /// \ \ '1" "; ~ -?- I \ \ -~~-~~--~-~----~---.--~ \ //7-:h-<~><1> /...-/ \ \ .~ ~~~~)--yt..L- I '\ \ \ \ //// ~-:./;/ \ \~~"'-\.. \ \ -' 6' I , \ /"\~~, ", // // /'".,/ /~~ \ \ \-15'PRIVATE SA~ITARY\ ty<'. I ~, \ EWAY BUSINESS PARK NO 3 // \ \-\---. ,,/ / /" // SEWER EASEMENT \ u I ~ ~\ \ GAT . / /----\--::: \ ------ // ~ /"-/y \ (BY THIS PLAT) \ O/'- 7. , \ LOT S 1 AND 2, B L 0 C K A / / / / \ \-- \- ( / ..-"- ~ \ \ \ I "v' ' \ / / / / \ \ ~ 1 ,r..:\/ / / a-i>- -i>-~ \ \ " \ ._________" I ~ :.;\ \ / // \ \ ~I/>; J ()~~S~~, ,,(\ \ ,~\ \.5'. /~ , \ / / / " '\ \ /),-1'. ~ Co.' C s~s \-~\ C \ \ \ 60' BUILD,NG SETBACK------ \ \' I ~ "" , \ 7 8 7 ,831 Sq. F t / / / , --- 10' BLILD.NG SETBACK \ /\ ..!:;-'/ \ \ss 6 ~ \ .. \ WITH FRONT YARD PARKINC I \ \ // / \ (BY THIS PLAT) I /\ ~ V I \~cc:-\ \~ ~7_ \ \ (BY THS PLAT) \ ~. \ 0 r / /, <" / ...- \/ / / , (I c" ~ \ \.. I ~ '- \ 18.09 Acres // // '01>.'7..'/ // A \ I \,1 ~ \ \ \ \ I \ \ / / / / \ / /"- .-/.-/ \ \t\ \1 ("7: \\ \ \ .n I ,,\\ ( (/ \ /;;..-" /// \r \ ~ ~0 \ \ \ gl~ \ \ (VACANT) \ \ \//..-"- // 'i. \1 ~..L \\ \ \ \ ci I ci ,\ \ \ a'S / /\/ \/ 1\ \ ~ . \ \ \ Z I Z '\ \\ \ . ~-:)~/"..- ~ \ \~ \\ LOT 2, BLOC'r\ A 0<l \\ \ I ~ G \ \ \ \ ",,,,,0./ / / / \ I \ \ \ ('7 \ \ \ \ <l: I <t ,\ \ \ // / // \ L~ -:; \ P:: I g: '\. \ Y x " / \- 10' BUILDING SET BACK \\ \ 413,218 Sq. Ft \ \\ \ I ~ ~ ~o \., \\ ,,/ ,'vX' // (BY THIS PILAT) \ \ 01 \\ \ \ "'" I"", \J' , \ /// v-'\ \ 9.49 Acres \ 1 I 0_ \ \ / / ..-" / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. I I I ,\ //..-/ // \ \ \ \ \ \ '~--=-=~I ---=--=--=rl I '\ \/,//, // \ \~ 15' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ \ \ \ / r-----t----, I //\, // \ '\ (BY THIS PLAT) \ \ \ ,I I _~_~ I , / /~ )- \ \, \ I I I ~ I I Il I 'v, / " // \ / \ \ \\ \"\ / I it I LJ) I Y / / \ \ /' / I 1 I I ,I; I I '" I <' \ \-- I I / I II I ~ i \ \ I I II II I'~ ' I " \ 60' BUILDI~G SETBACK / Ii Ii I /1 I 1 ~ 20'X20' PUB1c UTIITY EASEMENT I \ \ WITH FRONT YARD PARKING / I I I III I , (BY THIS PLAT) IBY THIS PLAT) , I J I , \ I I / / II I ! '\ \ CORDELlA BOWEl\; SURVEY, I II / /'/ / / , I " \.." ABSTRAcr ~O. 56 I I I ; I ;I I 1. \ ' ; / I I 'I ' SR I " '-, I I I ( I If I ~ ,;c;, I\." r- :Crc!.Txcot ~ / I, I j;' I ~'\...~/ 'kr" iC.'),) ~ I I ,;1 I ,1,/ I / ~ I ,,-~ ~ I / I I Ii I , a: I ..~, ~ ~ J I / / I II I ' ~ I /1-; ,~ ( I / / II I / 0v I N59'21'26IW / ~.:\. ~~ I / II I , 28.00' / <2-9, ',~ II I \ ~ 30'R TYP. / I 1,1 I ' I Fnc!.hco~ VCI'. 2EARS --..J O<9~ ~ ~ ~! . I \~ ,/ I I I /~ I \ 1 7' 8 3 2 7 ' E - 0 . 3 2 . b' \ ~ I I III I 0" 'Y , " '-- 5 4 ' R TY P . IL__. _ _______________ ~ _____ I I I " !:'J I /', "" L_ ~ --__ -----____. I II I /0) I 7,; -9~', ~S~ F nd. he' - 'Ice: ;?s', - ~------=-==-=-= ---:: .::---=. :.:.--: I ~/ ~;:1~~ Q- .'la" "', / . & ~ \01'2687''''-0.36 '--" -_ ---j,. I I $7-.:------:._1-- "I. , ~ .... " ----=- -.::-:_ ---1 ~ i~ d "0 '9'[ I ----- ,~.i,'-----(t--- '~~~~Rp 6 -3 ~ .. .. - _ _ _ ^:~. F 9 . _ ~I ~ I , 56';;--'__"-. --_____ S'8'041;~';.:,~ _.__~ / _/ IS;>', i\[8o-'S-O~T'W- __ ~/ \ _ /' i, .S3~ ,B- __ _ _ 68.281 ~tt --\ - , r -- ~I 0, \ f i \ /..... .