CC approval on 2/13/2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE'CITY'OF COPPELL DEPT: PLANNING DATE: February 13, 2007 ITEM #: 1 1 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of Case No. PD-221-HC, Duke Lesley Addition, zoning change request from HC (Highway Commercial) to PD-221-HC (Planned Development-221-Highway Commercial) to allow for tilt-wall construction and additional attached signage on the office buildings that are 50.000-square-feet or larger and to allow for the development of mixed uses. including retail. office, and hotel on a total of 78.5 acres of property located at the northwest corner of IH-635 and South Beltline Road. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following condition applies: 1) On the PD Conditions, Section 8 Building Signage shall read as follows: For buildings in excess of 50,000-square feet, signage shall be limited to a maximum of 600-square-feet per building with no more than two signs on anyone building facade. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: On January 18, 2007. the Planning Commission recommended APPROVAL of this zoning change request (7-0), subject to the above-mentioned condition, with Commissioners Borchgardt. Frnka, Kittrell. McCaffrey, Haas, Fox and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Staff recommends APPROVAL. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve, subject to PO Conditions with Section 8 being amended to read as condition 1 above M - York S - Peters Vote - 7-0 . t. Libby Ball 2007.03.07 10:12:32.Q6'oo' @lPD-221-HC. Duke Lesley l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case No.: PD-221-HC'I Duke Leslev Addition P&Z HEARING DATE: C.c. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: January 18, 2007 February 13, 2007 Gary L. Sieb, Planning Director At the northwest comer ofIH-635 and Beltline Road 78.5 acres of property HC (Highway Commercial) Zoning change from HC (Highway Commercial) to PD-221-HC (Planned Development-221-Highway Commercial) to allow tilt- wall construction and additional attached signage on office buildings that are 50,000-square-feet or larger and to allow the development of mixed uses, including retail, office and hotel on a total of78.5 acres of property. Duke Realty Alex Bennett, P.E. 5495 Beltline Road Suite 360 Dallas, Texas 75254 (972) 361-6700 Fax: (972) 361-6800 Council approved a zoning change on this portion of the Leslie tract from A (Agriculture) to HC (Highway Commercial) on December 12, 2006. At the same time, a plat was approved on the entire 184-acre parcel to construct two major streets through the property. Also at that time, the applicant indicated that a second ITEM # 5 Page 1 of3 zoning request to Planned Development would be made on 78 acres of the overall site in early 2007. TRANSPORTATION: Beltline Road is a P6D major thoroughfare built to standard in a 120-foot right-of-way. LBJ Freeway is an interstate highway built to federal highway guidelines. The extension of Dividend Drive, a C4U, is being constructed through this property and will be a four- lane undivided roadway contained within a 90-foot right-of-way. A second road, Point West Boulevard, is also under construction here and will be a local street of 32-feet width contained within a 50-foot right-of-way with five-foot easements along each side. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -middle school and warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) South -developing commercial; City of Irving East - vacant; A (Agriculture) West - office, developing commercial; LI (Light Industrial), City of Irving COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for freeway office and commercial uses. DISCUSSION: As indicated in the HISTORY section of this report, the applicant indicated to Council during the initial A to LI and HC zoning hearing that he would be filing a zoning change from HC to PD to allow tilt-wall construction (HC zoning does not allow it) and request that buildings over 50,OOO-square feet be allowed to have additional signage. The area changing to PD, which would allow these conditions, basically runs south of the extension of Dividend Drive and includes 78 of the 184-acre parcel. The conceptual plans of building elevations submitted with this application show structures that, although tilt-wall, depict some imagination in their design and can be supported by staff. The uses proposed to be allowed in the