~.o \ .-----" ! \ I N78'---'" FnCT6/8 \ (:Ord.Txcot Mor.;: \ 19141'W --...... --... !:3:'~~~I.in. Bt~/1S 01/ <>: \\ 10" _~ 2'80,S ~56'34'39'1I-0.i9 \\ ... --...... -0.30 ~-\ !' ... I - - _____ I CATELLLJS DEVELOPMENT! 2759 --... - ~ I ~ ~.-/ --.~I CORPORATON BLOCK B I, . 71 ... ~... 33.96' 1"'''' COMMON AREA - 0.28 AC~ES -... i VOL. 89190/3425 I liz's R I DALLAS COUNTY I :;:::5 mE] ~/ f' \ I "',C'L.3~~S5. P:='. 60-4 \ ,I O.CI.D.C. T. 0-- _ ________ I , - ---l--. PARK WEST COMMERCE CENTER, LLC VOL. 98092/7045 DALLAS COUNTY N :3) I . , --------..----,.-- ~ --~--- '- ---------.~-~---------- i-i I tu.,.;",1 i f"~/ -- - ~ -------------- r <;-~ - ~- t-c--'-- I -,_.....1, -" ~ - <J'^ PROJECT ~ [-OCA TION; I 'I _ .....'-----..'-- " -- NOT TO SCALE -- --- ----- \ \ \ /'" " ~ ,~ Q~\\j~ /" G\..~~ ,~~"(l ~~~~ ~\G~\ ,o~ _--- \ro~ _ ~ ~ -- _---f) -- TEXAS /' ./ '( , \ \ \ \ 6.= 46'56'33~ R= 770.00' T= 334.35' L= 630.86' C.L.=613.36' C.B.=S1r48'27IE \ \ \ \ \ o \ \ o ZONE LI o I 'I \ I CA TELLUS DEVELOP,~ENT CORPORATION BLOCK B ,LOT 1 - 18.36 ACRES VOL. 89190/3425 DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS DC:~ART~ENT OF TRANSPORTATiON 'Ie L'lle 79122, Pcge 1381 D.R.D.C.T. I I tl.. l.r),-- " , 0) 0) 8 fV)/l.r) . "1- ::: 0v S78820'101E VJL..r 0.39' ,-'~ /----- (}.ISU ...'" 'S-J %, S~~...", ~~ ,Y ~a. I I DETAIL A-A NTS ! I ! ! / 1 A MINOR J!,) 0 1 PLAl' AND .~ m.\~ ~{S . ~ t' (~ Re'J\':>';;'" f&.l I I REPLArr CF \ GA TEW A Y BUSINESS PARK NO.3 LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A (A REPLA T OF GA TEW A Y BUSINESS PARK NO.2) I SIT U ATE D I i'~ THE liCI~. CORDELIA CITY OF JOEL WILSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1555, BOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.56 COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ! F r c. L, c 0 i --..J FOR TDC GATEWAY BUSINESS CENrrER, L.P. LEGE~,D: (C.~).l CG'HRCL ~.1Cr,~~iEr, T S66'59'56IW 80.88' ~ 12' F.!.R. ii/CAP 'I' F~ . r R"" ~('" I 2 (~'L."U I \-,I'~ I-"\\......l./ 81TH CAP ST A.''!P;::C ~ 5001 SprIng Valley, SuIte 600 W, Dallas, TX. 75224 Phone: (972) 774-2500 FAX: (972) 774-2524 "- r, TS i\OT TO SCALE GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK NO.2 BLOCK A, COMMON AREA 1 VOL. 99014, PG. 00183 D.R.D.C.T. 12,666 Sq. Ft. OR 0.2908 Acre I fr ________ / - I / - r;: TELLUS DEVELOP: -C~~ "- I BLOCK C ,LOT 1 - 3.93 ACRES VOL. 89190/3425 DALLAS COUNTY , ~ BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE - DALLAS TEXAS 75225 SCALE 1 '=1 00' (214)346-6200 AVO 24542 JANUARY 2007 FAX: (214) 361-5573 Ci) rALFF ASS-::C. ~;:=. "- "- ~ ~~,r~C:;:PLA T -"1~24542.cgn OW~ER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS TDC Gateway BusIness Center, L.P. Is the owner of a tract of land sItuated In the CIty of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, ar,d beIng a part of the COrdelIa Bowen SUrvey, Abstract Number 56, the JoelWllson SUrvey, Abstract Number 1555 and beIng part of a tract of land desCrIbed as Tract 1 (Tract Xiii) of ExhIbIt A to Catellus Land and Development COrpOratIon as reCOrded In Volume 2003257, Page 3287, Deed