PD are currently recognized in the Zoning Ordinance, and are generally allowed in more restrictive zoning districts than the requested PD-HC. Hence, staff has no objection to their inclusion in the PD document. The applicant has also asked to modify our signage regulations in this project. Basically, business zoning allows a maximum of 300-square feet of signage per building. What this applicant proposes in his PD conditions is four separate signs up to 300-square feet for each building over 50,000- square feet in size. That seems a bit excessive, and the applicant will have to justify this request at the Public Hearing. ITEM # 5 Page 2 of3 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request as it relates to a change of zoning from HC (Highway Commercial) to Planned Development regarding tilt-wall construction. We have some misgivings regarding the extent to which the applicant wishes to alter our normal signage requirements. Although he wishes to limit the additional signage to buildings over 50,OOO-square feet, we have any number of buildings larger than that which conform to our current regulations with no apparent problem. Unless staff has missed something here, the applicant will have to justify this condition to the Commission. AL TERNA TIVES: I) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification ofthe request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: I) Zoning Exhibit 2) Conceptual Master Plan 3) Planned Development Conditions document 4) Conceptual Elevations of Structures (4) ITEM # 5 Page 3 of3 Ig I I ~, \ H::~~2. I \' L-S84.ea' I ' T-292.09' CB-S1T44'~.E I "': :\~\~ a>-M5.... L____~c.:'-_':___ I! \ \ ~'I.\\r\ ::~~. "04 '-- \ \. 't,t.. '\ l-25'.~' I r= - - - - - - \ ,'r:J. T-129.13' "" I;t ------ " ".\~ C'\ CB-N74'01'4E;"E :_::, ",:;7; j \ \~'~~:--'~~~ j::~~~' ::.~;~~;~-24&2" .cc .-:!~, I '\. \ \ l-42~g2' L-251 !la' II \,\ ' . , >. \~_: ~:~~1iJ.'E ~:~~~~"'E - - ~ - ~9"TJ"F- .., lt11 \ \ ",'\< ----fllilpgSED J~IVlDE~[) DRIV~ ~ r - - - - - - \, \ :':< ~~ - - _.:'~'~JJ'E '~~~ - -11- - Z~~;~HC' i D~6CRI"TlON OF PRO"~RTY 6U"V~Y~D \." "" ~~ \ 23'18 ACRES I' , , ( \. \. -".. (1.~4JJ~ I ~s.-~::'~~:;~tI:::':'='Jl~":~~-=:'~:-=":'::"":."::-- \ '" '(9" ,,~.. ~~' QI08S~~~-.r~WA~ I IIlImMt, DMd. 'rroct '" - 'TI'oct Z' t. fNIl. tt.oIty LtflJfM~. ~ ~ ....lnIMnl N& " ... 'V" "~ PROPOSED Z~:NG tQ. n.) I ~'~z .f",. o-t ~ ., 0tIII0. 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",. -""",.... '-"..-.: 1HCI<<E. s..IIfIOO....... ._,...11_ -.t. -,,1IfII"'* __ .,......... ."/MQ" IIIIJ!.U,"",t..IIWI'ONTOFIIE-...: 0/JIN1A1NMG, J,411..u.! __ ilNt .18.500 _ "'liiio4 __.,_ ~ o 100 200 <00 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ~&:: ~e::'" ~ ....:> nRflt"fDRNIT .... l'O'lUP!llt <5.0 UGltISTAN;).IlR{) '"'" llAl[RlI(T[A ..... .....10 YAlY[ "" Q[.oHCIUl "'0 .........01.[ ... .....5 ~[nA ____ M<lPI:~Tr lM: , ,0 I~~ a::~ W~ Z~ ::J~ II-J! -1- w ,1Il , Ll_____ --- OlllNfll/APPlIr':ANT. 0l..I([ REALTY, LP. ~~ BEl..n.JNE ROAD, SlL.380 OAlJ..AS. l1( 7~240 PH: (172) .381-'700 fAX; (172) 381-8800 """""'" PAQoIECO KOCH CONSl.A.TlMC "'- ..e SJ50 NORTH CENlIlAL EXPRESSWAY, 5UITt 1000 DAlJ..AS, TEXAS 7S208 PH: (172) 2J5-JCI31 fAX; (172) 2J5-tS<< =1l ~ 1~1E:CORNDl LOTS -.L HA~ TWO nrtoHT YNlOS.! :EOI/IIJIHIG IEllOOllBlT DUKE LESLEY ADDITION IlLOCI< 8 ae IlLOCI< C ae BLOCK 0 78,500 ACRE TRACT LOCATED IN THE CITY Of COPPELL. TEXAS AND BEING OUT Of THE CORllEUA BOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 58 ae JEFFERSON TlI.U;Y SUR\IEY. ABSTRACT NO. 1474. 0AilAS COUNTY, TEXAS ! ~ ~ ~. Lesley Tract Master Plan' Cappell, Texas . Duke ...4U'f' co. iJo.n 108 ".. *__:.__,~_.f__,~__,_~", Iff,__ COPPELL ~<'~:"::~~~:-~~~~:~;i~~~:;'~"" ~ .~ ' MASTER PlAN DATA SITE SITE AREA ilClUllTllW. I IIClUST1ItAI. Ii IIlUSTRIAI. II 47,s( K. 3U3 /li;. 15.S1 /li;. y~ 0' :.) ..; andrade AHel1 tTr:eJ'r~ 1,OliO.oooSf. 7SO,0lXl8J', 300.000 Sf. ~~~..~.~,!8.~....".......?t'~S,F,._. OffICE I OFfICE Ii OFfICE iii OffICE rv 11.~/li;. 11.11K.. IO.88/li;. 14.38 /li;. mmm......................................_........ 19TAlomg;. . .... 4U~~...__.. _ ~,0lXlS1. TOTAlRETAl 15.38K. TOTAlHOlB. 7JlN;. 'I01',llINFRASTRUCT\JlE 11.51 AC. TOTAl. 184.S8 AC. (T', ~~ NORTH i ~>-, J ---. ~, "-.." !=::::---..._- -.