ReCOrds of Dallas County, Texas, m.R.D.C.T'), and beIng mOre partIcularly deSCrIbed as follows: NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL M~N BY THESE PRESENTS: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: COMMEI'iCING at a 1/2-lnch found Iron rod wIth a yellow plastic cap stamped 'HALFF ASSOC INC' fOr the southwest cOrner of Gateway BusIness Park No.2, an addItIon to the CIty of Coppell as reCOrded In Volume 98043, Page 0001, D.R.D.C.T., ar,d beIng on the nOrtherly rIght-of-way lIne of Interstate HIghway 635 as reCOrded In Volume 79122, Page 1381,D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE South 36 degrees 44 mInutes 37 seconds East, along saId nOrtherly rIght-of-way lIne, a dIstance of 575.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNiNG at a set Iron rod wIth cap. THENCE South 89 degrees 03 mInutes 34 seconds East, along the south rIght way Ilr,e of a Lone Star Gas Company Easement Volume 71167, Page 1308 and contInuIng wIth the south lIne of a Lone Star Gas Company Easement as reCOrded In Volume 71167, Page 1306, D.R.D.C.T., a dIstance of 1033.54 to a set Iron rod wIth cap. THENCE South 35 degrees 16 mInutes 43 seconds East, contInuIng along the southwest rlght-of- way line of FreepOrt Parkway (an 80 foot wIde rIght-of-way) as reCOrded In Volume 82137, Page 690, D.R.D.C.T.; a dIstance of 104.07 feet to a 1/2-lnch set Iron rod wIth cap fOr the poInt of cUrvature of a tangent cIrcular cUrve to the rIght havIng a radIus of no.oo feet and whose chard bearS South 11 degrees 48 mInutes 27 seconds East, a dIstance of 613.36 feet, from whIch a 5/8-lnch found Iron rod bearS South 24 degrees 51 mInutes 40 seconds East, a dIstance of 1.99 feet; THENCE Southeasterly, contInuIng along saId southwest rIght-of-way lIne and along sold cUrve to the rIght, through a central angle of 46 degrees 56 mInutes 33 seconds, on arc dIstance of 630.86 feet to a 1/2-lnch set Iron rod wIth cap fOr the poInt of tangency; THENCE South 11 degrees 39 mInutes 50 seconds West, contInuIng along sold southwest rlght-of- way lIne, a dIstance of 245.91 feet to southerly southwest cOrner of the rIght-of-way far FreepOrt Parkway (a varIable wIdth r1ght-of-way) as reCOrded In Volume 98067, Page 3324,D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE South 78 degrees 20 mInutes 10 seconds East, along the south lIne of saId rIght-of-way, a dlstance of 0.39 feet to a cOrner of a tract of land deSCribed to the Texas Department of TransportatIon (TxDOT) as reCOrded In Volume 84195, Page 0604, D.R.D.C.T., and beIng on the nOrtherly rIght-of-way lIne of Interstate HIghway 635, from whIch a TxDOT brass dIsc monument found bearS NOrth 56 degrees 34 mInutes 39 seconds West, a dIstance of 0.19 feet; THENCE South 66 degrees 59 mInutes 56 seconds West, departIng sold FreepOrt Parkway rlght-of- 'Nay lIne and along sold I. H. 635 rIght-of-way lIne, a dIstance of 80.88 feet to a poInt fOr cOrner, from whIch a 5/8-lnch found Iron rod bearS South 28 degrees 04 mInutes 11 seconds East, a dIstance of 1.75 feet; THENCE ~~orth 80 degrees 50 mInutes 21 seconds West, contInuing along saId I. H. 635 rlght-of- way lIne, a dIstance of 68.28 feet to a poInt fOr cOrner, from whIch a found TxDOT rr,onument bearS NOrth 34 degrees 52 mInutes 11 seconds West, a dIstance of 0.30 feet; THE~CE NOrth 78 degrees 19 mInutes 41 seconds Nest, contInuIng along saId I. H. 635 rlght-of- way lIne, a dIstance of 275.97 feet to a TxDOT brass dIsc monument found fOr cOrner; THE~CE NOrth 63 degrees 57 mInutes 56 seconds West, contInuIng along safd I. H. 635 rlght-of- way lIne, 0 dIstance of 157.53 feet to a poInt fOr cOrner, from whIch o found TxDOT brass dIsc monument bearS NOrth 01 degree 26 mInutes 07 seconds West, a dlstar,ce of 0.36 feet; THENCE NOrth 42 degrees 29 mInutes 08 seconds West, contInuIng along said I. H. 635 rlght-of- way Ilne,a dIstance of 141.98 feet to a poInt fOr cOrner, from whIch a found TxDOT brass disc monument bearS NOrth 17 degrees 03 mInutes 27 seconds East, a dIstance of 0.32 feet; THENCE NOrth 59 degrees 21 mInutes 26 seconds West, contInuIng along saId I. H. 635 rlght-of- way lIne, 0 dIstance of 28.00 feet to a TxDOT brass dIsc mor,ument found fOr aOrner on the nOrtheasterly lIne of a tract of land deSCrIbed to the State of Texas as reCOrded In Volume 79122, Page 1381,D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE NOrth 34 degrees 23 mInutes 31 seconds West, contInuIng along sold I. H. 635 rlght-of- way lIne and along saId nOrtheasterly lIne, a dIstance of 810.50 feet to a 1/2-lnch set Iron rod wIth cop far carner, from whIch a 1/2-lnch found Iron rod bearS South 23 degrees 36 mInutes 22 seconds East, a dIstance of 1.95 feet: THEt'KE NOrth 36 degrees 44 mInutes 37 seconds West, contInuIng along sold I. H. 635 rlght-of- way line, a distance of 63.87 feet to the POINT OF BEG NNING Ai',D CONTAINING 787,831 square feet Or 18.09 aCres of land, mOre Or less. Tr,at TDC Gateway BusIness Center, L.P., actIng hereIn by and through Its duly authOrIzed agent, does r,ereby adopt thIs plat desIgnatIng tr,e hereIn above deSCrIbed property as Gateway Business Park No.3, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedIcate, In fee sImple to tr,e publIc use fOrever, the streets and aleys srown thereon. Tr,e streets and alleys arEl dedIcated fOr street pUrposes. The easements ar,d public use areas, os shown, ore dedIcated fOr the publIc use fOrever fOr the pUrposes IndIcated on thIs plat. No buIldIngs, fences, Trees, shrubs Or other Improvements Or growths shell be constructed Or placed upon, over Or eCross the easements as srlOwn, except pavement, perkIng lots, and that landscape Improvements [1",oy be placed In ~andscape easements, Or os specIfIed by planned development, If approved by the CIty of Coppell. In addItIon, utIlIty easements may also be used fOr the mutual use and accommodatIon of all pLbllc utIlItIes desIrIng to use Or using the some L.nless the easement lImIts tr,e use to partlculer utllltfes, sold use by publIc utIlItIes beIng subOrdInate to the publIc's and CIty of Coppell's use thereof. The CIty of Coppell and publIc utIlIty entItIes sholl have the rIght to rerrove and keep removed ollar