~..::................, . ..................... '-J ; -"~::":'] .. w... .. -'/_'~/ PD-221-HC PD-221-HC General purpose and description. The PD-221-HC district is intended to alter the HC zoning to include concrete tilt wall construction for office buildings of at least 50,000 square feet in size. Additionally, the district serves to alter the signage restrictions for office buildings located in the described area. Sec. 1. Use regulations. A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Auto parts sales (new). 2. Barber and beauty shop. 3. Business or trade school. 4. Business support services. 5. College or university. 6. Communications services. 7. Community centers (public or private). 8. Consumer repair services. 9. Drug store or pharmacy. 10. Dry cleaning and laundry. 11. Exhibition hall. 12. Film developing and printing. 13. Financial services. 14. Florist (no outside storage). 15. Furniture stores. 16. Hardware store. 17. Hospital. 18. Jeweler (retail). 19. Laboratory: Scientific, research, testing, medical, dental, or optical so long as all operations are conducted indoors. 20. Meat market (retail only). 21. Municipal buildings. 22. Other general retail sales of similar nature and character as provided in this section, subject to the following conditions: (A) that it be conducted wholly within an enclosed building; (B) that required yards not be used for display, sale or storage or merchandise, or for the storage of vehicles, equipment, containers or waste material; (C) that all merchandise be first-hand and be sold at retail on the premises; and (D) that such use does not promote objectionable odors, excessive light, smoke, dust, noise, vibration or similar type nuisance. 23. Office/Warehouse (warehouse being limited to a maximum of 20 percent of the gross floor area). 24. Personal services. 25. Pet services. 26. Photography studio. 27. Postal facilities. 28. Printing shop or company (retail only). 29. Professional and administrative offices where services are provided only and no chattels or goods are offered for sale on the premises, including but not limited to doctors, dentists, attorneys, architects, engineers, urban planners, insurance, real estate, banks and similar offices. 30. Radio, television or microwave receiving dish (subject to screening regulations; see section 12-33-1). 31. Temporary buildings for use incidental to construction work on the premises, which said building shall be removed. 32. Any use permitted by special use permit, as listed in section 12-30-9, subject to the exceptions set forth in section 12-22-2. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30; Ord. No. 91500-A-129; Ord. No. 91500-A-275, 91,12-12- 00; Ord. No. 91500-A-375, S 1, 5-11-04) Sec. 2. Non-permitted uses. For clarity, the following uses, though not limited to the following, are specifically not permitted uses within the "HC" district even with a special use permit. 1. Airport. 2. Crop production. 3. Kennels. 4. Any use requiring outside storage. 5. Pawn shops. 6. Seed store. 7. Used automobile sales or display, repair garages, tire and seat cover shops, or auto laundries unless incidental to a service station. 8. Self-storage or mini-warehouses. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30; Ord. No. 91500-A-129) Sec. 3. Area and height regulations. 1. Minimum size of yards: (A) Front yard: 60 feet. (B) Side yard: 30 feet. (C) Rear yard: 20 feet. 2. Minimum size of lot: (A) Lot area: 10,000 square feet (B) Lot width: No minimum. (C) Lot depth: No minimum. 3. Lot coverage: In no case shall more than 50 percent of the lot be covered by buildings. 4. Height restrictions: Maximum height of 20 stories, but limited to 70 feet on any portion of the site within 300 feet of property zoned or used for A, SF- ED, SF-18, SF-12, SF-9, SF-7, SF-O, 2F-9, TH-1, or TH-2. In addition, no structure may exceed the maximum height limitations as established by the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30; Ord. No. 91500-A-129) Sec. 4. Parking requirements. Required off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the specific uses set forth in article 31. No more than 50 percent of the required parking shall be utilized in the front yard. No parking or loading shall be permitted within 20 feet of the front property line. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30; Ord. No. 91500-A-129) Sec. 5a. Type of exterior construction All structures shall be 80 percent masonry exterior exclusive of doors and windows. Stucco is permitted by special use permit only. 1. Masonry is further defined as brick and stone of earth tone colors, other brick colors shall be permitted as accent provided that, in combination, accent materials and non-masonry materials do not exceed the 20 percent non-masonry benchmark on anyone facade. 