parts of any buIldIngs, fences, trees, shrubs Or other improvelTents Or growths, whIch may In any way endanger Or Interfere wIth the constructIon, maIntenance, Or efficIency of theIr respectIve systems In sold easements. The CIty of Coppell and pub:fc utIlIty entItIes shall at all tImes hove the full rIght of Ingress and egress to Or from their respectIve easements fOr the pUrpose of constructIng, reconstn..;ctlng, InspectIng, patrollIng, maIntaInIng, readIng meters, and addIng to Or removfng all Or parts of theIr respectIve systems wIthout the necessIty at any tlrr,e of procurIng permIssIon frolT anyone. ChaIrman Planning & ZonIng CommIssIon CIty of Coppell, Texas Date of ApProval APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: MaYOr CIty of Coppell, Texas Date of ApProval The undersIgned, the City Secretery of the CIty of Coppell, Texas, hereby certIfIes that the fOregoIng mInOr plat and replat of the Gateway BusIness Park No.3 was submitted to the City CouncIl on the day of ,2007, and the CouncIl, by fOrmal actIon, then and there accepted the dedIcatIon of streets, alleys, parks, easements, publIc places, and water and sewer lines, os shown and set fOrth In and upon saId plat, and saId CouncIl fUrther authOrIzed the MaYOr to note the acceptance thereof s1gnlng hIs nome os hereInabove subSCrIbed. WITNESS MY HAND, thIs the day of ,2007. That the undersIgned do r,ereby covenant and agree that they sholl construct upon the fIre lone easerr,ents, os dedIcated ar,d shown rlereon, a hard SUrface and that they shall maIntaIn the some In 0 st ate of good repair at 011 tImes and keep the some free and clear of any structures, fer,ces, trees, shrubs, Or other Improvements Or obstructIon IncludIng, but not lImIted to, the pCil'\lng of motor vehIcles, trollerS, boats Or other IIT,pedlments to the access of fIre apparClTUs. The maIntenance of pavIng on the fIre lone easements Is the responsIbIlIty of the ownelr, and the owner shall post and maIntaIn apPropriate sIgns fn conspIcuous places along SL.ch fIre lanes statIng 'FIre Lone, No Parkfng'. The polfce Or hfs duly authOrIzed representatIve Is hereby autr,orlzed to couse such fIre ~anes and utIlity easements to be malntalred free and unobstructed at all tImes fOr fIre department and emergency use. CIty Secretory FLOODPLAIN NOTE: The undersIgned do cover,(]nt and agree that publIc access easerr,ents may be utIlIzed by any person Or the general publIc fOr Ingress and egress to other real property, and fOr the pUrpose of general publIc 'vehIcular and pedestrIan use and access, and fOr fIre department and emergency use In, a:ong, upon ar,d aCross sold premIses wIth the rIght and prIvIlege at ail tImes 0 f the CIty of Coppell, Its agents, employees, WOrkmen and representatIves havIng fngress, egress and regress In, along, upon and aCross sold preml ses. 1. By graphIcal plottIng, subject tract lIes wIthIn Zone 'X'(unshaded). Zone 'X' (unshaded) Is deflr,ed os 'Areas determIned to be outsIde the 500-year floodplaIn'. 