2. Flat roofs and parapet walls around flat roofs shall have a cornice, cap or other detail with a vertical dimension equal to at least three percent of the height of the building. Where as architectural feature extends above the roofline, and is visible from a public right-of-way, then the back side of this feature shall be finished of a material that is of the same or similar material as the front of this feature, Le. brick. Pitched roofs shall have roofing material of a lusterless neutral/earth tone or green color. Green colors shall be limited to dark forest greens, gray greens, pale bluish-gray greens, slate greens and copper patina. Metal roofs may be standing seam either with a baked-on lusterless finish or made of copper. 3. Exterior wall surfaces should consist of no more than three colors; a base color, and/or a trim color, and/or an accent color. The base color may be utilized on up to 100 percent of the surface area of anyone facade of a building. Another color, other than a base color, shall be permitted on up to only five percent of the surface area of anyone facade, and an accent color on up to only one percent of the surface area of anyone facade. For calculation purposes, wall surfaces should include eaves, gables and parapets, but should exclude roofs, awnings, or signs. 4. Glass should not exceed 50 percent of the total area of anyone facade of a building. 5. Awnings are limited to canvas, or a lusterless, non-metal material that closely resembles canvas, at least 98 percent of which is a single deep or neutral solid color. The remaining up to two percent, if different, shall be contrasting. Awnings shall not be backlit. Lettering and logos should be limited to a monogram, not exceeding 20 percent of the sign area. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30; Ord. No. 91500-A-129; Ord. No. 91500-A-319, ~~ 1,2,3- 19-02) Sec. 5b. Type of exterior construction- Office buildings greater than 50,000 SF. All structures shall be 80 percent masonry exterior exclusive of doors and windows. Stucco is permitted by special use permit only. 6. Masonry is further defined as concrete tilt wall, brick, stone and faux stone of earth tone colors, other brick colors shall be permitted as accent provided that, in combination, accent materials and non-masonry materials do not exceed the 20 percent non-masonry benchmark on any one facade. 7. Exterior wall surfaces should consist of no more than three colors; a base color, and/or a trim color, and/or an accent color. The base color may be utilized on up to 100 percent of the surface area of anyone facade of a building. Another color, other than a base color, shall be permitted on up to only five percent of the surface area of anyone facade, and an accent color on up to only one percent of the surface area of anyone facade. For calculation purposes, wall surfaces should include eaves, gables and parapets, but should exclude roofs, awnings, or signs. 8. Glass should not exceed 50 percent of the total area of the building facade. 9. Awnings are limited to canvas, or a lusterless, non-metal material that closely resembles canvas, at least 98 percent of which is a single deep or neutral solid color. The remaining up to two percent, if different, shall be contrasting. Awnings shall not be backlit. Lettering and logos should be limited to a monogram, not exceeding 20 percent of the sign area. Entry canopies are not defined as awnings. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30; Ord. No. 91500-A-129; Ord. No. 91500-A-319, ~~ 1,2,3- 19-02) Sec. 6. Landscaping requirements. Landscape requirements shall be provided according to article 33. Additionally, those areas which are specified within the Coppell Streetscape Plan shall be adhered to. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30; Ord. No. 91500-A-129) Sec. 7. Reserved. Editor's note: Ord. No. 91500-A-318, ~ 3, adopted March 19, 2002, repealed ~ 12-22-7 in its entirety. Formerly, said section pertained to site plan review as adopted by Ord. No. 91500-A-30, as amended. See the Code Comparative Table. Sec. 8 Building Signage. For office buildings in excess of 50,000 SF, signage shall be limited to a maximum of 600-square feet per building with no more than two (2) signs on any one building facade. I I