2. All floodplafn InfOrmatIon Is based on FEMA Flood InSUrance Rate Map No. 48113C0145 J, dated August 23,2001 fOr Dallas County, Texas and InCOrporated Areas. This plat apProved subJecit to 011 plattIng OrdInances, rules, regulatIons and resolutIons of trle CIty of Coppell, Texas. FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTE: FloodplaIn Development PermIt ApplIcatIon No. has been fIled wIth the CIty of Coppell FloodplaIn AdmInIstratOr on ,2007. tlIT,NESS OUR HA~DS, thIs tr,e day of ,2007. FloodplaIn AdmInIstratOr Date TDC Gateway Busfness Cen~er, L.P. BY: Jac'r<. Elmer, authorlzeld agent APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY (PrInt Nome) Date of ApProval ATMOS ENERGY STATE OF (PrInt Name) Date of Approval COUNTY OF I, the undersIgned, 0 I~otarfl PublIc In and fOr sold County, In the State afOresaId, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT personally known to me to be the authOrIzed agent of TDC Gateway BusIness Center, L.P. and personally i<-nown to me to be tr,e SClr,e person wr,ose nome Is sL..bscrlbed to tr,e fOregoIng InstrL..ment, appeared befOre me thIs djoy In person, and severally acknowledged that as such agent sIgned and delIvered the s,cld Instrument, on behalf of TDC Gateway BusIness Center, L.P" fOr the uses and pUrpose thereIn set fOrtI". VERIZON (PrInt Name) Date of ApProval TIME WARNER CABLE (PrInt Name) Date of Approval SURVEYOR'S CERT,FICA TE GIVE~~ U~DER MY HAND M...D SE ~L OF OFFiCE on thIs day of ,2007. I, Raul Wong, Jr, RegIstered ProfessIonal Land SUrveyor, do hereby certify that the plat shown hereon aCCUrately represents the property as determIned by an on the ground sUrvey mode under my dIrectIon and supervIsIon on September 9,2005, and that the locatIon of ell monuments shown ore cOrrect, and that the lots. blocks, streets, and averues, alleys and publIc '(,.jays and ground ore aCCUrately stoked off and marked. NOTARY PUBLIC i: ; ~'I1y commIssIon expIres: h,: ' RAUL WONG, ~R. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR TEXAS ~O. 2958 A MINOR PLAT AND REPLAT elF STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, tr,e undersIgned, a NotarY PublIc In and fOr saId county and state on thIs day personally appeared Raul Wong, Jr" known to rr,e to be the person whose name Is subSCribed to the fOrgoIng Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some fOr the pUrpose In consIderatIon thereIn expressed, and the capacity thereIn stated. GA TEWA Y BUSINESS PARK NOm 3 LOTS 1 AND 2~ BLOCK A (A REPLA T OF GA TEW A Y BUSINESS P ARK NO.2) SITUA TED I~~ THE GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on thIs the day of ,2007. JOEL WILSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT CORDELIA BOWEN SURVEY ~ ABSTRACT CITY OF COPPELL~ DALLAS NO. 1555~ NO. 56 COUNTY, TEXAS NOTARY PUBLIC In and fOr the STATE OF TEXAS FOR TDC GATEWAY BUSINESS CENTER, L.P. My commIssIon expires: 5001 SprIng Valley, SuIte 600 W, Dallas, TX, 75224 Phone: (972) 77 4-2500 FAX: (972) n 4-2524 BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE - DALLAS TEXAS 75225 SCALE 1'=100' (214)346-6200 AVO 24542 NOVEMBER 2006 (2/\2 FAX: 12141 361~5573 \(..3) l~ ~,CRPLA T -?/-/454/.c~n $UUF LEUU$